Ejemplo n.º 1
        private NetAction AddASubButton(StateButton subButton, IActionDelegate actionDelegate, NetAction action)
            if (subButton.Key == string.Empty)

            NetAction subAction = new NetAction(subButton.Key, subButton.Key == "ViewStyle" ? null : actionDelegate);

            subAction.Text        = subButton.Caption;
            subAction.IsEnabled   = subButton.IsEnable;
            subAction.IsVisible   = subButton.Visible;
            subAction.ToolTipText = subButton.ToolTip;
            subAction.Image       = subButton.Image;
            subAction.SetGroup    = subButton.SetGroup;
            subAction.Catalog     = subButton.Category;
            subAction.Style       = subButton.ButtonStyle;
            subAction.IsChecked   = subButton.IsChecked;
            if (subAction.Id == this.ReportViewControl.CurrentID)
                subAction.IsChecked = true;
            subAction.Tag = action;

            subButton.VisibleChanged -= new VisibleChangedHandler(StateButtonVisibleChanged);
            subButton.VisibleChanged += new VisibleChangedHandler(StateButtonVisibleChanged);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void CreateToolBar(UIStateManager manager)
            if (manager == null || this.ReportViewControl == null || this.ReportViewControl.Report == null)
                int count = this.ReportFormInput.Actions.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    NetAction action = this.ReportFormInput.Actions[i] as NetAction;
                    //action.Style = (int)Proxy.UFPortalProxy.ToolButtonSyle.DropDown;
                    //    action.IsVisible = false;
                    action.IsEnabled = false;
                if (count > 0)

            IActionDelegate actionDelegate = new ReportActionDelegate(this.ReportViewControl);

            foreach (StateButton sb in manager.CurrentState.Buttons)
                NetAction action = new NetAction(sb.Key, actionDelegate);
                action.Text        = sb.Caption;
                action.IsEnabled   = sb.IsEnable;
                action.ToolTipText = sb.ToolTip;
                action.Image       = sb.Image;
                action.Tag         = null;
                action.Catalog     = sb.Category;
                action.RowSpan     = sb.RowSpan;
                action.ActionType  = (sb.Category == "编辑" ? NetAction.NetActionType.Edit : NetAction.NetActionType.Normal);
                action.Style       = sb.ButtonStyle;
                action.SetGroup    = sb.SetGroup;
                action.IsChecked   = sb.IsChecked;
                action.IsVisible   = sb.Visible;
                sb.Tag             = action;
                sb.VisibleChanged -= new VisibleChangedHandler(StateButtonVisibleChanged);
                sb.VisibleChanged += new VisibleChangedHandler(StateButtonVisibleChanged);

                AddSubButtons(sb, actionDelegate, action);
                this.ReportFormInput.Actions.Add(sb.Key, action);
                if (!UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState.ContainsKey(this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()))
                    UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState.Add(this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId(), this.ReportFormInput.Actions);
                    UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()] = this.ReportFormInput.Actions;
            this.ReportFormInput.FormInputExtend.IsSmallButton = manager.CurrentState.Buttons.IsSmallButton;
            this.ReportFormInput.Text = this.GetObjectName();
            (this.ReportEditorPart as NetEditor).Refresh(this.ReportFormInput);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ReportViewControl_RefreshViewsToolbarEvent()
            AbstractFormInput.ActionHashtable actions = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()];
            NetAction viewAcs = actions["View"] as NetAction;

            StateButtons    buttons        = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportButtonState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()];
            StateButton     viewSbs        = buttons["View"];
            IActionDelegate actionDelegate = new ReportActionDelegate(this.ReportViewControl);

