Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestGetRulesFor()
            var generator = new RuleSetGenerator(pool);
            var ruleSet   = generator.GetRulesFor(
                new Job()
                    Command     = JobCommand.Install,
                    PackageName = "unity",
                    Constraint  = new Constraint(">", "1.0"),
            }, new Dictionary <int, IPackage>());

            var expected = new[]
                "unity 1.6 requires bucket.helper >= 1.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.helper[1.6].",
                "bucket.helper 1.6 requires bucket.core >= 2.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.core[2.2, 3.6, 5.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[3.6, 2.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[5.2, 2.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[5.2, 3.6].",
                "Install command rule (install unity 1.6)",

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, ruleSet.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < ruleSet.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], ruleSet[i].GetPrettyString(pool));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestGetRulesReplaceRule()
            var packageReplaceBucketHelper = Helper.MockPackage("bucket.replace.helper", "2.6",
                                                                replaces: new[] { new Link("bucket.replace.helper", "bucket.helper", new Constraint("==", "1.6"), "replaces") });

            var packageReplaceFoo = Helper.MockPackage("replace.foo", "2.8",
                                                       requires: new[] { new Link("replace.foo", "bucket.replace.helper", new Constraint(">=", "1.0"), "requires") });

            var repository = Helper.MockRepository(packageReplaceBucketHelper, packageReplaceFoo);

            var generator = new RuleSetGenerator(pool);

            var ruleSet = generator.GetRulesFor(
                new Job()
                    Command     = JobCommand.Install,
                    PackageName = "unity",
                    Constraint  = new Constraint(">", "1.0"),
                new Job()
                    Command     = JobCommand.Install,
                    PackageName = "replace.foo",
                    Constraint  = new Constraint(">", "2.0"),
            }, new Dictionary <int, IPackage>());

            var expected = new[]
                "unity 1.6 requires bucket.helper >= 1.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.helper[1.6], bucket.replace.helper[2.6].",
                "bucket.helper 1.6 requires bucket.core >= 2.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.core[2.2, 3.6, 5.2].",
                "don't install bucket.replace.helper 2.6 | don't install bucket.helper 1.6",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[3.6, 2.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[5.2, 2.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[5.2, 3.6].",
                "Install command rule (install unity 1.6)",
                "replace.foo 2.8 requires bucket.replace.helper >= 1.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.replace.helper[2.6].",
                "Install command rule (install replace.foo 2.8)",

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, ruleSet.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < ruleSet.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], ruleSet[i].GetPrettyString(pool));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestGetRulesWithConflictRule()
            var packageConflict = Helper.MockPackage("bucket.conflict", "2.2",
                                                     conflict: new[] { new Link("bucket.conflict", "bucket.core", new Constraint("<", "5.0"), "conflict") });
            var repository = Helper.MockRepository(packageConflict);

            var generator = new RuleSetGenerator(pool);

            var ruleSet = generator.GetRulesFor(
                new Job()
                    Command     = JobCommand.Install,
                    PackageName = "unity",
                    Constraint  = new Constraint(">", "1.0"),
                new Job()
                    Command     = JobCommand.Install,
                    PackageName = "bucket.conflict",
                    Constraint  = new Constraint(">", "2.0"),
            }, new Dictionary <int, IPackage>());

            var expected = new[]
                "unity 1.6 requires bucket.helper >= 1.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.helper[1.6].",
                "bucket.helper 1.6 requires bucket.core >= 2.0 -> satisfiable by bucket.core[2.2, 3.6, 5.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[3.6, 2.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[5.2, 2.2].",
                "Can only install one of: bucket.core[5.2, 3.6].",
                "Install command rule (install unity 1.6)",
                "Install command rule (install bucket.conflict 2.2)",
                "bucket.conflict 2.2 conflicts with bucket.core[2.2].",
                "bucket.conflict 2.2 conflicts with bucket.core[3.6].",

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, ruleSet.Count);

            for (var i = 0; i < ruleSet.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], ruleSet[i].GetPrettyString(pool));