Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void SetupSerialiser()
     if (m_scenes.Count > 0)
         m_serialiser = m_scenes[0].RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an xml file of prims in OpenSimulator's original 'xml' file format to the current scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="generateNewIDs"></param>
        /// <param name="loadOffset"></param>
        public void LoadCurrentSceneFromXml(string filename, bool generateNewIDs, Vector3 loadOffset)
            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            if (serialiser != null)
                serialiser.LoadPrimsFromXml(CurrentOrFirstScene, filename, generateNewIDs, loadOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SaveNamedPrimsToXml2(string primName, string filename)
            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            if (serialiser != null)
                serialiser.SaveNamedPrimsToXml2(CurrentOrFirstScene, primName, filename);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an xml file of prims in OpenSimulator's current 'xml2' file format to the current scene
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadCurrentSceneFromXml2(string filename)
            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            if (serialiser != null)
                serialiser.LoadPrimsFromXml2(CurrentOrFirstScene, filename);
        protected void Save(Scene scene, List <SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects, string regionDir)
            if (regionDir != string.Empty)
                regionDir = ArchiveConstants.REGIONS_PATH + regionDir + "/";

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Adding region settings to archive.");

            // Write out region settings
            string settingsPath = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}.xml",
                                                regionDir, ArchiveConstants.SETTINGS_PATH, scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

            m_archiveWriter.WriteFile(settingsPath, RegionSettingsSerializer.Serialize(scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings, scene.RegionEnvironment));

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Adding parcel settings to archive.");

            // Write out land data (aka parcel) settings
            List <ILandObject> landObjects = scene.LandChannel.AllParcels();

            foreach (ILandObject lo in landObjects)
                LandData landData = lo.LandData;
                string   landDataPath
                    = String.Format("{0}{1}", regionDir, ArchiveConstants.CreateOarLandDataPath(landData));
                m_archiveWriter.WriteFile(landDataPath, LandDataSerializer.Serialize(landData, m_options));

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Adding terrain information to archive.");

            // Write out terrain
            string terrainPath = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}.r32",
                                               regionDir, ArchiveConstants.TERRAINS_PATH, scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                scene.RequestModuleInterface <ITerrainModule>().SaveToStream(terrainPath, ms);
                m_archiveWriter.WriteFile(terrainPath, ms.ToArray());

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Adding scene objects to archive.");

            // Write out scene object metadata
            IRegionSerialiserModule serializer = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            foreach (SceneObjectGroup sceneObject in sceneObjects)
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Saving {0} {1}, {2}", entity.Name, entity.UUID, entity.GetType());
                if (sceneObject.IsDeleted || sceneObject.inTransit)
                string serializedObject = serializer.SerializeGroupToXml2(sceneObject, m_options);
                string objectPath       = string.Format("{0}{1}", regionDir, ArchiveHelpers.CreateObjectPath(sceneObject));
                m_archiveWriter.WriteFile(objectPath, serializedObject);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public string LoadPrims(string requestBody, OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response, Scene scene)
            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            if (serialiser != null)
                serialiser.LoadPrimsFromXml2(scene, new StringReader(requestBody), true);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected string RegionPrims(IOSHttpResponse httpResponse, Scene scene, Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
            httpResponse.SendChunked = true;
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/xml";

            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            if (serialiser != null)
                serialiser.SavePrimsToXml2(scene, new StreamWriter(httpResponse.OutputStream), min, max);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Serialize region data to XML2Format
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cmdparams"></param>
 protected void SaveXml2(string[] cmdparams)
     if (cmdparams.Length > 2)
         IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = GetCurrentOrFirstScene().RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
         if (serialiser != null)
             serialiser.SavePrimsToXml2(GetCurrentOrFirstScene(), cmdparams[2]);
         MainConsole.Instance.Warn("Wrong number of parameters!");
 public ArchiveWriteRequestExecution(
      List<SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects,
      ITerrainModule terrainModule,
      IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser,
      Scene scene,
      TarArchiveWriter archiveWriter,
      Guid requestId)
     m_sceneObjects = sceneObjects;
     m_terrainModule = terrainModule;
     m_serialiser = serialiser;
     m_scene = scene;
     m_archiveWriter = archiveWriter;
     m_requestId = requestId;
 public ArchiveWriteRequestExecution(
     List <ISceneEntity> sceneObjects,
     ITerrainModule terrainModule,
     IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser,
     IScene scene,
     TarArchiveWriter archiveWriter,
     Guid requestId)
     m_sceneObjects  = sceneObjects;
     m_terrainModule = terrainModule;
     m_serialiser    = serialiser;
     m_scene         = scene;
     m_archiveWriter = archiveWriter;
     m_requestId     = requestId;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Serialize region data to XML2Format
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="module"></param>
 /// <param name="cmdparams"></param>
 protected void SaveXml2(string module, string[] cmdparams)
     if (cmdparams.Length > 2)
         IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = CurrentOrFirstScene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
         if (serialiser != null)
             serialiser.SavePrimsToXml2(CurrentOrFirstScene, cmdparams[2]);
         m_log.Warn("Wrong number of parameters!");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            string resource = GetParam(path);
            string region   = "DEFAULT";

            if (resource != string.Empty)
                string[] parts = resource.Split('/');
                region = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parts[1]);
            m_log.DebugFormat("[PotamOS]: region is {0} ({1})", region, resource);

