Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            EntitySave entitySave = element as EntitySave;

            if (entitySave == null || (!entitySave.ImplementsIClickable && !entitySave.ImplementsIWindow))
                return codeBlock;

            if (entitySave.ImplementsIWindow)
                bool inheritsFromIWindow = entitySave.GetInheritsFromIWindow();

                // Add all the code that never changes if this is the base IWindow (doesn't have a parent IWindow)
                if (!inheritsFromIWindow)
                    GenerateEnabledVariable(codeBlock, element);      

                entitySave, codeBlock, entitySave.GetInheritsFromIWindowOrIClickable());

            var isVirtual = string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySave.BaseEntity) || entitySave.GetInheritsFromIWindowOrIClickable() == false;

                .Function("WasClickedThisFrame", "FlatRedBall.Gui.Cursor cursor", Public: true, Virtual: isVirtual, Override: !isVirtual, Type: "bool")
                .Line("return cursor.PrimaryClick && HasCursorOver(cursor);")

            return codeBlock;
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
     // Before August 23, 2010 Custom Variables used to be set
     // here in Initialize before the AddToManagers method.  This
     // is problematic because:
     // 1.   We probably want these
     //      variables reset whenever
     //      this object is recycled. 
     // 2.   If we set the position of 
     //      the Entity before its children
     //      have been attached, then the attachment
     //      will not work as expected.  Therefore, I've
     //      decided to move custom variable code to AddToManagers.
     // UPDATE:  Actually, we do want variables set here so that they
     // are available in Custom Initialize.
     // UPDATE2:  This was moved to its own method so that inheritance works.
     // UPDATE3:  It turns out there's 2 types of variables.  
     // 1.   Variables that are not set by derived.  These variables should get set
     //      in the base class or else they'll never get set for derived objects.
     // 2.   Variables that are set by derived.  These variables should get set in the
     //      "SetCustomVariables" method so that they get overridden by derived objects.
     // This means that we're going to set variables that are not set by derived here, and the
     // rest will get set in SetCustomVariables.
     // UPDATE4:  This has all moved to PostInitialize, which is called
     //           bottom-up.  This means there is no more split on variables.
     // UPDATE5:  This has been moved out of BaseElementTreeNode int CustomVariableCodeGenerator.
     return codeBlock;
        public override void GenerateInitializeEnd(ICodeBlock codeBlock)
            codeBlock.Line("#if DEBUG && WINDOWS");

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public CodeBlockFinally(ICodeBlock pParent)
     : base(pParent)
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("finally"));
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("{"));
     PostCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("}"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            foreach (EventResponseSave ers in element.Events)
                bool isTunneling = ers.GetIsTunneling();
                bool isExposing = ers.GetIsExposing();

                bool shouldCreateMember =
                    isExposing || isTunneling;

                if (!shouldCreateMember)
                    shouldCreateMember = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.DelegateType);

                if (shouldCreateMember)
                    string delegateType = ers.GetEffectiveDelegateType(element);

                    codeBlock.Line("public event " + delegateType + " " + ers.EventName + ";");


            return codeBlock;
 public static void GenerateTimedEmit(ICodeBlock codeBlock, NamedObjectSave nos)
     if (!nos.IsDisabled && nos.AddToManagers && !nos.DefinedByBase && nos.IsEmitter())
         codeBlock.Line(nos.InstanceName + ".TimedEmit();");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public CodeBlockCatch(ICodeBlock pParent, string pCondition)
     : base(pParent)
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("catch(" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pCondition) ? "" : pCondition) + ")"));
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("{"));
     PostCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("}"));
 private static void TryGenerateRemoveShapeCollectionFromManagers(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
     if (element.IsICollidable())
         codeBlock.Line("mGeneratedCollision.RemoveFromManagers(clearThis: false);");
 public static void GenerateStart(IElement saveObject, ICodeBlock codeBlock, string appendName)
     if (ObjectFinder.Self.GlueProject.PerformanceSettingsSave.RecordInitializeSegments)
         StartMeasurement(saveObject, codeBlock, appendName, true);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAddToManagers(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            if (ShouldGenerate)
                foreach (var layer in GetObjectsForGumLayers(element))
                    var rfs = GetScreenRfsIn(element);
                    if (rfs != null)

