public IntroduceMemberPostfixTemplateInfo(
     [NotNull] string text, [NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext expression, IType expressionType, bool isStatic)
     : base(text, expression)
     ExpressionType = expressionType;
     IsStatic       = isStatic;
 public PostfixTemplateInfo(
     [NotNull] string text, [NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext expression,
     PostfixTemplateTarget target = PostfixTemplateTarget.Expression)
     Multiplier         = 0;
     myText             = text.ToLowerInvariant();
     myShortcut         = text;
     myTarget           = target;
     myImages           = new[] { new PostfixExpressionContextImage(expression) };
     myExecutionContext = expression.PostfixContext.ExecutionContext;
        private static string PresentExpression(
            [NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext context, [NotNull] string postfixText, out TextRange range)
            var text = context.Expression.GetText();

            range = context.ExpressionRange.TextRange;

            if (context.Expression.Contains(context.PostfixContext.Reference))
                var originalSize = text.Length;

                // "x > 0.par" => "x > 0"
                if (text.EndsWith(postfixText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - postfixText.Length).TrimEnd();

                var delta = originalSize - text.Length;
                if (delta >= 0)
                    range = range.ExtendRight(-delta);

            text = text.ReplaceNewLines().TrimStart();

            while (true) // "aa\n         && bb" => "aa && bb"
                var reduced = text.Replace("  ", " ");
                if (reduced.Length < text.Length)
                    text = reduced;

            const int textLength = 50;

            if (text.Length > textLength)
                text = text.Substring(0, textLength) + "…";

        protected override ITreeNode ExpandPostfix(PostfixExpressionContext context)
            var csharpContext = (CSharpPostfixExpressionContext)context;
            var psiModule     = csharpContext.PostfixContext.PsiModule;
            var psiServices   = psiModule.GetPsiServices();

            var expandedExpression = psiServices.DoTransaction(ExpandCommandName, () =>
                var factory    = CSharpElementFactory.GetInstance(psiModule);
                var expression = csharpContext.Expression;

                // todo: get rid of this xtra behavior?
                var operand = expression.GetOperandThroughParenthesis().NotNull("operand != null");

                var newExpression = CreateExpression(factory, operand);


                // todo: DecorateReplacedExpression()?

 public override PostfixExpressionContext FixExpression(PostfixExpressionContext context)
 public CheckForNullPostfixTemplateInfo(
     [NotNull] string text, [NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext expression, bool checkNotNull, PostfixTemplateTarget target)
     : base(text, expression, target)
     CheckNotNull = checkNotNull;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected abstract ITreeNode ExpandPostfix([NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext context);
Ejemplo n.º 8
	private bool postfixExpression_sempred(PostfixExpressionContext _localctx, int predIndex) {
		switch (predIndex) {
		case 0: return Precpred(Context, 6);
		case 1: return Precpred(Context, 5);
		case 2: return Precpred(Context, 4);
		case 3: return Precpred(Context, 3);
		case 4: return Precpred(Context, 2);
		case 5: return Precpred(Context, 1);
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	private PostfixExpressionContext postfixExpression(int _p) {
		ParserRuleContext _parentctx = Context;
		int _parentState = State;
		PostfixExpressionContext _localctx = new PostfixExpressionContext(Context, _parentState);
		PostfixExpressionContext _prevctx = _localctx;
		int _startState = 14;
		EnterRecursionRule(_localctx, 14, RULE_postfixExpression, _p);
		int _la;
		try {
			int _alt;
			EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);
			_localctx = new SimpleExpressionContext(_localctx);
			Context = _localctx;
			_prevctx = _localctx;

			State = 115; primaryExpression();
			Context.Stop = TokenStream.Lt(-1);
			State = 140;
			_alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,10,Context);
			while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=global::Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATN.InvalidAltNumber ) {
				if ( _alt==1 ) {
					if ( ParseListeners!=null )
					_prevctx = _localctx;
					State = 138;
					switch ( Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,9,Context) ) {
					case 1:
						_localctx = new IndexContext(new PostfixExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState));
						PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_postfixExpression);
						State = 117;
						if (!(Precpred(Context, 6))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 6)");
						State = 118; Match(LeftBracket);
						State = 119; argumentExpressionList(0);
						State = 120; Match(RightBracket);
					case 2:
						_localctx = new CallContext(new PostfixExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState));
						PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_postfixExpression);
						State = 122;
						if (!(Precpred(Context, 5))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 5)");
						State = 123; Match(LeftParen);
						State = 125;
						_la = TokenStream.La(1);
						if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << LeftParen) | (1L << Plus) | (1L << PlusPlus) | (1L << Minus) | (1L << MinusMinus) | (1L << Star) | (1L << And) | (1L << Not) | (1L << Tilde) | (1L << Identifier) | (1L << Constant) | (1L << StringLiteral))) != 0)) {
							State = 124; argumentExpressionList(0);

						State = 127; Match(RightParen);
					case 3:
						_localctx = new MemberAccessContext(new PostfixExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState));
						PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_postfixExpression);
						State = 128;
						if (!(Precpred(Context, 4))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 4)");
						State = 129; Match(Dot);
						State = 130; Match(Identifier);
					case 4:
						_localctx = new MemberPointerAccessContext(new PostfixExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState));
						PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_postfixExpression);
						State = 131;
						if (!(Precpred(Context, 3))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 3)");
						State = 132; Match(Arrow);
						State = 133; Match(Identifier);
					case 5:
						_localctx = new PostfixIncrementContext(new PostfixExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState));
						PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_postfixExpression);
						State = 134;
						if (!(Precpred(Context, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 2)");
						State = 135; Match(PlusPlus);
					case 6:
						_localctx = new PostfixDecrementContext(new PostfixExpressionContext(_parentctx, _parentState));
						PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_postfixExpression);
						State = 136;
						if (!(Precpred(Context, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 1)");
						State = 137; Match(MinusMinus);
				State = 142;
				_alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,10,Context);
		catch (RecognitionException re) {
			_localctx.exception = re;
			ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re);
			ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re);
		finally {
		return _localctx;
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public PostfixIncrementContext(PostfixExpressionContext context) { CopyFrom(context); }
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public CallContext(PostfixExpressionContext context) { CopyFrom(context); }
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public SimpleExpressionContext(PostfixExpressionContext context) { CopyFrom(context); }
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public MemberPointerAccessContext(PostfixExpressionContext context) { CopyFrom(context); }
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public IndexContext(PostfixExpressionContext context) { CopyFrom(context); }
Ejemplo n.º 15
		public virtual void CopyFrom(PostfixExpressionContext context) {
        protected override ITreeNode ExpandPostfix(PostfixExpressionContext context)
            var csharpContext = (CSharpPostfixExpressionContext)context;
            var psiModule     = csharpContext.PostfixContext.PsiModule;
            var psiServices   = psiModule.GetPsiServices();
            var factory       = CSharpElementFactory.GetInstance(psiModule);

            var targetStatement = csharpContext.GetContainingStatement();
            var expressionRange = csharpContext.Expression.GetDocumentRange();

            // Razor issue - hard to convert expression to statement
            if (!targetStatement.GetDocumentRange().IsValid())
                var newStatement = psiServices.DoTransaction(ExpandCommandName, () =>
                    // todo: pass original context?
                    var expression = csharpContext.Expression.GetOperandThroughParenthesis().NotNull();
                    return(CreateStatement(factory, expression));

                var razorStatement = RazorUtil.FixExpressionToStatement(expressionRange, psiServices);
                if (razorStatement != null)
                    return(psiServices.DoTransaction(ExpandCommandName, () =>
                        var statement = razorStatement.ReplaceBy(newStatement);

                        // force Razor's bracing style
                        var languageService = statement.Language.LanguageService().NotNull();
                        var formatter = languageService.CodeFormatter.NotNull();
                        formatter.Format(statement, CodeFormatProfile.SOFT, NullProgressIndicator.Instance);

                        return statement;

                Logger.Fail("Failed to resolve target statement to replace");

            return(psiServices.DoTransaction(ExpandCommandName, () =>
                var expression = csharpContext.Expression.GetOperandThroughParenthesis().NotNull();
                var newStatement = CreateStatement(factory, expression);

                Assertion.AssertNotNull(targetStatement, "targetStatement != null");
                Assertion.Assert(targetStatement.IsPhysical(), "targetStatement.IsPhysical()");

                // Sometimes statements produced by templates are unfinished (for example, because of
                // parentheses insertion mode in R#), so the created statements has error element at and,
                // prefixed with single-characted whitespace. We remove this whitespace here:
                var errorElement = newStatement.LastChild as IErrorElement;
                if (errorElement != null)
                    var whitespaceNode = errorElement.PrevSibling as IWhitespaceNode;
                    if (whitespaceNode != null && !whitespaceNode.IsNewLine && whitespaceNode.GetText() == " ")
                        using (WriteLockCookie.Create(newStatement.IsPhysical()))

                return targetStatement.ReplaceBy(newStatement);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public PostfixUsingTemplateInfo([NotNull] string text, [NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext expression, bool shouldCreateVariable)
     : base(text, expression)
     ShouldCreateVariable = shouldCreateVariable;
 public ForLoopPostfixTemplateInfo(
     [NotNull] string text, [NotNull] PostfixExpressionContext expression, [CanBeNull] string lengthPropertyName)
     : base(text, expression)
     LengthPropertyName = lengthPropertyName;