Ejemplo n.º 1
    // iPage 第N頁
    // iSize 最大顯示數量
    public DataTable fnSelects(MaterialStock materialStock, int iPage, int iSize)
        int    iStart     = (iPage - 1) * iSize + 1;
        int    iEnd       = iPage * iSize;
        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[material_id]", materialStock.material_id);
        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[warehouse_id]", materialStock.warehouse_id);

        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [materialStock].[material_id],   " +
            "         [materialStock].[warehouse_id],   " +
            "         [materialStock].[amount],   " +
            "         [materialStock].[safe_amount],   " +
            "         [materialStock].[NUM]   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [" + materialStock.order + "] ASC) NUM,   " +
            "                  *   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTmaterial_stock]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition + ") AS [materialStock]  " +
            "  WHERE  NUM BETWEEN " + iStart.ToString() + " AND " + iEnd.ToString() + "   ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // iPage 第N頁
    // iSize 最大顯示數量
    public DataTable fnSelects(Carousel carousel, int iPage, int iSize)
        int    iStart     = (iPage - 1) * iSize + 1;
        int    iEnd       = iPage * iSize;
        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[carousel_id]", carousel.carousel_id);
        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[status]", carousel.status);

        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [carousel].[carousel_id],   " +
            "         [carousel].[name],   " +
            "         [carousel].[status],   " +
            "         CONVERT(CHAR, [carousel].[create_datetime], 111) [create_datetime],   " +
            "         [carousel].[NUM]   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [" + carousel.order + "] ASC) NUM,   " +
            "                  *   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTCarousel]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition + ") AS [carousel]  " +
            "  WHERE  NUM BETWEEN " + iStart.ToString() + " AND " + iEnd.ToString() + "   ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // sNum 排行
    public string fnSelectGroupId(GroupM groupM, string sNum)
        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[group_id]", groupM.group_id);
        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[name]", groupM.name);

        string sAccountSql = fnGetAccountCondition(groupM.user);

        if (sAccountSql != "")
            sCondition += " AND [group_id] IN " + sAccountSql;

        string sSql = "  SELECT [group_m].[group_id]  " +
                      "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [" + groupM.order + "] ASC) NUM,   " +
                      "                  *   " +
                      "          FROM   [MNDTgroup_master]   " +
                      "          WHERE  1 = 1" + sCondition + ") AS [group_m]  " +
                      "  WHERE [group_m].[NUM] = '" + sNum + "' ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetValue(sSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public DataTable fnExport(Material material)
        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[material_id]", material.material_id);
        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[name]", material.name);
        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[status]", material.status);
        sCondition += " ORDER BY [" + material.order + "] ";
        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [material].[material_id] '編號',   " +
            "         [material].[company_id] '公司ID',   " +
            "         [material].[name] '名子',   " +
            "         [material].[unit] '單位',   " +
            "         [material].[currency] '貨幣',  " +
            "         [material].[price] '價格',  " +
            "         [material].[shelf_life] '期限',  " +
            "         [material].[description] '描述',  " +
            "         [material].[status] '狀態'  " +
            "  FROM MNDTmaterial AS [material]  " +
            "  WHERE 1 = 1 " + sCondition;

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // iPage 第N頁
    // iSize 最大顯示數量
    public DataTable fnSelects(SReturnD sreturnD, int iPage, int iSize)
        int iStart = (iPage - 1) * iSize + 1;
        int iEnd   = iPage * iSize;

        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[return_id]", sreturnD.return_id);

        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [return_d].[seq],   " +
            "         [return_d].[product_id],   " +
            "         [return_d].[warehouse_id],   " +
            "         [return_d].[amount],   " +
            "         [return_d].[price],   " +
            "         [return_d].[description]   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [seq] ASC) NUM,   " +
            "                  *   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTSreturn_details]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition + ") AS [return_d]  " +
            "  WHERE  NUM BETWEEN " + iStart.ToString() + " AND " + iEnd.ToString() + "   ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // iPage 第N頁
    // iSize 最大顯示數量
    public DataTable fnSelects(KindM kindM, int iPage, int iSize)
        int iStart = (iPage - 1) * iSize + 1;
        int iEnd   = iPage * iSize;

        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[kind_id]", kindM.kind_id);
        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[name]", kindM.name);

        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [kind_m].[NUM],   " +
            "         [kind_m].[kind_id],   " +
            "         [kind_m].[name],   " +
            "         CONVERT(CHAR, [kind_m].[create_datetime], 111) [create_datetime],   " +
            "         CONVERT(CHAR, [kind_m].[modify_datetime], 111) [modify_datetime]   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER(ORDER BY[" + kindM.order + "] ASC) NUM, " +
            "                  *   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTkind_master]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition + ") AS [kind_m]  " +
            "  WHERE  NUM BETWEEN " + iStart.ToString() + " AND " + iEnd.ToString();

