Ejemplo n.º 1
 public TextLogTarget(Action <int, LogType, int, string> write, int threadIndex = 0)
     m_lock       = new object();
     m_state      = new ReportState(threadIndex, m_prefixFun(threadIndex));
     m_stateTable = new IntDict <ReportState>();
     WriteAct     = write;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates clusters for all points which are within an epsilon
        /// distance from each other. This algorithm uses a hash-grid and
        /// only works fast if the supplied epsilon is small enough that
        /// not too many points fall within each cluster. Thus it is ideal
        /// for merging vertices in meshes and point sets, that are different
        /// due to numerical inaccuracies.
        /// </summary>
        public PointEpsilonClustering(V3d[] pa, double epsilon, IRandomUniform rnd = null)
            rnd = rnd ?? new RandomSystem();
            var count = pa.Length;

            var ca = m_indexArray;
            var dict = new IntDict <int>(count, stackDuplicateKeys: true);
            int rndBits = 0; int bit = 0;
            var ha   = new int[8];
            var eps2 = epsilon * epsilon;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var p  = pa[i]; p.HashCodes8(epsilon, ha);
                int ci = ca[i]; if (ca[ci] != ci)
                        ci = ca[ci];
                    } while (ca[ci] != ci); ca[i] = ci;
                for (int hi = 0; hi < 8; hi++)
                    foreach (var j in dict.ValuesWithKey(ha[hi]))
                        int cj = ca[j]; if (ca[cj] != cj)
                                cj = ca[cj];
                            } while (ca[cj] != cj); ca[j] = cj;
                        if (ci == cj || V3d.DistanceSquared(p, pa[j]) >= eps2)
                        bit >>= 1; if (bit == 0)
                            rndBits = rnd.UniformInt(); bit = 1 << 30;
                        if ((rndBits & bit) != 0)
                            ca[ci] = cj; ca[i] = cj; ci = cj;
                            ca[cj] = ci; ca[j] = ci;
                dict[ha[0]] = i;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge clusters of exactly equal points. The supplied epsilon is used to define a
        /// grid as acceleration data structure and the algorithm is only fast if not too many
        /// points fall within the supplied epsilon.
        /// </summary>
        public PointEqualClustering(V3d[] pa, double eps, IRandomUniform rnd = null)
            rnd = rnd ?? new RandomSystem();
            var count = pa.Length;

            var ca = m_indexArray;
            var dict = new IntDict <int>(count, stackDuplicateKeys: true);
            int rndBits = 0; int bit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var p = pa[i]; var hc = p.HashCode1(eps);
                int ci = ca[i]; if (ca[ci] != ci)
                        ci = ca[ci];
                    } while (ca[ci] != ci); ca[i] = ci;
                foreach (var j in dict.ValuesWithKey(hc))
                    int cj = ca[j]; if (ca[cj] != cj)
                            cj = ca[cj];
                        } while (ca[cj] != cj); ca[j] = cj;
                    if (ci == cj || p != pa[j])
                    bit >>= 1; if (bit == 0)
                        rndBits = rnd.UniformInt(); bit = 1 << 30;
                    if ((rndBits & bit) != 0)
                        ca[ci] = cj; ca[i] = cj; ci = cj;
                        ca[cj] = ci; ca[j] = ci;
                dict[hc] = i;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Tvalue this[TKey key]
                if (!IntDict.ContainsKey(key))
                    IntDict[key] = Calulate(key);


                throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Clear()
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates clusters of planes within a certain epsilon from each other
        /// (euclidean distance between normal vectors and between offsets).
        /// This algorithm uses a 4d hash-grid and only works fast if the supplied
        /// epsilons are small enough that not too many planes fall within each cluster.
        /// Thus it is ideal for merging planes with small variations in orientation and
        /// offset due to numerical inaccuracies.
        /// </summary>
        public PlaneEpsilonClustering(
            int count, TArray pa,
            Func <TArray, int, V3d> getNormal,
            Func <TArray, int, double> getDist,
            double epsNormal, double epsDist,
            double deltaEpsFactor = 0.25, IRandomUniform rnd = null)
            rnd = rnd ?? new RandomSystem();
            var ca = m_indexArray;
            var dict = new IntDict <int>(count, stackDuplicateKeys: true);
            int rndBits = 0; int bit = 0;
            var ha   = new int[16];
            var ne2  = epsNormal * epsNormal;
            var de2  = epsDist * epsDist;
            var deps = (ne2 + de2) * deltaEpsFactor * deltaEpsFactor;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var ni = getNormal(pa, i); var di = getDist(pa, i);
                ni.HashCodes16(di, epsNormal, epsDist, ha);
                int ci = ca[i]; if (ca[ci] != ci)
                        ci = ca[ci];
                    } while (ca[ci] != ci); ca[i] = ci;
                double dmin = double.MaxValue;
                for (int hi = 0; hi < 16; hi++)
                    foreach (var j in dict.ValuesWithKey(ha[hi]))
                        int cj = ca[j]; if (ca[cj] != cj)
                                cj = ca[cj];
                            } while (ca[cj] != cj); ca[j] = cj;
                        if (ci == cj)
                        var dd = Fun.Square(di - getDist(pa, j)); if (dd >= de2)
                        var dn = V3d.DistanceSquared(ni, getNormal(pa, j)); if (dn >= ne2)
                        var d = dn + dd; if (d < dmin)
                            dmin = d;
                        bit >>= 1; if (bit == 0)
                            rnd.UniformInt(); bit = 1 << 30;
                        if ((rndBits & bit) != 0)
                            ca[ci] = cj; ca[i] = cj; ci = cj;
                            ca[cj] = ci; ca[j] = ci;
                if (dmin > deps)
                    dict[ha[0]] = i;              // only sparsely populate hashtable for performance reasons
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public PerThreadJobReporter()
     m_reporterMap = new IntDict <IJobReporter>();
     m_threadCount = 0; m_indent = 2;