Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method loads and parses the rest of the supporting files 
        /// (e.g. Presentation, Calculation, Labels, Definition, etc.)
        /// and completes the parsing of the taxonomy. 
        /// It is called after the Taxonomy internal Xml Document is loaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numErrors">The number of errors in parsing.</param>
        protected override void ParseInternal( out int numErrors )
            ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs e = new ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs( "Processing " + this.SchemaFile + "..." );
            OnProcessingFileChanged( this, e );
            numErrors = 0;
            // if we've already been through, don't go through again
            if (this.allElements != null)

            int errors = 0;

            numWarnings = numErrors = 0;
            numPresErrors = numCalcErrors = numLabelErrors = numElementErrors = numDefErrors = 0;



            #if UNITTEST
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            // this loads up all dependant taxonomies, and loads the corresponding presentation, calculation, label, and reference linkbases
            #if UNITTEST
            start = DateTime.Now;

            LoadImports( out errors );
            numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
            Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadImports", DateTime.Now - start );
            start = DateTime.Now;

            // loads the presentation linkbase for this taxonomy and merges the dependant taxonomy presentation linkbases
            e = new ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs( "Processing Presentation files for " + this.SchemaFile + "..." );
            OnProcessingFileChanged( this, e );

            errors = 0;
            LoadPresentation( out errors );

            /* BUG 3406 - Per spec 5.1.2, if a dependent taxonomy has presentation then it must be
             * included in the DTS, even if the current taxonomy does not have a presentation file. */
            if ( presentationInfo != null && presentationInfo.Count > 0 )
                HasPresentation = true;

            numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
            Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadPresentation", DateTime.Now - start );
            start = DateTime.Now;

            // loads the calculation linkbase for this taxonomy and merges the dependant taxonomy calculation linkbases
            e = new ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs( "Processing Calculation files for " + this.SchemaFile + "..." );
            OnProcessingFileChanged( this, e );

            errors = 0;
            LoadCalculation( out errors ); //TODO

            /* BUG 3406 - Per spec 5.1.2, if a dependent taxonomy has calculation then it must be
             * included in the DTS, even if the current taxonomy does not have a calculation file. */
            if ( calculationInfo != null && calculationInfo.Count > 0 )
                HasCalculation = true;

            numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
            Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadCalculation", DateTime.Now - start );
            start = DateTime.Now;

            if (!SkipDefinitionFileLoading)

                LoadDefinition(out errors);
                numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
                Console.WriteLine("File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadDefinitions", DateTime.Now - start);
                start = DateTime.Now;


            #region might have to add the discovered taxonomies found in the dep taxonomy
            foreach (Taxonomy depTax in new ArrayList(this.dependantTaxonomies))
                if (depTax.dependantTaxonomyFilenames != null &&
                    depTax.dependantTaxonomies != null &&
                    depTax.dependantTaxonomyFilenames.Count ==
                    for (int i = 0; i < depTax.dependantTaxonomyFilenames.Count; i++)

                            depTax.dependantTaxonomies[i] as Taxonomy, out  errors);
                        numErrors += errors;



            // loads the labels for this taxonomy and merges the dependant taxonomy labels
            e = new ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs( "Processing Label files for " + this.SchemaFile + "..." );
            OnProcessingFileChanged( this, e );

            errors = 0;
            LoadLabels( out errors );
            numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
            Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadLabels", DateTime.Now - start );
            start = DateTime.Now;

            // loads the references for this taxonomy and merges the dependant taxonomy references
            e = new ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs( "Processing Reference files for " + this.SchemaFile + "..." );
            OnProcessingFileChanged( this, e );

            errors = 0;
            LoadReferences( out errors );
            numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
            Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadReferences", DateTime.Now - start );
            start = DateTime.Now;

            LoadRoleTypes(out errors);
            numErrors += errors;

            // loads the elements for this taxonomy and merges the dependant taxonomy elements
            errors = 0;
            LoadElements( out errors );
            numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
            Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "LoadElements", DateTime.Now - start );
            start = DateTime.Now;

            if ( !innerTaxonomy )
                foreach (Taxonomy depTax in this.dependantTaxonomies)

                if ( presentationInfo != null && presentationInfo.Count > 0 )
                    errors = 0;
                    BindPresentationCalculationElements( true, out errors );
                    numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
                    Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "BindElementToLocator", DateTime.Now - start );
                    start = DateTime.Now;

                if ( labelHrefHash != null && labelHrefHash.Count > 0 )

                    errors = 0;
                    BindElements( new BindElementDelegate( BindLabelToElement ), out errors );

                    numErrors += errors;
                    //do not clear for a cached taxonomy...
                    if (!usedAsCachedBaseTaxonomy)

            #if UNITTEST
                    Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "BindLabelToElement", DateTime.Now - start );
                    start = DateTime.Now;


                if ( referenceTable != null && referenceTable.Count > 0 )
                    errors = 0;
                    BindElements( new BindElementDelegate( BindReferenceToElement ), out errors );
                    numErrors += errors;

                    //do not clear for a cached taxonomy...
                    if (!usedAsCachedBaseTaxonomy)

