Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void GetInvestmentCandidates_NotEnoughtPeriods_ReturnsNothing()
            var stock = new Stock
                Identifier  = "STK.PLC",
                Name        = "STOCK PLC",
                Description = "The Test Stock Price"

            var history = new StockPriceHistory
                Stock  = stock,
                Prices = new Dictionary <Period, Price>()

            var currentDate   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10);
            var lastPeriodEnd = DateTime.Parse(currentDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:00:00"));

            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 5, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-2)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 27.00m, Offer = 28.00m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 6, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-1)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 45.20m, Offer = 45.26m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 7, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(0)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 13.00m, Offer = 13.80m

            var stockPriceProvider = new Mock <IStockHistoryDataProvider>();

            stockPriceProvider.Setup(x => x.GetStockHistory(stock, 5)).Returns(history);

            var filter = new ConsistentChangeStockFilter(stockPriceProvider.Object, 5);

            var results = filter.GetInvestmentCandidates(new Stock[] { stock });

            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GetPricesStartBeforeFirstEntryAndEndMatches()
            var priceHistory = new StockPriceHistory(Guid.NewGuid());

            priceHistory.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 01), 1.00m);
            priceHistory.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 03), 3.00m);
            priceHistory.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 05), 5.00m);
            priceHistory.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 07), 7.00m);
            priceHistory.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 09), 9.00m);
            priceHistory.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 11), 11.00m);

            var result = priceHistory.GetPrices(new DateRange(new Date(1999, 01, 03), new Date(2000, 01, 05))).ToList();

                new StockPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 01), 1.00m),
                new StockPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 03), 3.00m),
                new StockPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 05), 5.00m)
        public void UpdateClosingPricesOnDelistingDate()
            var mockRepository = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Strict);

            var id    = Guid.NewGuid();
            var stock = new Stock(id);

            stock.List("XYZ", "Existing Stock", new Date(1990, 01, 01), true, AssetCategory.AustralianFixedInterest);
            stock.DeList(new Date(1999, 01, 01));

            var stockPriceHistory = new StockPriceHistory(id);


            var stockCache = new EntityCache <Stock>();

            var stockQuery             = new StockQuery(stockCache);
            var stockRepository        = mockRepository.Create <IRepository <Stock> >();
            var stockPriceHistoryCache = new EntityCache <StockPriceHistory>();

            var stockPriceHistoryRepository = mockRepository.Create <IRepository <StockPriceHistory> >();

            stockPriceHistoryRepository.Setup(x => x.Update(stockPriceHistory)).Verifiable();

            var service = new StockService(stockQuery, stockCache, stockRepository.Object, stockPriceHistoryCache, stockPriceHistoryRepository.Object);

            var prices = new StockPrice[]
                new StockPrice(new Date(1998, 01, 01), 0.10m),
                new StockPrice(new Date(1998, 12, 01), 0.20m),
                new StockPrice(new Date(1999, 01, 01), 0.30m)
            var result = service.UpdateClosingPrices(id, prices);


 public static async Task UpdateData(StockPriceHistory stockPriceHistory)
     await stockPriceHistoryTable.UpdateAsync(stockPriceHistory);
 public static async Task InsertData(StockPriceHistory stockPriceHistory)
     await stockPriceHistoryTable.InsertAsync(stockPriceHistory);
 public static async Task DeleteData(StockPriceHistory stockPriceHistory)
     await db.SaveChangesAsync();
 public static async Task InsertData(StockPriceHistory stockPriceHistory)
     await db.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public async static Task UpdateStockPriceHistory(StockPriceHistory stockPriceHistory)
     await StockPriceHistoryDataAccess.UpdateData(stockPriceHistory);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public async static Task InsertStockPriceHistory(StockPriceHistory stockPriceHistory)
     await StockPriceHistoryDataAccess.InsertData(stockPriceHistory);
        public void GetInvestmentDecisions_BettingOnIncrease_ReturnsBet()
            var stock = new Stock
                Identifier  = "STK.PLC",
                Name        = "STOCK PLC",
                Description = "The Test Stock Price"

            var history = new StockPriceHistory
                Stock  = stock,
                Prices = new Dictionary <Period, Price>()

            var currentDate   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10);
            var lastPeriodEnd = DateTime.Parse(currentDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:00:00"));

            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 1, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-6)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 27.23m, Offer = 23.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 2, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-5)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 28.23m, Offer = 24.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 3, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-4)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 30.23m, Offer = 26.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 4, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-3)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 32.23m, Offer = 28.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 5, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-2)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 32.23m, Offer = 28.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 6, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-1)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 33.23m, Offer = 29.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 7, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(0)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 37.23m, Offer = 33.23m

            var stockHistoryProvider = new Mock <IStockHistoryDataProvider>();

            stockHistoryProvider.Setup(x => x.GetStockHistory(stock, 5)).Returns(history);

            var accountDataProvider = new Mock <IAccountDataProvider>();