            foreach (StateButton subButton in viewSbs.Buttons)
                if (subButton.Key == string.Empty)
                NetAction subAction = new NetAction(subButton.Key, subButton.Key == "ViewStyle" ? null : actionDelegate);
                subAction.Text            = subButton.Caption;
                subAction.IsEnabled       = subButton.IsEnable;
                subAction.IsVisible       = subButton.Visible;
                subAction.ToolTipText     = subButton.ToolTip;
                subAction.Image           = subButton.Image;
                subAction.SetGroup        = subButton.SetGroup;
                subAction.Catalog         = subButton.Category;
                subAction.Style           = subButton.ButtonStyle;
                subAction.IsChecked       = subButton.IsChecked;
                subAction.Tag             = subButton;
                subButton.VisibleChanged -= new VisibleChangedHandler(StateButtonVisibleChanged);
                subButton.VisibleChanged += new VisibleChangedHandler(StateButtonVisibleChanged);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void AddSubButtons(StateButton sb, IActionDelegate actionDelegate, NetAction action)
     foreach (StateButton subButton in sb.Buttons)
         NetAction subaction = AddASubButton(subButton, actionDelegate, action);
         AddSubButtons(subButton, actionDelegate, subaction);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public UFIDA.U8.Portal.Proxy.Actions.NetAction[] CreateToolbar(clsLogin login)
     //IActionDelegate nsd = new NetSampleDelegate();
     //NetAction ac = new NetAction("about", nsd);
     //NetAction[] aclist;
     //aclist = new NetAction[1];
     //ac.Text = "关于";
     //aclist[0] = ac;
     NetAction[] aclist;
     aclist    = new NetAction[1];
     aclist[0] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理过滤的互斥
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        private void HandleFilterstyle(IAction action)
            AbstractFormInput.ActionHashtable actions = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()];
            NetAction filterstyle = actions["filterstyle"] as NetAction;

            foreach (NetAction ac in filterstyle.Actions)
                if (action.Id == ac.Id)
                    ac.IsChecked = true;
                ac.IsChecked = false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void CheckThisID(IAction action, NetAction parentAction)
            action.IsChecked = true;
            ArrayList pas = parentAction.Actions;

            for (int i = 0; i < pas.Count; i++)
                NetAction na = pas[i] as NetAction;
                if (na.Id != action.Id &&
                    (na.Id == "MergeCell" ||
                     na.Id == "Collapse" ||
                     na.Id == "Plat"))
                    na.IsChecked = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理视图的互斥
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        private void HandleView(IAction action)
            AbstractFormInput.ActionHashtable actions = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()];
            NetAction columnStyle = actions["View"] as NetAction;

            foreach (NetAction ac in columnStyle.Actions)
                if (action.Id == ac.Id)
                    action.IsChecked = true;
                else if (ac.SetGroup == "View")
                    ac.IsChecked = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理打印情况
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        private void HandlePrint(IAction action)
            string reportId = this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId();

            AbstractFormInput.ActionHashtable actions = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[reportId];
            string  id          = action.Id.Substring(7);
            IAction bSetAction  = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, id);
            string  defaultText = "(" + String4Report.GetString("U8.UAP.Report.默认") + ")";

            NetAction columnStyle = actions["PrintParent"] as NetAction;

            foreach (NetAction ac in columnStyle.Actions)
                if (ac.Text.Contains(defaultText))
                    ac.Text = ac.Text.Replace(defaultText, string.Empty);
            if (bSetAction != null)
                bSetAction.Text = bSetAction.Text + defaultText;
            IAction setPrintDefault = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "SetPrintDefault");

            if (setPrintDefault != null)
                foreach (NetAction ac in ((NetAction)setPrintDefault).Actions)
                    if (ac.Id != action.Id)
                        ac.IsChecked = false;
                        ac.IsChecked = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理列的互斥
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        private void HandleColumnStyle(IAction action)
            AbstractFormInput.ActionHashtable actions = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()];
            NetAction columnStyle = actions["ColumnStyle"] as NetAction;

            if (action.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyAlignLeft ||
                action.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyAlignCenter ||
                action.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyAlignRight)
                foreach (NetAction ac in columnStyle.Actions)
                    if (ac.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyAlignLeft ||
                        ac.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyAlignCenter ||
                        ac.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyAlignRight)
                        ac.IsChecked = false;
                    if (action.Id == ac.Id)
                        action.IsChecked = true;
            if (action.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyFixCol ||
                action.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyUnFixCol)
                foreach (NetAction ac in columnStyle.Actions)
                    if (ac.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyFixCol ||
                        ac.Id == ContextMenuMetaAssigner.MenuKeyUnFixCol)
                        ac.IsChecked = false;
                    if (action.Id == ac.Id)
                        action.IsChecked = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public UFIDA.U8.Portal.Proxy.Actions.NetAction[] CreateToolbar(UFSoft.U8.Framework.Login.UI.clsLogin login)
            IActionDelegate nsd = new NetSampleDelegate();

            ////string skey = "mynewcontrol";

            NetAction[] aclist;
            aclist = new NetAction[11];

            NetAction ac = new NetAction("query", nsd);

