protected override void ExecuteCrmWorkFlowActivity(CodeActivityContext context, LocalWorkflowContext localContext)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (localContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localContext));

            decimal number1            = Number1.Get(context);
            decimal number2            = Number2.Get(context);
            int     roundDecimalPlaces = RoundDecimalPlaces.Get(context);

            if (number2 == 0)
                Quotient.Set(context, 0);

            decimal quotient = number1 / number2;

            if (roundDecimalPlaces != -1)
                quotient = Math.Round(quotient, roundDecimalPlaces);

            Quotient.Set(context, quotient);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
            var n  = Number1.Get <decimal>(executionContext);
            var n2 = Number2.Get <decimal>(executionContext);

            switch (Symbol.Get <string>(executionContext))
            case "+":
                n += n2;

            case "-":
                n -= n2;

            case "/":
                n /= n2;

            case "*":
                n *= n2;

            Result.Set(executionContext, n);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            Dog   dog   = new Dog();
            Taidi taidi = new Taidi();

            Wolf[] wolves = { dog, taidi };

            for (int i = 0; i < wolves.Length; i++)

            animal an = new cat();


            Shape shape = new Circle(6);

            double area = shape.Area();
            double zhou = shape.Length();

            Console.WriteLine("{0}    {1}", area, zhou);
            Number1 number1 = new Number1();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected bool Equals(CultureSample other)
     if (Numbers.Where((t, i) => !t.Equals(other.Numbers[i])).Any())
     return(Number1.Equals(other.Number1) && Number2.Equals(other.Number2) && Number3.Equals(other.Number3) && Dec1 == other.Dec1 && Dec2 == other.Dec2 && Date1.Equals(other.Date1) && Date2.Equals(other.Date2));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // override object.GetHashCode
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 11;

            hash = hash * 13 + Number1.GetHashCode();
            hash = hash * 13 + Number2.GetHashCode();
            hash = hash * 13 + Answer.GetHashCode();
            hash = hash * 13 + Oper.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override object Run(object input)
            LogDebug("Input to Task2: " + input.ToString());// TRACE <  DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL

            long op = (long)input * Number1;

            LogInfo(input.ToString() + " * " + Number1.ToString() + " = " + Convert.ToString(op));

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override object Run(object input)
            // TRACE <  DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL

            LogDebug("Starting Task 1!");
            long op = Number1 + Number2;

            LogInfo(Number1.ToString() + " + " + Number2.ToString() + " = " + Convert.ToString(op));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Number1 number = new Number1 {
                Name    = nametxt.Text.ToString(),
                Surname = surnametxt.Text.ToString(),
                Age     = surnametxt.Text.ToString()

            XmlVisualitons xmlVisualitons = new XmlVisualitons();

Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected void btncalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        float     Num, Num2, WeigTea, WeigStu;
        float     SUMScore, Number1, Number2;
        string    strCount = "select count(*) AS COUNT1 from 评分表 where ( 评分表.DID = (select 传值表.TransID from 传值表)) and (select 用户表.urid from 用户表 where 用户表.cid = 评分表.cid) = 1";
        DataTable DTC      = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(strCount);