            Scene scene = m_Scenes[0];

            if (region != "DEFAULT")
                scene = m_Scenes.Find(s => s.RegionInfo.RegionName == region);
                if (scene == null)
                    m_log.WarnFormat("[PotamOS]: Requested region {0} not found here. Sending the first region.", region);
                    scene = m_Scenes[0];

            httpResponse.StatusCode  = (int)OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOk;
            httpResponse.ContentType = "application/xml";
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
            IRegionSerialiserModule serial = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            byte[] xml = new byte[0];
            if (serial != null)
                using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
                    using (GZipStream zip = new GZipStream(mem, CompressionMode.Compress))
                        using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(zip))
                            serial.SavePrimsToXml2(scene, writer, new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f), new Vector3(1000, 1000, 1000));
                    string xmlstr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mem.ToArray());
                    xml = mem.ToArray();
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[PotamOS]: size of xml scene is {0}", xml.Length);
 public ArchiveWriteRequestExecution(
     List <SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects,
     ITerrainModule terrainModule,
     IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser,
     Scene scene,
     TarArchiveWriter archiveWriter,
     Guid requestId,
     Dictionary <string, object> options)
     m_sceneObjects  = sceneObjects;
     m_terrainModule = terrainModule;
     m_serialiser    = serialiser;
     m_scene         = scene;
     m_archiveWriter = archiveWriter;
     m_requestId     = requestId;
     m_options       = options;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ArchiveWriteRequestExecution(
      List<SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects,
      IVoxelModule terrainModule,
      IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser,
      Scene scene,
      TarArchiveWriter archiveWriter,
      Guid requestId,
      Dictionary<string, object> options)
     m_sceneObjects = sceneObjects;
     m_terrainModule = terrainModule;
     m_serialiser = serialiser;
     m_scene = scene;
     m_archiveWriter = archiveWriter;
     m_requestId = requestId;
     m_options = options;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Load region data from Xml2Format
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cmdparams"></param>
 protected void LoadXml2(string[] cmdparams)
     if (cmdparams.Length > 2)
             IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = GetCurrentOrFirstScene().RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
             if (serialiser != null)
                 serialiser.LoadPrimsFromXml2(GetCurrentOrFirstScene(), cmdparams[2]);
         catch (FileNotFoundException)
             MainConsole.Instance.Info("Specified xml not found. Usage: load xml2 <filename>");
         MainConsole.Instance.Warn("Not enough parameters!");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void LoadRegion(Scene scene)
            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();

            if (serialiser != null)
                    m_svndir + Slash.DirectorySeparatorChar + scene.RegionInfo.RegionID
                    + Slash.DirectorySeparatorChar + "objects.xml");

                scene.RequestModuleInterface <ITerrainModule>().LoadFromFile(
                    m_svndir + Slash.DirectorySeparatorChar + scene.RegionInfo.RegionID
                    + Slash.DirectorySeparatorChar + "heightmap.r32");

                m_log.Info("[SVNBACKUP]: Region load successful (" + scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + ").");
                    "[SVNBACKUP]: Region load of {0} failed - no serialisation module available",
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Load serialized scene objects.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadObjects(Scene scene, List <string> serialisedSceneObjects, List <SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects)
            // Reload serialized prims
            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading {0} scene objects.  Please wait.", serialisedSceneObjects.Count);

            UUID oldTelehubUUID = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject;

            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
            int sceneObjectsLoadedCount        = 0;

            foreach (string serialisedSceneObject in serialisedSceneObjects)
                 * m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading xml with raw size {0}", serialisedSceneObject.Length);
                 * // Really large xml files (multi megabyte) appear to cause
                 * // memory problems
                 * // when loading the xml.  But don't enable this check yet
                 * if (serialisedSceneObject.Length > 5000000)
                 * {
                 *  m_log.Error("[ARCHIVER]: Ignoring xml since size > 5000000);");
                 *  continue;
                 * }

                SceneObjectGroup sceneObject = serialiser.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(serialisedSceneObject);

                bool isTelehub = (sceneObject.UUID == oldTelehubUUID) && (oldTelehubUUID != UUID.Zero);

                // For now, give all incoming scene objects new uuids.  This will allow scenes to be cloned
                // on the same region server and multiple examples a single object archive to be imported
                // to the same scene (when this is possible).

                if (isTelehub)
                    // Change the Telehub Object to the new UUID
                    scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject = sceneObject.UUID;
                    oldTelehubUUID = UUID.Zero;

                // Try to retain the original creator/owner/lastowner if their uuid is present on this grid
                // or creator data is present.  Otherwise, use the estate owner instead.
                foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sceneObject.Parts)
                    if (part.CreatorData == null || part.CreatorData == string.Empty)
                        if (!ResolveUserUuid(scene, part.CreatorID))
                            part.CreatorID = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;
                    if (UserManager != null)
                        UserManager.AddUser(part.CreatorID, part.CreatorData);

                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(scene, part.OwnerID))
                        part.OwnerID = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(scene, part.LastOwnerID))
                        part.LastOwnerID = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                    if (!ResolveGroupUuid(part.GroupID))
                        part.GroupID = UUID.Zero;

                    // And zap any troublesome sit target information
//                    part.SitTargetOrientation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
//                    part.SitTargetPosition    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    // Fix ownership/creator of inventory items
                    // Not doing so results in inventory items
                    // being no copy/no mod for everyone
                    lock (part.TaskInventory)
                        TaskInventoryDictionary inv = part.TaskInventory;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <UUID, TaskInventoryItem> kvp in inv)
                            if (!ResolveUserUuid(scene, kvp.Value.OwnerID))
                                kvp.Value.OwnerID = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                            if (kvp.Value.CreatorData == null || kvp.Value.CreatorData == string.Empty)
                                if (!ResolveUserUuid(scene, kvp.Value.CreatorID))
                                    kvp.Value.CreatorID = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                            if (UserManager != null)
                                UserManager.AddUser(kvp.Value.CreatorID, kvp.Value.CreatorData);

