private async void Initialize()
            // Create new map with the streets basemap
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Create a Uri to the image service raster
            Uri myUri = new Uri("");

            // Create new image service raster from the Uri
            ImageServiceRaster myImageServiceRaster = new ImageServiceRaster(myUri);

                // Load the image service raster
                await myImageServiceRaster.LoadAsync();

                // NOTE: This is the ASCII text for actual raw JSON string:
                // ========================================================
                //  "raster_function_arguments":
                //  {
                //    "z_factor":{"double":25.0,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "slope_type":{"raster_slope_type":"none","type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "azimuth":{"double":315,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "altitude":{"double":45,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "type":"Raster_function_arguments",
                //    "raster":{"name":"raster","is_raster":true,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "nbits":{"int":8,"type":"Raster_function_variable"}
                //  },
                //  "raster_function":{"type":"Hillshade_function"},
                //  "type":"Raster_function_template"

                // Define the JSON string needed for the raster function
                string theJSON_String =
                  ""z_factor"":{ ""double"":25.0,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""slope_type"":{ ""raster_slope_type"":""none"",""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""azimuth"":{ ""double"":315,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""altitude"":{ ""double"":45,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""raster"":{ ""name"":""raster"",""is_raster"":true,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""nbits"":{ ""int"":8,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""}
              ""raster_function"":{ ""type"":""Hillshade_function""},

                // Create a raster function from the JSON string using the static/Shared method called: RasterFunction.FromJson(json as String)
                RasterFunction myRasterFunction = RasterFunction.FromJson(theJSON_String);

                // NOTE: Depending on your platform/device, you could have alternatively created the raster function via a JSON string that is contained in a
                // file on disk (ex: hillshade_simplified.json) via the constructor: Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Rasters.RasterFunction(path as String)

                // Get the raster function arguments
                RasterFunctionArguments myRasterFunctionArguments = myRasterFunction.Arguments;

                // Get the list of names from the raster function arguments
                IReadOnlyList <string> myRasterNames = myRasterFunctionArguments.GetRasterNames();

                // Apply the first raster name and image service raster in the raster function arguments
                myRasterFunctionArguments.SetRaster(myRasterNames[0], myImageServiceRaster);

                // Create a new raster based on the raster function
                Raster myRaster = new Raster(myRasterFunction);

                // Create a new raster layer from the raster
                RasterLayer myRasterLayer = new RasterLayer(myRaster);

                // Add the raster layer to the maps layer collection

                // Assign the map to the map view
                _myMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Get the service information (aka. metadata) about the image service raster
                ArcGISImageServiceInfo myArcGISImageServiceInfo = myImageServiceRaster.ServiceInfo;

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the image service raster (which also the extent of the raster layer)
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(myArcGISImageServiceInfo.FullExtent);

                // NOTE: The sample zooms to the extent of the ImageServiceRaster. Currently the ArcGIS Runtime does not
                // support zooming a RasterLayer out beyond 4 times it's published level of detail. The sample uses
                // MapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync() method to ensure the image shows when the app starts. You can see
                // the effect of the image service not showing when you zoom out to the full extent of the image and beyond.
            catch (Exception e)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(this).SetMessage(e.ToString()).SetTitle("Error").Show();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new map with the streets basemap.
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Create a URI to the image service raster.
            Uri rasterUri = new Uri("");

            // Create new image service raster from the URI.
            ImageServiceRaster imageServiceRaster = new ImageServiceRaster(rasterUri);

                // Load the image service raster.
                await imageServiceRaster.LoadAsync();

                // NOTE: This is the ASCII text for actual raw JSON string:
                // ========================================================
                //  "raster_function_arguments":
                //  {
                //    "z_factor":{"double":25.0,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "slope_type":{"raster_slope_type":"none","type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "azimuth":{"double":315,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "altitude":{"double":45,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "type":"Raster_function_arguments",
                //    "raster":{"name":"raster","is_raster":true,"type":"Raster_function_variable"},
                //    "nbits":{"int":8,"type":"Raster_function_variable"}
                //  },
                //  "raster_function":{"type":"Hillshade_function"},
                //  "type":"Raster_function_template"

                // Define the JSON string needed for the raster function
                const string theJsonString = @"{
                  ""z_factor"":{ ""double"":25.0,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""slope_type"":{ ""raster_slope_type"":""none"",""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""azimuth"":{ ""double"":315,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""altitude"":{ ""double"":45,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""raster"":{ ""name"":""raster"",""is_raster"":true,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""},
                  ""nbits"":{ ""int"":8,""type"":""Raster_function_variable""}
              ""raster_function"":{ ""type"":""Hillshade_function""},

                // Create a raster function from the JSON string using the static/Shared method called: RasterFunction.FromJson(JSON as String).
                RasterFunction rasterFunction = RasterFunction.FromJson(theJsonString);

                // NOTE: You could have alternatively created the raster function via a JSON string that is contained in a
                // file on disk (ex: hillshade_simplified.json) via the constructor: Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Rasters.RasterFunction(path as String).

                // Get the raster function arguments.
                RasterFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments = rasterFunction.Arguments;

                // Get the list of names from the raster function arguments.
                IReadOnlyList <string> myRasterNames = rasterFunctionArguments.GetRasterNames();

                // Apply the first raster name and image service raster in the raster function arguments.
                rasterFunctionArguments.SetRaster(myRasterNames[0], imageServiceRaster);

                // Create a new raster based on the raster function.
                Raster raster = new Raster(rasterFunction);

                // Create a new raster layer from the raster.
                RasterLayer rasterLayer = new RasterLayer(raster);

                // Add the raster layer to the maps layer collection.

                // Assign the map to the map view.
                _myMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Get the service information (aka. metadata) about the image service raster.
                ArcGISImageServiceInfo arcGISImageServiceInfo = imageServiceRaster.ServiceInfo;

                // Zoom the map to the extent of the image service raster (which also the extent of the raster layer).
                await _myMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(arcGISImageServiceInfo.FullExtent);
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();