            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "查询";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.filter;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "查询";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[0]       = ac;

            ac              = new NetAction("gengxin", nsd);
            ac.Text         = "新增批记录";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.add;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "手动更新";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[1]       = ac;

            ac              = new NetAction("daochu", nsd);
            ac.Text         = "日志记录";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Increment;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "重新导入";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[2] = ac;

            ac              = new NetAction("daoru", nsd);
            ac.Text         = "重新导入U8";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Add_a_row;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "重新导入";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            ac.IsVisible    = false;
            aclist[3]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("del", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "标记删除";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Adjust_write_off;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "删行";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[4]    = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("ShenHe", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "更新锁定状态";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Approve_all;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "审核";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.IsVisible    = true;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            ac.IsVisible    = false;
            aclist[5]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("Checkall", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "全选/全消";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Select_all;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "审核";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            ac.IsVisible    = false;
            aclist[6]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("Excel", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "导出Excel";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "查询";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[7] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("PrintMo", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "打印";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.print;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "打印";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            ac.IsVisible    = false;
            //ac.IsHaveAuth = true;
            aclist[8] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("savebuju", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "保存布局";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            //ac.SetGroup = "保存布局";
            //ac.SetGroupRow = 1;
            //ac.RowSpan = 1;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[9] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("delbuju", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "删除布局";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存布局";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 1;
            aclist[10]      = ac;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            //return null;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public void InitAction()
        NetAction k1 = new NetAction();
        k1.cd_time = 30;//每隔10秒执行一次,下载用户列表
        k1.cd_start_time = -30;
        k1.Action = SendDownUserInfo;

        k1 = new NetAction();
        k1.cd_time = 60;//每隔10秒执行一次,下载用户列表
        k1.cd_start_time = Time.time-50;
        k1.Action = SendDownCustomerLastAtTime;

        //k1 = new NetAction();
        //k1.cd_time = 5;//每隔10秒执行一次,下载用户列表
        //k1.cd_start_time = Time.time;
        //k1.Action = SendGPGZSubmit;

        //k1 = new NetAction();
        //k1.cd_time = 5;//每隔10秒执行一次,下载用户列表
        //k1.cd_start_time = Time.time;
        //k1.Action = SendGPCKSubmit;

        public bool Authenticate(ICredentialsProvider provider)
            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("AuthenticationInfo can not be null in order to authenticate.");
            AuthenticationInfo authInfoToUse = null;

                authInfoToUse = provider.GetCredentials();
                if (authInfoToUse == null)
                    throw new InvalidCredentialsException("Credential provider returned null");
            catch (InvalidCredentialsException ice)
                log.Error("Failed to obtain credentials.", ice);

            // save important information
            lock (this)
                this.provider       = provider;
                this.clientAuthInfo = authInfoToUse;
                this.usingAuth      = true;

            // build NetMessage

            string actionId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            NetAuthentication netAuth = new NetAuthentication(authInfoToUse.Token, authInfoToUse.UserAuthenticationType);

            if ((authInfoToUse.Roles != null) && (authInfoToUse.Roles.Count != 0))
                netAuth.Roles = authInfoToUse.Roles;
            if (authInfoToUse.UserId != null)
                netAuth.UserId = authInfoToUse.UserId;
            netAuth.ActionId = actionId;

            NetAction netAction = new NetAction(NetAction.ActionType.AUTH);

            netAction.AuthenticationMessage = netAuth;
            NetMessage msg = new NetMessage(netAction);

            // build waitable object
            WaitMessageAccepted waitMsgAccepted = new WaitMessageAccepted();
            AcceptRequest       acceptRequest   = new AcceptRequest(actionId, waitMsgAccepted, 7000);

            //send message
            HandleOutgoingMessage(msg, acceptRequest);

            // wait for response
            lock (waitMsgAccepted.SyncObject)
            if (waitMsgAccepted.WaitResult != WaitMessageAccepted.Result.Accepted)
                log.Error("Authenticatation failed. Reason: " + waitMsgAccepted.WaitResult);


Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理布局按钮的样式
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        private void HandleLayoutStyle(IAction action)
                StateButtons buttons = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportButtonState[this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId()];
                StateButton  layouts = buttons["Layouts"];
                //foreach (StateButton bt in groupAndCross.Buttons)

