Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ImplementBody(MethodDefinition method, ILProcessor il, FieldDefinition attributeField, FieldDefinition methodInfoField, MethodInterceptorBuilder builder)
            // We want to call the interceptor's setter method:
            // Task<object> InvokeMethodAsync(MethodInfo methodInfo, object instance, object[] parameters, Func<object[], Task<object>> invoker)

            // Get interceptor attribute

            // Leave MethodInfo on the stack as the first argument

            // Leave the instance on the stack as the second argument
            EmitInstanceArgument(il, method);

            // Colllect all the parameters into a single array as the third argument
            ComposeArgumentsIntoArray(il, method);

            // Leave the delegate for the proceed implementation on the stack as the fourth argument
            il.EmitDelegate(builder.ProceedReference, Context.Func2Type, Context.ObjectArrayType, Context.TaskTType.MakeGenericInstanceType(TypeSystem.ObjectReference));

            // Finally, we emit the call to the interceptor
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, baseInvoke);

            // Before we return, we need to convert the `Task<object>` to `Task<T>`  We use the
            // AsyncInvoker helper so we don't have to build the state machine from scratch.
            var unwrappedReturnType = ((GenericInstanceType)method.ReturnType).GenericArguments[0];
            var typedInvoke         = asyncInvokerUnwrap.MakeGenericMethod(unwrappedReturnType);

            il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typedInvoke);

            // Return
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ImplementBody(MethodDefinition method, ILProcessor il, FieldDefinition attributeField, FieldDefinition methodInfoField, MethodInterceptorBuilder builder)
            // We want to call the interceptor's setter method:
            // object InvokeMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo, object instance, object[] parameters, Func<object[], object> invoker)

            // Get interceptor attribute

            // Leave MethodInfo on the stack as the first argument

            // Leave the instance on the stack as the second argument
            EmitInstanceArgument(il, method);

            // Colllect all the parameters into a single array as the third argument
            ComposeArgumentsIntoArray(il, method);

            // Leave the delegate for the proceed implementation on the stack as the fourth argument
            il.EmitDelegate(builder.ProceedReference, Context.Func2Type, Context.ObjectArrayType, TypeSystem.ObjectReference);

            // Finally, we emit the call to the interceptor
            il.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, baseInvoke);

            if (method.ReturnType.CompareTo(TypeSystem.VoidReference))
                // Now unbox the value if necessary
                il.EmitUnboxIfNeeded(method.ReturnType, method.DeclaringType);

            // Return