Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Size GetBestTextureDimension(int w, int h, int count)

            const int MAX = 32;

            int k = 1;

            while (k < w)
                k <<= 1;

            w = k;

            k = 1;

            while (k < h)
                k <<= 1;

            h = k;

            int numSprites = w * h * count;

            Size bestDimension = new Size(MAX, MAX);

            for (int i = w; i <= MAX; i <<= 1)
                for (int j = h; j <= MAX; j <<= 1)
                    Size candidateDimension = new Size(i, j);

                    if (candidateDimension.Area() < numSprites)

                    if ((candidateDimension.Area() < bestDimension.Area()) ||

                        (candidateDimension.Area() == bestDimension.Area() && candidateDimension.Width() + candidateDimension.Height() < bestDimension.Width() + bestDimension.Height()))
                        bestDimension = candidateDimension;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the size of the source image.
        /// This method is only used when re-projection applies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceBoundingBox">The source bounding box.</param>
        /// <param name="targetSize">Requested target size.</param>
        /// <returns>The computed source size.</returns>
        protected virtual Size DetermineSourceSize(IBoundingBox sourceBoundingBox, Size targetSize)
            if (!ReprojectionServiceOptions.SourceSizeFactor.HasValue)
                return(DetermineSourceSizeByAmountOfPixels(sourceBoundingBox, targetSize.Area()));

            if (ReprojectionServiceOptions.SourceSizeFactor.Value < 0)
                return(DetermineSourceSizeByAmountOfPixels(sourceBoundingBox, -ReprojectionServiceOptions.SourceSizeFactor.Value * targetSize.Area()));

            var aspect = sourceBoundingBox.AspectRatio();

            var sizes = new [] {
                new SizeD(targetSize.Height * aspect, targetSize.Height),
                new SizeD(targetSize.Width * aspect, targetSize.Width),
                new SizeD(targetSize.Width, targetSize.Width / aspect),
                new SizeD(targetSize.Height, targetSize.Height / aspect)

            var min = sizes.Select(s => s.Area()).Min();
            var max = sizes.Select(s => s.Area()).Max();

            return(DetermineSourceSizeByAmountOfPixels(sourceBoundingBox, min + (max - min) * ReprojectionServiceOptions.SourceSizeFactor.Value));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static Image <TPixel> CreateImage <TPixel>(this Size size, TPixel[] data) where TPixel : struct, IPixel <TPixel>
            if (size.Area() <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(size));
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
            if (data.Length < size.Area())
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(data));

            return(Image.LoadPixelData(_DefaultConfiguration, data, size.Width, size.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Image <TPixel> CreateImage <TPixel>(this Size size) where TPixel : struct, IPixel <TPixel>
            if (size.Area() <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(size));

            return(new Image <TPixel>(_DefaultConfiguration, size.Width, size.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void FitManySameSizesInto2TimesBiggerCircle()
            var size   = new Size(24, 120);
            var space  = size.Area() * Thousand;
            var radius = Math.Sqrt(2 * space / Math.PI);

            var rects = Thousand.Times(() => layouter.PutNextRectangle(size));

            rects.SelectMany(x => x.Points())
            .Select(x => x.DistanceTo(center))
            .All(x => x < radius)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public static void RenderSingleSpan(string edgeSpansPath, int spanIndex, int sideResolution)
        var resolution = new Size(sideResolution, sideResolution);

        using var spans = EdgeSpanStream.Load(edgeSpansPath);
        using var timer = TimedOperation.Start("points", totalWork: resolution.Area());
        var random = new Random();

        var index = spanIndex >= 0 ? spanIndex : random.Next(0, spans.Count);

        var imageFilePath = Path.Combine(
            Path.GetDirectoryName(edgeSpansPath) ?? throw new Exception($"Could not get directory name: {edgeSpansPath}"),
            Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(edgeSpansPath) + $"_{index}_{sideResolution}x{sideResolution}.png");

        Log.Info($"Using edge span index {index:N0}");
        Log.Info($"Output file: {imageFilePath}");

        var span       = spans.ElementAt(index).ToConcreteDouble(spans.ViewPort);
        var spanLength = span.Length();

        Log.Info($"Edge span: {span} (length: {spanLength})");

        var image = new FastImage(resolution);

        var viewPort = new ViewPort(GetArea(span), resolution);

        Log.Info($"View port: {viewPort}");

        var positionInSet    = viewPort.GetPosition(span.InSet);
        var positionNotInSet = viewPort.GetPosition(span.NotInSet);

        var highlightPixelRadius = resolution.Width / 100;

        var borderPoint = span.FindBoundaryPoint(Constant.IterationRange.Max);

        Log.Info($"Border point: {borderPoint} (escape time: {ScalarDoubleKernel.FindEscapeTime(borderPoint)})");
        var borderPointPosition = viewPort.GetPosition(borderPoint);

        // TODO: Why is the inner loop parallelized?
        for (int row = 0; row < resolution.Height; row++)
            Parallel.For(0, resolution.Width,
                         col =>
                var position = new Point(col, row);

                var c = viewPort.GetComplex(position);

                Color PickColor()
                    if (position.DistanceSquaredFrom(positionInSet) <= highlightPixelRadius)

                    if (position.DistanceSquaredFrom(positionNotInSet) <= highlightPixelRadius)

                    if (position.DistanceSquaredFrom(borderPointPosition) <= highlightPixelRadius)

                    var isInSet = ScalarDoubleKernel.FindEscapeTime(c, Constant.IterationRange.Max).IsInfinite;
                    return(isInSet ? Color.FromArgb(0x20, 0x20, 0x20) : Color.White);

                image.SetPixel(position, PickColor());