                //StateButton Layouts = new StateButton("Layouts", "布局", true, "布局", Properties.Resources.filterFormat, "Layouts");
                //StateButton FixFilter = new StateButton("FixFilter", "显示固定条件", true, "显示固定条件", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton QuickFilter = new StateButton("QuickFilter", "显示快捷条件", true, "显示固定条件", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton line1 = new StateButton("line1", "-", true, "", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton OcxShowSchema = new StateButton("OcxShowSchema", "显示查询方案", true, "显示查询方案", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton OcxShowFilter = new StateButton("OcxShowFilter", "显示查询条件", true, "显示查询条件", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton line2 = new StateButton("line2", "-", true, "", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton LeftRightLayout = new StateButton("LeftRightLayout", "左右布局", true, "左右布局", null, "Layouts");
                //StateButton TopBottomLayout = new StateButton("TopBottomLayout", "上下布局", true, "上下布局", null, "Layouts");
                string reportId = this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.GetReportId();
                AbstractFormInput.ActionHashtable actions = UserToolbarStateManager.ReportActionsState[reportId];

                NetAction layoutsbuttons     = actions["Layouts"] as NetAction;
                IAction   btnFixFilter       = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "FixFilter");
                IAction   btnQuickFilter     = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "QuickFilter");
                IAction   btnOcxShowSchema   = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "OcxShowSchema");
                IAction   btnOcxShowFilter   = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "OcxShowFilter");
                IAction   btnLeftRightLayout = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "LeftRightLayout");
                IAction   btnTopBottomLayout = UserToolbarStateManager.FindActionByKey(reportId, "TopBottomLayout");

                if (action.Id == "FixFilter")
                    btnFixFilter.IsChecked = true;
                    btnFixFilter.IsEnabled = true;
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.FilterFlag = FilterType.FixFilter;

                    btnQuickFilter.IsChecked = false;
                    btnQuickFilter.IsEnabled = true;

                    btnOcxShowSchema.IsChecked = false;
                    btnOcxShowSchema.IsEnabled = false;
                    //this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.SolutionVisible = false;

                    btnOcxShowFilter.IsChecked = false;
                    btnOcxShowFilter.IsEnabled = false;
                    //this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.ConditionVisible = false;

                    btnLeftRightLayout.IsChecked = false;
                    btnLeftRightLayout.IsEnabled = false;
                    //this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.QuickFilterLayoutFlag = QuickFilterLayout.LeftRight;

                    btnTopBottomLayout.IsChecked = false;
                    btnTopBottomLayout.IsEnabled = false;
                else if (action.Id == "QuickFilter")
                    btnQuickFilter.IsChecked = true;
                    btnQuickFilter.IsEnabled = true;
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.FilterFlag = FilterType.QuickFilter;

                    btnFixFilter.IsChecked = false;
                    btnFixFilter.IsEnabled = true;

                    btnQuickFilter.IsEnabled   = true;
                    btnOcxShowSchema.IsEnabled = true;
                    //btnOcxShowSchema.IsChecked = this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.SolutionVisible;
                    btnOcxShowSchema.IsChecked = true;

                    btnOcxShowFilter.IsEnabled = true;

                    btnOcxShowFilter.IsChecked   = this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.ConditionVisible;
                    btnLeftRightLayout.IsEnabled = true;
                    btnTopBottomLayout.IsEnabled = true;

                    if (this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.QuickFilterLayoutFlag == QuickFilterLayout.LeftRight)
                        btnLeftRightLayout.IsChecked = true;
                        btnTopBottomLayout.IsChecked = true;
                    if (this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.ConditionVisible == false &&
                        this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.SolutionVisible == false)
                        this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.SolutionVisible = true;
                else if (action.Id == "OcxShowSchema")
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.SolutionVisible = action.IsChecked;
                else if (action.Id == "OcxShowFilter")
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.ConditionVisible = action.IsChecked;
                else if (action.Id == "LeftRightLayout")
                    btnLeftRightLayout.IsChecked = true;
                    btnTopBottomLayout.IsChecked = false;
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.QuickFilterLayoutFlag = QuickFilterLayout.LeftRight;
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.LayoutIsSetted        = true;
                else if (action.Id == "TopBottomLayout")
                    btnTopBottomLayout.IsChecked = true;
                    btnLeftRightLayout.IsChecked = false;
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.QuickFilterLayoutFlag = QuickFilterLayout.TopBottom;
                    this.ReportViewControl.ClientReportContext.ReportUIUserStateInfo.LayoutIsSetted        = true;

                this.ReportViewControl.HandlerLayout(action.Id, action.IsChecked);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger("ReportFacade");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public UFIDA.U8.Portal.Proxy.Actions.NetAction[] CreateToolbar(UFSoft.U8.Framework.Login.UI.clsLogin login)
            IActionDelegate nsd = new NetSampleDelegate();
            ////string skey = "mynewcontrol";
            NetAction ac = new NetAction("add", nsd);

