public static Expression CreateNewExpression(Expression currentContext, IEnumerable<DataApiNode> fieldExpressions, ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, out Type dynamicType)
            var fieldExpressionsByName = fieldExpressions.ToDictionary(f => f.Name, f => f.Expression);
            dynamicType = LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType(fieldExpressions.ToDictionary(f => f.Name, f => f.Expression.Type));

            var bindings = dynamicType.GetFields().Select(p => Expression.Bind(p, fieldExpressionsByName[p.Name])).OfType<MemberBinding>();
            var newExp = Expression.New(dynamicType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
            var mi = Expression.MemberInit(newExp, bindings);
            return mi;
 public EpicsOverviewViewModel(IEnumerable<JiraIssue> issues, IEnumerable<RawAgileEpic> epics, IMessenger messenger)
    _issues = issues;
    _messenger = messenger;
    _epicKeyToIgnoreStatus = epics.ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Done);
    _epicKeyToIgnoreStatus[""] = false;
    _epicKeyToName = epics.ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Name);
    _epicKeyToName[""] = "(No epic)";
    EpicsStatistics = new ObservableCollection<EpicShare>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public OracularConfig(IEnumerable<OracularTable> tables, IEnumerable<OracularSpec> specs)
                this.tables = tables.ToDictionary (t => t.Table);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                throw new OracularException ("duplicate table " + ex.ParamName);

                this.specs = specs.ToDictionary (s => s.Name);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                throw new OracularException ("duplicate spec " + ex.ParamName);

            foreach (var spec in this.specs.Values)
                spec.config = this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private ExpansionContext(Stack<MethodBase> stack, Scope scope, NameGenerator names, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Sym, Expression>> env)
     Stack = stack;
     Scope = scope;
     Names = names;
     Env = env.ToDictionary();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void ResolveDependencies(IEnumerable<ClassNode> allClasses)
            var allClassesBySymbol = allClasses.ToDictionary(x => x.Symbol, x => x);

            foreach (var dependor in allClassesBySymbol.Values)
                foreach (var dependency in dependor.SymbolDependencies)
                    if (allClassesBySymbol.ContainsKey(dependency))
                        CreateDependency(allClassesBySymbol[dependency], dependor);
                        var matchingSymbols = allClassesBySymbol.Keys.Where(x => SymbolsMatch(x, dependency)).ToList();
                        if (matchingSymbols.Count == 1)
                            CreateDependency(allClassesBySymbol[matchingSymbols.First()], dependor);
                        if (matchingSymbols.Count > 1)
                            throw new NotImplementedException();
 public CommandLineArgsHandler(
     IEnumerable<Action<string>> parameters,
     IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Action<string>>> flags)
     this.flags = flags.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
     this.parameters = parameters.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the class <see cref="CryptographyManagerImpl"/> given a collection of <see cref="IHashProvider"/> and a
 /// collection of <see cref="ISymmetricCryptoProvider"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hashProviderNames">Sequence of names of the hash providers as defined in configuration.</param>
 /// <param name="hashProviders">The hash providers corresponding to the names in <paramref name="hashProviderNames"/> at the same index.</param>
 /// <param name="cryptoProviderNames">Sequence of names of the cryptography providers as defined in configuration.</param>
 /// <param name="symmetricCryptoProviders">The symmetric cryptography providers corresponding to the names give in <paramref name="cryptoProviderNames"/>
 /// <param name="instrumentationProvider">The instrumentation provider used to report errors.</param>
 /// at the same index.</param>
 public CryptographyManagerImpl(IEnumerable<string> hashProviderNames, IEnumerable<IHashProvider> hashProviders,
     IEnumerable<string> cryptoProviderNames, IEnumerable<ISymmetricCryptoProvider> symmetricCryptoProviders,
     IDefaultCryptographyInstrumentationProvider instrumentationProvider)
     : this(hashProviderNames.ToDictionary(hashProviders), cryptoProviderNames.ToDictionary(symmetricCryptoProviders), instrumentationProvider)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal static void EnableProvider(
            TraceEventSession session,
            Guid providerId,
            EventLevel level,
            EventKeywords matchAnyKeyword,
            IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> arguments,
            IEnumerable<string> processNamesToFilter,
            bool sendManifest = true)
            // Make explicit the invocation for requesting the manifest from the EventSource (Provider).
            var argumentsDictionary = arguments.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
            if (sendManifest)
                argumentsDictionary["Command"] = "SendManifest";

            var options =
                new TraceEventProviderOptions
                    Arguments = argumentsDictionary,
                    ProcessNameFilter = processNamesToFilter.ToArray()

            session.EnableProvider(providerId, (TraceEventLevel)level, (ulong)matchAnyKeyword, options);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public TaskList(IEnumerable<TaskTable> tasks, IEnumerable<CategoryTable> categories, int currentPosition = 0)
     _tasks = tasks.ToList();
     _taskDictionary = _tasks.ToDictionary(task => task.Id);
     _category = categories.ToDictionary(cat => cat.Id);
     _enumerator = new TaskEnumerator(this) { CurrentPosition = currentPosition };
            /// <summary>
            /// Erzeugt eine neue Verwaltung.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="definition">Die Definition der Aufzeichnung.</param>
            /// <param name="exceptions">Alle Ausnahmen zur Aufzeichnung.</param>
            /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Es wurde keine Aufzeichnung angegeben.</exception>
            public _Schedule( IScheduleDefinition definition, IEnumerable<PlanException> exceptions = null )
                // Validate
                if (definition == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "plan" );