                            if (!ResolveGroupUuid(kvp.Value.GroupID))
                                kvp.Value.GroupID = UUID.Zero;

                if (scene.AddRestoredSceneObject(sceneObject, true, false))
                    sceneObject.CreateScriptInstances(0, false, scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 0);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} scene objects to the scene", sceneObjectsLoadedCount);

            int ignoredObjects = serialisedSceneObjects.Count - sceneObjectsLoadedCount;

            if (ignoredObjects > 0)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Ignored {0} scene objects that already existed in the scene", ignoredObjects);

            if (oldTelehubUUID != UUID.Zero)
                m_log.WarnFormat("Telehub object not found: {0}", oldTelehubUUID);
                scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject = UUID.Zero;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void DearchiveRegion0DotStar()
            int           successfulAssetRestores = 0;
            int           failedAssetRestores     = 0;
            List <string> serialisedSceneObjects  = new List <string>();
            string        filePath = "NONE";

                TarArchiveReader archive = new TarArchiveReader(m_loadStream);

                byte[] data;
                TarArchiveReader.TarEntryType entryType;

                while ((data = archive.ReadEntry(out filePath, out entryType)) != null)
                    //    "[ARCHIVER]: Successfully read {0} ({1} bytes)", filePath, data.Length);

                    if (TarArchiveReader.TarEntryType.TYPE_DIRECTORY == entryType)

                    if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.OBJECTS_PATH))
                    else if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.ASSETS_PATH))
                        if (LoadAsset(filePath, data))
                    else if (!m_merge && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.TERRAINS_PATH))
                        LoadTerrain(filePath, data);
                    else if (!m_merge && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.SETTINGS_PATH))
                        LoadRegionSettings(filePath, data);

                //m_log.Debug("[ARCHIVER]: Reached end of archive");

            catch (Exception e)
                    "[ARCHIVER]: Aborting load with error in archive file {0}.  {1}", filePath, e);
                m_errorMessage += e.ToString();
                m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOarFileLoaded(m_requestId, m_errorMessage);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} assets", successfulAssetRestores);

            if (failedAssetRestores > 0)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Failed to load {0} assets", failedAssetRestores);
                m_errorMessage += String.Format("Failed to load {0} assets", failedAssetRestores);

            if (!m_merge)
                m_log.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Clearing all existing scene objects");

            // Reload serialized prims
            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading {0} scene objects.  Please wait.", serialisedSceneObjects.Count);

            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
            int sceneObjectsLoadedCount        = 0;

            foreach (string serialisedSceneObject in serialisedSceneObjects)
                 * m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading xml with raw size {0}", serialisedSceneObject.Length);
                 * // Really large xml files (multi megabyte) appear to cause
                 * // memory problems
                 * // when loading the xml.  But don't enable this check yet
                 * if (serialisedSceneObject.Length > 5000000)
                 * {
                 *  m_log.Error("[ARCHIVER]: Ignoring xml since size > 5000000);");
                 *  continue;
                 * }

                SceneObjectGroup sceneObject = serialiser.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(serialisedSceneObject);

                // For now, give all incoming scene objects new uuids.  This will allow scenes to be cloned
                // on the same region server and multiple examples a single object archive to be imported
                // to the same scene (when this is possible).

                // Try to retain the original creator/owner/lastowner if their uuid is present on this grid
                // otherwise, use the master avatar uuid instead
                UUID masterAvatarId = m_scene.RegionInfo.MasterAvatarAssignedUUID;

                if (m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner != UUID.Zero)
                    masterAvatarId = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sceneObject.Children.Values)
                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(part.CreatorID))
                        part.CreatorID = masterAvatarId;

                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(part.OwnerID))
                        part.OwnerID = masterAvatarId;

                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(part.LastOwnerID))
                        part.LastOwnerID = masterAvatarId;

                    // And zap any troublesome sit target information
                    part.SitTargetOrientation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                    part.SitTargetPosition    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    // Fix ownership/creator of inventory items
                    // Not doing so results in inventory items
                    // being no copy/no mod for everyone
                    lock (part.TaskInventory)
                        TaskInventoryDictionary inv = part.TaskInventory;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <UUID, TaskInventoryItem> kvp in inv)
                            if (!ResolveUserUuid(kvp.Value.OwnerID))
                                kvp.Value.OwnerID = masterAvatarId;
                            if (!ResolveUserUuid(kvp.Value.CreatorID))
                                kvp.Value.CreatorID = masterAvatarId;

                if (m_scene.AddRestoredSceneObject(sceneObject, true, false))
                    sceneObject.CreateScriptInstances(0, true, m_scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 0);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} scene objects to the scene", sceneObjectsLoadedCount);

            int ignoredObjects = serialisedSceneObjects.Count - sceneObjectsLoadedCount;

            if (ignoredObjects > 0)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Ignored {0} scene objects that already existed in the scene", ignoredObjects);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Successfully loaded archive");