                        codeBlock.Line(layer.InstanceName + "Gum = RenderingLibrary.SystemManagers.Default.Renderer.AddLayer();");

                        codeBlock.Line(rfs.GetInstanceName() + ".AddGumLayerToFrbLayer(" + layer.InstanceName + "Gum, " + layer.InstanceName + ");");
                // todo:  Need to register the layer here
                foreach (var item in element.AllNamedObjects.Where(item =>
                    GumPluginCodeGenerator.IsGue(item) &&
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LayerOn) &&
                    NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.GetFieldCodeGenerationType(item) == CodeGenerationType.Full))
                    codeBlock.Line(item.FieldName + ".MoveToLayer(" + item.LayerOn + "Gum);");
            return base.GenerateAddToManagers(codeBlock, element);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public CodeBlockEnum(ICodeBlock pParent, string pPre, string pName)
     : base(pParent)
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine(StringHelper.SpaceStrings(pPre, "enum", pName)));
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("{"));
     PostCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("}"));
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)

            // Do the named object saves

            // We're going to do all "Entire File" NOS's first so that they aren't null before 
            for (int i = 0; i < element.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                NamedObjectSave nos = element.NamedObjects[i];

                if (nos.IsEntireFile)
                    WriteCodeForNamedObjectInitialize(nos, element, codeBlock, null);

            // Now do non-entire files:
            for (int i = 0; i < element.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                NamedObjectSave nos = element.NamedObjects[i];

                if (!nos.IsEntireFile)
                    WriteCodeForNamedObjectInitialize(nos, element, codeBlock, null);


            return codeBlock;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)

            var currentBlock = codeBlock;

            if (element.HasStates)
                List<StateSave> statesForThisCategory = GetSharedVariableStates(element);

                const string enumName = "VariableState";

                currentBlock = AppendEnum(currentBlock, statesForThisCategory, enumName, element);
                GenerateCurrentStateProperty(element, codeBlock, "VariableState", statesForThisCategory);

                //Build State Categories
                var stateCategories = GetAllStateCategoryNames(element, false);

                foreach (var stateCategory in stateCategories)
                    var states = GetAllStatesForCategory(element, stateCategory);

                    AppendEnum(currentBlock, states, stateCategory, element);
                    GenerateCurrentStateProperty(element, codeBlock, stateCategory, states);

            return codeBlock;
        private ICodeBlock GenerateInterpolateToStateAdvanced(ICodeBlock codeBlock, string enumName)
            codeBlock = codeBlock.Function("public void", "InterpolateToState",
                enumName + " fromState, " + enumName + " toState, double secondsToTake, FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.InterpolationType interpolationType, FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.Easing easing");

            string variableName;
            if (enumName == "VariableState")
                variableName = "CurrentState";
                variableName = "Current" + enumName + "State";

            codeBlock = codeBlock.If("secondsToTake <= 0");
            codeBlock.Line(variableName + " = toState;");
            codeBlock = codeBlock.End().Else();

            // Immediately set the state to the from state:
            codeBlock.Line(variableName + " = fromState;");
            codeBlock.Line("mFrom" + enumName + "Tween = fromState;");
            codeBlock.Line("mTo" + enumName + "Tween = toState;");

                TweenerNameFor(enumName) + ".Start(0, 1, (float)secondsToTake, FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.Tweener.GetInterpolationFunction(interpolationType, easing));");
            codeBlock = codeBlock.End();// else
            codeBlock = codeBlock.End();
            return codeBlock;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public CodeBlockSet(ICodeBlock pParent, string pPre)
     : base(pParent)
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine(StringHelper.SpaceStrings(pPre,"set")));
     PreCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("{"));
     PostCodeLines.Add(new CodeLine("}"));
        private void GenerateHandleFileChanged(ICodeBlock codeBlock)
            var method = codeBlock.Function("private static void", "HandleFileChanged", "object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e");
                var tryBlock = method.Try();


                tryBlock.Line("var fullFileName = e.FullPath;");
                tryBlock.Line("var relativeFileName = FlatRedBall.IO.FileManager.MakeRelative(FlatRedBall.IO.FileManager.Standardize(fullFileName));");

                foreach(var rfs in GlueState.Self.CurrentGlueProject.GlobalFiles)
                    bool shouldGenerate = rfs.LoadedAtRuntime && rfs.IsDatabaseForLocalizing == false;

