Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads through a report subtree and creates a report from it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeName"></param>
        /// <param name="deviceName"></param>
        /// <returns> a RP node </returns>

        private void CreateReports(NodeBase lnode, IEnumerable <XElement> elements, XNamespace ns)
            if (lnode == null || elements == null || lnode.Parent == null || lnode.Parent.Parent == null)
                Logger.getLogger().LogError("CreateReports: Something is null");

            // We are at the LN level, up 2 levels is an ied
            Iec61850Model _dataModel = (lnode.Parent.Parent as NodeIed).Model;

            foreach (XElement el in elements)
                List <NodeRCB> nodeRCBs = new List <NodeRCB>();

                XAttribute a        = el.Attribute("buffered");
                bool       buffered = a != null ? (a.Value.ToLower() == "true") : false;
                string     fc       = buffered ? "BR" : "RP";

                a = el.Attribute("indexed");
                bool     indexed       = a != null ? (a.Value.ToLower() == "true") : true; // default true???
                uint     maxRptEnabled = 1;
                XElement xeRptEnabled  = el.Element(ns + "RptEnabled");
                if (xeRptEnabled != null)
                    a = xeRptEnabled.Attribute("max");
                    try { maxRptEnabled = uint.Parse(a.Value); }
                    catch { }
                // correction necessary???
                if (!indexed)
                    maxRptEnabled = 1;
                if (maxRptEnabled < 1)
                    maxRptEnabled = 1;
                if (maxRptEnabled > 99)
                    maxRptEnabled = 99;

                for (int i = 0; i < maxRptEnabled; i++)
                    nodeRCBs.Add(new NodeRCB(el.Attribute("name").Value + (indexed ? (i + 1).ToString("D2") : "")));
                    nodeRCBs[i].isBuffered = buffered;

                // rptID
                NodeData RptId = new NodeData("RptID");
                RptId.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                RptId.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.visible_string;
                a = el.Attribute("rptID");
                RptId.DataValue = a != null ? a.Value : "";

                // datSet
                NodeData DatSet = new NodeData("DatSet");
                DatSet.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                DatSet.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.visible_string;
                a = el.Attribute("datSet");
                DatSet.DataValue = a != null ? a.Value : null; // null accepted

                // confRev
                NodeData ConfRev = new NodeData("ConfRev");
                ConfRev.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                ConfRev.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.unsigned;
                a = el.Attribute("confRev");
                    ConfRev.DataValue = uint.Parse(a.Value);
                    ConfRev.DataValue = (uint)1;

                // bufTime
                NodeData BufTm = new NodeData("BufTm");
                BufTm.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                BufTm.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.unsigned;
                a = el.Attribute("bufTime");
                    BufTm.DataValue = uint.Parse(a.Value);
                    BufTm.DataValue = (uint)0;

                // intgPd
                NodeData IntgPd = new NodeData("IntgPd");
                IntgPd.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                IntgPd.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.unsigned;
                a = el.Attribute("intgPd");
                    IntgPd.DataValue = uint.Parse(a.Value);
                    IntgPd.DataValue = (uint)0;

                // <TrgOps dchg="true" qchg="false" dupd="false" period="true" />
                NodeData TrgOps = new NodeData("TrgOps");
                TrgOps.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                TrgOps.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.integer;
                IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions trgOptions = IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.NONE;
                XElement xeTrgOps = el.Element(ns + "TrgOps");
                if (xeTrgOps != null)
                    a = xeTrgOps.Attribute("dchg");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_CHANGED;
                    a = xeTrgOps.Attribute("qchg");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.QUALITY_CHANGED;
                    a = xeTrgOps.Attribute("dupd");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_UPDATE;
                    a = xeTrgOps.Attribute("period");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.INTEGRITY;
                    a = xeTrgOps.Attribute("gi");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "true").ToLower() == "true") // default true
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.GI;
                TrgOps.DataValue = trgOptions;

                // <OptFields seqNum="true" timeStamp="true" dataSet="true" reasonCode="true" dataRef="false" entryID="true" configRef="true" bufOvfl="true" />
                NodeData OptFlds = new NodeData("OptFlds");
                OptFlds.SCL_FCDesc = fc;
                OptFlds.DataType   = scsm_MMS_TypeEnum.integer;
                IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions rptOptions = IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.NONE;
                XElement xeOptFields = el.Element(ns + "OptFields");
                if (xeOptFields != null)
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("seqNum");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.SEQ_NUM;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("timeStamp");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.TIME_STAMP;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("dataSet");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.DATA_SET;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("reasonCode");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.REASON_FOR_INCLUSION;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("dataRef");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.DATA_REFERENCE;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("entryID");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.ENTRY_ID;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("configRef");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.CONF_REV;
                    a = xeOptFields.Attribute("bufOvfl");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
                OptFlds.DataValue = rptOptions;

                for (int i = 0; i < maxRptEnabled; i++)
        private static bool FileParseToAttribute(XDocument doc)
            if (doc.Root == null)
                Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: doc.Root == null", "Warning ");