                // Remember
                Definition = definition;

                // Default
                if (exceptions == null)
                    exceptions = Enumerable.Empty<PlanException>();

                // Validate exceptions
                foreach (var exception in exceptions)
                    if (exception.ExceptionDate.TimeOfDay != TimeSpan.Zero)
                        throw new ArgumentException( string.Format( Properties.SchedulerResources.Exception_NotAPureDate, exception.ExceptionDate ), "exceptions" );

                // Cross validate
                foreach (var exception in exceptions.GroupBy( e => e.ExceptionDate ))
                    if (exception.Count() > 1)
                        throw new ArgumentException( string.Format( Properties.SchedulerResources.Exception_DuplicateDate, exception.Key ), "exceptions" );

                // Order plan
                m_Exceptions = exceptions.ToDictionary( e => e.ExceptionDate );
Ejemplo n.º 11
    private static void ReadExistingRatings(string filename, IEnumerable<RatedCard> ratedCards)
      var ratedCardsDictionary = ratedCards.ToDictionary(x => x.Name);

      using (var reader = new StreamReader(filename))
        var line = reader.ReadLine();

        while (line != null)
          var ratingAndName = line.Split(new[] {";"}, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

          if (ratingAndName.Length == 2)
            if (ratedCardsDictionary.ContainsKey(ratingAndName[1]))
              ratedCardsDictionary[ratingAndName[1]].Rating = Decimal.Parse(ratingAndName[0],

          line = reader.ReadLine();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Init(IEnumerable<IPlayer> players)
            Players = players.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            States = Players.Values.ToDictionary(p => p, p => new PlayerState());
            Table = new Table();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the default constructor for the Microservice Id object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The Microservice short name.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceId">The service unique GUID</param>
        /// <param name="description">An optional description for the Microservice.</param>
        /// <param name="externalServiceId">The external service id. </param>
        /// <param name="serviceVersionId">The service version id. If not set, this will be pulled from the calling assembly Dll settings.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceEngineVersionId">The engine version id. If not set, this will be pulled from the executing assembly Dll settings.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">Any custom additional properties.</param>
        public MicroserviceId(string name
                              , string serviceId              = null
                              , string description            = null
                              , string externalServiceId      = null
                              , string serviceVersionId       = null
                              , string serviceEngineVersionId = null
                              , IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > properties = null)
            ServiceId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceId) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToUpperInvariant() : serviceId;
            Name      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? $"Service{ServiceId}" : name;

            if (!ValidServiceIdentifier(ServiceId))
                throw new MicroserviceIdNotValidException(nameof(ServiceId), ServiceId);

            if (!ValidServiceIdentifier(Name))
                throw new MicroserviceIdNotValidException(nameof(Name), Name);

            Description            = description;
            StartTime              = DateTime.UtcNow;
            MachineName            = Environment.MachineName;
            ServiceVersionId       = serviceVersionId ?? Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
            ServiceEngineVersionId = serviceEngineVersionId ?? Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

            ExternalServiceId = externalServiceId ?? string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2:yyyyMMddHHmm}_{3}", Name, MachineName, StartTime, ServiceId);

            Properties = properties?.ToDictionary((i) => i.Item1, (i) => i.Item2) ?? new Dictionary <string, string>();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public CompilationResult32(
     uint textSegmentSize,
     uint dataSegmentSize,
     uint bssSegmentSize,
     UInt32 entryPoint,
     UInt32 textSegmentBase,
     byte[] textSegment,
     IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, UInt32> > textLabelsOffsets,
     IEnumerable <BytecodeTextSymbol32> textSymbolReferenceOffsets,
     ImmutableArray <byte> dataSegment,
     IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, BytecodeDataSymbol32> > dataSymbolOffsets,
     IEnumerable <BytecodeBssSymbol> bssSymbols,
     IEnumerable <CompilationError> errors) : base(textSegmentSize,
     this.EntryPoint                 = entryPoint;
     this.TextSegmentBase            = textSegmentBase;
     this.DataSegmentBase            = dataSegmentBase;
     this.TextLabelsOffsets          = textLabelsOffsets?.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
     this.TextSymbolReferenceOffsets = textSymbolReferenceOffsets.ToImmutableList();
     this.DataSymbolOffsets          = dataSymbolOffsets?.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the <see cref="Type" /> matching the provided members.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceType">The <see cref="Type" /> to generate the runtime type from.</param>
        /// <param name="properties">The <see cref="MemberInfo" /> to use to generate properties.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Type" /> mathing the provided properties.</returns>
        public Type Get(Type sourceType, IEnumerable<MemberInfo> properties)
            properties = properties.ToArray();
            if (!properties.Any())
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("properties",
                    "properties must have at least 1 property definition");

            var dictionary = properties.ToDictionary(f => _nameResolver.ResolveName(f), memberInfo => memberInfo);

            var className = GetTypeKey(sourceType, dictionary);
            return BuiltTypes.GetOrAdd(
                s =>
                    var typeBuilder = ModuleBuilder.DefineType(
                        TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Serializable);