            m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOarFileLoaded(m_requestId, m_errorMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up references to modules required by the scene
 /// </summary>
 public void SetModuleInterfaces()
     m_xmlrpcModule = RequestModuleInterface<IXMLRPC>();
     m_worldCommModule = RequestModuleInterface<IWorldComm>();
     XferManager = RequestModuleInterface<IXfer>();
     m_AvatarFactory = RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarFactoryModule>();
     AttachmentsModule = RequestModuleInterface<IAttachmentsModule>();
     m_serialiser = RequestModuleInterface<IRegionSerialiserModule>();
     m_dialogModule = RequestModuleInterface<IDialogModule>();
     m_capsModule = RequestModuleInterface<ICapabilitiesModule>();
     EntityTransferModule = RequestModuleInterface<IEntityTransferModule>();
     m_groupsModule = RequestModuleInterface<IGroupsModule>();
     AgentTransactionsModule = RequestModuleInterface<IAgentAssetTransactions>();
     UserManagementModule = RequestModuleInterface<IUserManagement>();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Load serialized scene objects.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadObjects(Scene scene, List <string> serialisedSceneObjects, List <SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects)
            // Reload serialized prims
            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading {0} scene objects.  Please wait.", serialisedSceneObjects.Count);

            OpenMetaverse.Quaternion rot = OpenMetaverse.Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(0, 0, 1, m_rotation);

            UUID oldTelehubUUID = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject;

            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
            int sceneObjectsLoadedCount        = 0;

            foreach (string serialisedSceneObject in serialisedSceneObjects)
                 * m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading xml with raw size {0}", serialisedSceneObject.Length);
                 * // Really large xml files (multi megabyte) appear to cause
                 * // memory problems
                 * // when loading the xml.  But don't enable this check yet
                 * if (serialisedSceneObject.Length > 5000000)
                 * {
                 *  m_log.Error("[ARCHIVER]: Ignoring xml since size > 5000000);");
                 *  continue;
                 * }

                SceneObjectGroup sceneObject = serialiser.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(serialisedSceneObject);

                // Happily this does not do much to the object since it hasn't been added to the scene yet
                if (!sceneObject.IsAttachment)
                    if (m_displacement != Vector3.Zero || m_rotation != 0f)
                        Vector3 pos = sceneObject.AbsolutePosition;
                        if (m_rotation != 0f)
                            // Rotate the object
                            sceneObject.RootPart.RotationOffset = rot * sceneObject.GroupRotation;
                            // Get object position relative to rotation axis
                            Vector3 offset = pos - m_rotationCenter;
                            // Rotate the object position
                            offset *= rot;
                            // Restore the object position back to relative to the region
                            pos = m_rotationCenter + offset;
                        if (m_displacement != Vector3.Zero)
                            pos += m_displacement;
                        sceneObject.AbsolutePosition = pos;

                bool isTelehub = (sceneObject.UUID == oldTelehubUUID) && (oldTelehubUUID != UUID.Zero);

                // For now, give all incoming scene objects new uuids.  This will allow scenes to be cloned
                // on the same region server and multiple examples a single object archive to be imported
                // to the same scene (when this is possible).

                if (isTelehub)
                    // Change the Telehub Object to the new UUID
                    scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject = sceneObject.UUID;
                    oldTelehubUUID = UUID.Zero;

                ModifySceneObject(scene, sceneObject);

                if (scene.AddRestoredSceneObject(sceneObject, true, false))
                    sceneObject.CreateScriptInstances(0, false, scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 0);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} scene objects to the scene", sceneObjectsLoadedCount);

            int ignoredObjects = serialisedSceneObjects.Count - sceneObjectsLoadedCount;

            if (ignoredObjects > 0)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Ignored {0} scene objects that already existed in the scene", ignoredObjects);

            if (oldTelehubUUID != UUID.Zero)
                m_log.WarnFormat("Telehub object not found: {0}", oldTelehubUUID);
                scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TelehubObject = UUID.Zero;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private void DearchiveRegion0DotStar()
            if (m_loadStream == null)
            int      successfulAssetRestores = 0;
            int      failedAssetRestores     = 0;
            string   filePath = "NONE";
            DateTime start    = DateTime.Now;

            TarArchiveReader archive = new TarArchiveReader(m_loadStream);

            if (!m_skipAssets)
                m_threadpool = new AuroraThreadPool(new AuroraThreadPoolStartInfo()
                    Threads  = 1,
                    priority =

            IBackupModule backup = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IBackupModule>();

            if (!m_merge)
                DateTime before = DateTime.Now;
                MainConsole.Instance.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Clearing all existing scene objects");
                if (backup != null)
                MainConsole.Instance.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Cleared all existing scene objects in " +
                                          (DateTime.Now - before).Minutes + ":" + (DateTime.Now - before).Seconds);

            IScriptModule[] modules = m_scene.RequestModuleInterfaces <IScriptModule>();
            //Disable the script engine so that it doesn't load in the background and kill OAR loading
            foreach (IScriptModule module in modules)
                module.Disabled = true;
            //Disable backup for now as well
            if (backup != null)
                backup.LoadingPrims = true;

            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
            int sceneObjectsLoadedCount        = 0;

            //We save the groups so that we can back them up later
            List <ISceneEntity> groupsToBackup = new List <ISceneEntity>();
            List <LandData>     landData       = new List <LandData>();

