public Directions Optimize(Point[] points)
            DBC.Assert(points.Length > 1, "Unable to optimize a route with less than 2 points.");


            if (IsSingleRouteDirections(points)) return BuildSingleRouteDirections(points);

            var graph = new DirectedGraph(points);
            var graphNavigator = new GraphNavigator(graph, points.First(), points.Last(), roadPathService);
            IList<Directions> cycles = graphNavigator.GetCycles();
            stitchingService = new StitchingService(cycles, graph);
            var stitched = stitchingService.Stitch();
            stitched.Order(points.First(), points.Last());
            return stitched;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IEnumerable<Shape> _addSeriesAsPolyline(Point[] points, Brush color, double storkeThickness,
            bool animate = true)
            if (points.Length < 2) return Enumerable.Empty<Shape>();
            var addedFigures = new List<Shape>();

            var l = 0d;
            for (var i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                var p1 = points[i - 1];
                var p2 = points[i];
                l += Math.Sqrt(
                    Math.Pow(Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X), 2) +
                    Math.Pow(Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y), 2)

            var f = points.First();
            var p = points.Where(x => x != f);
            var g = new PathGeometry
                Figures = new PathFigureCollection(new List<PathFigure>
                    new PathFigure
                        StartPoint = f,
                        Segments = new PathSegmentCollection(
                            p.Select(x => new LineSegment {Point = new Point(x.X, x.Y)}))

            var path = new Path
                Stroke = color,
                StrokeThickness = storkeThickness,
                Data = g,
                StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
                StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round,
                StrokeDashOffset = l,
                StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { l, l },
                ClipToBounds = true

            var sp = points.ToList();
            sp.Add(new Point(points.Max(x => x.X), ToPlotArea(Chart.Min.Y, AxisTags.Y)));


            var draw = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
                BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
                KeyFrames = new DoubleKeyFrameCollection
                    new SplineDoubleKeyFrame
                        KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1),
                        Value = l
                    new SplineDoubleKeyFrame
                        KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(750),
                        Value = 0
            Storyboard.SetTarget(draw, path);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(draw, new PropertyPath(Shape.StrokeDashOffsetProperty));
            var sbDraw = new Storyboard();
            var animated = false;
            if (!Chart.DisableAnimation)
                if (animate)
                    animated = true;
            if (!animated) path.StrokeDashOffset = 0;
            return addedFigures;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void captureImageGrabberEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Mat m = new Mat();

                imgInput = m.ToImage <Bgr, Byte>();
                var imgGray = imgInput.Convert <Gray, byte>().Clone(); //Конвертируем в оттенки серого

                imgGray._EqualizeHist();                               // выравниваем ярксоть (только для черно-белого изображения)

                imgGray._SmoothGaussian(1);                                                                                                           //гауусовский фильтр

                VectorOfRect faces = new VectorOfRect(faceFrontalDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.1, 3, new Size(100, 100), new Size(300, 300))); //находим все лица
                if (faces.Size > 0)
                    Rectangle[] facesRect = faces.ToArray();// приводим вектор к фигуре

                    Array.Sort(facesRect, new Comparison <Rectangle>(CompareShapes));  //сортировка по высоте

                    VectorOfVectorOfPointF landmarks = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF();

                    bool success = facemark.Fit(imgGray, faces, landmarks);//находим точки лица

                    double k = (double)faces[0].Width / imgGray.Width;

                    double s = (matrixCam * avarageFaceSize) / k;

                    PointF[] h = landmarks[0].ToArray();//преобразовываем в массив точек

                    //var point = h.Select(p => new Point(Convert.ToInt32(p.X), Convert.ToInt32(p.Y)));

                    Point[] rightEye = new Point[6];
                    rightEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].X));
                    rightEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].Y));
                    rightEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].X));
                    rightEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].Y));
                    rightEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].X));
                    rightEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].Y));
                    rightEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].X));
                    rightEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].Y));
                    rightEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].X));
                    rightEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].Y));
                    rightEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].X));
                    rightEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].Y));

                    var rightEyeMinimalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var rightEyeMaximalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    Point[] leftEye = new Point[6];
                    leftEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].X));
                    leftEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].Y));
                    leftEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].X));
                    leftEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].Y));
                    leftEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].X));
                    leftEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].Y));
                    leftEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].X));
                    leftEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].Y));
                    leftEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].X));
                    leftEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].Y));
                    leftEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].X));
                    leftEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].Y));

                    var leftEyeMinimalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var leftEyeMaximalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    imgInput.DrawPolyline(leftEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 1);
                    imgInput.DrawPolyline(rightEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 1);

                    ////for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; ++i)
                    ////    mas[i].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[i].X));
                    ////    mas[i].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[i].Y));

                    //imgInput.Draw(h[37], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                    //imgInput.Draw(new CircleF(mas[41], 10), new Bgr(Color.Gray), 1);

                    //imgInput.DrawPolyline(mas, true, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                    //////if (success)
                    //////    facesRect = faces.ToArray();
                    //////    for (int i = 0; i < facesRect.Length; i++)
                    //////    {
                    //////        imgInput.Draw(facesRect[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                    //////        FaceInvoke.DrawFacemarks(imgInput, landmarks[i], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar);