                    Contract.Assume(typeBuilder != null);

                    SetAttributes(typeBuilder, sourceType);

                    foreach (var field in dictionary)
                        CreateProperty(typeBuilder, field);

                    return typeBuilder.CreateType();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public Dictionary <string, string> FetchExifFrom(string path, IEnumerable <string> tagsToKeep = null, bool keepKeysWithEmptyValues = true)
            var res = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!File.Exists(path))

            var  tagsTable = tagsToKeep?.ToDictionary(x => x, x => 1);
            bool filter    = tagsTable != null && tagsTable.Count > 0;
            var  cmdRes    = this.SendCommand(path);

            if (!cmdRes)

            foreach (string s in cmdRes.Result.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                string[] kv = s.Split('\t');
                Debug.Assert(kv.Length == 2, $"Can not parse line :'{s}'");

                if (kv.Length != 2 || (!keepKeysWithEmptyValues && string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv[1])))
                if (filter && !tagsTable.ContainsKey(kv[0]))
                res[kv[0]] = kv[1];
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public SyndicationService(string title, IEnumerable<IResourceCollection> collections)
     Title = title;
     this.collections = collections.ToDictionary(
         x => x.Info.Title.Text,
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public MappedConstructor MapToConstructor(IEnumerable<Column> columns)
   var error = new ErrorBuilder();
   var columnsByName = columns.ToDictionary(x => x.Name.ToUpper());
   foreach (TypeConstructor ctor in _constructors)
     var selectedColumns = new List<Column>();
     foreach (var attribute in ctor.Attributes)
       var key = attribute.Name.ToUpper();
       if (!columnsByName.ContainsKey(key))
     if (!error.HasErrors)
       return new MappedConstructor(ctor, selectedColumns);
   throw error.Create();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private BoardState(IPathsValidator <TEntity> pathsValidator,
                    IEnumerable <LocatedItem <TEntity> > clonedItems)
     _items = clonedItems?.ToDictionary(k => k.Location, k => k)
              ?? new Dictionary <BoardLocation, LocatedItem <TEntity> >();
     _pathsValidator = pathsValidator;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public CacheableKeyCreator(IEnumerable <ICacheableKeyFragmentFactory> keyFragmentFactories, IContentCacheKeyCreator contentCacheKeyCreator)
            var factories = keyFragmentFactories?.ToDictionary(x => x.SupportedVaryBy, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyFragmentFactories));

            _keyFragmentFactories  = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, ICacheableKeyFragmentFactory>(factories);
            ContentCacheKeyCreator = contentCacheKeyCreator;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Create(string userId, IEnumerable <CartItemSummaryServiceModel> items)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userId) || items.Count() == 0)
                return;     // Exception ?

            var keyValuePairs = items?
                                .ToDictionary(i => i.Id, i => i.Quantity);

            var orderItems = this.db
                             .Where(s => keyValuePairs.ContainsKey(s.Id))
                             .Select(s => new OrderItem
                ShoeId    = s.Id,
                ShoePrice = s.Price,
                Quantity  = keyValuePairs[s.Id]

            var order = new Order
                UserId = userId,
                Items  = orderItems


Ejemplo n.º 22
 internal EntityType(string schema, string name, IEnumerable<EntityField> fields)
     _schema = schema;
     _name = name;
     _tableName = String.Format("{0}_{1}", _schema, _name);
     _fields = fields.ToDictionary(val => val.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public ServerConfig(IEnumerable<Tuple<WikiConfig, IPageCache>> config)
     configMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Tuple<WikiConfig, MasterRepository, IPageCache>>(
             c => CreateSafeName(c.Item1.SiteName),
             c => new Tuple<WikiConfig, MasterRepository, IPageCache>(c.Item1, new MasterRepository(c.Item1.Convertor.FileExtension), c.Item2)));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public AuditEvent(string messageType, object messageBody, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> properties, DateTimeOffset timestamp)
     MessageBody = messageBody;
     Properties = properties.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
     Timestamp = timestamp;
     MessageType = messageType;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="ModelRepository"/> type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="modelFactories">
 /// A collection that contains all registered <see cref="IModelFactory"/> implementations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="modelReader">
 /// A <see cref="IModelReader"/> implementation for loading persisted <see cref="IModel"/>s from disk.
 /// </param>
 public ModelRepository(
     IEnumerable <IModelFactory> modelFactories,
     IModelReader modelReader)
     ModelFactories = modelFactories?.ToDictionary(f => f.Id) ?? new Dictionary <Guid, IModelFactory>();
     ModelReader    = modelReader;
        public StepDirectory(string path, ScriptEngine pythonEngine)
            _path = path;
            _pythonEngine = pythonEngine;
            _logger = LogManager.GetLogger("steps");

            var stepTypes = this.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
                .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract)
                .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof (Step)))
                .Select(t => new
                                     Type = t,
                                     Extensions = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (HandlesAttribute), true)
                                 .SelectMany(h => h.Extensions)