            IEnumerable <XElement> xLd = (from x in doc.Descendants()
                                          where x.Name.LocalName == "LDevice"
                                          select x).ToList();

            if (!xLd.Any())
                Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: LDevice == null", "Warning ");

            foreach (var lditem in xLd)
                if (lditem.Attribute("inst") == null)
                    Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: LDevice.inst == null", "Warning ");

                var ld = lditem.Attribute("inst")?.Value;

                IEnumerable <XElement> xLn = lditem.Elements().ToList();

                if (!xLn.Any())
                    Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: LN == null", "Warning ");

                foreach (var lnitem in xLn)
                    //if (lnitem.Attribute("type")?.Value.ToUpper() == "EnergocomplektBitArray".ToUpper())
                    //	try
                    //	{
                    //		var nameBitArray = lnitem.Value.Split(';')[0];
                    //		var addrBitArray = Convert.ToUInt16(lnitem.Value.Split(';')[1]);

                    //		//Новый объект source
                    //		UpdateDataObj.SourceList.Add(new UpdateDataObj.SourceClassDigital()
                    //		{
                    //			Addr = addrBitArray,
                    //			Count = 1,
                    //			NameBitArray = nameBitArray
                    //		});

                    //		continue;
                    //	}
                    //	catch
                    //	{
                    //		Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: LN.type == EnergocomplektBitArray", "Warning ");
                    //		continue;
                    //	}
                    //if (lnitem.Attribute("lnClass") == null || lnitem.Attribute("inst") == null)
                    //	Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: LN.lnClass == null or LN.inst == null", "Warning ");
                    //	continue;

                    string ln = lnitem.Attribute("prefix")?.Value + lnitem.Attribute("lnClass")?.Value + lnitem.Attribute("inst")?.Value;

                    #region DOI
                    IEnumerable <XElement> xDoi = lnitem.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "DOI".ToUpper()).ToList();

                    foreach (var doiitem in xDoi)
                        if (doiitem.Attribute("name") == null)
                            Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: DO.name == null", "Warning ");
                        var doi = doiitem.Attribute("name")?.Value;

                        //Проверяю на собственный формат
                        var type = (from x in doiitem.Descendants()
                                    where x.Name.LocalName == "private"
                                    select x).ToList();

                        if (type.Count != 0)                         //Проверяю на собственный формат
                            //Отметим объекты которые изменяются
                                var tempDo = (from z in (from y in (from x in ServerModel.Model.ListLD
                                                                    where x.NameLD.ToUpper() == ld?.ToUpper()
                                                                    select x).ToList().First().ListLN
                                                         where y.NameLN.ToUpper() == ln.ToUpper()
                                                         select y).ToList().First().ListDO
                                              where z.NameDO.ToUpper() == doi?.ToUpper()
                                              select z).ToList().First();

                                //tempDo.Type = type.First().Value;
                                Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: private DA not found", "Warning ");

                        ParseDefultParamBda(doiitem, ld, ln, doi, null);

                    #region DataSet
                    IEnumerable <XElement> xDS = lnitem.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "DataSet".ToUpper()).ToList();

                    foreach (var dsitem in xDS)
                        string nameDS = dsitem.Attribute("name").Value;

                        IEnumerable <XElement> xDSElements = dsitem.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "FCD".ToUpper() ||
                                                                                     x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "FCDA").ToList();

                        foreach (var dselement in xDSElements)
                            string prefix = dselement.Attribute("prefix") != null?dselement.Attribute("prefix").Value : "";

                            string lnClass = dselement.Attribute("lnClass") != null?dselement.Attribute("lnClass").Value : "";

                            string lnInst = dselement.Attribute("lnInst") != null?dselement.Attribute("lnInst").Value : "";

                            string fullName = String.Concat(prefix, lnClass, lnInst);

                            //string ldInst = dselement.Attribute("ldInst") != null ? dselement.Attribute("ldInst").Value : "";
                            string doName = dselement.Attribute("doName") != null?dselement.Attribute("doName").Value : "";

                            string daName = dselement.Attribute("daName") != null ? @"$" + dselement.Attribute("daName").Value : "";
                            string fc     = dselement.Attribute("fc") != null?dselement.Attribute("fc").Value : "";

                            string ldname = lditem.Attribute("inst")?.Value;

                            string memberName = fullName + @"$" + fc + @"$" + doName + daName;
                            //ied + ldname + "/" +

                            string prefix2 = lnitem.Attribute("prefix") != null?lnitem.Attribute("prefix").Value : "";