                    //////    }
                    //////    //return imgInput;
                    //return null;

                    //int cropHeight = (int)Math.Round(facesRect[0].Height * 0.5, 0);

                    //Rectangle eyesAreaRec = new Rectangle(facesRect[0].X, (int)Math.Round(facesRect[0].Y * 1.4), facesRect[0].Width, cropHeight);

                    //for (int i = 0; i < facesRect.Length; i++)
                    //    imgInput.Draw(facesRect[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                    //    //FaceInvoke.DrawFacemarks(imgInput, landmarks[i], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar);


                    //imgInput.Draw(eyesAreaRec, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);

                    Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        if (faces.Size > 0)
                            faceSizePixelEdit.Text   = faces[0].Size.Height.ToString();
                            camLengthEdit.Text       = s.ToString();
                            arcScaleComponent1.Value = faces[0].Size.Height;

                            if (rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y > 0 && rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y > 0)
                                rightEyeEdit.Text = Convert.ToString(rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y - rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y);
                    //faceSizePixelEdit.Text = Convert.ToString(k);
                    generalBox.Image = imgInput;
                else if (faces.Size == 0)
                    //faces = new VectorOfRect(faceProfilDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray));
                    generalBox.Image = imgInput;

                //VectorOfRect faces = new VectorOfRect(faceDetector.DetectMultiScale(grayImage));
                //VectorOfVectorOfPointF landmarks = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF();

                //bool success = facemark.Fit(grayImage, faces, landmarks);
                //PointF[][] f = landmarks.ToArrayOfArray();
                //if (success)
                //    Rectangle[] facesRect = faces.ToArray();
                //    for (int i = 0; i < facesRect.Length; i++)
                //    {
                //        imgInput.Draw(facesRect[0], new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
                //        FaceInvoke.DrawFacemarks(imgInput, landmarks[i], new Bgr(Color.Blue).MCvScalar);

                //    }
                //    return imgInput;
                //return null;

                //if (faces.Length > 0)
                //    faceSizePixelEdit.Text = Convert.ToString(faces[0].Size.Height * faces[0].Size.Width);
                //faceSizePixelEdit.Text = faces[0].Size.Height.ToString();

                //////var imgGray = imgInput.Convert<Gray, byte>().Clone();
                //////Rectangle[] faces = classifierFace.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.1, 4);
                //////foreach (var face in faces)
                //////    imgInput.Draw(face, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 2);

                //////    imgGray.ROI = face;
                //////    Rectangle[] eyes = classifierEye.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.1, 4);
                //////    foreach (var eye in eyes)
                //////    {
                //////        var ec = eye;
                //////        ec.X += face.X;
                //////        ec.Y += face.Y;
                //////        imgInput.Draw(ec, new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 2);
                //////    }


                //imageInput =
                //pictureBox1.Image = m.ToImage<Bgr, byte>().Bitmap;
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        bool inError = false;

        string[] xs = args[0].Replace("\"", string.Empty).Split(',');
        string[] ys = args[1].Replace("\"", string.Empty).Split(',');

        error |= (xs.Length != ys.Length);
        error |= (xs.Length < 3);

        // Checking data
        Point[] points = new Point[xs.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length && !error; i++)
            int x = 0, y = 0;

            error |= !(int.TryParse(xs[i], out x));
            error |= !(int.TryParse(ys[i], out y));

            points[i] = new Point {
                X = x, Y = y

        if (error)

        List <Point> convexHull = new List <Point>();

        // Algorithm start (Jarvis' Algorithm)
        int   minX     = points.Min(pt => pt.X);
        Point leftmost = points.First(pt => pt.X == minX);         // I don't care if there are more than one


        // Jarvis' Algorithm states that to determine the next point in the convex hull you need
        // to find the rightmost point, compared to the last one identified.
        // i.e. given P the last point and Q the one in exam, there is no point R in the remaining
        // set that creates a clockwise triangle PQR
        Point p          = leftmost;
        Point nextInHull = null;

        while (true)
            nextInHull = null;
            foreach (Point q in points)
                if (q == p)

                // if I find at least one point clockwise, then it's not the rightmost one
                if (points.Any(r =>
                    if (r == q || r == p)
                    return(IsClockwise(p, q, r));

                nextInHull = q;
                break;                 // I found the right one, just stop here

            if (nextInHull != leftmost)
                p = nextInHull;

        Console.WriteLine("Convex Hull:");
        foreach (Point pt in convexHull)
            Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", pt.X, pt.Y);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void DrawLines(DrawingContext drawingContext, Pen pen, Point[] points)
     var pathGeometry = new PathGeometry();
     var figure = new PathFigure(points.First(), points.Skip(1).Select(p => new LineSegment(p, true)), true);
     pathGeometry.Figures = new PathFigureCollection { figure };
     drawingContext.DrawGeometry(null, pen, pathGeometry);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void imageGraberCapture(object sender, EventArgs e)
                #region Получение кадра и массива лиц