        if (DTC.Rows.Count > 0)
            Num = float.Parse(DTC.Rows[0]["COUNT1"].ToString());
            string    strSti = "select SUM (Value1+Value2+Value3+Value4) AS SumScore1 from 评分表 where ( 评分表.DID = (select 传值表.TransID from 传值表)) and (select 用户表.urid from 用户表 where 用户表.cid = 评分表.cid) = 1";
            DataTable DTT    = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(strSti);
            if (DTT.Rows.Count > 0)
                Number1 = float.Parse(DTT.Rows[0]["SumScore1"].ToString()) / Num;
                txtScoreTeacher.Text = Number1.ToString();
                string    strCOUNT = "select count(*) AS COUNT2 from 评分表 where ( 评分表.DID = (select 传值表.TransID from 传值表)) and (select 用户表.urid from 用户表 where 用户表.cid = 评分表.cid) = 2";
                DataTable DTCS     = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(strCOUNT);
                if (DTCS.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Num2 = float.Parse(DTCS.Rows[0]["COUNT2"].ToString());
                    string    strStiSUM = "select SUM (Value1+Value2+Value3+Value4) AS SumScore2 from 评分表 where ( 评分表.DID = (select 传值表.TransID from 传值表)) and (select 用户表.urid from 用户表 where 用户表.cid = 评分表.cid) = 2";
                    DataTable DTTSUM    = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(strStiSUM);
                    if (DTT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Number2 = float.Parse(DTTSUM.Rows[0]["SumScore2"].ToString()) / Num2;
                        txtScoreStudent.Text = Number2.ToString();
                        string    sqlweight1 = "select UWeight from 用户权重表 where URID = 1";
                        DataTable DTW1       = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(sqlweight1);
                        if (DTCS.Rows.Count > 0)
                            WeigTea = float.Parse(DTW1.Rows[0]["UWeight"].ToString());
                            string    sqlweight2 = "select UWeight from 用户权重表 where URID = 2";
                            DataTable DTW2       = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(sqlweight2);
                            if (DTCS.Rows.Count > 0)
                                WeigStu              = float.Parse(DTW2.Rows[0]["UWeight"].ToString());
                                SUMScore             = Number1 * WeigTea + Number2 * WeigStu; //计算总成绩
                                txtSummaryScore.Text = SUMScore.ToString();
                                string    sqlsummary = "insert into 汇总表 (DID,SValue,TValue,SUValue) values('" + txtkong.Text + "','" + txtScoreStudent.Text + "','" + txtScoreTeacher.Text + "','" + txtSummaryScore.Text + "')";
                                DataTable DTSum      = DBOper.execQueryBySQLText(sqlsummary);
                                if (DTSum.Rows.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public IEntity GetDigit(int num, Vector2 pos)
            IEntity returnEntity = new Number0(pos);

            switch (num)
            case 0:
                returnEntity = new Number0(pos);

            case 1:
                returnEntity = new Number1(pos);

            case 2:
                returnEntity = new Number2(pos);

            case 3:
                returnEntity = new Number3(pos);

            case 4:
                returnEntity = new Number4(pos);

            case 5:
                returnEntity = new Number5(pos);

            case 6:
                returnEntity = new Number6(pos);

            case 7:
                returnEntity = new Number7(pos);

            case 8:
                returnEntity = new Number8(pos);

            case 9:
                returnEntity = new Number9(pos);

Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = Number1.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number2.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number3.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Numbers?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Dec1.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Dec2.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Date1.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Date2.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = Number1.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number2.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number3;
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number4.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number5.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number6.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Number7;
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number8.GetHashCode();
         // hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Number9.GetHashCode();
        protected override void ExecuteCrmWorkFlowActivity(CodeActivityContext context, LocalWorkflowContext localContext)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (localContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localContext));

            decimal number1 = Number1.Get(context);
            decimal number2 = Number2.Get(context);

            decimal maxValue = number1 >= number2 ? number1 : number2;

            MaxValue.Set(context, maxValue);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void ButtonNumberClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ContentControl contentControl = (ContentControl)sender;
            string         button         = contentControl.Content.ToString();
            int            inputValue     = Convert.ToInt32(button);

            if (Operation == "")
                Number1        = (Number1 * 10) + inputValue;
                txtResult.Text = Number1.ToString();
                Number2        = (Number2 * 10) + inputValue;
                txtResult.Text = Number2.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Number1 != 0)
                hash ^= Number1.GetHashCode();
            if (Number2 != 0)
                hash ^= Number2.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
        protected override void ExecuteCrmWorkFlowActivity(CodeActivityContext context, LocalWorkflowContext localContext)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (localContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localContext));

            decimal number1            = Number1.Get(context);
            decimal number2            = Number2.Get(context);
            int     roundDecimalPlaces = RoundDecimalPlaces.Get(context);

            decimal sum = number1 + number2;

            if (roundDecimalPlaces != -1)
                sum = Math.Round(sum, roundDecimalPlaces);

            Sum.Set(context, sum);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        protected override void ExecuteCrmWorkFlowActivity(CodeActivityContext context, LocalWorkflowContext localContext)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (localContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localContext));

            decimal number1            = Number1.Get(context);
            decimal number2            = Number2.Get(context);
            int     roundDecimalPlaces = RoundDecimalPlaces.Get(context);

            decimal difference = number1 - number2;

            if (roundDecimalPlaces != -1)
                difference = Math.Round(difference, roundDecimalPlaces);