                        var fileName = ProjectBase.AccessContentDirectory + rfs.Name.ToLower().Replace("\\", "/");
                        var instanceName = rfs.GetInstanceName();

                        var ifStatement = tryBlock.If($"relativeFileName == \"{fileName}\"");
                var catchBlock = tryBlock.End().Line("catch{}");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void GenerateInitializeLevel(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            #region /////////////////////////////////Early out////////////////////////////////
            bool shouldGenerate = GetIfShouldGenerate(element);

            if (!shouldGenerate)

            ///////////////////////////////End early out/////////////////////////////

            codeBlock.Line("FlatRedBall.TileGraphics.LayeredTileMap CurrentTileMap;");
            var function = codeBlock.Function("void", "InitializeLevel", "string levelName");




        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock,  SaveClasses.IElement element)
            #region Get the ContentManager variable to use

            string contentManagerName = "ContentManagerName";

            if (element is ScreenSave)
                contentManagerName = (element as ScreenSave).ContentManagerForCodeGeneration;


            if (element is EntitySave)
                codeBlock.Line("static object mLockObject = new object();");
                codeBlock.Line("static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> mRegisteredUnloads = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();");

                #region Keep track of whether we've already registered an unload method and if StaticContent has been loaded
                codeBlock.Line("static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> LoadedContentManagers = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();");

            for (int i = 0; i < element.ReferencedFiles.Count; i++)
                    element.ReferencedFiles[i], element.Name, element, contentManagerName);



            return codeBlock;
		public ClassCodeElement Build () {
			classCodeElement = new ClassCodeElement (targetClassName);
			classCodeElement.Summary.Add ("Convenience class to access Animator states and parameters.");
			classCodeElement.Summary.Add ("Edits will be lost when this class is regenerated. ");
			classCodeElement.Summary.Add ("Hint: Editing might be useful after renaming animator items in complex projects:");
			classCodeElement.Summary.Add (" - Right click on an obsolete member and select Refactor/Rename. ");
			classCodeElement.Summary.Add (" - Change it to the new name. ");
			classCodeElement.Summary.Add (" - Delete this member to avoid comile error CS0102 ... already contains a definition ...''. ");
			string versionString = "" + DateTime.Now;
			classCodeElement.AddAttribute (new GeneratedClassAttributeCodeElement (versionString));
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (config.DefaultNamespace)) {
				classCodeElement.NameSpace = new NameSpaceCodeElement (config.DefaultNamespace);
			ProcessInternalFields ();
			if (config.GenerateMonoBehaviourComponent) {
				classCodeElement.SetBaseClass (config.MonoBehaviourComponentBaseClass);
				AwakeMethod = PrepareAwakeMethod ();
			} else {
				AwakeMethod = PrepareConstructors ();
			EventManagerInitialiser = PrepareEventManagerInitialiserMethod ();
			ProcessAnimatorStates ();
			ProcessAnimatorParameters ();
			ProcessStateEventHandling ();
			return classCodeElement;
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, SaveClasses.IElement element)
            codeBlock.Line("#if DEBUG");
            codeBlock.Line("static bool HasBeenLoadedWithGlobalContentManager = false;");

            return codeBlock;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public static void GenerateTimedEmit(ICodeBlock codeBlock, ReferencedFileSave rfs, IElement element)
     if (rfs.LoadedAtRuntime && !rfs.LoadedOnlyWhenReferenced && (element is ScreenSave || rfs.IsSharedStatic == false)
         && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rfs.Name) && FileManager.GetExtension(rfs.Name) == "emix")
         codeBlock.Line(rfs.GetInstanceName() + ".TimedEmit();");
Ejemplo n.º 22
		public static Exception Expect(Type exception, Type cause, ICodeBlock block, string
			Exception e = GetThrowable(block);
			AssertThrowable(exception, e, customMessage);
			AssertThrowable(cause, e.InnerException, customMessage);
			return e;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public static void GenerateAdditionalMethodsPluginCode(PluginManager pluginManager,
     ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
     foreach (ComponentPluginPair cpp in GetPluginsIn(pluginManager))
         GenerateWithException(cpp.Generator.GenerateAdditionalMethods, codeBlock, element, cpp.Plugin, pluginManager);
		private void AssertEventThrows(string eventName, ICodeBlock codeBlock, IProcedure4
			IEventRegistry eventRegistry = EventRegistryFactory.ForObjectContainer(Db());
			Assert.Expect(typeof(EventException), typeof(NotImplementedException), codeBlock, 
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            GeneratePreloadLevel(codeBlock, element);

