Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to release all allocated resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rioHandle">The object that provides work with Winsock registered I/O extensions.</param>
        /// <param name="kernelErrorCode">Contains <c>0</c> if operation was successful, error code otherwise.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if operation was successful, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public unsafe Boolean TryRelease(RIOHandle rioHandle, out UInt32 kernelErrorCode)
            // 0 deregister buffer with Registered I/O extension

            // 1 try free memory
                var freeResult = KernelInterop.VirtualFree((void *)buffer, 0, KernelInterop.MEM_RELEASE);

                if (freeResult == false)
                    kernelErrorCode = KernelInterop.GetLastError();


            // 2 success
            kernelErrorCode = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to create a new instance of the <see cref="RIOBufferPool" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rioHandle">The object that provides work with Winsock registered I/O extensions.</param>
        /// <param name="segmentLength">The length of the segment.</param>
        /// <param name="segmentsCount">The count of the segments.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An instance of <see cref="TryResult{T}" /> which encapsulates result of the operation.
        /// <see cref="TryResult{T}.Success" /> contains <c>true</c> if operation was successful, <c>false</c> otherwise.
        /// <see cref="TryResult{T}.Result" /> contains valid object if operation was successful, <c>null</c> otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The multiplication of <paramref name="segmentLength" /> and <paramref name="segmentsCount" /> must produce value that is aligned to Memory Allocation Granularity.
        /// </remarks>
        public static unsafe TryResult <RIOBufferPool> TryCreate(RIOHandle rioHandle, UInt32 segmentLength, UInt32 segmentsCount)
            // calculate size of the memory buffer to allocate
            var bufferLength = segmentLength * segmentsCount;

            void *memoryPointer;

            IntPtr buffer;

            IntPtr bufferId;

            // 1 try allocate memory block
                // try reserve and commit memory block
                memoryPointer = KernelInterop.VirtualAlloc(null, bufferLength, KernelInterop.MEM_COMMIT | KernelInterop.MEM_RESERVE, KernelInterop.PAGE_READWRITE);

                // check if allocation has failed
                if (memoryPointer == null)
                    // get kernel error code
                    var kernelErrorCode = (KernelErrorCode)KernelInterop.GetLastError();

                    // return result
                    return(TryResult <RIOBufferPool> .CreateFail(kernelErrorCode));

                // set buffer
                buffer = (IntPtr)memoryPointer;

            // 2 try register buffer with Registered I/O extensions
                bufferId = rioHandle.RegisterBuffer(buffer, bufferLength);

                if (bufferId == WinsockInterop.RIO_INVALID_BUFFERID)
                    // get winsock error code
                    var winsockErrorCode = (WinsockErrorCode)WinsockInterop.WSAGetLastError();

                    // free allocated memory
                    var freeResult = KernelInterop.VirtualFree(memoryPointer, 0, KernelInterop.MEM_RELEASE);

                    // set kernel error code
                    if (freeResult)
                        // return result
                        return(TryResult <RIOBufferPool> .CreateFail(winsockErrorCode));

                    // get kernel error code
                    var kernelErrorCode = (KernelErrorCode)KernelInterop.GetLastError();

                    // return result
                    return(TryResult <RIOBufferPool> .CreateFail(kernelErrorCode, winsockErrorCode));

            // 3 success
            var result = new RIOBufferPool(buffer, bufferLength, bufferId, segmentLength, segmentsCount);

            // return result
            return(TryResult <RIOBufferPool> .CreateSuccess(result));