            Difference.Set(context, difference);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected override void ExecuteCrmWorkFlowActivity(CodeActivityContext context, LocalWorkflowContext localContext)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (localContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localContext));

            decimal number1            = Number1.Get(context);
            decimal number2            = Number2.Get(context);
            int     roundDecimalPlaces = RoundDecimalPlaces.Get(context);

            decimal averageValue = (number1 + number2) / 2;

            if (roundDecimalPlaces != -1)
                averageValue = Math.Round(averageValue, roundDecimalPlaces);

            AverageValue.Set(context, averageValue);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private void RemoveSigns()
     Number1 = Number1.Replace("-", "");
     Number2 = Number2.Replace("-", "");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Needed parameters for reading and writing in file(s)
            FileStream   Stream1;
            FileStream   Stream2;
            StreamWriter Writer;
            StreamReader Reader;

            BigInt Test;

            Test = new BigInt();

            int    LoopNumber;
            string Number1;
            string Number2;
            string Number3;
            string Number4;

            List <char> Result;
            string      Answer;

            // Multiply Part
            Stream1 = new FileStream("MultiplyTestCases.txt", FileMode.Open);
            Reader  = new StreamReader(Stream1);

            Stream2 = new FileStream("MultiplyOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            Writer  = new StreamWriter(Stream2);

            Test = new BigInt();

            LoopNumber = int.Parse(Reader.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < LoopNumber; i++)
                Number1 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number2 = Reader.ReadLine();

                Result = Test.Multiplication(Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());
                Answer = Answer.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' });
                if (Answer == "")
                    Answer = "0";

                if (i != (LoopNumber - 1))


            // Add Part
            Stream1 = new FileStream("AddTestCases.txt", FileMode.Open);
            Reader  = new StreamReader(Stream1);

            Stream2 = new FileStream("AddOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            Writer  = new StreamWriter(Stream2);

            LoopNumber = int.Parse(Reader.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < LoopNumber; i++)
                Number1 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number2 = Reader.ReadLine();

                Result = Test.Addition(Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());

                if (i != (LoopNumber - 1))


            // Subtract Part
            Stream1 = new FileStream("SubtractTestCases.txt", FileMode.Open);
            Reader  = new StreamReader(Stream1);

            Stream2 = new FileStream("SubtractOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            Writer  = new StreamWriter(Stream2);

            LoopNumber = int.Parse(Reader.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < LoopNumber; i++)
                Number1 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number2 = Reader.ReadLine();

                Result = Test.Subtraction(Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());
                Answer = Answer.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' });
                if (Answer == "")
                    Answer = "0";

                if (i != (LoopNumber - 1))


            //RSA Sample Test Cases
            Stream1 = new FileStream("SampleRSA.txt", FileMode.Open);
            Reader  = new StreamReader(Stream1);

            Stream2 = new FileStream("SampleRSAOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            Writer  = new StreamWriter(Stream2);

            LoopNumber = int.Parse(Reader.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < LoopNumber; i++)
                Number1 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number2 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number3 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number4 = Reader.ReadLine();
                if (Number4 == "0")
                    Result = Test.RSAEncryption(Number3.ToList <char>(), Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                    Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());
                    Answer = Answer.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' });
                    if (Answer == "")
                        Answer = "0";
                if (Number4 == "1")
                    Result = Test.RSADecryption(Number3.ToList <char>(), Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                    Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());
                    Answer = Answer.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' });
                    if (Answer == "")
                        Answer = "0";

            //RSA Complete Test Cases
            Stream1 = new FileStream("TestRSA.txt", FileMode.Open);
            Reader  = new StreamReader(Stream1);

            Stream2 = new FileStream("TestRSAOutput.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
            Writer  = new StreamWriter(Stream2);

            LoopNumber = int.Parse(Reader.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < LoopNumber; i++)
                Number1 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number2 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number3 = Reader.ReadLine();
                Number4 = Reader.ReadLine();

                if (Number4 == "0")
                    int Before = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    Result = Test.RSAEncryption(Number3.ToList <char>(), Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                    int After     = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    int Diffrence = After - Before;
                    Console.WriteLine("Time Of Case #: " + (i + 1) + " = " + Diffrence);

