Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static string CopyIconImage(Assembly resources, string assembly, string iconName)
            // Get the stream for the source image
            Stream input = resources.GetManifestResourceStream(assembly + "." + ImagePrefix + iconName);

            if (input == null)
            // Copy the image to the static image directory
            IFolder folder = Locator.Current.GetService <IFolder>();

            folder = folder.CreateChildren(ServiceManager.SiteFolder + ServiceManager.BaseImageUrl);
            string filename = assembly + "." + iconName;
            Stream output   = folder.CreateFile(filename, FileAccessMode.ReadAndWrite, CreationOptions.ReplaceExisting);

            if (output == null)
            // All done
            return(ServiceManager.BaseImageUrl + "/" + filename);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and set up the web server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        /// <param name="useStaticFiles"></param>
        /// <param name="unpackSite"></param>
        public SensHubHttpServer(ISocketServer server, bool useStaticFiles, bool unpackSite)
            : base(server)
            // Get the root of the static site directory
            IFolder folder = Locator.Current.GetService <IFolder>();

            folder = folder.OpenFolder(ServiceManager.SiteFolder);
            // Unpack the site if we need to
            if (useStaticFiles && unpackSite)
                // We want to serve content from a directory rather than from the resources and
                // we want to unpack our content from the embedded resources
                Assembly asm = Utilities.GetContainingAssembly <SensHubHttpServer>();
                foreach (string resourceName in asm.GetManifestResourceNames())
                    if (!resourceName.StartsWith(SitePrefix))
                    // Determine the target file name
                    // TODO: There should be a better way to do this
                    string targetFile = resourceName.Substring(SitePrefix.Length);
                    targetFile = targetFile.Replace('.', '/');
                    int index = targetFile.LastIndexOf('/');
                    targetFile = targetFile.Substring(0, index) + "." + targetFile.Substring(index + 1);
                    // Get the directory
                    string directory = "";
                    index = targetFile.LastIndexOf('/');
                    IFolder target = folder;
                    if (index >= 0)
                        directory  = targetFile.Substring(0, index);
                        targetFile = targetFile.Substring(index + 1);
                        target     = target.CreateChildren(directory);
                    // Now copy the resource
                    Stream output = target.CreateFile(targetFile, FileAccessMode.ReadAndWrite, CreationOptions.ReplaceExisting);
                    Stream input  = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
            // Add the appropriate default handler
            if (useStaticFiles)
                AddHttpRequestHandler("/", new StaticHttpHandler(folder));
                AddHttpRequestHandler("/", new HttpResourceHandler(Utilities.GetContainingAssembly <SensHubHttpServer>(), SitePrefix, "index.html"));
            // Add a static file handler for plugin provided images
            folder = Locator.Current.GetService <IFolder>();
            folder = folder.CreateChildren(ServiceManager.SiteFolder + ServiceManager.BaseImageUrl);
            AddHttpRequestHandler(ServiceManager.BaseImageUrl + "/", new StaticHttpHandler(folder));
            // Add the RPC request handler
            AddWebSocketRequestHandler("/api/", new WebSocketRpcHandler());