Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds plan strips that lack many of the statisctics to the chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="chart"></param>
        /// <param name="graphStartDate"></param>
        protected void SetSimplePlanStrips(MOE.Common.Business.PlanCollection planCollection, Chart chart, DateTime graphStartDate)
            int backGroundColor = 1;

            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Plan plan in planCollection.PlanList)
                StripLine stripline = new StripLine();
                //Creates alternating backcolor to distinguish the plans
                if (backGroundColor % 2 == 0)
                    stripline.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.LightGray);
                    stripline.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.LightBlue);

                //Set the stripline properties
                stripline.IntervalOffsetType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
                stripline.Interval           = 1;
                stripline.IntervalOffset     = (plan.StartTime - graphStartDate).TotalHours;
                stripline.StripWidth         = (plan.EndTime - plan.StartTime).TotalHours;
                stripline.StripWidthType     = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;


                //Add a corrisponding custom label for each strip
                CustomLabel Plannumberlabel = new CustomLabel();
                Plannumberlabel.FromPosition = plan.StartTime.ToOADate();
                Plannumberlabel.ToPosition   = plan.EndTime.ToOADate();
                switch (plan.PlanNumber)
                case 254:
                    Plannumberlabel.Text = "Free";

                case 255:
                    Plannumberlabel.Text = "Flash";

                case 0:
                    Plannumberlabel.Text = "Unknown";

                    Plannumberlabel.Text = "Plan " + plan.PlanNumber.ToString();

                Plannumberlabel.LabelMark = LabelMarkStyle.LineSideMark;
                Plannumberlabel.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                Plannumberlabel.RowIndex  = 6;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the data for the green yellow and red lines as well as the
        /// detector events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <param name="signalId"></param>
        /// <param name="eventData1"></param>
        /// <param name="region"></param>
        /// <param name="detChannel"></param>
        private void GetSignalPhaseData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate,
                                        bool showVolume, int binSize, int metricTypeID)
            MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.IControllerEventLogRepository celRepository =
            this.cycleEvents = celRepository.GetEventsByEventCodesParam(approach.SignalID, startDate,
                                                                        endDate, new List <int>()
                1, 8, 10
            }, approach.ProtectedPhaseNumber);
            this.preemptEvents = celRepository.GetSignalEventsByEventCodes(approach.SignalID, startDate,
                                                                           endDate, new List <int>()

            this.detectorEvents = new List <Models.Controller_Event_Log>();
            var detectorsForMetric = approach.GetDetectorsForMetricType(metricTypeID);

            foreach (Models.Detector d in detectorsForMetric)
                this.detectorEvents.AddRange(celRepository.GetEventsByEventCodesParamWithOffset(approach.SignalID, startDate,
                                                                                                endDate, new List <int> {
                }, d.DetChannel, d.GetOffset()));

            plans = new PlanCollection(cycleEvents, detectorEvents, startDate, endDate, approach, preemptEvents);

            if (plans.PlanList.Count == 0)
                plans.AddItem(new Plan(startDate, endDate, 0, cycleEvents, detectorEvents, preemptEvents, approach));

            if (showVolume)
                SetVolume(detectorEvents, startDate, endDate, binSize);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the data for the green yellow and red lines as well as the
        /// detector events for overlap phases
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <param name="signalId"></param>
        /// <param name="eventData1"></param>
        /// <param name="region"></param>
        /// <param name="detChannel"></param>
        private void GetSignalOverlapData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate,
                                          bool showVolume, int binSize)
            MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.IControllerEventLogRepository celRepository =
            this.cycleEvents = celRepository.GetEventsByEventCodesParam(approach.SignalID, startDate,
                                                                        endDate, new List <int>()
                61, 63, 64
            }, approach.ProtectedPhaseNumber);
            this.preemptEvents = celRepository.GetSignalEventsByEventCodes(approach.SignalID, startDate,
                                                                           endDate, new List <int>()

            this.detectorEvents = new List <Models.Controller_Event_Log>();
            foreach (Models.Detector d in approach.Detectors)
                this.detectorEvents.AddRange(celRepository.GetEventsByEventCodesParam(approach.SignalID, startDate,
                                                                                      endDate, new List <int> {
                }, d.DetChannel));
            plans = new PlanCollection(cycleEvents, detectorEvents, startDate, endDate, approach, preemptEvents);

            if (plans.PlanList.Count == 0)
                Plans.AddItem(new Plan(startDate, endDate, 0, cycleEvents, detectorEvents, preemptEvents, approach));

            if (showVolume)
                SetVolume(detectorEvents, startDate, endDate, binSize);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected void SetSimplePlanStrips(MOE.Common.Business.PlanCollection planCollection, Chart chart, DateTime graphStartDate, DateTime graphEndDate, MOE.Common.Business.ControllerEventLogs DTTB)
            int backGroundColor = 1;