            // must save off some stuff until after assets have been saved and recieved new uuids
            // keeping these collection local because I am sure they will get large and garbage collection is better that way
            List <byte[]>           seneObjectGroups        = new List <byte[]>();
            Dictionary <UUID, UUID> assetBinaryChangeRecord = new Dictionary <UUID, UUID>();
            Queue <UUID>            assets2Save             = new Queue <UUID>();

                byte[] data;
                TarArchiveReader.TarEntryType entryType;
                while ((data = archive.ReadEntry(out filePath, out entryType)) != null)
                    if (TarArchiveReader.TarEntryType.TYPE_DIRECTORY == entryType)

                    if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.OBJECTS_PATH))
                    else if (!m_skipAssets && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.ASSETS_PATH))
                        AssetBase asset;
                        if (LoadAsset(filePath, data, out asset))
                            if (m_useAsync)
                                lock (AssetsToAdd) AssetsToAdd.Add(asset);
                                if (asset.IsBinaryAsset)
                                    UUID aid = asset.ID;
                                    asset.ID = m_scene.AssetService.Store(asset);
                                    if (asset.ID != aid && asset.ID != UUID.Zero)
                                        assetBinaryChangeRecord.Add(aid, asset.ID);
                                    if (!assetNonBinaryCollection.ContainsKey(asset.ID))
                                        assetNonBinaryCollection.Add(asset.ID, asset);
                                        // I need something I can safely loop through

                        if ((successfulAssetRestores + failedAssetRestores) % 250 == 0)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Loaded " + successfulAssetRestores +
                                                      " assets and failed to load " + failedAssetRestores + " assets...");
                    else if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.TERRAINS_PATH))
                        LoadTerrain(filePath, data);
                    else if (!m_merge && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.SETTINGS_PATH))
                        LoadRegionSettings(filePath, data);
                    else if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.LANDDATA_PATH))
                        LandData parcel = LandDataSerializer.Deserialize(m_utf8Encoding.GetString(data));
                        parcel.OwnerID = ResolveUserUuid(parcel.OwnerID, UUID.Zero, "", Vector3.Zero, null);
                    else if (filePath == ArchiveConstants.CONTROL_FILE_PATH)
                // Save Assets
                int savingAssetsCount = 0;
                while (assets2Save.Count > 0)
                        UUID assetid = assets2Save.Dequeue();
                        SaveNonBinaryAssets(assetid, assetNonBinaryCollection[assetid], assetBinaryChangeRecord);
                        if ((savingAssetsCount) % 250 == 0)
                            MainConsole.Instance.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Saving " + savingAssetsCount + " assets...");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MainConsole.Instance.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Exception in saving an asset: " + ex.ToString());

                foreach (byte[] data2 in seneObjectGroups)
                    byte[] data3 = data2;

                    string          stringData = Utils.BytesToString(data3);
                    MatchCollection mc         = Regex.Matches(stringData, sPattern);
                    bool            didChange  = false;
                    if (mc.Count >= 1)
                        foreach (Match match in mc)
                            UUID thematch = new UUID(match.Value);
                            UUID newvalue = thematch;
                            if (assetNonBinaryCollection.ContainsKey(thematch))
                                newvalue = assetNonBinaryCollection[thematch].ID;
                            else if (assetBinaryChangeRecord.ContainsKey(thematch))
                                newvalue = assetBinaryChangeRecord[thematch];
                            if (thematch == newvalue)
                            stringData = stringData.Replace(thematch.ToString().Trim(), newvalue.ToString().Trim());
                            didChange  = true;
                    if (didChange)
                        data3 = Utils.StringToBytes(stringData);

                    ISceneEntity sceneObject = serialiser.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(data3, m_scene);

                    if (sceneObject == null)
                        //! big error!
                        MainConsole.Instance.Error("Error reading SOP XML (Please mantis this!): " +

                    foreach (ISceneChildEntity part in sceneObject.ChildrenEntities())
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.CreatorData))
                            part.CreatorID = ResolveUserUuid(part.CreatorID, part.CreatorID, part.CreatorData,
                                                             part.AbsolutePosition, landData);

                        part.OwnerID = ResolveUserUuid(part.OwnerID, part.CreatorID, part.CreatorData,
                                                       part.AbsolutePosition, landData);

                        part.LastOwnerID = ResolveUserUuid(part.LastOwnerID, part.CreatorID, part.CreatorData,
                                                           part.AbsolutePosition, landData);

                        // And zap any troublesome sit target information
                        part.SitTargetOrientation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                        part.SitTargetPosition    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                        // Fix ownership/creator of inventory items
                        // Not doing so results in inventory items
                        // being no copy/no mod for everyone
                        lock (part.TaskInventory)
                            TaskInventoryDictionary inv = part.TaskInventory;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <UUID, TaskInventoryItem> kvp in inv)
                                kvp.Value.OwnerID = ResolveUserUuid(kvp.Value.OwnerID, kvp.Value.CreatorID,
                                                                    kvp.Value.CreatorData, part.AbsolutePosition,
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Value.CreatorData))
                                    kvp.Value.CreatorID = ResolveUserUuid(kvp.Value.CreatorID, kvp.Value.CreatorID,
                                                                          kvp.Value.CreatorData, part.AbsolutePosition,

                    //Add the offsets of the region
                    Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.X + m_offsetX,
                                                 sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.Y + m_offsetY,
                                                 sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.Z + m_offsetZ);
                    if (m_flipX)
                        newPos.X = m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX - newPos.X;
                    if (m_flipY)
                        newPos.Y = m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY - newPos.Y;
                    sceneObject.SetAbsolutePosition(false, newPos);

                    if (m_scene.SceneGraph.AddPrimToScene(sceneObject))
                        sceneObject.CreateScriptInstances(0, false, StateSource.RegionStart, UUID.Zero, true);
                    if (sceneObjectsLoadedCount % 250 == 0)
                        MainConsole.Instance.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Loaded " + sceneObjectsLoadedCount + " objects...");
            catch (Exception e)
                    "[ARCHIVER]: Aborting load with error in archive file {0}.  {1}", filePath, e);
                m_errorMessage += e.ToString();
                m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOarFileLoaded(UUID.Zero.Guid, m_errorMessage);