            _extensions = stepTypes.SelectMany(t => t.Extensions);
            _typesByExtension = _extensions.ToDictionary(ext => ext.ToLowerInvariant(),
                                                        ext => stepTypes.Single(s => s.Extensions.Contains(ext)).Type);


 public XmlTestResultParser(IEnumerable<TestCase> testCasesRun, string xmlResultFile, TestEnvironment testEnvironment, string baseDir)
     _testEnvironment = testEnvironment;
     _baseDir = baseDir;
     _xmlResultFile = xmlResultFile;
     _testCasesMap = testCasesRun.ToDictionary(tc => tc.FullyQualifiedName, tc => tc);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IPropertyBag CreateModified(
            IPropertyBag input,
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> >?propertiesToSetOrAdd,
            IEnumerable <string>?propertiesToRemove)
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> existingProperties = input.AsDictionary();
            Dictionary <string, object>          newProperties      = propertiesToSetOrAdd?.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value)
                                                                      ?? new Dictionary <string, object>();
            HashSet <string>?remove = propertiesToRemove == null ? null : new HashSet <string>(propertiesToRemove);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> existingKv in existingProperties)
                string key = existingKv.Key;
                bool   newPropertyWithThisNameExists = newProperties.ContainsKey(key);
                bool   existingPropertyIsToBeRemoved = remove?.Contains(key) == true;
                if (newPropertyWithThisNameExists && existingPropertyIsToBeRemoved)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Property {key} appears in both {nameof(propertiesToSetOrAdd)} and {nameof(propertiesToRemove)}");

                if (!newPropertyWithThisNameExists && !existingPropertyIsToBeRemoved)
                    newProperties.Add(key, existingKv.Value);

            return(new JsonNetPropertyBag(newProperties, this.serializerSettings));
        public Dictionary<Webpage, List<MobileFriendlyNavigationChildNode>> GetNodes(IEnumerable<Webpage> parents)
            Webpage webpageAlias = null;
            MobileFriendlyNavigationChildNode nodeAlias = null;

            var countSubNodes = QueryOver.Of<Webpage>()
                .Where(x => x.Parent.Id == webpageAlias.Id && x.RevealInNavigation && x.PublishOn != null)

            var parentIds = parents.Select(webpage => webpage.Id).ToList();
            var nodes = _session.QueryOver(() => webpageAlias)
                .Where(node => node.RevealInNavigation && node.Published)
                .Where(node => node.Parent.Id.IsIn(parentIds))
                .OrderBy(x => x.DisplayOrder).Asc
                .SelectList(x => x.Select(y => y.Id).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.Id)
                    .Select(y => y.Parent.Id).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.ParentId)
                    .Select(y => y.Name).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.Name)
                    .Select(y => y.UrlSegment).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.UrlSegment)
                    .Select(y => y.PublishOn).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.PublishOn)
                    .Select(y => y.DocumentType).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.DocumentType)
                    .Select(y => y.DisplayOrder).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.DisplayOrder)
                    .SelectSubQuery(countSubNodes).WithAlias(() => nodeAlias.ChildCount))
                .GroupBy(node => node.ParentId)
                .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, g => g.ToList());
            return parents.ToDictionary(webpage => webpage,
                webpage =>
                    nodes.ContainsKey(webpage.Id) ? nodes[webpage.Id] : new List<MobileFriendlyNavigationChildNode>());
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public IEnumerable<Language> GetDowloadedSubtitleLanguages(string filePath, IEnumerable<Language> languages)
     var filesToCheck = languages.ToDictionary(
         language => language,
         language => CreateSubtitleFileName(filePath, $".{language.TwoLetterIsoName}.srt"));
     return filesToCheck.Where(item => _fileSystem.File.Exists(item.Value)).Select(item => item.Key);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void AddSerializers(IEnumerable<Type> list)
            var dictionary = list.ToDictionary(type => type.BaseType.GenericTypeArguments[0], type => (ISerializer)Activator.CreateInstance(type));

            foreach (var serializer in dictionary)
                serializers.Add(serializer.Key, serializer.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public static string Generate <T>(T value, IEnumerable <ICustomConverter> customConverters = null)
            var converters = customConverters?.ToDictionary(x => x.Type) ?? new Dictionary <Type, ICustomConverter>();

            if (!converters.ContainsKey(typeof(string)))
                converters.Add(typeof(string), new StringConverter());
            if (!converters.ContainsKey(typeof(Guid)))
                converters.Add(typeof(Guid), new GuidConverter());
            if (!converters.ContainsKey(typeof(char)))
                converters.Add(typeof(char), new CharConverter());
            if (!converters.ContainsKey(typeof(DateTime)))
                converters.Add(typeof(DateTime), new DateTimeConverter());
            if (!converters.ContainsKey(typeof(bool)))
                converters.Add(typeof(bool), new BoolConverter());
            if (!converters.ContainsKey(typeof(bool?)))
                converters.Add(typeof(bool?), new NullableBoolConverter());

