Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void _upToDate_info(ISoftware sw)
            if (!sw.implementsSearchForNewer())
                Assert.Inconclusive("The check for up to date information was not performed, "
                                    + "because this class indicates that it does not implement the searchForNewer() method.");
            var info      = sw.info();
            var newerInfo = sw.searchForNewer();

            Assert.IsNotNull(newerInfo, "searchForNewer() returned null!");
            int comp  = string.Compare(info.newestVersion, newerInfo.newestVersion);
            var older = new Quartet(info.newestVersion);
            var newer = new Quartet(newerInfo.newestVersion);

            if (comp < 0 || older < newer)
                    "Known newest version of " + info.Name + " is " + info.newestVersion
                    + ", but the current newest version is " + newerInfo.newestVersion + "!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void _info(ISoftware sw)
            var info = sw.info();

            // name must be set
            // at least one installation information instance should be present
            Assert.IsTrue((info.install32Bit != null) || (info.install64Bit != null));
            // at least one regex should be present
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.match32Bit) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.match64Bit));
            // 32 bit information should match
            Assert.AreEqual <bool>(info.install32Bit != null, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.match32Bit));
            // 64 bit information should match
            Assert.AreEqual <bool>(info.install64Bit != null, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.match64Bit));
            // checksums should always be present
            if (null != info.install32Bit)
            if (null != info.install64Bit)
            // check whether signature data has expired
            // Expiration is not an error though, because some people publish signed binaries that expire the day after the release.
            if (null != info.install32Bit && info.install32Bit.signature.containsData() && info.install32Bit.signature.hasExpired())
                Assert.Inconclusive("Signature data of 32 bit installer is past its expiration date!");
            if (null != info.install64Bit && info.install64Bit.signature.containsData() && info.install64Bit.signature.hasExpired())
                Assert.Inconclusive("Signature data of 64 bit installer is past its expiration date!");