Ejemplo n.º 1
    // find the given text box in the given row of the food menu table
    //private String FindTextBox(ref TableRow tr, String ID)
    //	String Text = "";

    //	try
    //	{
    //		Control Ctrl = tr.FindControl(ID);
    //		if (Ctrl != null)
    //		{
    //			TextBox txtBox = new TextBox();
    //			HtmlInputHidden txtHidden = new HtmlInputHidden();

    //			if (Ctrl.GetType() == txtBox.GetType())
    //			{
    //				txtBox = (TextBox)Ctrl;
    //				Text = txtBox.Text.Trim();
    //			}
    //			else
    //				if (Ctrl.GetType() == txtHidden.GetType())
    //				{
    //					txtHidden = (HtmlInputHidden)Ctrl;
    //					Text = txtHidden.Value.Trim();
    //				}
    //		}
    //	}
    //	catch (Exception Ex)
    //	{
    //		Err Err = new Err(Ex);
    //		Response.Write(Err.Html());
    //	}

    //	return Text;

    // retrieve the food menu items for the job and present them as rows in the menu table
    private void LoadFood()
        if (JobRno > 0)
            String Sql = "";

                // look for duplicates
                Sql =
                    "Select f1.FoodSeq " +
                    "From mcJobFood f1 Inner Join mcJobFood f2 " +
                    "On f1.JobRno = f2.JobRno And f1.FoodSeq <> f2.FoodSeq " +
                    "And f1.Category = f2.Category And f1.MenuItem = f2.MenuItem " +
                    "Where f1.JobRno = " + JobRno;
                DupSeq Dups = new DupSeq(db, Sql);

                Sql =
                    "Select f.*, i.ServingQuote, i.ServingPrice, i.InaccuratePriceFlg, i.RecipeRno " +
                    "From mcJobFood f Left Join mcJobMenuItems i on f.MenuItemRno = i.MenuItemRno " +
                    "Where JobRno = " + JobRno + " And FoodSeq Is Not Null " +
                    "Order By FoodSeq";
                DataTable dt = db.DataTable(Sql, 300);
                //cItems = dt.Rows.Count + 1;
                cItems = dt.Rows.Count;

                int iRow = 0;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    TableRow tr = tblFood.Rows[iRow];

                    bool fDup = Dups.In(DB.Int32(dr["FoodSeq"]));

                    HtmlInputHidden txtFoodSeq = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("txtFoodSeq" + iRow);
                    txtFoodSeq.Value = DB.Str(dr["FoodSeq"]);

                    HtmlInputHidden hfJobFoodRno = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfJobFoodRno" + iRow);
                    hfJobFoodRno.Value = DB.Str(dr["JobFoodRno"]);

                    HtmlInputHidden hfProposal = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfProposal" + iRow);
                    hfProposal.Value = DB.Str(dr["ProposalMenuItem"]);

                    HtmlInputHidden hfIngredSelFlg     = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfIngredSelFlg" + iRow);
                    HtmlInputHidden hfOrigIngredSelFlg = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfOrigIngredSelFlg" + iRow);
                    bool            fIngredSel         = DB.Bool(dr["IngredSelFlg"]);
                    hfIngredSelFlg.Value         =
                        hfOrigIngredSelFlg.Value = fIngredSel.ToString();

                    HtmlInputHidden hfIngredSel     = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfIngredSel" + iRow);
                    HtmlInputHidden hfOrigIngredSel = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfOrigIngredSel" + iRow);
                    hfIngredSel.Value         =
                        hfOrigIngredSel.Value = DB.Str(dr["IngredSel"]);

                    HtmlInputHidden hfIngredSelAutoPop = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfIngredSelAutoPop" + iRow);
                    hfIngredSelAutoPop.Value = false.ToString();

                    TextBox         txtCategory    = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtCategory" + iRow);
                    HtmlInputHidden hfOrigCategory = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfOrigCategory" + iRow);
                    txtCategory.Text         =
                        hfOrigCategory.Value = DB.Str(dr["Category"]);
                    txtCategory.CssClass     = (fDup ? "DupFoodCategory " : "") + "FoodCategory";

                    TextBox         txtMenuItem    = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtMenuItem" + iRow);
                    HtmlInputHidden hfOrigMenuItem = (HtmlInputHidden)tr.FindControl("hfOrigMenuItem" + iRow);
                    txtMenuItem.Text         =
                        hfOrigMenuItem.Value = DB.Str(dr["MenuItem"]);
                    txtMenuItem.CssClass     = (fDup ? "DupMenuItem " : "") + "MenuItem";

