Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool EditDocument(int id, string value, aspnet_Users user, out string msg)
            bool res = false;
            var  doc = new udovika_contract();

            msg = "";
                if (!GetPermissionAccessDocument(user))
                    msg = "Недостаточно прав для редактирования.";
                    doc = db.GetDocument(id);
                    if (doc != null)
                        doc.number = value;
                        SaveDocument(doc, user, out msg);
                        res = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _debug(ex, doc, "");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DocumentModule(IRepository documents, IImageRepository images, IRatingRepository ratings, IReviewRepository reviews, IFavoritesRepository favorites, IEnvironmentPathProvider pathProvider)
            : base("/documents")
            Get["/{id}/thumbnail"] = args =>
                var doc = documents.GetDocument(args.id, true);
                string img = images.GetDocumentImage(args.id);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(img))
                    return ResolvePlaceHolderImageForDocumentType(pathProvider, doc);

                return Response.AsFile(Path.Combine(pathProvider.GetImageCachePath(), img));

            Get["/{id}"] = args =>
                Document document = documents.GetDocument(args.id, false);
                return Response.AsJson(DtoMaps.Map(document, favorites, Context.GetUserInfo()));
            Get["/{id}/rating"] = args =>
                    DocumentRating rating = ratings.GetDocumentRating(args.id);

                    return Response.AsJson(new DocumentRatingDto
                        MaxScore = rating.MaxScore,
                        Score = rating.Score,
                        Source = rating.Source,
                        SourceUrl = rating.SourceUrl,
                        HasRating = true
                    return new DocumentRatingDto {Success = true, HasRating = false};

            Get["/{id}/review"] = args =>
                string review = reviews.GetDocumentReview(args.id);
                return Response.AsJson(new DocumentReviewDto{ Review = review, Url = "" }).AsCacheable(DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));

            Get["/search"] = _ =>
                string query = Request.Query.query.HasValue ? Request.Query.query : null;

                if (null == query) throw new InvalidOperationException("Ingenting å søke etter.");

                return Response.AsJson(documents.Search(query).Select(doc => DtoMaps.Map(doc, favorites, Context.GetUserInfo())).ToArray()).AsCacheable(DateTime.Now.AddHours(12));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Execute(IndoorAssetReportMessage message)
            // if edge doesn't exist
            if (_edgeRepo.RetrieveAsync(message.HardwareSerial).Result == null)
                _edgeRepo.SetAsync(message.HardwareSerial, new EdgeData()).Wait();
                Console.WriteLine($"added new edge ({message.HardwareSerial})");

            var newEdgeRef = _edgeRepo.GetDocument(message.HardwareSerial);
            var batch      = _firebaseClient.GetFirestoreDb().StartBatch();

            foreach (var payload in message.IndoorTagPayloadInfo)
                _assetService.UpdateEdgeAsync(batch, new AssetData
                    MacAddress     = payload.MacAddress,
                    LastReportTime = Timestamp.GetCurrentTimestamp(),
                    BatteryLevel   = payload.BatteryLevel,
                    SignalStrength = payload.Rss,
                    EdgeRef        = newEdgeRef

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SetEdge(string assetId, string targetEdgeId)
            this.Execute(() =>
                var assetSvc = sp.GetService <IAssetService>();
                var edgeRepo = sp.GetService <IRepository <EdgeData> >();

                var batch = sp.GetService <IFirebaseClient>().GetFirestoreDb().StartBatch();
                assetSvc.UpdateEdgeAsync(batch, _repo.GetDocument(assetId), edgeRepo.GetDocument(targetEdgeId)).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public vas_documents GetDocument(int id, aspnet_Users user, out string msg)
            var res = new vas_documents();

            msg = "";
                res = db.GetDocument(id);
                if (!_canAccessToDocument(user, res))
                    msg = "Нет прав для данной операции";
                    return(res = null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _debug(ex, new { documentID = id, userName = user.UserName });
                res = null;
                msg = "Сбой при выполнеии операции";

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task UpdateEdgeAsync(WriteBatch batch, AssetData reportedAssetData)
            var reportedAssetRef = _assetRepo.GetDocument(reportedAssetData.MacAddress);
            DocumentReference reportedEdgeRef = reportedAssetData.EdgeRef;

            if (!await UpdateEdgeAsync(batch, reportedAssetRef, reportedEdgeRef).ConfigureAwait(false))
                // add a new asset document
                batch.Set(reportedAssetRef, reportedAssetData);