            return(Generate(value, converters, new Dictionary <Type, Type>()));
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private string PrepareInsertCommand(string sql, IDbCommand command, IEnumerable<Column> columns)
            var parameterFactory = _adapter.ProviderHelper.GetCustomProvider<IDbParameterFactory>(_schemaProvider)
                                   ?? new GenericDbParameterFactory(command);

            var columnLookup = columns.ToDictionary(c => c.QuotedName, c => c);
            if (columnLookup.Count == 0) return PrepareCommand(sql, command);

            int openParenIndex = sql.IndexOf('(');
            int closeParenLength = sql.IndexOf(')') - openParenIndex;
            var columnNameList = sql.Substring(openParenIndex, closeParenLength).Trim('(', ')').Split(',');
            int index = 0;
            var sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var c in sql)
                if (c == '?')
                    var column = columnLookup[columnNameList[index]];
                    var parameter = parameterFactory.CreateParameter(_schemaProvider.NameParameter("p" + index), column);
            return sqlBuilder.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public void WaitForDeploymentsToFinish(IEnumerable<string> linksToDeploymentTasks, TimeSpan timeout, TimeSpan deploymentStatusCheckSleepCycle)
            IDictionary<string, Task> tasks;
            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                tasks = linksToDeploymentTasks.ToDictionary(link => link, link => session.Get<Task>(link));
                var allTasksFinished = tasks.Values.All(task => task.IsFinished);
                if (allTasksFinished) break;

                EnsureDeploymentIsNotTakingLongerThanExpected(stopwatch.Elapsed, timeout);

                log.Debug(String.Format("Deployment not yet finished. It's taken {0} so far.", stopwatch.Elapsed));
            } while (true);

            var failedTasks = tasks.Values.Where(task => !task.FinishedSuccessfully);
            if (failedTasks.Any())
                var message = "{0} of the deployment tasks has failed. Please check Octopus web site for more details. Failed tasks: {1}";
                var taskIds = failedTasks.Aggregate("", (accumulator, task) => accumulator + task.Id + ", ");
                throw new CommandException(String.Format(message, failedTasks.Count(), taskIds));

            log.Debug("Deployment has finished succeessfully");
        public static void RedirectFromLogin(string login, IEnumerable<RestResponseCookie> cookies)
            if (cookies == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cookies");

            cookies = cookies.ToArray();

            var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cookies.ToDictionary(c => c.Name, c => c.Value));

            var cookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(login, false);

            var sourceTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);

            if (sourceTicket == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Unable to decrypt authentication");

            var expiration = cookies.Select(c => c.Expires)
                                    .Where(exp => exp > DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1) && exp < DateTime.Today.AddYears(1))
                                    .Concat(new[] {sourceTicket.Expiration})

            var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
                sourceTicket.Version, sourceTicket.Name, sourceTicket.IssueDate,
                expiration, false, data);

            cookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);

            var redirectUrl = FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(login, sourceTicket.IsPersistent);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes synchronous orders to bring the account within margin requirements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generatedMarginCallOrders">These are the margin call orders that were generated
        /// by individual security margin models.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of orders that were actually executed</returns>
        public virtual List<Order> ExecuteMarginCall(IEnumerable<Order> generatedMarginCallOrders)
            // if our margin used is back under the portfolio value then we can stop liquidating
            if (Portfolio.MarginRemaining >= 0)
                return new List<Order>();

            // order by losers first
            var executedOrders = new List<Order>();
            var ordersWithSecurities = generatedMarginCallOrders.ToDictionary(x => x, x => Portfolio[x.Symbol]);
            var orderedByLosers = ordersWithSecurities.OrderBy(x => x.Value.UnrealizedProfit).Select(x => x.Key);
            foreach (var order in orderedByLosers)

                // if our margin used is back under the portfolio value then we can stop liquidating
                if (Portfolio.MarginRemaining >= 0)
            return executedOrders;
Ejemplo n.º 37
        internal AudioScan(DirectoryInfo directory, SearchOption searchoption,
                           bool parseAdd, bool parseUpdate, bool removeDeadFiles,
                           string[] extensions, IEnumerable<RawTrack> existingFiles, IEnumerable<string> ignoredFiles,
                           ScanFileEventHandler parsed,
                           ScanCompletedEventHandler done)
            var thread = new Thread(Run);

            _directory = directory;
            _searchoption = searchoption;

            _parseAdd = parseAdd;
            _parseUpdate = parseUpdate;
            _removeDeadFiles = removeDeadFiles;

            _parser = new MediaParser();

            _extensions = extensions;
            _existingFiles = existingFiles.ToDictionary(rt => rt.File);

            _ignoredFiles = (from s in ignoredFiles select new FileInfo(s)).ToArray();

            Parsed = parsed;
            Done = done;