            GenerateInitializeLevel(codeBlock, element);

            return codeBlock;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public CodeBlockBase(ICodeBlock parent)
     TabCharacter = CodeBuilderDefaults.TabCharacter;
     TabCount = CodeBuilderDefaults.TabCount;
     Parent = parent;
     if(Parent != null)
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateActivity(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
     return codeBlock;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private static void GenerateInitializeLevelObjects(ICodeBlock function)
            // Load the file and store it off:
            function.Line("CurrentTileMap = GetFile(levelName) as FlatRedBall.TileGraphics.LayeredTileMap;");

            // Add it to managers
 public override ICodeBlock GenerateFields(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
     if (IsLoadingScreen(element))
         codeBlock.Line("double mSavedTargetElapedTime;");
     return codeBlock;
 // 20141117
 public AddScenarioCmdletBaseDataObject()
     // 20141211
     // BeforeTest = new ScriptBlock[] {};
     // AfterTest = new ScriptBlock[] {};
     BeforeTest = new ICodeBlock[] {};
     AfterTest = new ICodeBlock[] {};
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public LocatedInstruction Disassemble(ICodeBlock codeBlock, int address)
            var romOffset = codeBlock.ConvertMappedAddressToRomOffset(address);
            var input     = codeBlock.Rom[romOffset];
            var decoded   = OpcodeTables.Decode(input);
            var result    = new LocatedInstruction
                AddressingMode = decoded.AddressingMode,
                Opcode         = decoded.Opcode,
                Address        = address

            switch (result.Length)
            case 2:
                result.Operand = GetOperand(codeBlock, romOffset);

            case 3:
                result.Operand = GetFullOperand(codeBlock, romOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        private void GenerateMoveObjectsToGumLayers(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            if (ShouldGenerate)
                bool wasAnythingMovedToALayer = false;
                // todo:  Need to register the layer here
                foreach (var item in element.AllNamedObjects.Where(item =>
                                                                   GumPluginCodeGenerator.IsGue(item) &&
                                                                   !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.LayerOn) &&
                                                                   NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.GetFieldCodeGenerationType(item) == CodeGenerationType.Full))
                    string frbLayerName = item.LayerOn;
                    string gumLayerName = $"{item.LayerOn}Gum";

                    if (item.LayerOn == AvailableLayersTypeConverter.UnderEverythingLayerName)
                        frbLayerName = AvailableLayersTypeConverter.UnderEverythingLayerCode;
                        gumLayerName = UnderEverythingLayerGumName;

                    if (item.LayerOn == AvailableLayersTypeConverter.TopLayerName)
                        frbLayerName = AvailableLayersTypeConverter.TopLayerName;
                        gumLayerName = TopLayerGumName;

                    codeBlock.Line($"{item.FieldName}.MoveToFrbLayer({frbLayerName}, {gumLayerName});");
                    wasAnythingMovedToALayer = true;

                if (wasAnythingMovedToALayer && element is FlatRedBall.Glue.SaveClasses.ScreenSave)
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateInitialize(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            /////////////////Early Out//////////////////////
            if (GetIfIsTopDown(element) == false)
            //////////////End Early Out//////////////////////

            // The platformer plugin sets events here, but we don't need to
            // here on the top-down (yet) since there are no events
            // Update 1 - actually we should prob assign the default movement
            // here if there is one...

            var ifBlock = codeBlock.If("TopDownValues?.Count > 0");

                ifBlock.Line("mCurrentMovement = TopDownValues.Values.FirstOrDefault();");
            codeBlock.Line("PossibleDirections = PossibleDirections.FourWay;");