            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Plan plan in planCollection.PlanList)
                if (plan.StartTime > graphStartDate && plan.EndTime < graphEndDate)
                    StripLine stripline = new StripLine();
                    //Creates alternating backcolor to distinguish the plans
                    if (backGroundColor % 2 == 0)
                        stripline.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.LightGray);
                        stripline.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.LightBlue);

                    //Set the stripline properties
                    stripline.IntervalOffsetType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
                    stripline.Interval           = 1;
                    stripline.IntervalOffset     = (plan.StartTime - graphStartDate).TotalHours;
                    stripline.StripWidth         = (plan.EndTime - plan.StartTime).TotalHours;
                    stripline.StripWidthType     = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;


                    //Add a corrisponding custom label for each strip
                    CustomLabel Plannumberlabel = new CustomLabel();
                    Plannumberlabel.FromPosition = plan.StartTime.ToOADate();
                    Plannumberlabel.ToPosition   = plan.EndTime.ToOADate();
                    switch (plan.PlanNumber)
                    case 254:
                        Plannumberlabel.Text = "Free";

                    case 255:
                        Plannumberlabel.Text = "Flash";

                    case 0:
                        Plannumberlabel.Text = "Unknown";

                        Plannumberlabel.Text = "Plan " + plan.PlanNumber.ToString();

                    Plannumberlabel.LabelMark = LabelMarkStyle.LineSideMark;
                    Plannumberlabel.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                    Plannumberlabel.RowIndex  = 6;


                    CustomLabel planPreemptsLabel = new CustomLabel();
                    planPreemptsLabel.FromPosition = plan.StartTime.ToOADate();
                    planPreemptsLabel.ToPosition   = plan.EndTime.ToOADate();

                    var c = from r in DTTB.Events
                            where r.EventCode == 107 && r.Timestamp > plan.StartTime && r.Timestamp < plan.EndTime
                            select r;

                    string preemptCount = c.Count().ToString();
                    planPreemptsLabel.Text      = "Preempts Serviced During Plan: " + preemptCount;
                    planPreemptsLabel.LabelMark = LabelMarkStyle.LineSideMark;
                    planPreemptsLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    planPreemptsLabel.RowIndex  = 7;


Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphStartDate"></param>
        /// <param name="graphEndDate"></param>
        /// <param name="signalId"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <param name="direction"></param>
        /// <param name="movement"></param>
        /// <param name="thruMax"></param>
        /// <param name="turnMax"></param>
        /// <param name="detectors"></param>
        /// <param name="plans"></param>
        /// <param name="isThruMovement"></param>
        /// <param name="showLaneVolumes"></param>
        /// <param name="showTotalVolumes"></param>
        /// <param name="binSize"></param>

        public BikeLaneChart(DateTime graphStartDate, DateTime graphEndDate, string signalId, string location,
                             string direction, string movement, double thruMax, double turnMax, List <Detector> Thrulanes, List <Detector> RTlanes, List <Detector> LTlanes,
                             MOE.Common.Business.PlanCollection plans, bool isThruMovement, bool showLaneVolumes, bool showTotalVolumes,
                             int binSize)
            string extendedDirection = string.Empty;

            //Set the chart properties
            chart.ImageType = ChartImageType.Jpeg;
            chart.Height    = 367;
            chart.Width     = 734;

            chart.ImageStorageMode    = ImageStorageMode.UseImageLocation;
            chart.BorderlineColor     = Color.Black;
            chart.BorderlineWidth     = 2;
            chart.BorderlineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
            //Set the chart title
            chart.Titles.Add(location + "SIG#" + signalId.ToString() + "\n" + graphStartDate.ToString("f") + " - " + graphEndDate.ToString("f"));
            chart.Titles.Add("Bike Lane " + direction + " " + movement);

            chart.Titles[1].Font = new Font(chart.Titles[0].Font, FontStyle.Bold);

            ChartArea chartArea = new ChartArea();

            chartArea.Name = "ChartArea1";

