Ejemplo n.º 1
        private MorphLineStyle ReadMorphLineStyle2(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
            int startwidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16();
            int endwidth   = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            CapStyle  startCap = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            JoinStyle join     = (JoinStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            bool hasFill       = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool noHScaling    = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool noVScaling    = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool hasPixelHints = shapeReader.ReadBit();

            shapeReader.ReadUBits(5); // Reserved: 0
            bool noClose = shapeReader.ReadBit();

            CapStyle endCap = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            int?miterLimit = null;

            if (join == JoinStyle.Miter)
                miterLimit = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            Color?         startColour = null;
            Color?         endColour   = null;
            MorphFillStyle fs          = null;

            if (hasFill)
                fs = this.ReadMorphFillStyle(shapeReader);
                startColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                endColour   = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();

            return(new MorphLineStyle()
                StartWidth = startwidth,
                EndWidth = endwidth,
                StartColour = startColour,
                EndColour = endColour,
                StartCap = startCap,
                EndCap = endCap,
                Join = join,
                HasFill = hasFill,
                NoHScaling = noHScaling,
                NoVScaling = noVScaling,
                HasPixelHints = hasPixelHints,
                FillStyle = fs,
                MiterLimit = miterLimit
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private MorphGradientRecord ReadMorphGradientRecord(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
            MorphGradientRecord mgr = new MorphGradientRecord();

            mgr.StartRatio  = shapeReader.ReadUI8();
            mgr.StartColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
            mgr.EndRatio    = shapeReader.ReadUI8();
            mgr.EndColour   = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private MorphLineStyle ReadMorphLineStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
     return(new MorphLineStyle()
         StartWidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16(),
         EndWidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16(),
         StartColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA(),
         EndColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA()
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private MorphFillStyle ReadMorphFillStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
            MorphFillStyle style = new MorphFillStyle();

            style.Type = (FillType)shapeReader.ReadUI8();

            if (style.Type == FillType.Solid)
                style.StartColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                style.EndColour   = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();

            if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient ||
                style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient)
                style.StartFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                style.EndFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient ||
                    style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient)
                    style.Gradient = this.ReadMorphGradient(shapeReader);

            if (FillTypes.IsBitmap(style.Type))
                int cid = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

                /* Some fills have this magic number in them which seems to deliberately not
                 * reference a bitmap. The spec is silent on the matter. Oh flash, you
                 * bumbling simian. */
                if (cid != 0x0000FFFF)
                    style.Bitmap = this.ImageFinder.FindImage(cid);

                style.StartFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                style.EndFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private FillStyle ReadFillStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            FillStyle style = new FillStyle();

            style.Type = (FillType)shapeReader.ReadUI8();

            if (style.Type == FillType.Solid)
                if (format == Tag.DefineShape3 || format == Tag.DefineShape4) /* Assuming shape4 goes here. Spec is ambiguous. */
                    style.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                else if (format == Tag.DefineShape || format == Tag.DefineShape2)
                    style.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGB();
                    throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.SWFParsing, "Bad tag format for fill style");

            if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient ||
                style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient ||
                style.Type == FillType.FocalGradient)
                style.FillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient ||
                    style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient)
                    style.Gradient = this.ReadGradient(shapeReader, format);
                else /* FocalGradient */
                    style.Gradient = this.ReadFocalGradient(shapeReader);

            if (FillTypes.IsBitmap(style.Type))
                int cid = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

                /* Some fills have this magic number in them which seems to deliberately not
                 * reference a bitmap. The spec is silent on the matter. Oh flash, you
                 * stammering ape. */
                if (cid != 0x0000FFFF)
                    style.Bitmap = this.ImageFinder.FindImage(cid);

                style.FillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private LineStyle ReadLineStyle2(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            int       width         = shapeReader.ReadUI16();
            CapStyle  startCap      = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            JoinStyle join          = (JoinStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            bool      hasFill       = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool      noHScaling    = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool      noVScaling    = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool      hasPixelHints = shapeReader.ReadBit();

