Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Execute an action on this History.
         * Normally the history will be updated so that the action can be undone
         * or redone. The exact way how the action affects the history depends
         * on its HistoryOperation.
         * If the action has been executed already, this operation will fail.
         * When an action is executed successfully, the redoable list of actions
         * is cleared.
         * Events Cleared, Changed and ActionExecuted may result from this call.
         * @param action Action to execute in this History instance. If a null
         *		value is passed, the function will return FAILURE.
         * @return Result from executing the action.
        public bool ExecuteAction( ICommand action, object param )
            if ( action == null )
                return false;

            if ( action.Executed )
                return false;

            bool result = (action as Play.Studio.Core.Command.ICommand).ExecuteWithResult(param);

            if ( result == true )

                if ( action.HasHistoryOperation( CommandHistoryOperation.CLEAR_ON_SUCCESS ) )
                    // We clear before than checking store on success, so that they
                    // aren't mutually exclusive.

                if ( action.HasHistoryOperation( CommandHistoryOperation.STORE_ON_SUCCESS ) )
                    m_undoableActions.Add( action );

            OnActionExecuted( action, result );

            return result;