Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void CreateDocumentActions(PDFFixedDocument document)
            // Create an action that will open the document at the last page with 200% zoom.
            PDFPageDirectDestination pageDestination = new PDFPageDirectDestination();

            pageDestination.Page = document.Pages[document.Pages.Count - 1];
            pageDestination.Zoom = 200;
            pageDestination.Top  = 0;
            pageDestination.Left = 0;
            PDFGoToAction openAction = new PDFGoToAction();

            openAction.Destination = pageDestination;
            document.OpenAction    = openAction;

            // Create an action that is executed when the document is closed.
            PDFJavaScriptAction jsCloseAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();

            jsCloseAction.Script       = "app.alert({cMsg: \"The document will close now.\", cTitle: \"O2S.Components.PDF4NET Actions Sample\"});";
            document.BeforeCloseAction = jsCloseAction;

            // Create an action that is executed before the document is printed.
            PDFJavaScriptAction jsBeforePrintAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();

            jsBeforePrintAction.Script = "app.alert({cMsg: \"The document will be printed.\", cTitle: \"O2S.Components.PDF4NET Actions Sample\"});";
            document.BeforePrintAction = jsBeforePrintAction;

            // Create an action that is executed after the document is printed.
            PDFJavaScriptAction jsAfterPrintAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();

            jsAfterPrintAction.Script = "app.alert({cMsg: \"The document has been printed.\", cTitle: \"O2S.Components.PDF4NET Actions Sample\"});";
            document.AfterPrintAction = jsAfterPrintAction;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void CreateJavaScriptActions(PDFFixedDocument document, PDFFont font)
            PDFPen   blackPen   = new PDFPen(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1);
            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush();

            font.Size = 12;
            PDFStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PDFStringAppearanceOptions();

            sao.Brush = blackBrush;
            sao.Font  = font;
            PDFStringLayoutOptions slo = new PDFStringLayoutOptions();

            slo.HorizontalAlign = PDFStringHorizontalAlign.Center;
            slo.VerticalAlign   = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Middle;

            for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++)
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("JavaScript actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 480);

                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 500, 200, 20);
                slo.X = 500;
                slo.Y = 510;
                document.Pages[i].Canvas.DrawString("Click me", sao, slo);

                // Create a link annotation on top of the widget.
                PDFLinkAnnotation link = new PDFLinkAnnotation();
                link.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(400, 500, 200, 20);

                // Create a Javascript action and attach it to the link.
                PDFJavaScriptAction jsAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();
                jsAction.Script = "app.alert({cMsg: \"JavaScript action: you are now on page " + (i + 1) + "\", cTitle: \"O2S.Components.PDF4NET Actions Sample\"});";
                link.Action     = jsAction;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create the graphic objects
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFStandardFont fontText = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);

            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor());

            // Create 3 pages
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Page 1", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 30);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Page 1", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 30);

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Page 2", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 30);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Page 2", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 30);

            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Page 3", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 30);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Page 3", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 30);

            /// URI Action
            // create a web action
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFURIAction uriAction = new PDFURIAction();
            PDFUriAction uriAction = new PDFUriAction();

            uriAction.URI = "http://www.o2sol.com/";

            // create a bookmark to point to the url above
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark url = new PDFBookmark();
            PDFOutlineItem url = new PDFOutlineItem();

            url.Title  = "www.o2sol.com";
            url.Color  = new PDFRgbColor();
            url.Action = uriAction;
            // add the bookmark to the document
            //PDF4NET v5: doc.Bookmarks.Add(url);
            /// URI Action

            /// Javascript Action
            // create a javascript action to print the document
            PDFJavaScriptAction jsAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();

            jsAction.Script = "this.print(true);\n";

            // create a bookmark to point to execute the action
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFBookmark js = new PDFBookmark();
            PDFOutlineItem js = new PDFOutlineItem();

            js.Title  = "Print me from JavaScript";
            js.Color  = new PDFRgbColor();
            js.Action = jsAction;
            // add the bookmark to the document
            //PDF4NET v5: doc.Bookmarks.Add(url);
            /// Javascript Action

            /// OpenDocument action
            // Create an action to be executed when the document is opened
            // The action will open the document at the
            // second page of the document using a 800% zoom
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPageDestination pageDestination = new PDFPageDestination();
            PDFPageDirectDestination pageDestination = new PDFPageDirectDestination();

            pageDestination.Page = doc.Pages[1];
            //PDF4NET v5: pageDestination.MagnificationMode = PDFMagnificationMode.XYZ;
            pageDestination.ZoomMode = PDFDestinationZoomMode.XYZ;

            pageDestination.Left = 0;
            pageDestination.Top  = 0;
            pageDestination.Zoom = 800;
            PDFGoToAction goToAction = new PDFGoToAction();

            goToAction.Destination = pageDestination;

            // set the action on the document
            doc.OpenAction = goToAction;
            /// OpenDocument action

            // Save the document to disk
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method for running the sample.
        /// </summary>
        public static SampleOutputInfo[] Run()
            PDFFixedDocument document  = new PDFFixedDocument();
            PDFStandardFont  helvetica = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);
            PDFBrush         brush     = new PDFBrush();

            PDFPage page = document.Pages.Add();