                // add the reported asset's reference to the reported edge
                AddAssetRefToEdge(batch, reportedAssetRef, reportedEdgeRef);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public FavoritesModule(IFavoritesRepository favorites, IRepository documents)
            : base("/favorites")

            Get["/"] = _ => favorites.GetFavorites(Context.GetUserInfo()).Select(MapToDto).ToArray();

            Delete["/{documentId}"] = args =>
                var document = documents.GetDocument(args.documentId, true);

                favorites.RemoveFavorite(document, Context.GetUserInfo());
                return new RequestReplyDto { Success = true };

            Put["/{documentId}"] = args =>
                var document = documents.GetDocument(args.documentId, true);
                favorites.AddFavorite(document, Context.GetUserInfo());

                return new RequestReplyDto { Success = true };
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public molchanov_documents GetDocument(int id, out string msg, aspnet_Users user)
            msg = "";
            molchanov_documents res;

                if (!_canAccessToItem(user))
                    msg = "Нет прав на получение элемента по id";
                    res = null;
                    res = _db.GetDocument(id);
            catch (Exception e)
                _debug(e, new { }, "Ошибка возникла при получении элемента по id");
                res = null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach asset between 2 edges to mimic moving asset between 2 edges
        /// </summary>
        public void ChangeAssetEdges(string assetId, string edgeId1, string edgeId2)
            this.Execute(() => {
                var assetSvc = sp.GetService <IAssetService>();
                var edgeRepo = sp.GetService <IRepository <EdgeData> >();

                string targetEdgeId = edgeId1;
                var batch           = sp.GetService <IFirebaseClient>().GetFirestoreDb().StartBatch();
                    Console.WriteLine($"Moving asset ({assetId}) to edge ({targetEdgeId}) ...");
                    assetSvc.UpdateEdgeAsync(batch, _repo.GetDocument(assetId), edgeRepo.GetDocument(targetEdgeId)).Wait();
                    targetEdgeId = targetEdgeId == edgeId1 ? edgeId2 : edgeId1;
                    Console.WriteLine("Input 'q' to quit ...");
                }while (Console.ReadLine() != "q");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static ReservationDto Map(Reservation reservation, IRepository documents)
            DateTime holdEnd;
            DateTime holdFrom;
            DateTime holdTo;

            DateTime.TryParse(reservation.HoldRequestEnd, out holdEnd);
            DateTime.TryParse(reservation.HoldRequestFrom, out holdFrom);
            DateTime.TryParse(reservation.HoldRequestTo, out holdTo);

            return new ReservationDto
                Document = Map(documents.GetDocument(reservation.DocumentNumber, true)),
                Reserved = holdFrom,
                ReadyForPickup = !UnavailableStatuses.Contains(reservation.Status), // business logic should not be here! :(
                PickupLocation = reservation.PickupLocation,
                PickupDeadline = holdTo
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //public void Add(string edgeId, string description)
        //public void Add(string edgeId)
        //    this.Execute(() => {
        //        Console.WriteLine($"Adding edge {edgeId} ...");
        //        _svc.AddAsync(edgeId, new EdgeData()).Wait();
        //        Console.WriteLine("Finished adding edge");
        //    });

        public void LinkMarker(string edgeId, string floorPlanId, string edgeMarkerId)
            this.Execute(() => {
                var _floorplanSvc          = sp.GetService <IRepository <FloorplanData> >();
                var _edgeMarkerSvc         = sp.GetService <IEdgeMarkerRepository>();
                _edgeMarkerSvc.FloorplanId = floorPlanId;

                Console.WriteLine($"link edge {edgeId} to edge mark {edgeMarkerId} of floorplan {floorPlanId}");

                var edge       = _svc.GetDocument(edgeId);
                var edgeMarker = _edgeMarkerSvc.GetDocument(edgeMarkerId);