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    // iPage 第N頁
    // iSize 最大顯示數量
    public DataTable fnSelects(QuotesD quotesD, int iPage, int iSize)
        int iStart = (iPage - 1) * iSize + 1;
        int iEnd   = iPage * iSize;

        string sCondition = "";

        sCondition += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[order_id]", quotesD.order_id);

        string sInquireSql =
            "  SELECT [quotes_d].[product_id],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[amount],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[price],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[modify_amount],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[modify_price],   " +
            "         [quotes_d].[description]   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [product_id] ASC) NUM,   " +
            "                  *   " +
            "          FROM   [MNDTquotes_details]   " +
            "          WHERE  1 = 1 " + sCondition + ") AS [quotes_d]  " +
            "  WHERE  NUM BETWEEN " + iStart.ToString() + " AND " + iEnd.ToString() + "   ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sInquireSql, "MNDT"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public DataTable fnReport(string sCompanyId, string sDateS, string sDateE)
        string sCondition1 = "";
        string sCondition2 = "";

        sCondition1 += PublicApi.fnAddCondition("[material].[company_id]", sCompanyId);
        sCondition2  = sCondition1;
        if (sDateS.Length > 0)
            sCondition2 += " AND CONVERT(varchar(10), [receive_m].[datetime], 126) >= '" + sDateS + "' ";

        if (sDateS.Length > 0)
            sCondition2 += " AND CONVERT(varchar(10), [receive_m].[datetime], 126) <= '" + sDateE + "' ";

        string sSql =
            "  SELECT [data].*   " +
            "  FROM   (SELECT [material].[company_id],   " +
            "                 [receive_d].[material_id],   " +
            "                 [material].[name],   " +
            "                 [kind_d].[name]           [unit_name],   " +
            "                 [company].[name]          [company_name],   " +
            "                 [company].[email],   " +
            "                 [company].[address],   " +
            "                 [company].[tax_id],   " +
            "                 [company].[tel],   " +
            "                 [company].[phone],   " +
            "                 Sum([receive_d].[amount]) [amount],   " +
            "                 Sum([receive_d].[price])  [price],   " +
            "                 '進貨'                  [type]   " +
            "          FROM   [mndtreceive_master] [receive_m]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtreceive_details] [receive_d]   " +
            "                        ON [receive_m].[order_id] = [receive_d].[order_id]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtmaterial] [material]   " +
            "                        ON [receive_d].[material_id] = [material].[material_id]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtkind_details] [kind_d]   " +
            "                        ON [kind_d].[kind_id] = 'U1'   " +
            "                           AND [material].[unit] = [kind_d].[code_id]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtcompany] [company]   " +
            "                        ON [material].[company_id] = [company].[company_id]   " +
            "          WHERE  [receive_m].[status] <> 'D'   " +
            "                 AND [receive_m].[complete] = 'Y'   " +
            "                 AND [receive_d].[pay_complete] <> 'Y'   " + sCondition2 +
            "          GROUP  BY [material].[company_id],   " +
            "                    [material].[name],   " +
            "                    [kind_d].[name],   " +
            "                    [company].[name],   " +
            "                    [company].[email],   " +
            "                    [company].[address],   " +
            "                    [company].[tax_id],   " +
            "                    [company].[tel],   " +
            "                    [company].[phone],   " +
            "                    [receive_d].[material_id]   " +
            "          UNION   " +
            "          SELECT [material].[company_id],   " +
            "                 [return_d].[material_id],   " +
            "                 [material].[name],   " +
            "                 [kind_d].[name]          [unit_name],   " +
            "                 [company].[name]         [company_name],   " +
            "                 [company].[email],   " +
            "                 [company].[address],   " +
            "                 [company].[tax_id],   " +
            "                 [company].[tel],   " +
            "                 [company].[phone],   " +
            "                 -Sum([return_d].[amount]) [amount],   " +
            "                 -Sum([return_d].[price])  [price],   " +
            "                 '退貨'                 [type]  " +
            "          FROM   [mndtreturn_master] [return_m]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtreturn_details] [return_d]   " +
            "                        ON [return_m].[return_id] = [return_d].[return_id]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtmaterial] [material]   " +
            "                        ON [return_d].[material_id] = [material].[material_id]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtkind_details] [kind_d]   " +
            "                        ON [kind_d].[kind_id] = 'U1'   " +
            "                           AND [material].[unit] = [kind_d].[code_id]   " +
            "                 LEFT JOIN [mndtcompany] [company]   " +
            "                        ON [material].[company_id] = [company].[company_id]   " +
            "          WHERE  [return_m].[status] <> 'D'   " +
            "                 AND [return_m].[complete] = 'Y'   " +
            "                 AND [return_d].[pay_complete] <> 'Y'   " + sCondition1 +
            "          GROUP  BY [material].[company_id],   " +
            "                    [material].[name],   " +
            "                    [kind_d].[name],   " +
            "                    [company].[name],   " +
            "                    [company].[email],   " +
            "                    [company].[address],   " +
            "                    [company].[tax_id],   " +
            "                    [company].[tel],   " +
            "                    [company].[phone],   " +
            "                    [return_d].[material_id]) [data]   " +
            "  ORDER  BY [data].[type] DESC   ";

        return(PublicApi.fnGetDt(sSql, "MNDT"));