                //Reeanble now that we are done
                foreach (IScriptModule module in modules)
                    module.Disabled = false;
                //Reset backup too
                if (backup != null)
                    backup.LoadingPrims = false;

            //Now back up the prims
            foreach (ISceneEntity grp in groupsToBackup)
                grp.HasGroupChanged = true;

            if (!m_skipAssets && m_useAsync && !AssetSaverIsRunning)
                m_threadpool.QueueEvent(SaveAssets, 0);

            if (!m_skipAssets)
                MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} assets", successfulAssetRestores);

                if (failedAssetRestores > 0)
                    MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Failed to load {0} assets", failedAssetRestores);
                    m_errorMessage += String.Format("Failed to load {0} assets", failedAssetRestores);

            // Try to retain the original creator/owner/lastowner if their uuid is present on this grid
            // otherwise, use the master avatar uuid instead

            // Reload serialized parcels
            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading {0} parcels.  Please wait.", landData.Count);

            IParcelManagementModule parcelManagementModule = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IParcelManagementModule>();

            if (parcelManagementModule != null)
                parcelManagementModule.IncomingLandDataFromOAR(landData, m_merge, new Vector2(m_offsetX, m_offsetY));

            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} parcels.", landData.Count);

            //Clean it out

            MainConsole.Instance.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Successfully loaded archive in " +
                                            (DateTime.Now - start).Minutes + ":" + (DateTime.Now - start).Seconds);

            m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOarFileLoaded(UUID.Zero.Guid, m_errorMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up references to modules required by the scene
 /// </summary>
 public void SetModuleInterfaces()
     m_xmlrpcModule = RequestModuleInterface<IXMLRPC>();
     m_worldCommModule = RequestModuleInterface<IWorldComm>();
     XferManager = RequestModuleInterface<IXfer>();
     m_AvatarFactory = RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarFactory>();
     AttachmentsModule = RequestModuleInterface<IAttachmentsModule>();
     m_serialiser = RequestModuleInterface<IRegionSerialiserModule>();
     m_dialogModule = RequestModuleInterface<IDialogModule>();
     m_capsModule = RequestModuleInterface<ICapabilitiesModule>();
     m_teleportModule = RequestModuleInterface<IEntityTransferModule>();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void SetupSerialiser()
     if (m_scenes.Count > 0)
         m_serialiser = m_scenes[0].RequestModuleInterface<IRegionSerialiserModule>();
Ejemplo n.º 24
        protected virtual void DoObjectPost(Hashtable request, Hashtable responsedata, UUID regionID)
            OSDMap args = WebUtils.GetOSDMap((string)request["body"]);

            if (args == null)
                responsedata["int_response_code"]   = 400;
                responsedata["str_response_string"] = "false";
            // retrieve the input arguments
            int    x = 0, y = 0;
            UUID   uuid       = UUID.Zero;
            string regionname = string.Empty;

            if (args.ContainsKey("destination_x") && args["destination_x"] != null)
                Int32.TryParse(args["destination_x"].AsString(), out x);
            if (args.ContainsKey("destination_y") && args["destination_y"] != null)
                Int32.TryParse(args["destination_y"].AsString(), out y);
            if (args.ContainsKey("destination_uuid") && args["destination_uuid"] != null)
                UUID.TryParse(args["destination_uuid"].AsString(), out uuid);
            if (args.ContainsKey("destination_name") && args["destination_name"] != null)
                regionname = args["destination_name"].ToString();

            GridRegion destination = new GridRegion();

            destination.RegionID   = uuid;
            destination.RegionLocX = x;
            destination.RegionLocY = y;
            destination.RegionName = regionname;

            string sogXmlStr = "", extraStr = "";

            if (args.ContainsKey("sog") && args["sog"] != null)
                sogXmlStr = args["sog"].AsString();

            IScene       s   = m_SimulationService.GetScene(destination.RegionHandle);
            ISceneObject sog = null;

                //m_log.DebugFormat("[OBJECT HANDLER]: received {0}", sogXmlStr);
                IRegionSerialiserModule mod = s.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
                if (mod != null)
                    sog = mod.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(sogXmlStr, s);
                    if (sog != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_log.InfoFormat("[OBJECT HANDLER]: exception on deserializing scene object {0}", ex.ToString());
                responsedata["int_response_code"]   = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                responsedata["str_response_string"] = "Bad request";

            bool result = false;

            if (sog == null)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("[OBJECT HANDLER]: error on deserializing scene object as the object was null!");

                responsedata["int_response_code"]   = HttpStatusCode.OK;
                responsedata["str_response_string"] = result.ToString();

                // This is the meaning of POST object
                result = m_SimulationService.CreateObject(destination, sog);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[OBJECT HANDLER]: Exception in CreateObject: {0}", e.StackTrace);

            responsedata["int_response_code"]   = HttpStatusCode.OK;
            responsedata["str_response_string"] = result.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void DearchiveRegion0DotStar()
            int successfulAssetRestores = 0;
            int failedAssetRestores     = 0;
            //List<string> serialisedSceneObjects = new List<string>();
            List <string> serialisedParcels = new List <string>();
            string        filePath          = "NONE";
            DateTime      start             = DateTime.Now;

            TarArchiveReader archive = new TarArchiveReader(m_loadStream);

            byte[] data;
            TarArchiveReader.TarEntryType entryType;

            if (!m_skipAssets)
                m_threadpool = new Aurora.Framework.AuroraThreadPool(new Aurora.Framework.AuroraThreadPoolStartInfo()
                    Threads  = 1,
                    priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal

            IBackupModule backup = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IBackupModule>();

            if (!m_merge)
                DateTime before = DateTime.Now;
                m_log.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Clearing all existing scene objects");
                if (backup != null)
                m_log.Info("[ARCHIVER]: Cleared all existing scene objects in " + (DateTime.Now - before).Minutes + ":" + (DateTime.Now - before).Seconds);

            IScriptModule[] modules = m_scene.RequestModuleInterfaces <IScriptModule>();
            //Disable the script engine so that it doesn't load in the background and kill OAR loading
            foreach (IScriptModule module in modules)
                module.Disabled = true;
            //Disable backup for now as well
            if (backup != null)
                backup.LoadingPrims = true;

            IRegionSerialiserModule serialiser = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IRegionSerialiserModule>();
            int sceneObjectsLoadedCount        = 0;

            //We save the groups so that we can back them up later
            List <SceneObjectGroup> groupsToBackup = new List <SceneObjectGroup>();

                while ((data = archive.ReadEntry(out filePath, out entryType)) != null)
                    //    "[ARCHIVER]: Successfully read {0} ({1} bytes)", filePath, data.Length);

                    if (TarArchiveReader.TarEntryType.TYPE_DIRECTORY == entryType)

                    if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.OBJECTS_PATH))
                        string sogdata = m_utf8Encoding.GetString(data);

                         * m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading xml with raw size {0}", serialisedSceneObject.Length);
                         * // Really large xml files (multi megabyte) appear to cause
                         * // memory problems
                         * // when loading the xml.  But don't enable this check yet
                         * if (serialisedSceneObject.Length > 5000000)
                         * {
                         * m_log.Error("[ARCHIVER]: Ignoring xml since size > 5000000);");
                         * continue;
                         * }

                        string           serialisedSceneObject = sogdata;
                        SceneObjectGroup sceneObject           = (SceneObjectGroup)serialiser.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(serialisedSceneObject, m_scene);

                        if (sceneObject == null)
                            //! big error!
                            m_log.Error("Error reading SOP XML (Please mantis this!): " + serialisedSceneObject);

                        foreach (SceneObjectPart part in sceneObject.ChildrenList)
                            if (!ResolveUserUuid(part.CreatorID))
                                part.CreatorID = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                            if (!ResolveUserUuid(part.OwnerID))
                                part.OwnerID = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                            if (!ResolveUserUuid(part.LastOwnerID))
                                part.LastOwnerID = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                            // And zap any troublesome sit target information
                            part.SitTargetOrientation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                            part.SitTargetPosition    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                            // Fix ownership/creator of inventory items
                            // Not doing so results in inventory items
                            // being no copy/no mod for everyone
                            lock (part.TaskInventory)
                                TaskInventoryDictionary inv = part.TaskInventory;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <UUID, TaskInventoryItem> kvp in inv)
                                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(kvp.Value.OwnerID))
                                        kvp.Value.OwnerID = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;
                                    if (!ResolveUserUuid(kvp.Value.CreatorID))
                                        kvp.Value.CreatorID = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;

                        //Add the offsets of the region
                        Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.X + m_offsetX,
                                                     sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.Y + m_offsetY,
                                                     sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.Z + m_offsetZ);
                        if (m_flipX)
                            newPos.X = m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX - newPos.X;
                        if (m_flipY)
                            newPos.Y = m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY - newPos.Y;
                        sceneObject.SetAbsolutePosition(false, newPos);

                        if (m_scene.SceneGraph.AddPrimToScene(sceneObject))
                            sceneObject.CreateScriptInstances(0, false, 0, UUID.Zero);
                        if (sceneObjectsLoadedCount % 250 == 0)
                            m_log.Debug("[ARCHIVER]: Loaded " + sceneObjectsLoadedCount + " objects...");
                    else if (filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.ASSETS_PATH))
                        if (!m_skipAssets)
                            if (LoadAsset(filePath, data))

                            if ((successfulAssetRestores + failedAssetRestores) % 250 == 0)
                                m_log.Debug("[ARCHIVER]: Loaded " + successfulAssetRestores + " assets and failed to load " + failedAssetRestores + " assets...");
                    else if (!m_merge && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.TERRAINS_PATH))
                        LoadTerrain(filePath, data);
                    else if (!m_merge && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.SETTINGS_PATH))
                        LoadRegionSettings(filePath, data);
                    else if (!m_merge && filePath.StartsWith(ArchiveConstants.LANDDATA_PATH))
                    else if (filePath == ArchiveConstants.CONTROL_FILE_PATH)
                        LoadControlFile(filePath, data);
                        m_log.Debug("[ARCHIVER]:UNKNOWN PATH: " + filePath);

                //m_log.Debug("[ARCHIVER]: Reached end of archive");
            catch (Exception e)
                    "[ARCHIVER]: Aborting load with error in archive file {0}.  {1}", filePath, e);
                m_errorMessage += e.ToString();
                m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOarFileLoaded(UUID.Zero.Guid, m_errorMessage);
            //Reeanble now that we are done
            foreach (IScriptModule module in modules)
                module.Disabled = false;
            //Reset backup too
            if (backup != null)
                backup.LoadingPrims = false;

            //Now back up the prims
            foreach (SceneObjectGroup grp in groupsToBackup)
                grp.HasGroupChanged = true;

            if (!m_skipAssets)
                if (m_useAsync && !AssetSaverIsRunning)
                    m_threadpool.QueueEvent(SaveAssets, 0);
                else if (!AssetSaverIsRunning)

            if (!m_skipAssets)
                m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} assets", successfulAssetRestores);

                if (failedAssetRestores > 0)
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Failed to load {0} assets", failedAssetRestores);
                    m_errorMessage += String.Format("Failed to load {0} assets", failedAssetRestores);