                    Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());
                    Answer = Answer.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' });
                    if (Answer == "")
                        Answer = "0";
                if (Number4 == "1")
                    int Before = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    Result = Test.RSADecryption(Number3.ToList <char>(), Number1.ToList <char>(), Number2.ToList <char>());
                    int After     = System.Environment.TickCount;
                    int Diffrence = After - Before;
                    Console.WriteLine("Time Of Case #: " + (i + 1) + " = " + Diffrence);

                    Answer = new string(Result.ToArray <char>());
                    Answer = Answer.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' });
                    if (Answer == "")
                        Answer = "0";

            //End of program
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void ReloadNumberLists()
     Number1 !.UnselectAll();
     NumberToChoose = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
                Math.Max(Number1.Get <int>(executionContext), Number2.Get <int>(executionContext)));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public async Task ComputerChooseNumberAsync()
     await ChooseNumberAsync(Number1.NumberToChoose());
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override int GetHashCode()
     // xor the hash codes of the elements used to evaluate
     // equality
     return(Number1.GetHashCode() ^ Number2.GetHashCode());
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public List <string> FizzBuzzer()
            List <string> result = new List <string>();

            if ((Number1 % DivisableBy1 == 0) && (Number1 % DivisableBy2 == 0))
                result.Add(Number1.ToString() + " " + Fizz + Buzz);
            else if (Number1 % DivisableBy1 == 0)
                result.Add(Number1.ToString() + " " + Fizz);
            else if (Number1 % DivisableBy2 == 0)
                result.Add(Number1.ToString() + " " + Buzz);

            if ((Number2 % DivisableBy1 == 0) && (Number2 % DivisableBy2 == 0))
                result.Add(Number2.ToString() + " " + Fizz + Buzz);
            else if (Number2 % DivisableBy1 == 0)
                result.Add(Number2.ToString() + " " + Fizz);
            else if (Number2 % DivisableBy2 == 0)
                result.Add(Number2.ToString() + " " + Buzz);

            if ((Number3 % DivisableBy1 == 0) && (Number3 % DivisableBy2 == 0))
                result.Add(Number3.ToString() + " " + Fizz + Buzz);
            else if (Number3 % DivisableBy1 == 0)
                result.Add(Number3.ToString() + " " + Fizz);
            else if (Number3 % DivisableBy2 == 0)
                result.Add(Number3.ToString() + " " + Buzz);

            if ((Number4 % DivisableBy1 == 0) && (Number4 % DivisableBy2 == 0))
                result.Add(Number4.ToString() + " " + Fizz + Buzz);
            else if (Number4 % DivisableBy1 == 0)
                result.Add(Number4.ToString() + " " + Fizz);
            else if (Number4 % DivisableBy2 == 0)
                result.Add(Number4.ToString() + " " + Buzz);

            if ((Number5 % DivisableBy1 == 0) && (Number5 % DivisableBy2 == 0))
                result.Add(Number5.ToString() + " " + Fizz + Buzz);
            else if (Number5 % DivisableBy1 == 0)
                result.Add(Number5.ToString() + " " + Fizz);
            else if (Number5 % DivisableBy2 == 0)
                result.Add(Number5.ToString() + " " + Buzz);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        // OLD signature notice the case, this did NOT work with the deserialise
        //   public String batch_id, myinterface, voucher_type, trans_type, client, account, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3, dim_4,
        //    dim_5, dim_6, dim_7, tax_code, tax_system, currency, dc_flag, cur_amount, amount, number_1,
        //    value_1, value_2, value_3, description, trans_date, voucher_date, voucher_no, period, tax_flag, ext_inv_ref,
        //    ext_ref, due_date, disc_date, discount, commitment, order_id, kid, pay_transfer, status, apar_type,
        //    apar_id, pay_flag, voucher_ref, sequence_ref, intrule_id, factor_short, responsible, apar_name, address, province,
        //    place, bank_account, pay_method, vat_reg_no, zip_code, curr_licence, account2, base_amount, base_curr, pay_temp_id,
        //    allocation_key, period_no, clearing_code, swift, arrive_id, bank_acc_type