            NetAction[] aclist;
            aclist          = new NetAction[11];
            ac.Text         = "增行";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.add;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "增行";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[0]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("del", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "删行";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Adjust_write_off;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "删行";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[1]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("save", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "保存";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Confirm;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[2]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("xunjia", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "询价";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.approval_query;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "询价";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[3]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("guanbi", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "关闭";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Cancel;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "关闭";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[4]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("dakai", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "打开";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.open;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "打开";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[5]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("liancha", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "联查询价单";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.cost;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "联查询价单";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[6]       = ac;
            //return aclist;

            ac = new NetAction("query", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "查询";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.filter;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "查询";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[7]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("save2", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "报价保存";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Confirm;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "报价保存";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[10]      = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("savebuju", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "保存布局";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存布局";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 1;
            aclist[8]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("delbuju", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "删除布局";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存布局";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 1;
            aclist[9]       = ac;
            ////return null;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            NetAction newserver = new NetAction();

Ejemplo n.º 17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string    username, xs;
            string    password, ys;
            int       function;
            int       connect, result = 0;
            string    Result    = "";
            string    data      = "";
            NetAction newclient = new NetAction();

            connect = newclient.Connect();
            if (connect == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("1.登陆  2.注册 3.断开连接 4.上传眼球数据流 5.请求文章数据");
            while (true)
                function = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (function)
                case 1:
                    username = Console.ReadLine();
                    password = Console.ReadLine();
                    result   = newclient.Login(username, password);
                    if (result == -1)
                    if (result == 0)
                    if (result == 7)

                case 2:
                    username = Console.ReadLine();
                    password = Console.ReadLine();
                    result   = newclient.Register(username, password);
                    if (result == -1)
                    if (result == 0)
                    if (result == 7)
                    if (result == 8)

                case 3:

                case 4:
                    username = Console.ReadLine();
                    xs = Console.ReadLine();
                    ys     = Console.ReadLine();
                    result = newclient.EyeStream(username, xs, ys);
                    if (result == -1)
                    if (result == 0)
                    if (result == 7)

                case 5:
                    data   = Console.ReadLine();
                    Result = newclient.AskFile(data);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public UFIDA.U8.Portal.Proxy.Actions.NetAction[] CreateToolbar(UFSoft.U8.Framework.Login.UI.clsLogin login)
            IActionDelegate nsd = new NetSampleDelegate();

            ////string skey = "mynewcontrol";

            NetAction[] aclist;
            aclist = new NetAction[12];
            NetAction ac = new NetAction("add", nsd);

            ac.Text         = "增行";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.add;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "增行";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[0]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("del", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "删行";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Adjust_write_off;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "删行";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[1]       = ac;

            ac              = new NetAction("add", nsd);
            ac.Text         = "批量添加";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.add;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "添加";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            ac.IsVisible    = false;
            aclist[2]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("Save", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "保存";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.save;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[3]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("query", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "查询";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.query;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "查询";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            aclist[4]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("Checkall", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "全选/全消";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Select_all;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "审核";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[5] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("ShenHe", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "审核";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.Cancel;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "审核";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[6] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("QiShen", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "弃审";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.open;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "弃审";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[7] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("Excel", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "导出EXCEL";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.transfer;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "查询";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            //ac.IsVisible = false;
            aclist[8] = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("ExcelIn", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "导入数据";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "查询";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 3;
            ac.IsVisible    = false;
            aclist[9]       = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("savebuju", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "保存布局";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存布局";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 1;
            aclist[10]      = ac;

            ac = new NetAction("delbuju", nsd);
            //aclist = new NetAction[1];
            ac.Text         = "删除布局";
            ac.Tag          = usercontrol;
            ac.Image        = Properties.Resources.import;
            ac.ActionType   = NetAction.NetActionType.Edit;
            ac.DisplayStyle = 1;
            ac.Style        = 1;
            ac.SetGroup     = "保存布局";
            ac.SetGroupRow  = 1;
            ac.RowSpan      = 1;
            aclist[11]      = ac;

            ////return null;