Ejemplo n.º 1
		public void btAmendClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

			new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
				.SetPositiveButton("Yes", async (sender1, args) =>


						Intent Intent = new Intent (this, typeof(OrderActivity));

						var orderList = this.orderListAdapter.GetOrderList();

						List<OrderList1> Items = new List<OrderList1> ();

						foreach (var order in orderList) {

							var isSkip = 0;

							if (order.IsSkip) {
								isSkip = 1;

							OrderList1 item = new OrderList1 (order.StockId, order.StockName, order.ShouldNumber, order.StockNumber, order.OrderNumber, order.Unit, isSkip);
							Items.Add (item);

						Intent.PutParcelableArrayListExtra("key", Items.ToArray());

						Intent.PutExtra("type", "amend");

						StartActivity (Intent);

						this.OverridePendingTransition(Resource.Animation.slide_in_top, Resource.Animation.slide_out_bottom);

				.SetNegativeButton("No", (sender3, args) =>
						// User pressed no 
				.SetTitle("This button will allow you to enter or change the order number, Continue ?")
Ejemplo n.º 2
		//Handle when user click LIST button
		public void btFinalClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

			//Save the last value
			//			try {
			//				var stockNumber = Double.Parse (edit_Stock.Text);
			//				if (Settings.CKStaff || this.EditType == "amend") {
			//					this.orderListAdapter.SetOrderAtPosition (selectedIndex, stockNumber);
			//				}
			//				else
			//				{
			//					this.orderListAdapter.SetStockAtPosition (selectedIndex, stockNumber);
			//					this.orderListAdapter.SetOrderAtPosition (selectedIndex, this.orderListAdapter.GetItemAtPosition (selectedIndex).ShouldNumber - stockNumber);
			//				}
			//			} catch (Exception ew) {
			//				Console.WriteLine (ew.StackTrace);
			//				Toast.MakeText (this, "Input not valid", ToastLength.Short).Show ();
			//				return;
			//			}


			//Go back to homepage
			Intent Intent = new Intent (this, typeof(HomeActivity));

			var orderList = this.orderListAdapter.GetOrderList();

			List<OrderList1> Items = new List<OrderList1> ();

			foreach (var order in orderList) {
				var isSkip = 0;

				if (order.IsSkip) {
					isSkip = 1;

				OrderList1 item = new OrderList1 (order.StockId, order.StockName, order.ShouldNumber, order.StockNumber, order.OrderNumber, order.Unit, isSkip);
				Items.Add (item);

			Intent.PutParcelableArrayListExtra("key", Items.ToArray());

			Intent.SetFlags (ActivityFlags.ClearTask | ActivityFlags.NewTask);

			StartActivity (Intent);

			this.OverridePendingTransition(Resource.Animation.slide_in_top, Resource.Animation.slide_out_bottom);


Ejemplo n.º 3
		public void btOrderClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

			Intent Intent = new Intent (this, typeof(OrderActivity));

			var CurrentDate = Utility.GetTodayDate();

			List<OrderList> orderList = new List<OrderList>();

			//get current data
			if (CurrentDate == this.StartDate)
				LoginController.Log("CurrentDate == this.StartDate: " + this.StartDate.ToShortDateString());

				orderList = this.orderListAdapter.GetOrderList();
			//get the newest data
				LoginController.Log("CurrentDate != this.StartDate: " + CurrentDate.ToShortDateString());

				orderList = OrderController.GetOrderList(CurrentDate);

			List<OrderList1> Items = new List<OrderList1>();

			foreach (var order in orderList)
				var isSkip = 0;

				if (order.IsSkip)
					isSkip = 1;

				OrderList1 item = new OrderList1(order.StockId, order.StockName, order.ShouldNumber, order.StockNumber, order.OrderNumber, order.Unit, isSkip);

			Intent.PutExtra("type", "order");

			Intent.PutParcelableArrayListExtra("key", Items.ToArray());

			StartActivity (Intent);

			this.OverridePendingTransition(Resource.Animation.slide_in_top, Resource.Animation.slide_out_bottom);

Ejemplo n.º 4
		//Handle when user click Back on tablet
		public override void OnBackPressed(){

			Intent Intent = new Intent (this, typeof(HomeActivity));

			var orderList = this.orderListAdapter.GetOrderList();

			List<OrderList1> Items = new List<OrderList1> ();

			foreach (var order in orderList) {

				var isSkip = 0;

				if (order.IsSkip) {
					isSkip = 1;

				OrderList1 item = new OrderList1 (order.StockId, order.StockName, order.ShouldNumber, order.StockNumber, order.OrderNumber, order.Unit, isSkip);
				Items.Add (item);

			Intent.PutParcelableArrayListExtra("key", Items.ToArray());

			Intent.SetFlags (ActivityFlags.ClearTask | ActivityFlags.NewTask);

			StartActivity (Intent);

			this.OverridePendingTransition(Resource.Animation.slide_in_top, Resource.Animation.slide_out_bottom);