                //var floorplan = _floorplanSvc.RetrieveAsync(floorPlanId).Result;

                edge.UpdateAsync(nameof(EdgeData.EdgeMarkerRef), edgeMarker).Wait();
                edgeMarker.UpdateAsync(nameof(EdgeMarkerData.EdgeRef), edge).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static LibrarylistDto Map(LibraryList list, IRepository documents = null)
            if (null != documents)
                return new LibrarylistDto
                    Id = list.Id,
                    Name = list.Name,
                    Documents = list.Documents.Count > 0
                        ? list.Documents.Select(Map).ToList()
                        : list.DocumentNumbers.Keys.Select(dn => Map(documents.GetDocument(dn, true))).ToList()

            return new LibrarylistDto
                Id = list.Id,
                Name = list.Name
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void ProcessDocument(WsResult item, Rizeni rizeni)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DokumentUrl) && !IgnoreDocuments)
                var document = Repository.GetDocument(item.Id.ToString()) ?? new Dokument
                    Id            = item.Id.ToString(),
                    SpisovaZnacka = item.SpisovaZnacka,

                document.Url          = item.DokumentUrl;
                document.DatumVlozeni = item.DatumZalozeniUdalosti;
                document.Popis        = item.PopisUdalosti;
                document.Oddil        = item.Oddil;

                rizeni.PosledniZmena = item.DatumZalozeniUdalosti;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public Dokument GetDocument(string id) => UnderlyingRepository.GetDocument(id);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public DocumentDetails GetDocument(string documentId)
            var document = repository.GetDocument(documentId);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public IActionResult Document(int id)
            var document = _repo.GetDocument(id);

            return(PartialView("_Document", document));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public UserModule(IRepository documents) : base("/user")

            Get["/notifications/count"] = args =>
                //var since = Request.Query.since.HasValue ? Request.Query.since : DateTime.MinValue;
                // we have no idea when a notification was created. Or rather, all notifications are always created 'now'...

                return new NotificationCountDto {Count = Context.GetUserInfo().Notifications.Count()};

            Get["/info"] = _ =>
                var user = Context.GetAlephUserIdentity();
                UserInfo results = documents.GetUserInformation(user.UserName, user.Password);

                var reservationsList = results.Reservations ?? new List<Reservation>();
                var finesList = results.ActiveFines ?? new List<Fine>();
                var loansList = results.Loans ?? new List<Loan>();
                var notificationList = results.Notifications ?? new List<Notification>();
                var reservations = reservationsList.Select(r => DtoMaps.Map(r, documents));

                var fines = finesList.Select(f => new FineDto
                    Date = ParseDateString(f.Date),
                    Description = f.Description,
                    Document = String.IsNullOrEmpty(f.DocumentNumber) ? null : DtoMaps.Map(documents.GetDocument(f.DocumentNumber, true)),
                    Status = f.Status,
                    Sum = f.Sum
                }).OrderByDescending(f => f.Date);

                var loans = loansList.Select(l => new LoanDto
                    Document = String.IsNullOrEmpty(l.DocumentNumber) ? null : DtoMaps.Map(documents.GetDocument(l.DocumentNumber, true)),
                    AdminisrtativeDocumentNumber = l.AdminisrtativeDocumentNumber,
                    Barcode = l.Barcode,
                    DocumentNumber = l.DocumentNumber,
                    DocumentTitle = l.DocumentTitle,
                    DueDate = ParseDateString(l.DueDate),
                    ItemSequence = l.ItemSequence,
                    ItemStatus = l.ItemStatus,
                    LoanDate = ParseDateString(l.LoanDate),
                    LoanHour = l.LoanHour,
                    Material = l.Material,
                    OriginalDueDate = ParseDateString(l.OriginalDueDate),
                    SubLibrary = l.SubLibrary

                var notifications = notificationList.Select(n => new NotificationDto
                     Content = n.Content,
                     DocumentNumber = n.DocumentNumber,
                     DocumentTitle = n.DocumentTitle,
                     Title = n.Title,
                     Type = n.Type

                var userDto = new UserInfoDto
                    BorrowerId = results.BorrowerId,
                    Balance = results.Balance,
                    CashLimit = results.CashLimit,
                    CellPhoneNumber = results.CellPhoneNumber,
                    CityAddress = results.CityAddress,
                    DateOfBirth = results.DateOfBirth,
                    Email = results.Email,
                    HomeLibrary = results.HomeLibrary,
                    HomePhoneNumber = results.HomePhoneNumber,
                    Id = results.Id,
                    IsAuthorized = results.IsAuthorized,
                    Name = results.Name,
                    PrefixAddress = results.PrefixAddress,
                    StreetAddress = results.StreetAddress,
                    Zip = results.Zip,

                    Reservations = reservations,
                    Fines = fines,
                    Loans = loans,
                    Notifications = notifications

                return userDto;