Ejemplo n.º 34
        private static string GenerateEmptyCustomScreenNetworkCode(ScreenSave screen)
            ICodeBlock topBlock = new CodeBlockBaseNoIndent(null);

            string screenNamespace = CodeGeneratorCommonLogic.GetElementNamespace(screen);

            ICodeBlock codeBlock = topBlock.Namespace(screenNamespace);

            codeBlock = codeBlock.Class("public partial", screen.GetStrippedName());

                               "ref RedGrin.INetworkEntity entity, object entityData")


                               "RedGrin.INetworkEntity entity")

Ejemplo n.º 35
        private static void GenerateResetMethodNew(bool generateDisplayCode, ICodeBlock classContents)
            var resetMethod = classContents.Function(
                "internal static void", "ResetCamera", "Camera cameraToReset = null");
                if (generateDisplayCode)
                    resetMethod.If("cameraToReset == null")
                    .Line("cameraToReset = FlatRedBall.Camera.Main;");

                    resetMethod.Line($"cameraToReset.Orthogonal = Data.Is2D;");
                    var ifStatement = resetMethod.If("Data.Is2D")
                                      .Line($"cameraToReset.OrthogonalHeight = Data.ResolutionHeight;")
                                      .Line($"cameraToReset.OrthogonalWidth = Data.ResolutionWidth;")

                    ifStatement = resetMethod.If("Data.AspectRatio != null")
                        $"SetAspectRatioTo(Data.AspectRatio.Value, Data.DominantInternalCoordinates, Data.ResolutionWidth, Data.ResolutionHeight);");
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public async Task <EvaluateResult> EvaluateAsync()
            if (_position >= _blocks.Count)
                State = BlockState.Done;

            State = BlockState.InProgress;

            ICodeBlock     currentBlock = _blocks[_position];
            EvaluateResult result       = await currentBlock.EvaluateAsync();

            if (result.Type == ResultType.Break)
                State = BlockState.Done;
            else if (currentBlock.State == BlockState.Done)

        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAddToManagers(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            if (ShouldGenerate)
                // Creates Gum layers for every FRB layer, so that objects can be moved between layers at runtime, and so code gen
                // can use these for objects that are placed on layers in Glue.
                foreach (var layer in GetObjectsForGumLayers(element))
                    var rfs = GetScreenRfsIn(element);

                    var idbName = rfs?.GetInstanceName();

                    var rfsAssetTpe = rfs?.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                    var isIdb = rfsAssetTpe == AssetTypeInfoManager.Self.ScreenIdbAti;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idbName) && element is FlatRedBall.Glue.SaveClasses.ScreenSave)
                        idbName = "gumIdb";
                    else if (rfs != null && isIdb == false)
                        idbName = "FlatRedBall.Gum.GumIdb.Self";

                    if (idbName != null)
                        codeBlock.Line(layer.InstanceName + "Gum = RenderingLibrary.SystemManagers.Default.Renderer.AddLayer();");
                        codeBlock.Line(layer.InstanceName + "Gum.Name = \"" + layer.InstanceName + "Gum\";");

                        codeBlock.Line(idbName + ".AddGumLayerToFrbLayer(" + layer.InstanceName + "Gum, " + layer.InstanceName + ");");
            return(base.GenerateAddToManagers(codeBlock, element));
        private void GenerateAnimationEnumerables(ElementSave elementSave, ICodeBlock currentBlock)
            currentBlock.Line("#region State Animations");

            StateCodeGeneratorContext context = new StateCodeGeneratorContext();

            context.Element = elementSave;

            ElementAnimationsSave animations = GetAnimationsFor(elementSave);

            if (animations != null)
                foreach (var animation in animations.Animations)
                    GenerateGetEnumerableFor(context, currentBlock, animation, AbsoluteOrRelative.Absolute);
                    GenerateGetEnumerableFor(context, currentBlock, animation, AbsoluteOrRelative.Relative);

                    GenerateAnimationMember(context, currentBlock, animation, AbsoluteOrRelative.Absolute);
                    GenerateAnimationMember(context, currentBlock, animation, AbsoluteOrRelative.Relative);