            // Try to retain the original creator/owner/lastowner if their uuid is present on this grid
            // otherwise, use the master avatar uuid instead

            // Reload serialized parcels
            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Loading {0} parcels.  Please wait.", serialisedParcels.Count);
            List <LandData> landData = new List <LandData>();

            foreach (string serialisedParcel in serialisedParcels)
                LandData parcel = LandDataSerializer.Deserialize(serialisedParcel);
                if (!ResolveUserUuid(parcel.OwnerID))
                    parcel.OwnerID = m_scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner;
            //Update the database as well!
            IParcelManagementModule parcelManagementModule = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IParcelManagementModule>();

            if (parcelManagementModule != null)
                foreach (LandData parcel in landData)
                    parcelManagementModule.UpdateLandObject(parcel.LocalID, parcel);

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Restored {0} parcels.", landData.Count);

            //Clean it out

            m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Successfully loaded archive in " + (DateTime.Now - start).Minutes + ":" + (DateTime.Now - start).Seconds);

            m_scene.EventManager.TriggerOarFileLoaded(UUID.Zero.Guid, m_errorMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets up references to modules required by the scene
 /// </summary>
 public void SetModuleInterfaces()
     m_xmlrpcModule = RequestModuleInterface<IXMLRPC>();
     m_worldCommModule = RequestModuleInterface<IWorldComm>();
     XferManager = RequestModuleInterface<IXfer>();
     m_AvatarFactory = RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarFactory>();
     m_serialiser = RequestModuleInterface<IRegionSerialiserModule>();
     m_interregionCommsOut = RequestModuleInterface<IInterregionCommsOut>();
     m_interregionCommsIn = RequestModuleInterface<IInterregionCommsIn>();
     m_dialogModule = RequestModuleInterface<IDialogModule>();
     m_capsModule = RequestModuleInterface<ICapabilitiesModule>();
     m_teleportModule = RequestModuleInterface<ITeleportModule>();
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up references to modules required by the scene
        /// </summary>
        public void SetModuleInterfaces()
            m_xmlrpcModule = RequestModuleInterface<IXMLRPC>();
            m_worldCommModule = RequestModuleInterface<IWorldComm>();
            XferManager = RequestModuleInterface<IXfer>();
            m_AvatarFactory = RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarFactory>();
            AttachmentsModule = RequestModuleInterface<IAttachmentsModule>();
            m_serialiser = RequestModuleInterface<IRegionSerialiserModule>();
            m_dialogModule = RequestModuleInterface<IDialogModule>();
            m_capsModule = RequestModuleInterface<ICapabilitiesModule>();
            m_teleportModule = RequestModuleInterface<IEntityTransferModule>();

            // Shoving this in here for now, because we have the needed
            // interfaces at this point
            // TODO: Find a better place for this
            while (m_regInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner == UUID.Zero && MainConsole.Instance != null)
                MainConsole.Instance.Output("The current estate " + m_regInfo.EstateSettings.EstateName + " has no owner set.");
                List<char> excluded = new List<char>(new char[1] { ' ' });
                string first = MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Estate owner first name", "Test", excluded);
                string last = MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Estate owner last name", "User", excluded);

                UserAccount account = UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(m_regInfo.ScopeID, first, last);

                if (account == null)
                    // Create a new account
                    account = new UserAccount(m_regInfo.ScopeID, first, last, String.Empty);
                    if (account.ServiceURLs == null || (account.ServiceURLs != null && account.ServiceURLs.Count == 0))
                        account.ServiceURLs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        account.ServiceURLs["HomeURI"] = string.Empty;
                        account.ServiceURLs["GatekeeperURI"] = string.Empty;
                        account.ServiceURLs["InventoryServerURI"] = string.Empty;
                        account.ServiceURLs["AssetServerURI"] = string.Empty;

                    if (UserAccountService.StoreUserAccount(account))
                        string password = MainConsole.Instance.PasswdPrompt("Password");
                        string email = MainConsole.Instance.CmdPrompt("Email", "");

                        account.Email = email;

                        bool success = false;
                        success = AuthenticationService.SetPassword(account.PrincipalID, password);
                        if (!success)
                            m_log.WarnFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Unable to set password for account {0} {1}.",
                               first, last);

                        GridRegion home = null;
                        if (GridService != null)
                            List<GridRegion> defaultRegions = GridService.GetDefaultRegions(UUID.Zero);
                            if (defaultRegions != null && defaultRegions.Count >= 1)
                                home = defaultRegions[0];

                            if (GridUserService != null && home != null)
                                GridUserService.SetHome(account.PrincipalID.ToString(), home.RegionID, new Vector3(128, 128, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
                                m_log.WarnFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Unable to set home for account {0} {1}.",
                                   first, last);

                            m_log.WarnFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Unable to retrieve home region for account {0} {1}.",
                               first, last);

                        if (InventoryService != null)
                            success = InventoryService.CreateUserInventory(account.PrincipalID);
                        if (!success)
                            m_log.WarnFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Unable to create inventory for account {0} {1}.",
                               first, last);

                        m_log.InfoFormat("[USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Account {0} {1} created successfully", first, last);

                        m_regInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner = account.PrincipalID;
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE]: Unable to store account. If this simulator is connected to a grid, you must create the estate owner account first.");
                    m_regInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner = account.PrincipalID;