Ejemplo n.º 1
 public LibraryTests()
     this.client = new MagnumBiDispatchClient("", "test", "token", false);
        public static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            int exitCode = 0;

            try {
                // Setup the MagnumBI Dispatch Client
                MagnumBiDispatchClient client = new MagnumBiDispatchClient(
                    serverAddress: "",
                    accessToken: "test",
                    secretToken: "token",
                    verifySsl: false

                // Check the client can get a connection to the server.
                bool status = await client.CheckStatus();

                if (!status)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not connect to server.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine(client.LastErrorMessage ?? "");

                // Pop a new job on our example queue
                await client.QueueJob(ExampleQueueId, new {
                    Message = "Hello"

                // Pop another job on the queue.
                await client.QueueJob(ExampleQueueId, new {
                    Message = "World"

                // Now grab our jobs from the queue.
                // This would typically be done by another program who is interested in the output from this application.
                DynamicJob job1 = await client.GetJob(
                    queueId : ExampleQueueId, // The queue that we want to get jobs from.
                    pollTimeout : -1,         // How long we are happy with waiting for a job to appear. (If nothing appears it will come back with null.)
                    jobTimeout : 40           // Once we have the job, how long to wait until considering the job to have failed.

                if (job1 == null)
                    // if job is null then there was no job on the queue.
                    throw new Exception($"No job found on {ExampleQueueId}");

                // Lets use the job data for something.

                // We need another job for this.
                Job <JobData> job2 = await client.GetJob <JobData>(
                    queueId : ExampleQueueId, // The queue that we want to get jobs from.
                    pollTimeout : -1,         // How long we are happy with waiting for a job to appear.
                    jobTimeout : 40           // Once we have the job, how long to wait until considering the job to have failed.

                if (job2 == null)
                    // if job is null then there was no job on the queue.
                    throw new Exception($"No job found on {ExampleQueueId}");

                // Use the job2's data.
                Console.Write($" {job2.Data.Message}\n");

                // Now that we have used the jobs successfully lets tell the dispatch server that we have done those jobs successfully.
                await job1.Complete();

                await job2.Complete();

                // Now these jobs wont accidentally get assigned to another program.

                // Lets also remove all other jobs from the queue, for fun.
                await client.ClearQueue(ExampleQueueId);

                // We are done.
                Console.WriteLine($"Examples completed successfully.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine($"\nCaught unexpected exception {e.Message}");
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close...");