Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!_inServer.GetIsOpen())
            if (!isShowConnectOnce)
                _outMessage.text  = "连接成功!";
                isShowConnectOnce = true;

            EventPacket ep = _inServer.GetMessage();
            if (ep != null)
                _outMessage.text = ep.eventValue;
                Debug.Log(ep.eventId + "," + ep.eventValue);

        if (!_outServer.GetIsOpen())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Start()
        _inServer  = new SharedCommServer(false);
        _outServer = new SharedCommServer(true);

        _button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
            if (_outServer != null && _outServer.GetIsOpen())
                _outServer.WriteMessage(new EventPacket()
                    eventId    = 1,
                    eventValue = "UnityMessage"
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Init()
            //string args = "--enable-media-stream";
            string args = "";

            args = args + pictureBox1.Width.ToString() + " " + pictureBox1.Height.ToString() + " ";
            args = args + "http://test.webrtc.org" + " ";
            Guid memid = Guid.NewGuid();

            memfile = memid.ToString();
            args    = args + memfile + " ";

            Guid inID = Guid.NewGuid();
            outMemFile = inID.ToString();
            args       = args + outMemFile + " ";

            Guid outID = Guid.NewGuid();
            inMemFile = outID.ToString();
            args      = args + inMemFile + " ";

            args = args + "1" + " "; //webrtc

            args = args + "1";       //gpu
            bool connected = false;

            _inCommServer  = new SharedCommServer(false);
            _outCommServer = new SharedCommServer(true);

            while (!connected)
                Process pluginProcess = new Process()
                    StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
                        WorkingDirectory =
                            //   @"D:\work\unity\StandaloneConnector_1\SimpleUnityBrowser\SharedPluginServer\bin\x86\Debug",
                        FileName =
                            // @"D:\work\unity\StandaloneConnector_1\SimpleUnityBrowser\SharedPluginServer\bin\x86\Debug\SharedPluginServer.exe",
                        Arguments = args
                // while (!Process.GetProcesses().Any(p => p.Name == myName)) { Thread.Sleep(100); }

                bool found_proc = false;
                while (!found_proc)
                    foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
                        if (clsProcess.ProcessName == pluginProcess.ProcessName)
                            found_proc = true;


                bool b1 = _inCommServer.GetIsOpen();
                bool b2 = _outCommServer.GetIsOpen();

                connected = b1 && b2;
            arr = new SharedArray <byte>(memfile);

            //clientSocket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(ip, port));

            _texture = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Width);
            int defWidth  = 1280;
            int defHeight = 720;
            _texture = new Bitmap(defWidth, defHeight);
            Application.Idle += Application_Idle;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //A really hackish way to avoid thread error. Should be better way

        /*  public bool ConnectTcp(out TcpClient tcp)
         * {
         *    TcpClient ret = null;
         *    try
         *    {
         *        ret = new TcpClient("", _port);
         *    }
         *    catch (Exception ex)
         *    {
         *        tcp = null;
         *        return false;
         *    }
         *    tcp = ret;
         *    return true;
         * }*/

        public IEnumerator InitPlugin(int width, int height, string sharedfilename, string initialURL, bool enableWebRTC, bool enableGPU)
            //Initialization (for now) requires a predefined path to PluginServer,
            //so change this section if you move the folder
            //Also change the path in deployment script.

            string PluginServerPath = Application.dataPath + @"\SimpleWebBrowser\PluginServer\x64";
            string PluginServerPath = Application.dataPath + @"\SimpleWebBrowser\PluginServer\x86";
            string AssemblyPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            //log this for error handling
            Debug.Log("Assembly path:" + AssemblyPath);

            AssemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyPath);        //Managed

            AssemblyPath = Directory.GetParent(AssemblyPath).FullName; //<project>_Data
            AssemblyPath = Directory.GetParent(AssemblyPath).FullName; //required

            string PluginServerPath = AssemblyPath + @"\PluginServer";

            Debug.Log("Starting server from:" + PluginServerPath);

            kWidth  = width;
            kHeight = height;

            _sharedFileName = sharedfilename;

            Guid inID = Guid.NewGuid();
            _outCommFile = inID.ToString();

            Guid outID = Guid.NewGuid();
            _inCommFile = outID.ToString();

            _initialURL   = initialURL;
            _enableWebRTC = enableWebRTC;
            _enableGPU    = enableGPU;

            if (BrowserTexture == null)
                BrowserTexture = new Texture2D(kWidth, kHeight, TextureFormat.BGRA32, false, true);

            sPixelLock = new object();

            string args = BuildParamsString();

            _connected = false;

            _inCommServer  = new SharedCommServer(false);
            _outCommServer = new SharedCommServer(true);

            while (!_connected)
                    _pluginProcess = new Process()
                        StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
                            WorkingDirectory = PluginServerPath,
                            FileName         = PluginServerPath + @"\SharedPluginServer.exe",
                            Arguments        = args

                    Initialized = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //log the file
                    Debug.Log("FAILED TO START SERVER FROM:" + PluginServerPath + @"\SharedPluginServer.exe");
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

                //connected = ConnectTcp(out _clientSocket);

                bool b1 = _inCommServer.GetIsOpen();
                bool b2 = _outCommServer.GetIsOpen();
                _connected = b1 && b2;