Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void DoPerkUpgrade(NWPlayer oPC, int perkID, bool freeUpgrade = false)
            var perk       = _data.Single <Data.Entity.Perk>(x => x.ID == perkID);
            var perkLevels = _data.Where <PerkLevel>(x => x.PerkID == perkID);
            var pcPerk     = _data.SingleOrDefault <PCPerk>(x => x.PlayerID == oPC.GlobalID && x.PerkID == perkID);
            var player     = _data.Single <Player>(x => x.ID == oPC.GlobalID);

            if (freeUpgrade || CanPerkBeUpgraded(oPC, perkID))
                DatabaseActionType action = DatabaseActionType.Update;
                if (pcPerk == null)
                    pcPerk = new PCPerk();
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    pcPerk.AcquiredDate = dt;
                    pcPerk.PerkID       = perk.ID;
                    pcPerk.PlayerID     = oPC.GlobalID;
                    pcPerk.PerkLevel    = 0;

                    action = DatabaseActionType.Insert;

                PerkLevel nextPerkLevel = FindPerkLevel(perkLevels, pcPerk.PerkLevel + 1);
                if (nextPerkLevel == null)

                _data.SubmitDataChange(pcPerk, action);

                if (!freeUpgrade)
                    player.UnallocatedSP -= nextPerkLevel.Price;
                    _data.SubmitDataChange(player, DatabaseActionType.Update);

                // If a perk is activatable, create the item on the PC.
                // Remove any existing cast spell unique power properties and add the correct one based on the DB flag.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(perk.ItemResref))
                    if (_.GetIsObjectValid(_.GetItemPossessedBy(oPC.Object, perk.ItemResref)) == FALSE)
                        NWItem spellItem = (_.CreateItemOnObject(perk.ItemResref, oPC.Object));
                        spellItem.IsCursed = true;
                        spellItem.SetLocalInt("ACTIVATION_PERK_ID", perk.ID);

                        foreach (ItemProperty ipCur in spellItem.ItemProperties)
                            int ipType    = _.GetItemPropertyType(ipCur);
                            int ipSubType = _.GetItemPropertySubType(ipCur);
                            if (ipType == ITEM_PROPERTY_CAST_SPELL &&
                                (ipSubType == IP_CONST_CASTSPELL_UNIQUE_POWER ||
                                 ipSubType == IP_CONST_CASTSPELL_UNIQUE_POWER_SELF_ONLY ||
                                 ipSubType == IP_CONST_CASTSPELL_ACTIVATE_ITEM))
                                _.RemoveItemProperty(spellItem.Object, ipCur);

                        ItemProperty ip;
                        if (perk.IsTargetSelfOnly)
                            ip = _.ItemPropertyCastSpell(IP_CONST_CASTSPELL_UNIQUE_POWER, IP_CONST_CASTSPELL_NUMUSES_UNLIMITED_USE);

                        _biowareXP2.IPSafeAddItemProperty(spellItem, ip, 0.0f, AddItemPropertyPolicy.ReplaceExisting, false, false);

                    _.SetName(_.GetItemPossessedBy(oPC.Object, perk.ItemResref), perk.Name + " (Lvl. " + pcPerk.PerkLevel + ")");
                // If a feat ID is assigned, add the feat to the player if it doesn't exist yet.
                else if (perk.FeatID != null &&
                         perk.FeatID > 0 &&
                         _.GetHasFeat((int)perk.FeatID, oPC.Object) == FALSE)
                    _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(oPC, (int)perk.FeatID, 1);

                    var qbs = _nwnxQBS.UseFeat((int)perk.FeatID);

                    // Try to add the new feat to the player's hotbar.
                    if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 0).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 0, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 1).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 1, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 2).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 2, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 3).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 3, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 4).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 4, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 5).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 5, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 6).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 6, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 7).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 7, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 8).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 8, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 9).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 9, qbs);
                    else if (_nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 10).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 10, qbs);

                oPC.SendMessage(_color.Green("Perk Purchased: " + perk.Name + " (Lvl. " + pcPerk.PerkLevel + ")"));

                App.ResolveByInterface <IPerk>("Perk." + perk.ScriptName, (perkScript) =>
                    if (perkScript == null)
                    perkScript.OnPurchased(oPC, pcPerk.PerkLevel);
                oPC.FloatingText(_color.Red("You cannot purchase the perk at this time."));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void OnModuleNWNXChat(NWPlayer sender)
            string originalMessage = _nwnxChat.GetMessage().Trim();

            if (!CanHandleChat(sender, originalMessage))

            var split = originalMessage.Split(' ').ToList();

            // Commands with no arguments won't be split, so if we didn't split anything then add the command to the split list manually.
            if (split.Count <= 0)

            split[0] = split[0].ToLower();
            string command = split[0].Substring(1, split[0].Length - 1);



            if (!App.IsKeyRegistered <IChatCommand>("ChatCommand." + command))
                sender.SendMessage(_color.Red("Invalid chat command. Use '/help' to get a list of available commands."));

            App.ResolveByInterface <IChatCommand>("ChatCommand." + command, chatCommand =>
                string args = string.Join(" ", split);

                if (!chatCommand.RequiresTarget)
                    ProcessChatCommand(chatCommand, sender, null, null, args);
                    string error = chatCommand.ValidateArguments(sender, split.ToArray());
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))

                    sender.SetLocalString("CHAT_COMMAND", command);
                    sender.SetLocalString("CHAT_COMMAND_ARGS", args);
                    sender.SendMessage("Please use your 'Chat Command Targeter' feat to select the target of this chat command.");

                    if (_.GetHasFeat((int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, sender) == FALSE || sender.IsDM)
                        _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(sender, (int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, 1);

                        if (sender.IsDM)
                            var qbs = _nwnxPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(sender, 11);
                            if (qbs.ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                                _nwnxPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(sender, 11, _nwnxQBS.UseFeat((int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter));