Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary> Apply s limit clause to the query. </summary>
        /// <param name="querySqlString">The query to which to apply the limit. </param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset of the first row to be returned by the query (zero-based)</param>
        /// <param name="limit">Maximum number of rows to be returned by the query</param>
        /// <returns> the modified SQL </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Typically dialects utilize <see cref="SupportsVariableLimit"/>
        /// limit caluses when they support limits.  Thus, when building the
        /// select command we do not actually need to know the limit or the offest
        /// since we will just be using placeholders.
        /// <p/>
        /// Here we do still pass along whether or not an offset was specified
        /// so that dialects not supporting offsets can generate proper exceptions.
        /// In general, dialects will override one or the other of this method and
        /// <see cref="GetLimitString(SqlString,int,int)"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, int offset, int limit)
             * "SELECT [SKIP x] FIRST y  rest-of-sql-statement"

            int insertIndex = GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(querySqlString);

            if (offset > 0)
                return(querySqlString.Insert(insertIndex, " skip " + offset + " first " + limit));

            return(querySqlString.Insert(insertIndex, " first " + limit));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString queryString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
            // FIXME - This should use the ROWS syntax in Firebird to avoid problems with subqueries metioned here:
            // http://www.firebirdsql.org/refdocs/langrefupd20-select.html#langrefupd20-first-skip

             * "SELECT FIRST x [SKIP y] rest-of-sql-statement"

            int insertIndex = GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(queryString);

            var limitFragment = new SqlStringBuilder();

            if (limit != null)
                limitFragment.Add(" first ");

            if (offset != null)
                limitFragment.Add(" skip ");

            return(queryString.Insert(insertIndex, limitFragment.ToSqlString()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString queryString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
             * "SELECT [SKIP x] FIRST y  rest-of-sql-statement"

            // TODO - Check support for cases where only the offset is specified, but the limit is not.  Might need to use int.MaxValue.

            int insertIndex = GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(queryString);

            SqlStringBuilder limitFragment = new SqlStringBuilder();

            if (offset != null)
                limitFragment.Add(" skip ");
            if (limit != null)
                limitFragment.Add(" first ");

            return(queryString.Insert(insertIndex, limitFragment.ToSqlString()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, int offset, int limit)
            int    intSelectInsertPoint = GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(querySqlString);
            string strLimit             = string.Format(" TOP {0} START AT {1}", limit, offset + 1);

            return(querySqlString.Insert(intSelectInsertPoint, strLimit));
        public override SqlString OnPrepareStatement(SqlString sql)
            Match  match      = Regex.Match(sql.ToString());
            String tableName  = match.Groups[1].Value;
            String tableAlias = match.Groups[2].Value;

            sql = sql.Substring(match.Groups[2].Index);
            sql = sql.Replace(tableAlias, tableName);
            sql = sql.Insert(0, "delete from ");

            Int32 orderByIndex = sql.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(" order by ");

            if (orderByIndex > 0)
                sql = sql.Substring(0, orderByIndex);

            int limitIndex = sql.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(" limit ");

            if (limitIndex > 0)
                sql = sql.Substring(0, limitIndex);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
            var top = new SqlStringBuilder()
                      .Add(" top (")

            return(querySqlString.Insert(GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(querySqlString), top));
        public override SqlString OnPrepareStatement(SqlString sql)
            sql = sql.Insert(0, String.Format("{0};", this.sqlBefore()));

            if (this.sqlAfter != null)
                sql = sql.Append(String.Format(";{0}", this.sqlAfter()));

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
            using (var tokenEnum = new SqlTokenizer(querySqlString).GetEnumerator())
                if (!tokenEnum.TryParseUntilFirstMsSqlSelectColumn())

                var insertPoint = tokenEnum.Current.SqlIndex;
                return(querySqlString.Insert(insertPoint, new SqlString("top ", limit, " ")));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
             * "SELECT TOP limit rest-of-sql-statement"

            SqlStringBuilder topFragment = new SqlStringBuilder();

            topFragment.Add(" top ");

            return(querySqlString.Insert(GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(querySqlString), topFragment.ToSqlString()));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a <c>LIMIT (TOP)</c> clause to the given SQL <c>SELECT</c>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="querySqlString">A Query in the form of a SqlString.</param>
        /// <param name="limit">Maximum number of rows to be returned by the query</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset of the first row to process in the result set</param>
        /// <returns>A new SqlString that contains the <c>LIMIT</c> clause.</returns>
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, int offset, int limit)
            if (offset > 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("SQL Server does not support an offset");

             * "SELECT TOP limit rest-of-sql-statement"

            return(querySqlString.Insert(GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(querySqlString), " top " + limit));
        private SqlString PageByLimitOnly(SqlString limit)
            var tokenEnum = new SqlTokenizer(_sourceQuery).GetEnumerator();

            if (!tokenEnum.TryParseUntilFirstMsSqlSelectColumn())

            int insertPoint = tokenEnum.Current.SqlIndex;

            return(_sourceQuery.Insert(insertPoint, new SqlString("TOP (", limit, ") ")));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Insert()
            SqlString sql = new SqlString(new object[] { "begin ", Parameter.Placeholder, " end" });

            Assert.AreEqual("beginning ? end", sql.Insert(5, "ning").ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("begin middle? end", sql.Insert(6, "middle").ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("begin ?middle end", sql.Insert(7, "middle").ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("beg|in ? end", sql.Insert(3, "|").ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("begin ? ending", sql.Insert(11, "ing").ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("begin ? enXd", sql.Insert(10, "X").ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// MS Access and SQL Server support limit. This implementation has been made according the MS Access syntax
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="querySqlString">The original query</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Specifies the number of rows to skip, before starting to return rows from the query expression.</param>
        /// <param name="limit">Is used to limit the number of results returned in a SQL statement</param>
        /// <returns>Processed query</returns>
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString queryString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
            //            int insertIndex = GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(queryString);
            //            var builder = new SqlStringBuilder(queryString);

             * Where 15 is the StartPos + PageSize, and 5 is the PageSize. https://stackoverflow.com/a/1900668/100863
             * SELECT*
             * FROM(
             *  SELECT TOP 3 sub.`SMP_GLOBALID`
             * FROM(
             *  SELECT TOP 3 `tblSamples`.`SMP_GLOBALID`
             * FROM `tblSamples`
             * ORDER BY `SMP_GLOBALID`
             *  ) sub
             *  ORDER BY `SMP_GLOBALID` DESC
             *  ) subOrdered
             *  ORDER BY subOrdered.`SMP_GLOBALID`
             * var builder = new SqlStringBuilder(queryString);
             * builder.

            //            var returnList = new List<string>();
            //            DataTable dt = _jetDbConnection.Connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Primary_Keys, new Object[] { null, null, "Employee" });
            //            int columnOrdinalForName = dt.Columns["COLUMN_NAME"].Ordinal;
            //            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
            //            {
            //                returnList.Add(r.ItemArray[columnOrdinalForName].ToString());
            //            }

            var top = new SqlString(" top ", limit);

            return(queryString.Insert(GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(queryString), top));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString queryString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
            int intSelectInsertPoint = GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(queryString);

            SqlStringBuilder limitFragment = new SqlStringBuilder();

            limitFragment.Add(" top ");
            if (limit != null)

            if (offset != null)
                limitFragment.Add(" start at ");

            return(queryString.Insert(intSelectInsertPoint, limitFragment.ToSqlString()));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString querySqlString, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
            var top = new SqlString(" top (", limit, ")");

            return(querySqlString.Insert(GetAfterSelectInsertPoint(querySqlString), top));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //insert itemlist valuelist
            var insertSql = new SqlString();

            insertSql.Insert("userlist", new string[] { "username", "password", "enable", "time" }, new object[] { "admin", "a_secret", false, DateTime.Now });
            Console.WriteLine(insertSql.result + "\n\r");

            var deleteSql = new SqlString();

            deleteSql.Where("username", "hacker");
            deleteSql.WhereAnd("password", "<script..");
            Console.WriteLine(deleteSql.result + "\n\r");

            var updateSql = new SqlString();

            updateSql.Update("userlist", new string[] { "username", "password", "enable", "time" }, new object[] { "admin", "a_secret", false, DateTime.Now });
            updateSql.Where("username", "godman");
            updateSql.WhereAnd("password", "bequiet0123");
            Console.WriteLine(updateSql.result + "\n\r");

            //select -> where ->whereand -> order
            var selectSql0 = new SqlString();

            selectSql0.Select(null, "userlist");
            selectSql0.Where("username", "admin");
            selectSql0.WhereAnd("password", "sercetX");
            selectSql0.WhereAnd("isreal", true);
            selectSql0.OrderBy(new OrderBy[] { new OrderBy("SignUpTime", Order.ASC), new OrderBy("followers", Order.DESC) });

            Console.WriteLine(selectSql0.result + "\n\r");

            //select -> where ->whereand -> order
            var selectSql = new SqlString();

            selectSql.Select(new string[] { "sex", "age" }, "userlist");
            selectSql.Where("username", "admin");
            selectSql.WhereAnd("password", "sercetX");
            selectSql.WhereAnd("isreal", true);
            selectSql.OrderBy(new OrderBy[] { new OrderBy("SignUpTime", Order.ASC), new OrderBy("followers", Order.DESC) });

            Console.WriteLine(selectSql.result + "\n\r");

            //select -> where ->whereand -> order
            var selectSql2 = new SqlString();

            selectSql2.SelectTop(10, new string[] { "sex", "age" }, "userlist");
            selectSql2.Where("username", "admin");
            selectSql2.WhereAnd("password", "sercetX");
            selectSql2.WhereAnd("isreal", true);
            selectSql2.OrderBy(new OrderBy[] { new OrderBy("SignUpTime", Order.ASC), new OrderBy("followers", Order.DESC) });

            Console.WriteLine(selectSql2.result + "\n\r");