                            string lnClass2 = lnitem.Attribute("lnClass") != null?lnitem.Attribute("lnClass").Value : "";

                            string lnInst2 = lnitem.Attribute("inst") != null?lnitem.Attribute("inst").Value : "";

                            string lnname = String.Concat(prefix2, lnClass2, lnInst2);

                            if (ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                .First(y => y.NameLN == fullName).ListDO
                                .First(z => z.NameDO == doName) != null)
                                if (ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                    .First(y => y.NameLN == lnname).ListDS
                                    .Find(z => z.DSName == nameDS) != null)
                                    ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                    .First(y => y.NameLN == lnname).ListDS
                                    .First(z => z.DSName == nameDS).DSMemberRef.Add(memberName);
                                    ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                    .First(y => y.NameLN == lnname).ListDS.Add(new ServerModel.DataSet(nameDS, null));

                                    ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                    .First(y => y.NameLN == lnname).ListDS
                                    .First(z => z.DSName == nameDS).DSMemberRef.Add(memberName);

                    #region ReportControl
                    IEnumerable <XElement> xRCB = lnitem.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "ReportControl".ToUpper()).ToList();

                    foreach (XElement itemrcb in xRCB)
                        string nameRCB = itemrcb.Attribute("name") != null?itemrcb.Attribute("name").Value : "";

                        string refRCB = itemrcb.Attribute("ref") != null?itemrcb.Attribute("ref").Value : nameRCB;

                        string bufferedRCB = itemrcb.Attribute("buffered") != null && itemrcb.Attribute("buffered").Value.ToLower() == "true" ? "BR" : "RP";

                        bool indexed = itemrcb.Attribute("indexed") == null || itemrcb.Attribute("indexed").Value.ToLower() == "true";

                        var rptEnabled = itemrcb.Elements().First(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "RptEnabled".ToUpper()).Attribute("max") != null
                                                        ? Convert.ToInt32(itemrcb.Elements().First(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "RptEnabled".ToUpper()).Attribute("max").Value): 1;

                        var rptId = itemrcb.Attribute("rptID") != null?itemrcb.Attribute("rptID").Value : "";

                        var datSet = itemrcb.Attribute("datSet") != null?itemrcb.Attribute("datSet").Value : null;                           // null accepted

                        var confRev = itemrcb.Attribute("confRev") != null?uint.Parse(itemrcb.Attribute("confRev").Value) : 1;

                        var bufTime = itemrcb.Attribute("bufTime") != null?uint.Parse(itemrcb.Attribute("bufTime").Value) : 0;

                        var intgPd = itemrcb.Attribute("intgPd") != null?uint.Parse(itemrcb.Attribute("intgPd").Value) : 0;

                        // <TrgOps dchg="true" qchg="false" dupd="false" period="true" />
                        IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions trgOptions = IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.NONE;
                        XElement xTrgOps = itemrcb.Elements().First(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "TrgOps".ToUpper());
                        if (xTrgOps != null)
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("dchg") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("dchg").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_CHANGED;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("qchg") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("qchg").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.QUALITY_CHANGED;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("dupd") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("dupd").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_UPDATE;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("period") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("period").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.INTEGRITY;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("gi") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("gi").Value : "true").ToLower() == "true")                             // default true
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.GI;

                        // <OptFields seqNum="true" timeStamp="true" dataSet="true" reasonCode="true" dataRef="false" entryID="true" configRef="true" bufOvfl="true" />
                        IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions rptOptions = IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.NONE;
                        XElement xOptFields = itemrcb.Elements().First(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "OptFields".ToUpper());
                        if (xOptFields != null)
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("seqNum") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("seqNum").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.SEQ_NUM;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("timeStamp") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("timeStamp").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.TIME_STAMP;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("dataSet") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("dataSet").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.DATA_SET;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("reasonCode") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("reasonCode").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.REASON_FOR_INCLUSION;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("dataRef") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("dataRef").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.DATA_REFERENCE;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("entryID") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("entryID").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.ENTRY_ID;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("configRef") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("configRef").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.CONF_REV;
                            if ((xOptFields.Attribute("bufOvfl") != null ? xOptFields.Attribute("bufOvfl").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                rptOptions |= IEC61850.Common.ReportOptions.BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

                        string ldname = lditem.Attribute("inst")?.Value;

                        string prefix = lnitem.Attribute("prefix") != null?lnitem.Attribute("prefix").Value : "";

                        string lnClass = lnitem.Attribute("lnClass") != null?lnitem.Attribute("lnClass").Value : "";

                        string lnInst = lnitem.Attribute("lnInst") != null?lnitem.Attribute("lnInst").Value : "";

                        string fullName = String.Concat(prefix, lnClass, lnInst);

