public V2Node(NodeMode _mode, Vector3 _worldPos, int _gridX, int _gridY) { mode = _mode; worldPosition = _worldPos; gridX = _gridX; gridY = _gridY; }
private StateNode parseNode(XmlElement node, Declarations decls) { Console.WriteLine(" Parsing node ..."); string id = node.GetAttribute("id"); if (id == null) { throw new ParseException("Expected id in <location>"); } XmlNode namenode = node.SelectSingleNode("./name"); string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(getElementText(namenode)) ? String.Format("Unnamed{0}", _noname++) : getElementText(namenode); NodeMode mode = NodeMode.Regular; if (node.SelectSingleNode("./commited") != null) { mode = NodeMode.Commited; } else if (node.SelectSingleNode("./urgent") != null) { mode = NodeMode.Commited; } StateNode sn = new StateNode(name, id, mode); sn.Rules = parseRules(node, sn.Name, decls); return(sn); }
public SwtichNodeSet(Action <bool> toggleAction, NodeMode mode = NodeMode.ParalleConnection) { if (toggleAction != null) { AddSwitchEvent(toggleAction); } m_Name = string.Empty; SwitchNodeMode = mode; m_ChildNodes = new HashSet <SwitchNode>(); SwitchTurnMode = TurnMode.TreeDownToTop; }
public TransportTerminalFunction(SynchronousPhysicalInterface spi, NodeMode mode) { this.spi = spi; rst = new RegeneratorSectionTermination(); this.nodeMode = mode; if (nodeMode == NodeMode.MULTIPLEXER) { mst = new MultiplexSectionTermination(); } this.spi.HandleInputData += new HandleInputData(getInputData); builder = new FrameBuilder(); }
public LyraNodeConfig(IConfigurationSection section) { Database = new LyraDatabaseConfig(section.GetSection("Database")); Wallet = new LyraWalletConfig(section.GetSection("Wallet")); try { Mode = (NodeMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(NodeMode), section.GetSection("Mode").Value, true); } catch { Mode = NodeMode.Normal; } }
public StateNode(string name, string nodeid, NodeMode mode) { Id = count++; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { BaseName = String.Format("Unnamed{0}", Id); } else { BaseName = name; } Name = BaseName; NodeId = nodeid; Mode = mode; }
/* Adjusts values internal to the node */ private void AdjustNodeValues(NodeMode modeToChangeTo) { /* deciding if node is starting or winning node now */ node.IsStartingNode = (modeToChangeTo == NodeMode.STARTING); node.IsWinningNode = (modeToChangeTo == NodeMode.WINNING); if (modeToChangeTo == NodeMode.BLOCKED) /* node cost adjusted depending of change */ { node.Cost = Int32.MaxValue; // means that a node contacting the block will get that price back node.NeighborhoodChecker.MaxAcceptedPrice = 0; // means that node creates no links over the price 0, so no links } else /* reversing 'blocked' values */ { node.Cost = originalNodeCost; node.NeighborhoodChecker.MaxAcceptedPrice = originalNodeMaxLinkCost; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the all points by the NodeCollection contains the specified point. /// </summary> /// <param name="point"> The input point. </param> /// <param name="nodeCollection"> The source NodeCollection. </param> /// <param name="matrix"> The matrix. </param> /// <returns> The NodeCollection mode. </returns> public static NodeCollectionMode ContainsNodeCollectionMode(Vector2 point, NodeCollection nodeCollection, Matrix3x2 matrix) { if (nodeCollection == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("NodeCollection is null."); } for (int i = 0; i < nodeCollection.Count; i++) { Node node = nodeCollection[i]; NodeMode nodeMode = Node.ContainsNodeMode(point, node, matrix); switch (nodeMode) { case NodeMode.None: break; case NodeMode.PointWithChecked: { nodeCollection.Index = i; return(NodeCollectionMode.Move); } case NodeMode.PointWithoutChecked: { nodeCollection.Index = i; return(NodeCollectionMode.MoveSingleNodePoint); } case NodeMode.LeftControlPoint: { nodeCollection.Index = i; return(NodeCollectionMode.MoveSingleNodeLeftControlPoint); } case NodeMode.RightControlPoint: { nodeCollection.Index = i; return(NodeCollectionMode.MoveSingleNodeRightControlPoint); } } } return(NodeCollectionMode.RectChoose); }