                    SelectList slMenuItem = SelectList.Find("MenuItem" + iRow);
                    if (slMenuItem != null)
                        Sql = "Select Distinct MenuItem From mcJobMenuItems Where Category = " + DB.PutStr(txtCategory.Text) + " And HideFlg != 1 Order By MenuItem";
                        slMenuItem.AddDBValues(db, Sql);

                    Label lblIngredSel = (Label)tr.FindControl("lblIngredSel" + iRow);
                    if (fIngredSel)
                        string ToolTip = "<div class='IngredSelQtip'>Selected Ingredients</div>";
                        Sql = string.Format(
                            "Select Coalesce(i.Name, r.Name) as Name, " +
                            "r.GlutenFreeFlg, r.VeganFlg, r.VegetarianFlg, r.DairyFreeFlg, r.NutsFlg " +
                            "From RecipeIngredXref x " +
                            "Left Join Ingredients i On i.IngredRno = x.IngredRno " +
                            "Left Join Recipes r on r.RecipeRno = x.SubrecipeRno " +
                            "Where x.RecipeRno = {0} " +
                            "And RecipeIngredRno In ({1}) " +
                            "Order By x.RecipeSeq",
                            (hfIngredSel.Value != string.Empty ? hfIngredSel.Value : "null"));
                        DataTable dtXref = db.DataTable(Sql);
                        foreach (DataRow drXref in dtXref.Rows)
                            ToolTip += DB.Str(drXref["Name"]) +
                                       (DB.Bool(drXref["GlutenFreeFlg"]) ? " [GF]"  : string.Empty) +
                                       (DB.Bool(drXref["VeganFlg"])      ? " [V]"   : string.Empty) +
                                       (DB.Bool(drXref["VegetarianFlg"]) ? " [Veg]" : string.Empty) +
                                       (DB.Bool(drXref["DairyFreeFlg"])  ? " [DF]"  : string.Empty) +
                                       (DB.Bool(drXref["NutsFlg"])       ? " [N]"   : string.Empty) +

                        lblIngredSel.ToolTip = ToolTip;
                        lblIngredSel.Attributes.Add("style", "display: inline;");
                        lblIngredSel.ToolTip             = "Select ingredients for the menu item.";
                        lblIngredSel.Attributes["style"] = string.Empty;

                    //TextBox txtQtyNote = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtQtyNote" + iRow);
                    //TextBox txtOrigQtyNote = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtOrigQtyNote" + iRow);
                    //txtQtyNote.Text =
                    //txtOrigQtyNote.Text = DB.Str(dr["QtyNote"]);

                    TextBox txtQty     = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtQty" + iRow);
                    TextBox txtOrigQty = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtOrigQty" + iRow);
                    txtQty.Text         =
                        txtOrigQty.Text = DB.Int32(dr["Qty"]).ToString("##,###");

                    TextBox txtServiceNote     = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtServiceNote" + iRow);
                    TextBox txtOrigServiceNote = (TextBox)tr.FindControl("txtOrigServiceNote" + iRow);
                    txtServiceNote.Text         =
                        txtOrigServiceNote.Text = DB.Str(dr["ServiceNote"]);

                    decimal ServingQuote = DB.Dec(dr["ServingQuote"]);
                    Label   lblQuote     = (Label)tr.FindControl("lblQuote" + iRow);
                    lblQuote.Text = Fmt.Dollar(ServingQuote);

                    decimal ServingPrice = DB.Dec(dr["ServingPrice"]);
                    Label   lblPrice     = (Label)tr.FindControl("lblPrice" + iRow);
                    lblPrice.Text = Fmt.Dollar(ServingPrice);

                    bool  fInaccuratePrice   = DB.Bool(dr["InaccuratePriceFlg"]);
                    Label lblInaccuratePrice = (Label)tr.FindControl("lblInaccuratePrice" + iRow);
                    if (fInaccuratePrice)
                        lblInaccuratePrice.CssClass = "icon-dollar";
                        lblInaccuratePrice.ToolTip  = "Cost and Price are inaccurate because there are ingredients with no price from receipts.";
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql);
            cItems = 1;

        //if (FocusField.Length == 0) { FocusField = "txtCategory" + cItems; }