            Legend chartLegend = new Legend();

            chartLegend.Name    = "MainLegend";
            chartLegend.Docking = Docking.Left;
            // chartLegend.Title = direction + " " + movement;
            chartLegend.Docking = Docking.Bottom;

            chartArea.AxisX.Title             = "Time (Hour of Day)";
            chartArea.AxisX.Interval          = 1;
            chartArea.AxisX.IntervalType      = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
            chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "HH";
            //   chartArea.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;
            chartArea.AxisX.LabelAutoFitStyle = LabelAutoFitStyles.None;

            chartArea.AxisX2.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
            chartArea.AxisX2.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;
            chartArea.AxisX2.IntervalType          = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
            chartArea.AxisX2.LabelStyle.Format     = "HH";
            chartArea.AxisX2.LabelAutoFitStyle     = LabelAutoFitStyles.None;
            chartArea.AxisX2.Interval = 1;

            chartArea.AxisY.Title = "Volume (Bikes Per Hour)";
            //chartArea.AxisY.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.FixedCount;

            chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot;

            if (movement.IndexOf("Thru") > -1)
                if (thruMax > 0)
                    chartArea.AxisY.Maximum = thruMax;
                    chartArea.AxisY.Maximum = 1000;
                if (turnMax > 0)
                    chartArea.AxisY.Maximum = turnMax;
                    chartArea.AxisY.Maximum = 300;
            chartArea.AxisY.Minimum  = 0;
            chartArea.AxisY.Maximum  = 15;
            chartArea.AxisY.Interval = 2;


            Series TotalVolume = new Series();

            TotalVolume.ChartType   = SeriesChartType.Line;
            TotalVolume.Name        = "Total Volume";
            TotalVolume.Color       = Color.Black;
            TotalVolume.BorderWidth = 2;

            //Lane Series
            Series Thru = new Series();

            Thru.ChartType   = SeriesChartType.Line;
            Thru.Color       = Color.Blue;
            Thru.Name        = "Thru";
            Thru.XValueType  = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            Thru.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None;
            Thru.MarkerSize  = 1;

            Series Right = new Series();

            Right.ChartType   = SeriesChartType.Line;
            Right.Color       = Color.Green;
            Right.Name        = "Right";
            Right.XValueType  = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            Right.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None;
            Right.MarkerSize  = 1;

            Series Left = new Series();

            Left.ChartType   = SeriesChartType.Line;
            Left.Color       = Color.Purple;
            Left.Name        = "Left";
            Left.XValueType  = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            Left.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.None;
            Left.MarkerSize  = 1;

            //Series SB = new Series();
            //SB.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
            //SB.Color = Color.DarkOrange;
            //SB.Name = "Southbound";
            //SB.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;

            //Series EB = new Series();
            //EB.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
            //EB.Color = Color.Blue;
            //EB.Name = "Eastbound";
            //EB.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            //EB.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot;
            //EB.BorderWidth = 2;

            //Series WB = new Series();
            //WB.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
            //WB.Color = Color.Green;
            //WB.Name = "Westbound";
            //WB.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            //WB.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot;
            //WB.BorderWidth = 2;

            //Add the Posts series to ensure the chart is the size of the selected timespan
            Series testSeries = new Series();

            testSeries.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
            testSeries.ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Point;
            testSeries.Color             = Color.White;
            testSeries.Name       = "Posts";
            testSeries.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;


            //Add points at the start and and of the x axis to ensure
            //the graph covers the entire period selected by the user
            //whether there is data or not
            chart.Series["Posts"].Points.AddXY(graphStartDate, 0);
            chart.Series["Posts"].Points.AddXY(graphEndDate.AddMinutes(5), 0);

            AddDataToChart(graphStartDate, graphEndDate, Thrulanes, RTlanes, LTlanes, signalId, plans, isThruMovement, showLaneVolumes, showTotalVolumes, binSize);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void AddDataToChart(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, List <Detector> ThruDetectors, List <Detector> RTDetectors, List <Detector> LTDetectors,
                                    string signalId, MOE.Common.Business.PlanCollection plans, bool isThruMovement,
                                    bool showLaneVolumes, bool showTotalVolumes, int binSize)
            SortedDictionary <DateTime, int> BikeTotals = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, int>();
            //SortedDictionary<int, int> laneTotals = new SortedDictionary<int, int>();
            int totalVolume = 0;
            int laneCount   = 0;

            if (ThruDetectors.Count > 0)
                //SortedDictionary<DateTime, int> NBTotals = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, int>();
                foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Detector detector in ThruDetectors)
                    foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Volume volume in detector.Volumes.Items)
                        if (showLaneVolumes)
                            chart.Series["Thru"].Points.AddXY(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

                        //we need ot track the total number of bikes (volume) for this movement.
                        //this uses a time/int dictionary.  The volume record for a given time is contibuted to by each lane.
                        //Then the movement total can be plotted on the graph
                        if (BikeTotals.ContainsKey(volume.XAxis))
                            BikeTotals[volume.XAxis] += volume.YAxis;
                            BikeTotals.Add(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