            #if UNITTEST
                    Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "BindReferenceToElement", DateTime.Now - start );
                    start = DateTime.Now;

                if ( calculationInfo != null && calculationInfo.Count > 0 )
                    errors = 0;
                    BindPresentationCalculationElements( false, out errors );
                    numErrors += errors;

            #if UNITTEST
                    Console.WriteLine( "File: {0} Method: {1} ElapsedTime: {2}", schemaFilename, "BindElementToCalculationLocator", DateTime.Now - start );
                    start = DateTime.Now;

                if ( netDefinisionInfo != null && netDefinisionInfo.DefinitionLinks.Count > 0 )

                    errors = 0;
                    netDefinisionInfo.BindElementsToLocator( this.allElements );
                    //update information on parse complete.....
                    numErrors += errors;


                if ( extendedDataMappings.Count > 0 ) //reassign data type for the elements that uses the extended types

            #if UNITTEST
                    Console.WriteLine( "Begin Modify Element Types -- Extended Types:" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() );

                    foreach ( Element e1 in this.allElements.Values )
                        List<string> checkedTypes = new List<string>();
                        SetBaseType(e1, checkedTypes );

            #if UNITTEST
                    Console.WriteLine( "End Modify Element Types -- Extended Types:" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() );



                foreach ( Taxonomy depTax in this.dependantTaxonomies )
                    this.validationErrors.AddRange( depTax.validationErrors );
                    foreach ( string key in depTax.customDataTypesHash.Keys )
                        this.customDataTypesHash[key] = 1;

                if ( customDataTypesHash.Count > 0 )

                    //need to xpath into the xml doucment and read the information related to the
                    //custom data type so that typed domain refs works...
                    foreach ( string name in new ArrayList( customDataTypesHash.Keys ) )
                        this.customDataTypesHash[name] = LoadCustomDataType( name );

                //we want to call close on dep tax only after we get a chance to call
                //load custom data types as .. as the extended tax might depend on
                //a custom type created in the base taxonomy...
                foreach ( Taxonomy depTax in this.dependantTaxonomies )

                //this is required for extensions to get created properly.

                //fix substitution group
                #region good place to set the correct substitution group and type of the element

                //substitution group needs to point back to
                //item , tuple , dimenension, hypercube....

                //type can be nested...and we need to get the base type ....
                //for each element....
                foreach ( Element el in new ArrayList( AllElements.Values ) )
                    if ( !el.IsBaseSubstGroup() )

                        //recursvely walk up the chain till we find a base substitution group.
                        Hashtable preventRecursion = new Hashtable();
                        el.SetSubstitutionGroup( AllElements, preventRecursion );

                        //the following code is commented out as
                        //we have not been able to establish if this is a valid way to
                        //configure tuples
                        //the german taxonomy has elements that support this theory
                        //and also elements that do not support this theory
                        //so the code is being commented out until we can figure out the expected behaviour
                        //look at unit test  TestGermanCI_Presentation()
                        #region move elements into tuples based on subst group

                        //string otherElementId = el.OrigsubstGroup.Replace(":", "_");

                        //Element origEle = allElements[otherElementId] as Element;

                        //if (origEle == null) continue;

                        //ArrayList allClonesOfOrig = new ArrayList();

                        //foreach (Element master in allClonesOfOrig)

                        //    if ( master.Parent != null)
                        //    {

                        //        Element child = el;
                        //        Element parent = master.Parent;

                        //        if (el.Parent != null)
                        //        {
                        //            if (el.Parent.Id == parent.Id)
                        //            {
                        //                //nothing to do here
                        //                continue;
                        //            }
                        //            else
                        //            {
                        //                child = (Element)el.Clone();
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //        parent.AddChild(child);
                        //        child.SetOccurances(master.MinOccurances, master.MaxOccurances);

                        //        if (master.IsChoice)
                        //        {
                        //            //orig is a choice item , need to add the current item to the parent choice list

                        //            parent.ChoiceContainer.TheChoices.Add(
                        //                new Choice(parent.ChoiceContainer, child, child.MinOccurances, child.MaxOccurances));
                        //        }

                        //        // and remove this child from the hashtable
                        //        if (boundElements.ContainsKey(child.Id))
                        //        {
                        //            boundElements.Remove(child.Id);
                        //        }

                        //    }





                //enums might exist in one dep tax
                //and it might get used  in multiple other dep tax...
                //element enum information might not get populated ...
                //this might be a good place to correct it.

                //this is a good place to switch out all the titles in the linkbases to the
                //definition of the role refs..


                // and get rid of the dependant taxonomies
                if (!this.KeepInnerTaxonomies)

                //load rivet extensions if any is available
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// A method to wrap the call to the event delegate for telling the outside world if
 /// which file is being processed on the load. It gets called to provide some progress status
 /// report of what is happening with the load. This wrapper checks if the ProcessingFileChanged
 /// event handler is not null and then calls the delegate. If it is null, nothing happens.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tax"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 public static void OnProcessingFileChanged( Taxonomy tax, ProcessingFileChangedEventArgs e )
     if ( ProcessingFileChanged != null )
         ProcessingFileChanged( tax, e );