            shapeReader.ReadUBits(5); /* Reserved: 0 */
            bool     noClose = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            CapStyle endCap  = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            int?miterLimit = null;

            if (join == JoinStyle.Miter)
                miterLimit = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            Color?    c  = null;
            FillStyle fs = null;

            if (hasFill)
                fs = this.ReadFillStyle(shapeReader, format);
                c = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();

            return(new LineStyle()
                Width = width,
                StartCap = startCap,
                EndCap = endCap,
                Join = join,
                HasFill = hasFill,
                NoHScaling = noHScaling,
                NoVScaling = noVScaling,
                HasPixelHints = hasPixelHints,
                Colour = c,
                FillStyle = fs,
                MiterLimit = miterLimit
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private LineStyle ReadLineStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            LineStyle ls = new LineStyle();

            ls.Width = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            if (format == Tag.DefineShape || format == Tag.DefineShape2)
                ls.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGB();
            else if (format == Tag.DefineShape3 || format == Tag.DefineShape4)
                ls.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Can't line style in shape format " + format.ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private Gradient ReadGradient(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            GradientSpread        spread = (GradientSpread)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            GradientInterpolation interp = (GradientInterpolation)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            int numRecs = (int)shapeReader.ReadUBits(4);

            GradientRecord[] recs = new GradientRecord[numRecs];

            for (int i = 0; i < recs.Length; i++)
                GradientRecord rec = new GradientRecord();
                rec.Ratio = shapeReader.ReadUI8();
                if (format == Tag.DefineShape || format == Tag.DefineShape2)
                    rec.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGB();
                else if (format == Tag.DefineShape3 || format == Tag.DefineShape4)
                    rec.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                    throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Can't read gradient in shape format " + format.ToString());

                recs[i] = rec;

            return(new Gradient()
                Records = recs,
                Interpolation = interp,
                Spread = spread
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private MorphLineStyle ReadMorphLineStyle2(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
            int startwidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16();
            int endwidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            CapStyle startCap = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            JoinStyle join = (JoinStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            bool hasFill = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool noHScaling = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool noVScaling = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool hasPixelHints = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            shapeReader.ReadUBits(5); // Reserved: 0
            bool noClose = shapeReader.ReadBit();

            CapStyle endCap = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            int? miterLimit = null;
            if (join == JoinStyle.Miter)
                miterLimit = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            Color? startColour = null;
            Color? endColour = null;
            MorphFillStyle fs = null;

            if (hasFill)
                fs = this.ReadMorphFillStyle(shapeReader);
                startColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                endColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();

            return new MorphLineStyle()
                StartWidth = startwidth,
                EndWidth = endwidth,
                StartColour = startColour,
                EndColour = endColour,
                StartCap = startCap,
                EndCap = endCap,
                Join = join,
                HasFill = hasFill,
                NoHScaling = noHScaling,
                NoVScaling = noVScaling,
                HasPixelHints = hasPixelHints,
                FillStyle = fs,
                MiterLimit = miterLimit
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private MorphGradientRecord ReadMorphGradientRecord(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
     MorphGradientRecord mgr = new MorphGradientRecord();
     mgr.StartRatio = shapeReader.ReadUI8();
     mgr.StartColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
     mgr.EndRatio = shapeReader.ReadUI8();
     mgr.EndColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
     return mgr;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private MorphLineStyle ReadMorphLineStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
     return new MorphLineStyle()
         StartWidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16(),
         EndWidth = shapeReader.ReadUI16(),
         StartColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA(),
         EndColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA()
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private MorphFillStyle ReadMorphFillStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader)
            MorphFillStyle style = new MorphFillStyle();

            style.Type = (FillType)shapeReader.ReadUI8();

            if (style.Type == FillType.Solid)
                style.StartColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                style.EndColour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();

            if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient
                    || style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient)
                style.StartFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                style.EndFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient
                        || style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient)
                    style.Gradient = this.ReadMorphGradient(shapeReader);

