Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static extern RESULT FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState(IntPtr sound, ref OPENSTATE openstate, ref uint percentbuffered, ref int starving);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static extern RESULT FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState            (IntPtr sound, out OPENSTATE openstate, out uint percentbuffered, out bool starving, out bool diskbusy);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public RESULT getOpenState(ref OPENSTATE openstate, ref uint percentbuffered, ref bool starving)
            RESULT result;
            int s = 0;

            result = FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState(soundraw, ref openstate, ref percentbuffered, ref s);

            starving = (s != 0);

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public RESULT getOpenState(ref OPENSTATE openstate, ref uint percentbuffered, ref bool starving)
     return FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState(soundraw, ref openstate, ref percentbuffered, ref starving);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public RESULT getOpenState            (out OPENSTATE openstate, out uint percentbuffered, out bool starving, out bool diskbusy)
     return FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState(rawPtr, out openstate, out percentbuffered, out starving, out diskbusy);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a url and plays the audio found there
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The stream from internet.</returns>
        /// <param name="url">URL.</param>
        /// <param name="soundReturn">Sound return.</param>
        public static void PlaySoundFromNet(string url, out Sound _sound, out Channel _channel, out InternetStreamData _streamData)
            // Low level
            FMOD.System  system;
            ChannelGroup channelGroup;
            Sound        sound;
            Channel      channel;

            // Result and network enum
            RESULT    result    = RESULT.OK;
            OPENSTATE openState = OPENSTATE.READY;

            // Declare
            system = RuntimeManager.LowlevelSystem;
            system.getMasterChannelGroup(out channelGroup);         // Sound will be put on master channel group

            // Increase stream buffer size to account for internet lag
            // FMOD's example uses TIMEUNIT.RAWBYTES (8 bytes) but this caused the buffer to fill and the file to stop playing
            // TIMUNIT.PCMFRACTION is 16 bytes and has meant the file keeps playing
            result = system.setStreamBufferSize(64 * 1024, TIMEUNIT.PCMFRACTION);

            // Allocate memory for new sound object

            exInfo.cbsize         = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
            exInfo.filebuffersize = 1024 * 16;                          // Increase the default chunk size to hanlde seeking inside large playlist files that me be over 2kb

            // Create sound and return the sound object. Non blocking meaning it is opened / prepared in the background. sound.getOpenState gets the info about its loading
            result = system.createSound(url, MODE.CREATESTREAM | MODE.NONBLOCKING, ref exInfo, out sound);

            // Return if creating sound failed
            if (result != RESULT.OK)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("FMOD Extensions: Failed to create sound from net. " + result);
                _sound      = new Sound();
                _channel    = new Channel();
                _streamData = new InternetStreamData();

            _sound = sound;

            // Info data returning from the sound object
            InternetStreamData streamData = new InternetStreamData(0, 0, false, false, false, false, "Stopped");

            // Main function for getting the information from the sound object
            result = sound.getOpenState(out openState, out streamData.percent, out streamData.isStarving, out streamData.isDiskBusy);

            // Return error message if we can't get the state of the sound
            if (result != RESULT.OK)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("FMOD Extensions: Could not get open state of file. " + result);
                _sound      = new Sound();
                _channel    = new Channel();
                _streamData = new InternetStreamData();

            // Wait for file to become ready / for it to play
            while (openState != OPENSTATE.READY)
                result = sound.getOpenState(out openState, out streamData.percent, out streamData.isStarving, out streamData.isDiskBusy);

            result = system.playSound(sound, channelGroup, false, out channel);

            _channel = channel;

            if (!channel.hasHandle())
                result = sound.getOpenState(out openState, out streamData.percent, out streamData.isStarving, out streamData.isDiskBusy);

                channel.getPaused(out streamData.isPaused);

                channel.isPlaying(out streamData.isPlaying);

                channel.getPosition(out streamData.pos, TIMEUNIT.MS);


                UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} {2}", streamData.isPaused, streamData.isPlaying, streamData.pos);

            channel.getPaused(out streamData.isPaused);

            channel.isPlaying(out streamData.isPlaying);

            channel.getPosition(out streamData.pos, TIMEUNIT.MS);

            if (openState == OPENSTATE.BUFFERING)
                streamData.state = "Buffering";
            else if (openState == OPENSTATE.CONNECTING)
                streamData.state = "Connecting...";
            else if (streamData.isPaused)
                streamData.state = "Paused";
            else if (streamData.isPlaying)
                streamData.state = "Playing";

            _streamData = streamData;

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("FMOD Extensions: Successfully created stream from net");
 private static extern RESULT FMOD5_Sound_GetOpenState(IntPtr sound, out OPENSTATE openstate, out uint percentbuffered, out bool starving, out bool diskbusy);
 public RESULT getOpenState(out OPENSTATE openstate, out uint percentbuffered, out bool starving, out bool diskbusy)
     return(FMOD5_Sound_GetOpenState(handle, out openstate, out percentbuffered, out starving, out diskbusy));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private static extern RESULT FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState(IntPtr sound, ref OPENSTATE openstate, ref uint percentbuffered, ref bool starving);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public RESULT getOpenState(ref OPENSTATE openstate, ref uint percentbuffered, ref bool starving)
     return(Sound.FMOD_Sound_GetOpenState(soundraw, ref openstate, ref percentbuffered, ref starving));