                        for (int i = 0; i < rptEnabled; i++)
                                if (ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                    .First(y => y.NameLN == fullName) != null)
                                    ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ldname).ListLN
                                    .First(y => y.NameLN == fullName).ListRCB.Add(new ServerModel.RCB(nameRCB + (indexed ? (i + 1).ToString("D2") : ""), refRCB, rptOptions, trgOptions, bufferedRCB, rptId, datSet, confRev, bufTime, intgPd));
                                Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: ReportControl parse error", "Error ");

                    #region LogControlBlock
                    IEnumerable <XElement> xLCB = lnitem.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "LogControl".ToUpper()).ToList();

                    foreach (var itemlcb in xLCB)
                        var nameLCB = itemlcb.Attribute("name") != null?itemlcb.Attribute("name").Value : "";

                        var datSetLCB = itemlcb.Attribute("datSet") != null?itemlcb.Attribute("datSet").Value : null;                           // null accepted

                        var refLCB = itemlcb.Attribute("ref") != null?itemlcb.Attribute("ref").Value : $"{ld}/{ln}.{nameLCB}";

                        var logEnaLCB = itemlcb.Attribute("logEna") != null && (itemlcb.Attribute("logEna").Value.ToLower() == "true");

                        IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions trgOptions = IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.NONE;
                        XElement xTrgOps = itemlcb.Elements().First(x => x.Name.LocalName.ToUpper() == "TrgOps".ToUpper());
                        if (xTrgOps != null)
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("dchg") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("dchg").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_CHANGED;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("qchg") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("qchg").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.QUALITY_CHANGED;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("dupd") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("dupd").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_UPDATE;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("period") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("period").Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.INTEGRITY;
                            if ((xTrgOps.Attribute("gi") != null ? xTrgOps.Attribute("gi").Value : "true").ToLower() == "true")                             // default true
                                trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.GI;

                        var intgPdLCB = itemlcb.Attribute("intPeriod") != null?Convert.ToUInt32(itemlcb.Attribute("intPeriod").Value) : 0;

                        var reasonCodeLCB = itemlcb.Attribute("reasonCode") != null && (itemlcb.Attribute("reasonCode").Value.ToLower() == "true");

                            if (ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ld).ListLN.First(y => y.NameLN == $"{ln}") != null)
                                ServerModel.Model.ListLD.First(x => x.NameLD == ld).ListLN
                                .First(y => y.NameLN == $"{ln}").ListLCB.Add(new ServerModel.LCB(nameLCB, refLCB, logEnaLCB, datSetLCB, trgOptions, intgPdLCB, reasonCodeLCB));
                            Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: LogControlBlock parse error", "Error ");

                    #region Log


                    #region SettingGroupControlBlock

            Log.Log.Write("FileParseToAttribute: File parse success", "Success ");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a DA node from parsed XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void CreateDataAttributes(NodeBase root, IEnumerable <XElement> elements, XNamespace ns)
            foreach (XElement el in elements)
                if (el.Attribute("name") != null)
                    NodeData data = new NodeData(el.Attribute("name").Value);
                    if (el.Attribute("fc") != null)
                        data.SCL_FCDesc = el.Attribute("fc").Value;
                    else if (root is NodeData && !(root is NodeDO))
                        data.SCL_FCDesc = (root as NodeData).SCL_FCDesc;
                    var bType = el.Attribute("bType");
                    if (bType == null)
                        XElement en = el.Element(ns + "Val");
                        if (en != null)
                            data.DataValue = en.Value;
                        // Inheritance
                        if (root is NodeData && !(root is NodeDO))
                            data.SCL_BType = (root as NodeData).SCL_BType;
                        data.SCL_BType = bType.Value;
                        if (data.SCL_BType.Equals("Struct") && null != el.Attribute("type"))
                            data.SCL_Type = el.Attribute("type").Value;
                        else if (data.SCL_BType.Equals("Enum"))
                            data.SCL_BType = String.Concat(data.SCL_BType, " (Integer)");
                            if (null != el.Attribute("type"))
                                data.SCL_Type = el.Attribute("type").Value;
                    IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions trgOptions = IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.NONE;
                    XAttribute a = el.Attribute("dchg");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_CHANGED;
                    a = el.Attribute("qchg");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.QUALITY_CHANGED;
                    a = el.Attribute("dupd");
                    if ((a != null ? a.Value : "false").ToLower() == "true")
                        trgOptions |= IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.DATA_UPDATE;
                    data.SCL_TrgOps = (byte)trgOptions;
                    // Inheritance
                    if ((root is NodeData && !(root is NodeDO)) && trgOptions == IEC61850.Common.TriggerOptions.NONE)
                        data.SCL_TrgOps = (root as NodeData).SCL_TrgOps;
                    int cnt = 0;
                    if (el.Attribute("count") != null)
                        int.TryParse(el.Attribute("count").Value, out cnt);
                    data.SCL_ArraySize = cnt;