            if (FillTypes.IsBitmap(style.Type))
                int cid = shapeReader.ReadUI16();
                /* Some fills have this magic number in them which seems to deliberately not
                 * reference a bitmap. The spec is silent on the matter. Oh flash, you
                 * bumbling simian. */
                if (cid != 0x0000FFFF)
                    style.Bitmap = this.ImageFinder.FindImage(cid);

                style.StartFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                style.EndFillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

            return style;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private LineStyle ReadLineStyle2(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            int width = shapeReader.ReadUI16();
            CapStyle startCap = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            JoinStyle join = (JoinStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            bool hasFill = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool noHScaling = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool noVScaling = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            bool hasPixelHints = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            shapeReader.ReadUBits(5); /* Reserved: 0 */
            bool noClose = shapeReader.ReadBit();
            CapStyle endCap = (CapStyle)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            int? miterLimit = null;
            if (join == JoinStyle.Miter)
                miterLimit = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            Color? c = null;
            FillStyle fs = null;

            if (hasFill)
                fs = this.ReadFillStyle(shapeReader, format);
                c = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();

            return new LineStyle()
                Width = width,
                StartCap = startCap,
                EndCap = endCap,
                Join = join,
                HasFill = hasFill,
                NoHScaling = noHScaling,
                NoVScaling = noVScaling,
                HasPixelHints = hasPixelHints,
                Colour = c,
                FillStyle = fs,
                MiterLimit = miterLimit
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private LineStyle ReadLineStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            LineStyle ls = new LineStyle();

            ls.Width = shapeReader.ReadUI16();

            if (format == Tag.DefineShape || format == Tag.DefineShape2)
                ls.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGB();
            else if (format == Tag.DefineShape3 || format == Tag.DefineShape4)
                ls.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Can't line style in shape format " + format.ToString());

            return ls;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private Gradient ReadGradient(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            GradientSpread spread = (GradientSpread)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);
            GradientInterpolation interp = (GradientInterpolation)shapeReader.ReadUBits(2);

            int numRecs = (int)shapeReader.ReadUBits(4);

            GradientRecord[] recs = new GradientRecord[numRecs];

            for (int i = 0; i < recs.Length; i++)
                GradientRecord rec = new GradientRecord();
                rec.Ratio = shapeReader.ReadUI8();
                if (format == Tag.DefineShape || format == Tag.DefineShape2)
                    rec.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGB();
                else if (format == Tag.DefineShape3 || format == Tag.DefineShape4)
                    rec.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                    throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.Internal, "Can't read gradient in shape format " + format.ToString());

                recs[i] = rec;

            return new Gradient()
                Records = recs,
                Interpolation = interp,
                Spread = spread
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private FillStyle ReadFillStyle(SWFDataTypeReader shapeReader, Tag format)
            FillStyle style = new FillStyle();

            style.Type = (FillType)shapeReader.ReadUI8();

            if (style.Type == FillType.Solid)
                if (format == Tag.DefineShape3 || format == Tag.DefineShape4) /* Assuming shape4 goes here. Spec is ambiguous. */
                    style.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGBA();
                else if (format == Tag.DefineShape || format == Tag.DefineShape2)
                    style.Colour = shapeReader.ReadRGB();
                    throw new SWFModellerException(SWFModellerError.SWFParsing, "Bad tag format for fill style");

            if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient
                    || style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient
                    || style.Type == FillType.FocalGradient)
                style.FillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

                if (style.Type == FillType.LinearGradient
                        || style.Type == FillType.RadialGradient)
                    style.Gradient = this.ReadGradient(shapeReader, format);
                else /* FocalGradient */
                    style.Gradient = this.ReadFocalGradient(shapeReader);

            if (FillTypes.IsBitmap(style.Type))
                int cid = shapeReader.ReadUI16();
                /* Some fills have this magic number in them which seems to deliberately not
                 * reference a bitmap. The spec is silent on the matter. Oh flash, you
                 * stammering ape. */
                if (cid != 0x0000FFFF)
                    style.Bitmap = this.ImageFinder.FindImage(cid);

                style.FillMatrix = shapeReader.ReadMatrix();

            return style;