                        //if (laneTotals.ContainsKey(volume.XAxis))
                        //    laneTotals[volume.XAxis] += volume.YAxis;
                        //    laneTotals.Add(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

            if (RTDetectors.Count > 0)
                //SortedDictionary<DateTime, int> NBTotals = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, int>();
                foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Detector detector in RTDetectors)
                    foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Volume volume in detector.Volumes.Items)
                        if (showLaneVolumes)
                            chart.Series["Right"].Points.AddXY(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);
                        //we need ot track the total number of bikes (volume) for this movement.
                        //this uses a time/int dictionary.  The volume record for a given time is contibuted to by each lane.
                        //Then the movement total can be plotted on the graph
                        if (BikeTotals.ContainsKey(volume.XAxis))
                            BikeTotals[volume.XAxis] += volume.YAxis;
                            BikeTotals.Add(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

                        //if (NBTotals.ContainsKey(volume.XAxis))
                        //    NBTotals[volume.XAxis] += volume.YAxis;
                        //    NBTotals.Add(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

            if (LTDetectors.Count > 0)
                //SortedDictionary<DateTime, int> NBTotals = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, int>();
                foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Detector detector in LTDetectors)
                    foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Volume volume in detector.Volumes.Items)
                        if (showLaneVolumes)
                            chart.Series["Left"].Points.AddXY(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);
                        //we need ot track the total number of bikes (volume) for this movement.
                        //this uses a time/int dictionary.  The volume record for a given time is contibuted to by each lane.
                        //Then the movement total can be plotted on the graph
                        if (BikeTotals.ContainsKey(volume.XAxis))
                            BikeTotals[volume.XAxis] += volume.YAxis;
                            BikeTotals.Add(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

                        //if (NBTotals.ContainsKey(volume.XAxis))
                        //    NBTotals[volume.XAxis] += volume.YAxis;
                        //    NBTotals.Add(volume.XAxis, volume.YAxis);

            if (showLaneVolumes)
                //foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, int> volume in NBTotals)

                //if (chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum < (volume.Value + (volume.Value * .1)))
                //    chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = (volume.Value + (volume.Value * .1));


            int binMultiplier = 60 / binSize;

            //get the total volume for the approach
            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, int> totals in BikeTotals)
                if (showTotalVolumes)
                    chart.Series["Total Volume"].Points.AddXY(totals.Key, totals.Value);
                totalVolume += (totals.Value);

            int highLaneVolume = BikeTotals.Values.Max();

            KeyValuePair <DateTime, int> peakHourValue = findPeakHour(BikeTotals, binMultiplier);
            int      PHV               = peakHourValue.Value;
            DateTime peakHour          = peakHourValue.Key;
            int      PeakHourMAXVolume = 0;

            string fluPlaceholder = "";

            if (laneCount > 0 && highLaneVolume > 0)
                double fLU = Convert.ToDouble(totalVolume) / (Convert.ToDouble(laneCount) * Convert.ToDouble(highLaneVolume));
                fluPlaceholder = SetSigFigs(fLU, 2).ToString();
                fluPlaceholder = "Not Available";

            string PHFPlaceholder = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < binMultiplier; i++)
                if (BikeTotals.ContainsKey(peakHour.AddMinutes(i * binSize)))
                    if (PeakHourMAXVolume < (BikeTotals[peakHour.AddMinutes(i * binSize)]))
                        PeakHourMAXVolume = BikeTotals[peakHour.AddMinutes(i * binSize)];

            if (PeakHourMAXVolume > 0)
                double PHF = SetSigFigs(Convert.ToDouble(PHV) / (Convert.ToDouble(PeakHourMAXVolume) * Convert.ToDouble(binMultiplier)), 2);
                PHFPlaceholder = PHF.ToString();
                PHFPlaceholder = "Not Avialable";

            string peakHourString = peakHour.ToShortTimeString() + " - " + peakHour.AddHours(1).ToShortTimeString();

            string titleString = " TV: " + (totalVolume / binMultiplier).ToString() + " PH: " + peakHourString + " PHV: " + (PHV / binMultiplier).ToString() + " VPH \n " +
                                 " PHF: " + PHFPlaceholder + "        fLU: " + fluPlaceholder;


            foreach (Series series in chart.Series)
                if (series.Points.Count < 1)
                    series.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
                    series.IsVisibleInLegend = true;
            chart.Series["Posts"].IsVisibleInLegend = false;

            if (laneCount == 1)
                chart.Series["Total Volume"].Enabled = false;