            // First name
            page.Canvas.DrawString("First name:", helvetica, brush, 50, 50);
            PDFTextBoxField firstNameTextBox = new PDFTextBoxField("firstname");

            firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].Font             = helvetica;
            firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 45, 200, 20);
            firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth      = 1;

            // Last name
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Last name:", helvetica, brush, 50, 80);
            PDFTextBoxField lastNameTextBox = new PDFTextBoxField("lastname");

            lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].Font             = helvetica;
            lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 75, 200, 20);
            lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth      = 1;

            // Sex
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Sex:", helvetica, brush, 50, 110);
            PDFRadioButtonField  sexRadioButton = new PDFRadioButtonField("sex");
            PDFRadioButtonWidget maleRadioItem  = new PDFRadioButtonWidget();

            PDFRadioButtonWidget femaleRadioItem = new PDFRadioButtonWidget();


            page.Canvas.DrawString("Male", helvetica, brush, 180, 110);
            maleRadioItem.ExportValue      = "M";
            maleRadioItem.CheckStyle       = PDFCheckStyle.Circle;
            maleRadioItem.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 105, 20, 20);
            maleRadioItem.BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            maleRadioItem.BorderWidth      = 1;

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Female", helvetica, brush, 280, 110);
            femaleRadioItem.ExportValue      = "F";
            femaleRadioItem.CheckStyle       = PDFCheckStyle.Circle;
            femaleRadioItem.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(250, 105, 20, 20);
            femaleRadioItem.BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            femaleRadioItem.BorderWidth      = 1;

            // First car
            page.Canvas.DrawString("First car:", helvetica, brush, 50, 140);
            PDFDropDownListField firstCarList = new PDFDropDownListField("firstcar");

            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Mercedes", "Mercedes"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("BMW", "BMW"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Audi", "Audi"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Volkswagen", "Volkswagen"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Porsche", "Porsche"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Honda", "Honda"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Toyota", "Toyota"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Lexus", "Lexus"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Infiniti", "Infiniti"));
            firstCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Acura", "Acura"));
            firstCarList.Widgets[0].Font             = helvetica;
            firstCarList.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 135, 200, 20);
            firstCarList.Widgets[0].BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            firstCarList.Widgets[0].BorderWidth      = 1;

            // Second car
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Second car:", helvetica, brush, 50, 170);
            PDFListBoxField secondCarList = new PDFListBoxField("secondcar");

            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Mercedes", "Mercedes"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("BMW", "BMW"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Audi", "Audi"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Volkswagen", "Volkswagen"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Porsche", "Porsche"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Honda", "Honda"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Toyota", "Toyota"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Lexus", "Lexus"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Infiniti", "Infiniti"));
            secondCarList.Items.Add(new PDFListItem("Acura", "Acura"));
            secondCarList.Widgets[0].Font             = helvetica;
            secondCarList.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 165, 200, 60);
            secondCarList.Widgets[0].BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            secondCarList.Widgets[0].BorderWidth      = 1;

            // I agree
            page.Canvas.DrawString("I agree:", helvetica, brush, 50, 240);
            PDFCheckBoxField agreeCheckBox = new PDFCheckBoxField("agree");

            agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica;
            (agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0] as PDFCheckWidget).ExportValue = "YES";
            (agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0] as PDFCheckWidget).CheckStyle  = PDFCheckStyle.Check;
            agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 235, 20, 20);
            agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor      = PDFRgbColor.Black;
            agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth      = 1;

            // Sign here
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Sign here:", helvetica, brush, 50, 270);
            PDFSignatureField signHereField = new PDFSignatureField("signhere");

            signHereField.Widgets[0].Font             = helvetica;
            signHereField.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(150, 265, 200, 60);

            // Submit form
            PDFPushButtonField submitBtn = new PDFPushButtonField("submit");

            submitBtn.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(450, 45, 150, 30);
            (submitBtn.Widgets[0] as PDFPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Submit form";
            submitBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PDFRgbColor.LightGray;
            PDFSubmitFormAction submitFormAction = new PDFSubmitFormAction();

            submitFormAction.DataFormat = PDFSubmitDataFormat.FDF;
            submitFormAction.SubmitFields = true;
            submitFormAction.Url          = "http://www.o2sol.com/";
            submitBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp  = submitFormAction;

            // Reset form
            PDFPushButtonField resetBtn = new PDFPushButtonField("reset");

            resetBtn.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(450, 85, 150, 30);
            (resetBtn.Widgets[0] as PDFPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Reset form";
            resetBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PDFRgbColor.LightGray;
            PDFResetFormAction resetFormAction = new PDFResetFormAction();

            resetBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = resetFormAction;

            // Print form
            PDFPushButtonField printBtn = new PDFPushButtonField("print");

            printBtn.Widgets[0].DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(450, 125, 150, 30);
            (printBtn.Widgets[0] as PDFPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Print form";
            printBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PDFRgbColor.LightGray;
            PDFJavaScriptAction printAction = new PDFJavaScriptAction();

            printAction.Script          = "this.print(true);\n";
            printBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = printAction;

            SampleOutputInfo[] output = new SampleOutputInfo[] { new SampleOutputInfo(document, "formgenerator.pdf") };