            // We are willing to bet up to £100 per point, but only willing to loose £200, Also we accept that up to 75% of this loss can be because of the spread

            // GIVEN that our position is that the price will increase
            // AND that the BID price is 37.23
            // AND the SPREAD is 4 points
            // WHEN we are willing to loose up to £150.00 on the spread
            // THEN the maximum bid we can afford to place is 150 / 4 = £37.23 (£37.00 giving an initial loss of £140.00)

            // GIVEN that our position is that the price will increase
            // AND that our bid amount is £37.00 per point
            // AND the maximum amount that we are willing to loose is £200.00
            // WHEN the BID price is 37.23
            // THEN the exit price will be 37.23 - (200 / 10) = 31.82

            var decisionMaker = new DecisionByGrowthAndCurrentPosition(stockHistoryProvider.Object, accountDataProvider.Object, 5, 100m, 200m, .75m);
            var bets          = decisionMaker.GetInvestmentDescisions(new Stock[] { stock });

            var bet = bets.FirstOrDefault();

            var stockPrice = history.Prices.Where(x => x.Key.Id == 7).Select(x => x.Value).Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(37, bet.BidAmount);
            Assert.AreEqual(31.82m, bet.ExitPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(37.23m, bet.OpeningPosition);
            Assert.AreEqual(stockPrice, bet.Price);
            Assert.AreEqual(Direction.Increase, bet.Direction);
        // GET: StockPriceHistory/Create
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create()
            var stockPriceHistory = new StockPriceHistory();

        public static Portfolio CreateEmptyPortfolio()
            var arg = new Stock(Stock_ARG.Id);

            arg.List(Stock_ARG.AsxCode, Stock_ARG.Name, new Date(2000, 01, 01), false, AssetCategory.AustralianStocks);

            arg.CorporateActions.AddCapitalReturn(ARG_CapitalReturn, new Date(2001, 01, 01), "ARG Capital Return", new Date(2001, 01, 02), 10.00m);

            var argStockPrice = new StockPriceHistory(arg.Id);

            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 01), 1.00m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 03), 1.01m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 04), 1.00m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 05), 1.03m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 06), 1.02m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 07), 1.01m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 10), 1.05m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 14), 1.07m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 17), 1.08m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 31), 1.09m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 02, 29), 1.10m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 03, 31), 1.07m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 04, 28), 1.07m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 05, 25), 1.03m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 12, 29), 1.04m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 01, 01), 1.05m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 12, 31), 1.01m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2002, 12, 31), 0.99m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 12, 31), 1.29m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 05, 23), 1.40m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2007, 01, 02), 0.90m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2009, 01, 02), 1.70m);
            argStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2010, 01, 01), 2.00m);

            var wam = new Stock(Stock_WAM.Id);

            wam.List(Stock_WAM.AsxCode, Stock_WAM.Name, new Date(2000, 01, 01), false, AssetCategory.AustralianStocks);

            wam.CorporateActions.AddSplitConsolidation(WAM_Split, new Date(2002, 01, 01), "WAM Split", 1, 2);

            var wamStockPrice = new StockPriceHistory(wam.Id);

            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 01), 1.20m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 03), 1.21m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 04), 1.20m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 05), 1.23m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 06), 1.22m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 07), 1.21m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 10), 1.25m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 14), 1.24m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 17), 1.27m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 01, 31), 1.28m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 02, 29), 1.29m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 03, 31), 1.27m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 04, 28), 1.27m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 05, 25), 1.23m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2000, 12, 29), 1.14m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 01, 01), 1.15m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2001, 12, 31), 1.27m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2002, 12, 31), 1.27m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 12, 31), 1.27m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2003, 05, 23), 1.40m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2005, 01, 02), 1.10m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2007, 01, 02), 0.90m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2009, 01, 02), 1.30m);
            wamStockPrice.UpdateClosingPrice(new Date(2010, 01, 01), 1.50m);

            var portfolioFactory = new PortfolioFactory(StockResolver);
            var portfolio        = portfolioFactory.CreatePortfolio(Guid.NewGuid());

            portfolio.Create("Test", Guid.NewGuid());

            // Remove Events

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task InsertToDatabase(IStockQuoteFromDataSource stockData)
            // get previous close price , if none, it's the first record and then insert to db
            IReadOnlyList <IStockPriceHistory> previousPrices = await _database.GetStockPriceHistoryAsync(stockData.Country.ConvertToTT2Country(), stockData.StockId, stockData.TradeDateTime, 1).ConfigureAwait(false);