        public String beautifyGL07()
            // this function will process the NULL values and return a GL07 fixed width line
            // ? allows null to not give a runtime error
            // ?? is effectively a coalesce.  do the right side of the ?? if the left side is null else do the left side
            PayMethod     = PayMethod?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            BatchId       = BatchId?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Interface     = Interface?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            VoucherType   = VoucherType?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            TransType     = TransType?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            Client        = Client?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Account       = Account?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat1          = Cat1?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat2          = Cat2?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat3          = Cat3?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat4          = Cat4?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat5          = Cat5?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat6          = Cat6?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Cat7          = Cat7?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            TaxCode       = TaxCode?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            TaxSystem     = TaxSystem?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Currency      = Currency?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            DcFlag        = DcFlag?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            CurAmount     = CurAmount.Trim().PadLeft(20);
            Amount        = Amount.Trim().PadLeft(20);
            Number1       = Number1.Trim().PadLeft(11);
            Value1        = Value1.Trim().PadLeft(20);
            Value2        = Value2.Trim().PadLeft(20);
            Value3        = Value3.Trim().PadLeft(20);
            Description   = Description?.Trim().PadRight(255).Substring(0, 255) ?? "".PadRight(255);
            TransDate     = TransDate?.Trim().PadRight(8).Substring(0, 8) ?? "".PadRight(8);
            VoucherDate   = VoucherDate?.Trim().PadRight(8).Substring(0, 8) ?? "".PadRight(8);
            VoucherNo     = VoucherNo?.Trim().PadRight(15).Substring(0, 15) ?? "".PadRight(15);
            Period        = Period?.Trim().PadRight(6).Substring(0, 6) ?? "".PadRight(6);
            TaxFlag       = TaxFlag?.Trim().PadRight(1).Substring(0, 1) ?? "".PadRight(1);
            ExtInvRef     = ExtInvRef?.Trim().PadRight(100).Substring(0, 100) ?? "".PadRight(100);
            ExtRef        = ExtRef?.Trim().PadRight(255).Substring(0, 255) ?? "".PadRight(255);
            DueDate       = DueDate?.Trim().PadRight(8).Substring(0, 8) ?? "".PadRight(8);
            DiscDate      = DiscDate?.Trim().PadRight(8).Substring(0, 8) ?? "".PadRight(8);
            Discount      = Discount?.Trim().PadRight(20).Substring(0, 20) ?? "".PadRight(20);
            Commitment    = Commitment?.Trim().PadLeft(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            OrderId       = OrderId?.Trim().PadRight(15).Substring(0, 15) ?? "".PadRight(15);
            Kid           = Kid?.Trim().PadRight(27).Substring(0, 27) ?? "".PadRight(27);
            PayTransfer   = PayTransfer?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            Status        = Status?.Trim().PadRight(1).Substring(0, 1) ?? "".PadRight(1);
            AparType      = AparType?.Trim().PadRight(1).Substring(0, 1) ?? "".PadRight(1);
            AparId        = AparId?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            PayFlag       = PayFlag?.Trim().PadRight(1).Substring(0, 1) ?? "".PadRight(1);
            VoucherRef    = VoucherRef?.Trim().PadRight(15).Substring(0, 15) ?? "".PadRight(15);
            SequenceRef   = SequenceRef?.Trim().PadRight(9).Substring(0, 9) ?? "".PadRight(9);
            IntruleId     = IntruleId?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            FactorShort   = FactorShort?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            Responsible   = Responsible?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            AparName      = AparName?.Trim().PadRight(255).Substring(0, 255) ?? "".PadRight(255);
            Address       = Address?.Trim().PadRight(160).Substring(0, 160) ?? "".PadRight(160);
            Province      = Province?.Trim().PadRight(40).Substring(0, 40) ?? "".PadRight(40);
            Place         = Place?.Trim().PadRight(40).Substring(0, 40) ?? "".PadRight(40);
            BankAccount   = BankAccount?.Trim().PadRight(35).Substring(0, 35) ?? "".PadRight(35);
            PayMethod     = PayMethod?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            VatRegNo      = VatRegNo?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            ZipCode       = ZipCode?.Trim().PadRight(15).Substring(0, 15) ?? "".PadRight(15);
            CurrLicence   = CurrLicence?.Trim().PadRight(3).Substring(0, 3) ?? "".PadRight(3);
            Account2      = Account2?.Trim().PadRight(25).Substring(0, 25) ?? "".PadRight(25);
            BaseAmount    = BaseAmount?.Trim().PadLeft(20).Substring(0, 20) ?? "".PadRight(20);
            BaseCurr      = BaseCurr?.Trim().PadLeft(20).Substring(0, 20) ?? "".PadRight(20);
            PayTempId     = PayTempId?.Trim().PadRight(4).Substring(0, 4) ?? "".PadRight(4);
            AllocationKey = AllocationKey?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            PeriodNo      = PeriodNo?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);
            Clearingcode  = Clearingcode?.Trim().PadRight(13).Substring(0, 13) ?? "".PadRight(13);
            Swift         = Swift?.Trim().PadRight(11).Substring(0, 11) ?? "".PadRight(11);
            Arriveid      = Arriveid?.Trim().PadRight(15).Substring(0, 15) ?? "".PadRight(15);
            BankAccType   = BankAccType?.Trim().PadRight(2).Substring(0, 2) ?? "".PadRight(2);