            _state = ScannerState.NotRunning;

            _added = _updated = _skipped = _error = _removed = _total = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 38
        public void Add(string typeName, string assemblyName, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > properties)
            Assembly assembly = null;

                var assemblyRef = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
                assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyRef);
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new TypeLoadException($"Cannot load TelemetryConsumer class {typeName} from assembly {assembly?.FullName ?? assemblyName} - Error={exc}");

            var pluginType = assembly.GetType(typeName);

            if (pluginType == null)
                throw new TypeLoadException($"Cannot locate plugin class {typeName} in assembly {assembly.FullName}");

            if (!typeof(ITelemetryConsumer).IsAssignableFrom(pluginType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Telemetry consumer class {typeName} must implement one of {nameof(ITelemetryConsumer)} based interfaces");

            var extendedProperties = properties?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            Consumers.Add(new ConsumerConfiguration {
                ConsumerType = pluginType, Properties = extendedProperties
Ejemplo n.º 39
        public static IEnumerable<FrameworkName> SelectFrameworks(Runtime.Project project,
                                                                  IEnumerable<string> userSelection,
                                                                  FrameworkName fallbackFramework,
                                                                  out string errorMessage)
            var specifiedFrameworks = userSelection.ToDictionary(f => f, FrameworkNameHelper.ParseFrameworkName);

            var projectFrameworks = new HashSet<FrameworkName>(
                       .Select(c => c.FrameworkName));

            IEnumerable<FrameworkName> frameworks = null;

            if (projectFrameworks.Count > 0)
                // Specified target frameworks have to be a subset of the project frameworks
                if (!ValidateFrameworks(projectFrameworks, specifiedFrameworks, out errorMessage))
                    return null;

                frameworks = specifiedFrameworks.Count > 0 ? specifiedFrameworks.Values : (IEnumerable<FrameworkName>)projectFrameworks;
                frameworks = new[] { fallbackFramework };

            errorMessage = string.Empty;
            return frameworks;
Ejemplo n.º 40
 public TestNuCacheContentService(
     IEnumerable <ContentNodeKit> contentKits,
     IEnumerable <ContentNodeKit> mediaKits = null)
     ContentKits = contentKits?.ToDictionary(x => x.Node.Id, x => x) ?? new Dictionary <int, ContentNodeKit>();
     MediaKits   = mediaKits?.ToDictionary(x => x.Node.Id, x => x) ?? new Dictionary <int, ContentNodeKit>();
Ejemplo n.º 41
         *Build a tree from given inputs and return the root node.
        public TreeNode BuildTree(IEnumerable<Input> inputs, TreeNode parentNode = null)
            TreeNode rootNode = null;

            var inputDictionary = inputs.ToDictionary( // Building a dictionary to store each input and its corresponding node. This way we can create a Node and add it as a child of the given parent node.
                input => input.Id,
                input => new
                    Input = input,
                    newNode = new TreeNode(input.Id)

            foreach (var value in inputDictionary.Values)  // Iterating through the nodes so that we can add proper children for parents.
                var input = value.Input;
                if (input.ParentId != null)    //If the ParentId is null, add it as root. If not, add it as a child.
                    inputDictionary[(int)input.ParentId].newNode.AddChild(value.newNode);   //Get the parentID for the input. Then get the node for the parentID and the add the child node to that parentNode.
                    rootNode = value.newNode; //If it does not have parent, its a root node.
            return rootNode;
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public XmlElementNodeSerializer(IEnumerable <Element> underlyingElementsForRead)
     // VixenSystem.Elements has not yet been populated because the file is in the
     // middle of being read/written.  This serializer has a dependency on the
     // newly read element collection.
     //_underlyingElements = underlyingElementsForRead;
     _underlyingElementMap = underlyingElementsForRead?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
 protected OperationInternalBase(ClientDiagnostics clientDiagnostics, string operationTypeName, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >?scopeAttributes = null, DelayStrategy?fallbackStrategy = null)
     _diagnostics           = clientDiagnostics;
     _updateStatusScopeName = $"{operationTypeName}.UpdateStatus";
     _scopeAttributes       = scopeAttributes?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
     _fallbackStrategy      = fallbackStrategy;
     _responseLock          = new AsyncLockWithValue <Response>();
Ejemplo n.º 44
 protected OperationInternalBase(ClientDiagnostics clientDiagnostics, Response rawResponse, string operationTypeName, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >?scopeAttributes = null)
     _diagnostics           = clientDiagnostics;
     _updateStatusScopeName = $"{operationTypeName}.UpdateStatus";
     _scopeAttributes       = scopeAttributes?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
     RawResponse            = rawResponse;
     DefaultPollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
        public Core(LoginIqOptionDTO mainAccount, IEnumerable <LoginIqOptionDTO> followersAccount = null)
            _trader        = new IqOptionClient(mainAccount.Email, mainAccount.Password);
            _trader.OnBuy += FollowerBuyAsync;