/* Sets sprite of GO to match the new mode */ private void SetSpriteForNewMode(NodeMode modeToChangeTo) { switch (modeToChangeTo) /* CHANGE GRAPHIC */ { case NodeMode.NORMAL: renderer.sprite = normalNodeSprite; break; case NodeMode.BLOCKED: renderer.sprite = blockedNodeSprite; break; case NodeMode.STARTING: renderer.sprite = startingNodeSprite; break; case NodeMode.WINNING: renderer.sprite = winningNodeSprite; break; } }
/* Adjusts values to match new mode and sets sprite for mode */ private void SwitchMode(NodeMode modeToChangeTo) { mode = modeToChangeTo; // variable set to now current mode AdjustNodeValues(modeToChangeTo); SetSpriteForNewMode(modeToChangeTo); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the NodeModeChangeCommand. Sets the new node mode. /// </summary> /// <param name="newMode">The new node mode.</param> private void HandleNodeModeChange(NodeMode newMode) { NodeMode = newMode; }
public OracleSettings(NodeMode nodeMode, Arguments settings, DataNode section) { this.NeoscanUrl = settings.GetString("neoscan.api", section.GetString("neoscan.api")); this.EthFeeURLs = section.GetNode("eth.fee.urls").Children.Select(x => FeeUrl.FromNode(x)).ToList(); this.BscFeeURLs = section.GetNode("bsc.fee.urls").Children.Select(x => FeeUrl.FromNode(x)).ToList(); this.PricerCoinGeckoEnabled = settings.GetBool("pricer.coingecko.enabled", section.GetBool("pricer.coingecko.enabled")); var supportedTokens = section.GetNode("pricer.supportedtokens"); if (supportedTokens == null || supportedTokens.Kind != NodeKind.Array) { throw new Exception("Config is missing pricer.supportedtokens entry or is not a valid array"); } this.PricerSupportedTokens = supportedTokens.Children.Select(x => PricerSupportedToken.FromNode(x)).ToList(); this.EthConfirmations = settings.GetUInt("eth.block.confirmations", section.GetUInt32("eth.block.confirmations")); this.EthGasLimit = settings.GetUInt("eth.gas.limit", section.GetUInt32("eth.gas.limit")); this.CryptoCompareAPIKey = settings.GetString("", section.GetString("")); this.SwapColdStorageNeo = settings.GetString("swaps.coldStorage.neo", section.GetString("swaps.coldStorage.neo")); var swapNode = section.GetNode("swap.platforms"); if (swapNode == null || nodeMode == NodeMode.Proxy) { this.SwapPlatforms = new PlatformSettings[0]; } else if (swapNode.Kind != NodeKind.Array) { throw new Exception("Config has invalid swaps.platform entry, must be a valid array, if you have an old config file please upgrade manually"); } else { this.SwapPlatforms = new PlatformSettings[swapNode.ChildCount]; for (int i = 0; i < SwapPlatforms.Length; i++) { var node = swapNode.GetNodeByIndex(i); var platformName = node.GetString("name"); Console.WriteLine("name: " + platformName); var platform = new PlatformSettings(); SwapPlatforms[i] = platform; if (!Enum.TryParse <SwapPlatformChain>(platformName, true, out platform.Chain)) { throw new Exception($"Unknown swap platform entry in config: '{platformName}'"); } platform.Enabled = node.GetBool("enabled", true); var temp = node.GetString("height", "0"); if (!BigInteger.TryParse(temp, out platform.InteropHeight)) { throw new Exception($"Invalid interop swap height '{temp}' for platform '{platformName}'"); } platform.WIF = node.GetString("wif"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform.WIF)) { platform.WIF = null; } if (platform.Chain == SwapPlatformChain.Phantasma) { platform.RpcNodes = new string[0]; } else { var rpcNodes = node.GetNode("rpc.nodes"); if (rpcNodes == null) { throw new Exception($"Config is missing rpc.nodes for platform '{platformName}'"); } platform.RpcNodes = rpcNodes.Children.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); } } var specificNeoRpcNodes = section.GetNode("neo.rpc.specific.nodes"); if (specificNeoRpcNodes != null && specificNeoRpcNodes.ChildCount > 0) { var neoPlatform = SwapPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Chain == SwapPlatformChain.Neo); if (neoPlatform != null) { neoPlatform.RpcNodes = specificNeoRpcNodes.Children.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); this.NeoQuickSync = true; } } } }
/// <summary> Sets the associated node mode of the dependency object. </summary> public static void SetAssociatedNodeMode(DependencyObject obj, NodeMode value) { obj.SetValue(AssociatedNodeModeProperty, value); }