            return(BatchId + Interface + VoucherType + TransType + Client
                   + Account + Cat1 + Cat2 + Cat3 + Cat4
                   + Cat5 + Cat6 + Cat7 + TaxCode + TaxSystem + Currency
                   + DcFlag + CurAmount + Amount + Number1 + Value1 + Value2
                   + Value3 + Description + TransDate + VoucherDate + VoucherNo
                   + Period + TaxFlag + ExtInvRef + ExtRef + DueDate + DiscDate
                   + Discount + Commitment + OrderId + Kid + PayTransfer + Status
                   + AparType + AparId + PayFlag + VoucherRef + SequenceRef + IntruleId
                   + FactorShort + Responsible + AparName + Address + Province + Place
                   + BankAccount + PayMethod + VatRegNo + ZipCode + CurrLicence + Account2
                   + BaseAmount + BaseCurr + PayTempId + AllocationKey + PeriodNo + Clearingcode
                   + Swift + Arriveid + BankAccType

            //       String GL07Line = fw.BatchId.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Interface?.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.VoucherType.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.TransType.Trim().PadRight(2) + fw.Client.Trim().PadRight(25)
            //+ fw.Account.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Cat1.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Cat2.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Cat3.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Cat4.Trim().PadRight(25)
            //+ fw.Cat5.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Cat6.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Cat7.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.TaxCode.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.TaxSystem.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Currency.Trim().PadRight(25)
            //+ fw.DcFlag.Trim().PadRight(2) + fw.CurAmount.Trim().PadLeft(20) + fw.Amount.Trim().PadLeft(20) + fw.Number1.Trim().PadLeft(11) + fw.Value1.Trim().PadLeft(20) + fw.Value2.Trim().PadLeft(20)
            //+ fw.Value3.Trim().PadLeft(20) + fw.Description.Trim().PadRight(255) + fw.TransDate.Trim().PadRight(8) + fw.VoucherDate.Trim().PadRight(8) + fw.VoucherNo.Trim().PadRight(15)
            //+ fw.Period.Trim().PadRight(6) + fw.TaxFlag.Trim().PadRight(1) + fw.ExtInvRef.Trim().PadRight(100) + fw.ExtRef.Trim().PadRight(255) + fw.DueDate.Trim().PadRight(8) + fw.DiscDate.Trim().PadRight(8)
            //+ fw.Discount.Trim().PadRight(20) + fw.Commitment.Trim().PadLeft(25) + fw.OrderId.Trim().PadRight(15) + fw.Kid.Trim().PadRight(27) + fw.PayTransfer.Trim().PadRight(2) + fw.PayTransfer.Trim().PadRight(1)
            //+ fw.AparType.Trim().PadRight(1) + fw.AparId.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.PayFlag.Trim().PadRight(1) + fw.VoucherRef.Trim().PadRight(15) + fw.SequenceRef.Trim().PadRight(9) + fw.IntruleId.Trim().PadRight(25)
            //+ fw.FactorShort.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.Responsible.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.AparName.Trim().PadRight(255) + fw.Address.Trim().PadRight(160) + fw.Province.Trim().PadRight(40) + fw.Place.Trim().PadRight(40)
            //+ fw.BankAccount.Trim().PadRight(35) + fw.PayMethod + fw.VatRegNo.Trim().PadRight(25) + fw.ZipCode.Trim().PadRight(15) + fw.CurrLicence.Trim().PadRight(3) + fw.Account2.Trim().PadRight(25)
            //+ fw.BaseAmount.Trim().PadLeft(20) + fw.BaseCurr.Trim().PadLeft(20) + fw.PayTempId.Trim().PadRight(4) + fw.AllocationKey.Trim().PadRight(2) + fw.PeriodNo.Trim().PadRight(2) + fw.Clearingcode.Trim().PadRight(13)
            //+ fw.Swift.Trim().PadRight(11) + fw.Arriveid.Trim().PadRight(15) + fw.BankAccType.Trim().PadRight(2)
            // ;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public string Subtraction(string Number1, string Number2)
        {// Result = Number1 - Number2
            #region For Short Result
            // if this process can't be made with easy, i am going to make with "String"
            if (Number1 == Number2)
            if (mySortClassObject.NumberIsZero(Number1))
                return("-" + Number2);
            if (mySortClassObject.NumberIsZero(Number2))
            if (!ForDeveloper && !NumberIsSoBig)
                double example0, example1;
                if (double.TryParse(Number1, out example0) && double.TryParse(Number2, out example1))
                    return((example0 - example1).ToString());
            if (Checking)
                XtraMessageBox.Show("\tThis process can't do without this algorithm. Because your number is so big.\nError: OverFlow");
                Checking = false;