                Mat m = new Mat();

                Image <Bgr, Byte> inputImage = m.ToImage <Bgr, Byte>();
                var imgGray = inputImage.Convert <Gray, Byte>().Clone();                                                           //Конвертируем в оттенки серого
                imgGray._EqualizeHist();                                                                                           //выравниваем яркость
                imgGray._SmoothGaussian(1);                                                                                        //убираем шумы

                VectorOfRect faces = new VectorOfRect(faceFrontalDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray, 1.05, 5, new Size(120, 120))); //находим все лица


                if (faces.Size > 0)
                    Rectangle[] facesRect = faces.ToArray(); // приводим вектор к фигуре

                    facesRect.OrderBy(ob => ob.Height);      //сортировка по высоте

                    VectorOfVectorOfPointF landmarks = new VectorOfVectorOfPointF();

                    bool success = facemark.Fit(imgGray, faces, landmarks); //находим точки лица

                    #region Анализ расстояния до пользователя

                    double k = ((double)faces[0].Height) / imgGray.Height;

                    currentDistance = (2.5 * avarageFaceSize) / k;


                    #region Анализ яркости

                    imageBrightList = FrameBright(imgGray.Clone(), facesRect[0]);

                    if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 55)
                        currentBright = 10;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 45 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 55)
                        currentBright = 20;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 35 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 45)
                        currentBright = 35;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 25 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 35)
                        currentBright = 50;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 15 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 25)
                        currentBright = 70;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 10 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 15)
                        currentBright = 85;
                    else if ((imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) > 5 && (imageBrightList[1] - imageBrightList[0]) < 10)
                        currentBright = 95;

                    //currentBright = (int)(((100.0/255)*imageBrightList[0]) + 0.5);


                    #region Глазной анализатор

                    PointF[] h = landmarks[0].ToArray();//преобразовываем в массив точек

                    Point[] rightEye = new Point[6];
                    rightEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].X));
                    rightEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[36].Y));
                    rightEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].X));
                    rightEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[37].Y));
                    rightEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].X));
                    rightEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[38].Y));
                    rightEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].X));
                    rightEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[39].Y));
                    rightEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].X));
                    rightEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[40].Y));
                    rightEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].X));
                    rightEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[41].Y));

                    var rightEyeMinimalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var rightEyeMaximalPoint = rightEye.First(x => x.Y == rightEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    Point[] leftEye = new Point[6];
                    leftEye[0].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].X));
                    leftEye[0].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[42].Y));
                    leftEye[1].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].X));
                    leftEye[1].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[43].Y));
                    leftEye[2].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].X));
                    leftEye[2].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[44].Y));
                    leftEye[3].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].X));
                    leftEye[3].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[45].Y));
                    leftEye[4].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].X));
                    leftEye[4].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[46].Y));
                    leftEye[5].X = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].X));
                    leftEye[5].Y = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(h[47].Y));

                    var leftEyeMinimalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Max(y => y.Y));
                    var leftEyeMaximalPoint = leftEye.First(x => x.Y == leftEye.Min(y => y.Y));

                    if (rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y > 0 && rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y > 0 && leftEyeMaximalPoint.Y > 0 && leftEyeMinimalPoint.Y > 0)
                        double bufer;

                        inputImage.DrawPolyline(leftEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);
                        inputImage.DrawPolyline(rightEye, true, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);

                        bufer = rightEyeMinimalPoint.Y - rightEyeMaximalPoint.Y;

                        double kk = ((double)bufer) / imgGray.Height;

                        curentRightEye = (currentDistance * kk) / 2.5; //в сантиметрах

                        if (curentRightEye > heightOpenRightEye)
                            curentRightEye = heightOpenRightEye;
                        else if (curentRightEye < heightCloseRightEye * chit)
                            curentRightEye = heightCloseRightEye;

                        curentLeftEye = curentRightEye;
                        curentLeftEye  = heightCloseRightEye;
                        curentRightEye = heightCloseRightEye;

                    double?buffer = ((100 / (heightOpenLeftEye - heightCloseLeftEye)) * (curentRightEye - heightCloseLeftEye));


                    Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        if (faces.Size > 0)
                            //brightGaugComponent.Value = (float)60;
                            distanceGaugComponent.Value = (float)currentDistance;

                            //график света
                            linearScaleMarkerComponent3.Value   = (float)currentBright;
                            linearScaleRangeBarComponent2.Value = (float)currentBright;

                            //lengthEdit.Text = test.ToString();
                            //faceSizeEdit.Text = curentRightEye.ToString();

                            //график глаза
                            linearScaleRangeBarComponent3.Value = (float)buffer;
                            linearScaleMarkerComponent4.Value   = (float)buffer;
                            //linearScaleRangeBarComponent1.Value = 60;

                    inputImage.Draw(faces[0], new Bgr(Color.Green), 1);

                    generalTabBox.Image = inputImage;
                else if (faces.Size == 0)
                    //faces = new VectorOfRect(faceProfilDetector.DetectMultiScale(imgGray));
                    generalTabBox.Image = inputImage;

            catch (Exception ex)