            Followers = followersAccount
                        ?.ToDictionary(x => x.Email, x => new IqOptionClient(x.Email, x.Password));
Ejemplo n.º 46
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 public virtual Task SendMessageToQueueAsync(string deadLetterQueueUrl, string message, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > messageAttributes)
 => SqsClient.SendMessageAsync(new SendMessageRequest {
     QueueUrl          = deadLetterQueueUrl,
     MessageBody       = message,
     MessageAttributes = messageAttributes?.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => new MessageAttributeValue {
         StringValue = kv.Value
     }) ?? new Dictionary <string, MessageAttributeValue>()
Ejemplo n.º 47
 public DirectoryStructure(PathSet pathSet, IEnumerable <FileStructure> files, IEnumerable <DirectoryStructure> directories, PropertiesSet properties)
     this.Name         = pathSet.Name;
     this.FullPath     = pathSet.FullPath;
     this.RelativePath = pathSet.RelativePath;
     this.Files        = files?.ToDictionary(o => o.Name);
     this.Directories  = directories?.ToDictionary(o => o.Name);
     this.Properties   = properties;
 /// <summary>
 /// Send a message to the specified SQS queue. The Lambda function requires <c>sqs:SendMessage</c> permission
 /// on the specified SQS queue.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deadLetterQueueUrl">The SQS queue URL.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message to send.</param>
 /// <param name="messageAttributes">Optional attributes for the message.</param>
 /// <param name="cancellationToken">The token to monitor for cancellation requests.</param>
 /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
 public virtual Task SendMessageToQueueAsync(string deadLetterQueueUrl, string message, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >?messageAttributes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 => SqsClient.SendMessageAsync(new SendMessageRequest {
     QueueUrl          = deadLetterQueueUrl,
     MessageBody       = message,
     MessageAttributes = messageAttributes?.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => new MessageAttributeValue {
         DataType    = "String",
         StringValue = kv.Value
     }) ?? new Dictionary <string, MessageAttributeValue>()
 }, cancellationToken);
        public PipelineBuilder Effect(
            Func <IGraphicsEffectSource, Task <IGraphicsEffectSource> > factory,
            IEnumerable <string> animations          = null,
            IEnumerable <BrushProvider> initializers = null)
            async ValueTask <IGraphicsEffectSource> Factory() => await factory(await this.sourceProducer());

            return(new PipelineBuilder(this, Factory, animations?.ToArray(), initializers?.ToDictionary(item => item.Name, item => item.Initializer)));
        public OverridePropertyManager(IEnumerable <DavProperty <TEntry> > properties, IPropertyManager basePropertyManager, Func <TEntry, IStoreItem> converter = null)
            // Convert the properties to a dictionary for fast retrieval
            _properties          = properties?.ToDictionary(p => p.Name) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties));
            _basePropertyManager = basePropertyManager ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(basePropertyManager));
            _converter           = converter ?? (si => si);

            // Create the property information immediately
            Properties = GetPropertyInfo();
Ejemplo n.º 51
        public static void GenerateCSharpFile(string outputPath,
                                              IEnumerable <FunctionDoc> functionDocs)
            _functionDocs = functionDocs?.ToDictionary(functionDoc => functionDoc.Function,
                                                       funcDoc => funcDoc);
            var apiMetadata = GetAPIMetadata();
            var csharpClass = GenerateCSharpClass(apiMetadata);

            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, csharpClass);
Ejemplo n.º 52
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task UpdateAsync(ImmutableArray <Position> positions,
                                      ImmutableArray <Order> orders,
                                      ImmutableArray <MarginTradingAccount> accounts,
                                      IEnumerable <BestPriceContract> fxRates,
                                      IEnumerable <BestPriceContract> cfdQuotes)
            if (!_tradingDay.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to update snapshot: the draft snapshot provider has not been initialized yet");

            if (positions == null || !positions.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(positions), @"Unable to update snapshot: positions list is empty");

            if (orders == null || !orders.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(orders), @"Unable to update snapshot: orders list is empty");

            if (accounts == null || !accounts.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accounts), @"Unable to update snapshot: accounts list is empty");

            await EnsureSnapshotLoadedOrThrowAsync();

            var fxPrices = fxRates?.ToDictionary(r => r.Id, r => r);

            var tradingPrices = cfdQuotes?.ToDictionary(q => q.Id, q => q);