            IStockPriceHistory previousStockPriceHistory = previousPrices?.FirstOrDefault();

            if (previousStockPriceHistory == null)
                //string msg = $"The stock data {GetStockFullID(todayPriceFromDataSource.StockId)} from data sourceKind doesn't have the previous closed price, so it will NOT be added to database";
                IStockPriceHistory priceHist = new StockPriceHistory(stockData.Country.ConvertToTT2Country(), stockData.StockId, stockData.TradeDateTime)
                    OpenPrice  = stockData.OpenPrice,
                    ClosePrice = stockData.ClosePrice,
                    HighPrice  = stockData.HighPrice,
                    LowPrice   = stockData.LowPrice,
                    Volume     = stockData.Volume

                await _database.AddOrUpdateStockPriceHistoryAsync(priceHist).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // get the max days of SystemN
            IReadOnlyList <IStockPriceHistory> recentStockPriceHistory = await _database.GetStockPriceHistoryAsync(stockData.Country.ConvertToTT2Country(), stockData.StockId, stockData.TradeDateTime, _maxCalculationDay - 1).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // if there exists previous closed price, then calculate today's ATR
            decimal todayATR = _baseData.CalculateTodayATR(stockData.HighPrice, stockData.LowPrice, previousStockPriceHistory.ClosePrice);

            (decimal? N20, decimal? HighIn20, decimal? LowIn10) = DailyPriceCalculationSystem(BuySellStrategyType.N20, recentStockPriceHistory, todayATR, stockData);
            (decimal? N40, decimal? HighIn40, decimal? LowIn15) = DailyPriceCalculationSystem(BuySellStrategyType.N40, recentStockPriceHistory, todayATR, stockData);
            (decimal? N60, decimal? HighIn60, decimal? LowIn20) = DailyPriceCalculationSystem(BuySellStrategyType.N60, recentStockPriceHistory, todayATR, stockData);
            decimal?MA20  = CalculateMovingAverage(20, recentStockPriceHistory, stockData);
            decimal?MA40  = CalculateMovingAverage(40, recentStockPriceHistory, stockData);
            decimal?MA60  = CalculateMovingAverage(60, recentStockPriceHistory, stockData);
            decimal?MA120 = CalculateMovingAverage(120, recentStockPriceHistory, stockData);
            decimal?MA240 = CalculateMovingAverage(240, recentStockPriceHistory, stockData);

            IStockPriceHistory priceHistory = new StockPriceHistory(stockData.Country.ConvertToTT2Country(), stockData.StockId, stockData.TradeDateTime)
                OpenPrice  = stockData.OpenPrice,
                ClosePrice = stockData.ClosePrice,
                HighPrice  = stockData.HighPrice,
                LowPrice   = stockData.LowPrice,
                Volume     = stockData.Volume,
                ATR        = todayATR,
                N20        = N20,
                N40        = N40,
                N60        = N60,
                HighIn20   = HighIn20,
                LowIn10    = LowIn10,
                HighIn40   = HighIn40,
                LowIn15    = LowIn15,
                HighIn60   = HighIn60,
                LowIn20    = LowIn20,
                MA20       = MA20,
                MA40       = MA40,
                MA60       = MA60,
                MA120      = MA120,
                MA240      = MA240

            await _database.AddOrUpdateStockPriceHistoryAsync(priceHistory).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void Initialize(VestHQDbContext context)

            if (context.Customers.Any())
                return;   // DB has been seeded

            var stocks = new Stock[]
                new Stock {
                    Name   = "Microsoft",
                    Symbol = "MSFT"
                new Stock {
                    Name   = "Apple",
                    Symbol = "AAPL"
                new Stock {
                    Name   = "General Motors",
                    Symbol = "GM"

            foreach (Stock s in stocks)

            var stockpricehistory = new StockPriceHistory[]
                new StockPriceHistory {
                    StockId = 1,
                    Date    = DateTime.Parse("2017-04-07 T17:30:00"),
                    Price   = 65.73

                new StockPriceHistory {
                    StockId = 2,
                    Date    = DateTime.Parse("2017-04-07 T17:30:00"),
                    Price   = 143.66

                new StockPriceHistory {
                    StockId = 3,
                    Date    = DateTime.Parse("2017-04-07 T17:30:00"),
                    Price   = 40.60

                new StockPriceHistory {
                    StockId = 1,
                    Date    = DateTime.Parse("2017-04-08 T17:30:00"),
                    Price   = 66

                new StockPriceHistory {
                    StockId = 2,
                    Date    = DateTime.Parse("2017-04-08 T17:30:00"),
                    Price   = 140

                new StockPriceHistory {
                    StockId = 3,
                    Date    = DateTime.Parse("2017-04-08 T17:30:00"),
                    Price   = 41

