Ejemplo n.º 1
        // GUI
        private void WindowGUI(int windowID)
            // General GUI window information
            GUIStyle mySty = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);

            mySty.normal.textColor   = mySty.focused.textColor = Color.white;
            mySty.hover.textColor    = mySty.active.textColor = Color.yellow;
            mySty.onNormal.textColor = mySty.onFocused.textColor = mySty.onHover.textColor = mySty.onActive.textColor = Color.green;
            mySty.padding            = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2);

            GUILayout.Label("Buoyancy on:");
            currentSelection = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(currentSelection, selStringArray, 1);

            currentBody = BodyRef[currentSelection];

            GUILayout.Label("Envelope Volume: " + TotalEnvelopeVolume);

            string mass     = "?";
            double buoyancy = ComputeMaxBuoyancy();

            mass = TotalMass.ToString("00.00");
            // weight
            double weight   = TotalMass * FlightGlobals.Bodies[currentBody].GeeASL * 9.81;
            double netForce = buoyancy - weight;

            GUILayout.Label("Vessel Mass: " + mass + "T");

            GUILayout.Label("Net Buoyancy: " + netForce.ToString("00.00") + "KN");

                if (netForce > 0)
                    float      tippingPoint = 0f;
                    Keyframe[] frames       = null;
                    float      maxAltitude  = 100000;
                    int        frameIndex   = 0;
                    bool       useCurve     = true;
                    if (useCurve)
                        frames      = FlightGlobals.Bodies[currentBody].atmosphereTemperatureCurve.Curve.keys;
                        maxAltitude = frames[frames.Length - 1].time;
                    // compute equilibrium altitude
                    for (float i = 100f; i < maxAltitude; i += 100f)
                        double pressure = FlightGlobals.Bodies[currentBody].GetPressure(i);

                        // Compute the buoyant force

                        // KSP provides the density based on local atmospheric pressure.
                        double atmosDensity = pressure / (287.058 * FlightGlobals.Bodies[currentBody].atmosphereTemperatureSeaLevel);
                        if (useCurve)
                            // walk the curve forward if needed
                            if (frameIndex < frames.Length - 1 && i > frames[frameIndex + 1].time)
                            // linear interpolation is close enough for now
                            float tempCurve = ((i - frames[frameIndex].time) / (frames[frameIndex + 1].time - frames[frameIndex].time)) * (frames[frameIndex + 1].value - frames[frameIndex].value) + frames[frameIndex].value;
                            atmosDensity = pressure / (287.058 * tempCurve);

                        // The maximum buoyancy of the envelope is equal to the weight of the displaced air
                        // Force (Newtons) = - Gravitational Acceleration (meters per second squared) * Density (kilograms / meter cubed) * Volume (meters cubed)
                        double maxBuoyancy = FlightGlobals.Bodies[currentBody].GeeASL * 9.81 * atmosDensity * TotalEnvelopeVolume;

                        if (maxBuoyancy < weight)
                            tippingPoint = i;
                    if (tippingPoint > 0)
                        GUILayout.Label("Equilibrium Altitude : " + tippingPoint.ToString() + "m");
                    GUILayout.Label("Equilibrium Altitude : Won't Fly");
            catch (Exception)
                GUILayout.Label("Equilibrium Altitude : Unknown");


            GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 500, 20));