            #region For Numbers Containing ","
            int    MaxLengthOfDenominator = 0;
            string DenominatorNumber0 = "1", DenominatorNumber1 = "1"; // number count is 2 => Number1 and Number2
            if (Number1.Contains(","))                                 // for example, if Number1 is 22,2 (decimal) so, if it is not integer
                // 22,2 => 222 / 10
                // for caracter length that after comma is "1", Denominator of this number is "10"
                // if caracter length that after comma were being "2", Denominator of this number was being "100"
                string Denominator = "1";
                int    length      = Number1.Substring(Number1.IndexOf(",") + 1).Length; // caracter that After comma (",")
                for (int bx = 0; bx < length; bx++)
                    Denominator += "0";
                DenominatorNumber0 = Denominator;
                Number1            = Number1.Replace(",", ""); // i remove ",".  22,2 => 222 / 10
            if (Number2.Contains(","))
                // 22,2 => 222 / 10
                string Denominator = "1";
                int    length      = Number2.Substring(Number2.IndexOf(",") + 1).Length; // After comma (",")
                for (int bx = 0; bx < length; bx++)
                    Denominator += "0";
                DenominatorNumber1 = Denominator;
                Number2            = Number2.Replace(",", ""); // i remove ",". 22,2 => 222 / 10

            if (DenominatorNumber0 != "1" || DenominatorNumber1 != "1") // if Denominator numbers is not be "1", comma is there. So we do process numbers with comma
                if (DenominatorNumber0.Length > DenominatorNumber1.Length)
                    MaxLengthOfDenominator = DenominatorNumber0.Length;
                else if (DenominatorNumber1.Length > DenominatorNumber0.Length)
                    MaxLengthOfDenominator = DenominatorNumber1.Length;
                else // 2 numbers is equal. Therefore it does not matter
                    MaxLengthOfDenominator = DenominatorNumber0.Length;
                if (DenominatorNumber0.Length != MaxLengthOfDenominator)
                    string Denominator = "1";
                    int    ZeroCount   = MaxLengthOfDenominator - DenominatorNumber0.Length;
                    for (int bx = 0; bx < ZeroCount; bx++)
                        Denominator += "0";
                    Number1 = Multiplication(Number1, Denominator);
                if (DenominatorNumber1.Length != MaxLengthOfDenominator)
                    string Denominator = "1";
                    int    ZeroCount   = MaxLengthOfDenominator - DenominatorNumber1.Length;
                    for (int bx = 0; bx < ZeroCount; bx++)
                        Denominator += "0";
                    Number2 = Multiplication(Number2, Denominator);