            _snapshot = new TradingEngineSnapshot(_snapshot.TradingDay,

            // to force keeper deserialize updated values from json next time data is accessed
            _positions = null;
            _orders    = null;
            _accounts  = null;
            _fxPrices  = null;
            _cfdQuotes = null;
Ejemplo n.º 53
 public DiscLibrary(IEnumerable <FolderModel> folders, IEnumerable <DiscModel> discs, IEnumerable <SongModel> songs,
                    IEnumerable <ArtistModel> artists, IEnumerable <GenreModel> genres, IEnumerable <AdviseGroupModel> adviseGroups, IEnumerable <AdviseSetModel> adviseSets)
     this.folders      = folders?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(folders));
     this.discs        = discs?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(discs));
     this.songs        = songs?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(songs));
     this.artists      = artists?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(artists));
     this.genres       = genres?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(genres));
     this.adviseGroups = adviseGroups?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(adviseGroups));
     this.adviseSets   = adviseSets?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(adviseSets));
Ejemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OperationInternal{T}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clientDiagnostics">Used for diagnostic scope and exception creation. This is expected to be the instance created during the construction of your main client.</param>
        /// <param name="operation">The long-running operation making use of this class. Passing "<c>this</c>" is expected.</param>
        /// <param name="rawResponse">
        /// The initial value of <see cref="RawResponse"/>. Usually, long-running operation objects can be instantiated in two ways:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        ///   <item>
        ///   When calling a client's "<c>Start&lt;OperationName&gt;</c>" method, a service call is made to start the operation, and an <see cref="Operation{T}"/> instance is returned.
        ///   In this case, the response received from this service call can be passed here.
        ///   </item>
        ///   <item>
        ///   When a user instantiates an <see cref="Operation{T}"/> directly using a public constructor, there's no previous service call. In this case, passing <c>null</c> is expected.
        ///   </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="operationTypeName">
        /// The type name of the long-running operation making use of this class. Used when creating diagnostic scopes. If left <c>null</c>, the type name will be inferred based on the
        /// parameter <paramref name="operation"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="scopeAttributes">The attributes to use during diagnostic scope creation.</param>
        public OperationInternal(ClientDiagnostics clientDiagnostics, IOperation <T> operation, Response rawResponse, string operationTypeName = null, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > scopeAttributes = null)
            operationTypeName ??= operation.GetType().Name;

            _operation             = operation;
            _diagnostics           = clientDiagnostics;
            _updateStatusScopeName = $"{operationTypeName}.UpdateStatus";
            _scopeAttributes       = scopeAttributes?.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
            RawResponse            = rawResponse;
            DefaultPollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
Ejemplo n.º 55
        public CompositeSearchProvider(IEnumerable <ISongSearchProvider> providers)
            if (providers == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(providers));

            this.Providers = providers
                             ?.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x)
                             ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(providers));
Ejemplo n.º 56
        /// <summary>
        /// Create router
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger"></param>
        /// <param name="invokers"></param>
        public MethodRouter(ILogger logger, IEnumerable <IMethodInvoker> invokers = null)
            _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));

            _calltable = invokers?.ToDictionary(i => i.MethodName, i => i) ??
                         new Dictionary <string, IMethodInvoker>();

            // Create chunk server
            var server = new ChunkMethodServer(this, logger);

            _calltable.Add(MethodNames.Call, new ChunkMethodServerInvoker(server));;
Ejemplo n.º 57
        public Field(string name, IArrowType dataType, bool nullable,
                     IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > metadata = default)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            Name       = name;
            DataType   = dataType ?? NullType.Default;
            IsNullable = nullable;
            Metadata   = metadata?.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 58
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GeneratorBaseClass{TMappedClass}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mappingInformation">The mapping information.</param>
        /// <param name="queryGenerators">The query generators.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// linqQueryGenerator or mappingInformation or queryGenerators
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Mapping not found for type: AssociatedType</exception>
        protected GeneratorBaseClass(IMappingSource mappingInformation,
                                     IEnumerable <IQueryGenerator <TMappedClass> > queryGenerators)
            MappingInformation = mappingInformation ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mappingInformation));
            if (!MappingInformation.GetChildMappings(AssociatedType).Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("Mapping not found for type: " + AssociatedType);

            QueryGenerators    = queryGenerators?.ToDictionary(x => x.QueryType) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(queryGenerators));
            LinqQueryGenerator = (ILinqQueryGenerator <TMappedClass>)queryGenerators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QueryType == QueryType.LinqQuery);
            DataQueryGenerator = (IDataQueryGenerator <TMappedClass>)queryGenerators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QueryType == QueryType.LoadData);
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public static Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetAsync(this HttpClient client, Uri requestUri, HttpCompletionOption completionOption = HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > > additionalHeaders = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            IDictionary <string, string[]> headers = additionalHeaders?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.ToArray());

            if (headers?.Count > 0)
                HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri);
                MergeHeaders(request, headers);
                return(client.SendAsync(request, completionOption, cancellationToken));

            return(client.GetAsync(requestUri, completionOption, cancellationToken));
Ejemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <see cref="DefaultClusterConfig"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hostname">The hostname</param>
 /// <param name="port">The port number</param>
 /// <param name="minNodes">Minimum nodes required in the cluster</param>
 /// <param name="seedNodes">Full URIs of seed nodes</param>
 /// <param name="roles">Roles and the minimum number of those roles required in the cluster</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DefaultClusterConfig(
     string hostname,
     int port,
     int minNodes = 1,
     IEnumerable <string> seedNodes = null,
     IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, int> > roles = null,
     bool enablePubSub = true
     ) : this(hostname, port)
     MinNodeNumberForUp = minNodes;
     SeedNodePaths      = seedNodes?.ToArray() ?? new string[] { };
     Roles      = roles?.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value) ?? new Dictionary <string, int>();
     WithPubSub = enablePubSub;