            foreach (StockPriceHistory sph in stockpricehistory)


            var Employer = new Employer[]
                new Employer {
                    EmployerName = "VestHQ No1"

                new Employer {
                    EmployerName = "VestHQ No2"

            foreach (Employer e in Employer)


            var Customer = new Customer[]
                new Customer {
                    FirstName      = "Doris",
                    LastName       = "Chen",
                    TwitterAccount = "dchen",
                    EmployerId     = 1

                new Customer {
                    FirstName      = "David",
                    LastName       = "Giard",
                    TwitterAccount = "dgiard",
                    EmployerId     = 2

            foreach (Customer c in Customer)


            var Holding = new Holding[]
                new Holding {
                    StockId    = 1,
                    CustomerId = 1,
                    Share      = 2000

                new Holding {
                    StockId    = 1,
                    CustomerId = 2,
                    Share      = 2500

                new Holding {
                    StockId    = 2,
                    CustomerId = 1,
                    Share      = 1000

                new Holding {
                    StockId    = 3,
                    CustomerId = 2,
                    Share      = 500

            foreach (Holding h in Holding)

        public void GetInvestmentCandidates_RateOfReductionSufficient_ReturnsStock()
            var stock = new Stock
                Id          = "STK.PLC",
                Name        = "STOCK PLC",
                Description = "The Test Stock Price"

            var history = new StockPriceHistory
                Stock  = stock,
                Prices = new Dictionary <Period, Price>()

            var currentDate   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10);
            var lastPeriodEnd = DateTime.Parse(currentDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:00:00"));

            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 1, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-6)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 25.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 2, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-5)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 24.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 3, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-4)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 23.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 4, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-3)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 22.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 5, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-2)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 21.25m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 6, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-1)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 20.50m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 7, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(0)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 20.40m

            var stockPriceProvider = new Mock <IStockHistoryDataProvider>();

            stockPriceProvider.Setup(x => x.GetStockHistory(stock, 5)).Returns(history);

            var filter = new MinimumRateOfChangeStockFilter(stockPriceProvider.Object, 5, 10m, 10m);

            var results = filter.GetInvestmentCandidates(new Stock[] { stock });

            Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count());
        public void GetInvestmentCandidates_LatestPeriodMissing_ReturnsNothing()
            var stock = new Stock
                Id          = "STK.PLC",
                Name        = "STOCK PLC",
                Description = "The Test Stock Price"

            var history = new StockPriceHistory
                Stock  = stock,
                Prices = new Dictionary <Period, Price>()

            var currentDate   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10);
            var lastPeriodEnd = DateTime.Parse(currentDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:00:00"));

            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 1, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-8)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 45.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 2, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-7)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 43.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 3, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-6)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 30.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 4, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-5)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 29.23m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 5, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-4)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 27.25m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 6, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-3)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 18.50m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 7, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-2)
            }, new Price {
                Mid = 13.40m

            var stockPriceProvider = new Mock <IStockHistoryDataProvider>();

            stockPriceProvider.Setup(x => x.GetStockHistory(stock, 5)).Returns(history);

            var filter = new ConsistentChangeStockFilter(stockPriceProvider.Object, 5);

            var results = filter.GetInvestmentCandidates(new Stock[] { stock });

            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Count());
        public void GetInvestmentCandidates_RateOfGrowthInsufficient_ReturnsNothing()
            var stock = new Stock
                Identifier  = "STK.PLC",
                Name        = "STOCK PLC",
                Description = "The Test Stock Price"

            var history = new StockPriceHistory
                Stock  = stock,
                Prices = new Dictionary <Period, Price>()

            var currentDate   = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10);
            var lastPeriodEnd = DateTime.Parse(currentDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:00:00"));

            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 1, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-6)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 25.20m, Offer = 25.26m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 2, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-5)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 26.20m, Offer = 26.26m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 3, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-4)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 28.20m, Offer = 28.26m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 4, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-3)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 30.20m, Offer = 30.26m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 5, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-2)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 30.00m, Offer = 30.50m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 6, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(-1)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 31.00m, Offer = 32.00m
            history.Prices.Add(new Period {
                Id = 7, To = lastPeriodEnd.AddHours(0)
            }, new Price {
                Bid = 35.00m, Offer = 35.80m

            var stockPriceProvider = new Mock <IStockHistoryDataProvider>();

            stockPriceProvider.Setup(x => x.GetStockHistory(stock, 5)).Returns(history);

            var filter = new MinimumRateOfChangeStockFilter(stockPriceProvider.Object, 5, 35m, 35m);

            var results = filter.GetInvestmentCandidates(new Stock[] { stock });

            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Count());