            #region Sorting
            bool ResultIsNegative = false;
            // Number1 should be the biggest one for my algorithm
            if (Number2.Replace("-", "").Replace(",", "").Length > Number1.Replace("-", "").Replace(",", "").Length)
                string Next = Number1;
                Number1          = Number2;
                Number2          = Next;
                ResultIsNegative = true;
                // 3 - 4 = -(4 - 3)
            else if (Number2.Length == Number1.Length)
                if (Number1.Contains(",") || Number2.Contains(","))
                    int index1 = Number1.IndexOf(","), index2 = Number2.IndexOf(",");
                    if ((index2 > index1 && index1 != -1) || (index2 == -1 && index1 != -1)) // number2 is big
                        string Next = Number1;
                        Number1          = Number2;
                        Number2          = Next;
                        ResultIsNegative = true;
                    else if (index1 == index2)// equal
                        string[] numberss = { Number1.Replace(",", "").Replace("-", ""), Number2.Replace(",", "").Replace("-", "") };
                        if (mySortClassObject.SortByStringLength(numberss)[1] == Number2.Replace(",", "").Replace("-", "")) // if number2 is big
                            string Next = Number1;
                            Number1          = Number2;
                            Number2          = Next;
                            ResultIsNegative = true;
                    string[] numberss = { Number1.Replace("-", ""), Number2.Replace("-", "") };
                    if (mySortClassObject.SortByStringLength(numberss)[1] == Number2.Replace("-", "")) // if number2 is big
                        string Next = Number1;
                        Number1          = Number2;
                        Number2          = Next;
                        ResultIsNegative = true;


            #region Negative Numbers Control

            if (Number2.StartsWith("-") && Number1.StartsWith("-"))
                // for example; -3 - (-2) = -3 + 2
                Number1          = Number1.Substring(1);
                ResultIsNegative = true; // -3 + 2 = -(3 - 2), therefore i will put "-" in the end like that;
                // 3 - 2 = 1 ---> -1
            else if (Number1.StartsWith("-"))
                // for example; -3 - 2 = -(3 + 2) so, i add 3 and 2. Then i will put "-" to result
                string[] Numbers = { Number1, Number2 };
                return("-" + Addition(Numbers));
            else if (Number2.StartsWith("-"))
                // for example; 3 - (-2) => 3 + 2
                string[] Numbers = { Number1, Number2 };


            // string Result = Addition(DataToBeCollected);
            #region Subtraction Process

            //  987654321 (43211)
            //- 123456789
            //      97532
            string Result = "";
            sbyte  Data;
            for (int ax = 1; ax <= Number1.Length; ax++)
                if (Number2.Length >= ax)
                    // 44500000
                    // 10000008
                    //        2

                    Data = Convert.ToSByte(Convert.ToByte(Number1.Substring(Number1.Length - ax, 1)) - Convert.ToByte(Number2.Substring(Number2.Length - ax, 1)));
                    if (Data < 0)
                        Data  += 10;
                        Result = Data.ToString() + Result;
                        int NewNumber = ax + 1;
                        while (Number1.Substring(Number1.Length - NewNumber, 1) == "0")
                        //  987654311 (43211)
                        //- 123456789
                        //      97532

                        // 44500000
                        // 10000008
                        string NewData = Number1.Substring(0, Number1.Length - NewNumber) + Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToByte(Number1.Substring(Number1.Length - NewNumber, 1)) - 1).ToString();
                        if (NewNumber > ax + 1)
                            // i should change "0" to "9". For example;
                            //1000 > 100(0) - (2) > 099(10) - (2) > 0998
                            //   2
                            //0998 , in this example, i changed "ten digits" and "hundered digits".
                            int ZeroCount = (NewNumber - ax - 1);
                            for (int cx = 0; cx < ZeroCount; cx++)
                                NewData += "9";
                            NewData += Number1.Substring(Number1.Length - NewNumber + 1 + ZeroCount);
                            NewData += Number1.Substring(Number1.Length - NewNumber + 1);
                        Number1 = NewData;
                        Result = Data.ToString() + Result;
                    Result = Number1.Substring(Number1.Length - ax, 1) + Result;

            // Result may be "0052" or "024" and such like ...
            // So, in left of result, it may contains "0"
            // therefore i should delete in left of result
            string FinalResult = mySortClassObject.DeleteTheZero(Result); // 55 / 10 > -55 / 10
            if (ResultIsNegative)
                FinalResult = "-" + FinalResult;

            #region For Numbers Containing "," (end)

            if (MaxLengthOfDenominator > 0) // if number1 or number2 contain comma
                // For Example;
                // (345 / 100) - (220 / 100)
                // => (345 - 220) / 100 So,
                // => Result / 100 = True Result
                // i should divison Result and 100 in this example
                string Denominator = "1";
                for (int ax = 1; ax < MaxLengthOfDenominator; ax++)
                    Denominator += "0";

                return(Division(FinalResult, Denominator, false));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static void NumbCalculate()
            Number1 numb = new Number1();