Ejemplo n.º 39
        public override ICodeBlock GenerateAdditionalMethods(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element)
            bool isGlueScreen = element is FlatRedBall.Glue.SaveClasses.ScreenSave;

            var gumScreenRfs = GetGumScreenRfs(element);

            if (isGlueScreen && gumScreenRfs != null)
                var method = codeBlock.Function("private void", "RefreshLayoutInternal", "object sender, EventArgs e");

                var ati = gumScreenRfs.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                if (ati.RuntimeTypeName == "GumIdb")

        private static void CreateInstructionForSubAnimation(ICodeBlock currentBlock, AnimationReferenceSave animationReferenceSave, AbsoluteOrRelative absoluteOrRelative, AnimationSave parentAnimation)
            currentBlock = currentBlock.Block();

            //var instruction = new FlatRedBall.Instructions.DelegateInstruction(() =>
            //instruction.TimeToExecute = FlatRedBall.TimeManager.CurrentTime + asdf;
            //yield return instruction;

            string animationName = animationReferenceSave.PropertyNameInCode();

            //animationReferenceSave. FlatRedBall.IO.FileManager.RemovePath(animationReferenceSave.Name) + "Animation";
            if (absoluteOrRelative == AbsoluteOrRelative.Relative)
                animationName += "Relative";

            currentBlock.Line($"var instruction = new FlatRedBall.Instructions.DelegateInstruction(()=>{animationName}.Play({parentAnimation.PropertyNameInCode()}));");
            currentBlock.Line("instruction.TimeToExecute = FlatRedBall.TimeManager.CurrentTime + " + ToFloatString(animationReferenceSave.Time) + ";");

            currentBlock.Line("yield return instruction;");
            currentBlock = currentBlock.End();
Ejemplo n.º 41
        public void CodeGenerationStart(IElement element)
            var stateChainCollection = GlueCommands.TreeNodeCommands.GetProperty <StateChainCollection>(element, PropertyName);

            if (stateChainCollection == null)

            var        elementNameWithoutPath = FileManager.RemovePath(element.Name);
            var        document  = new CodeDocument();
            ICodeBlock codeBlock = document;

            if (stateChainCollection.StateChains.Count <= 0)

            codeBlock = codeBlock
                        .Line("using FlatRedBall.Instructions;")
                        .Class("public partial ", element.ClassName, "");

            //Create Enum
            codeBlock = codeBlock
                        .Enum("public", "StateChains")
                        .Line("None = 0,");

            for (int i = 0; i < stateChainCollection.StateChains.Count; i++)
                if (i == stateChainCollection.StateChains.Count - 1)
                    codeBlock.Line(stateChainCollection.StateChains[i].Name + ",");

            codeBlock = codeBlock.End();

            //Private members
            .Line("private StateChains _currentStateChain = StateChains.None;")
            .Line("private int _index;")
            .Line("private Instruction _instruction;")

            //CurrentStateChain Property
            codeBlock = codeBlock
                        .Property("public StateChains", "CurrentStateChain")
                        .Line("return _currentStateChain;")
                        .Line("_currentStateChain = value;")
                        .Line("_index = 0;")

            foreach (var stateChain in stateChainCollection.StateChains)
                .Case("StateChains." + stateChain.Name)
                .Line("StartNextState" + stateChain.Name + "();");

            codeBlock = codeBlock


            codeBlock = codeBlock
                        .Function("public void", "ManageStateChains", "")
                        .If("CurrentStateChain == StateChains.None")

            foreach (var stateChain in stateChainCollection.StateChains)
                var index = 0;

                codeBlock = codeBlock
                            .Case("StateChains." + stateChain.Name);

                foreach (var stateChainState in
                         stateChain.StateChainStates.Where(stateChainState => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateChainState.State)))
                    if (index == 0)
                        .If("_index == 0 && CurrentState == VariableState." + stateChainState.State)
                        .Line("StartNextState" + stateChain.Name + "();");
                        .ElseIf("_index == " + index + " && CurrentState == VariableState." +
                        .Line("StartNextState" + stateChain.Name + "();");


                codeBlock = codeBlock

            codeBlock = codeBlock


            codeBlock = codeBlock
                        .Function("public void", "StopStateChain", "")
                        .If("CurrentStateChain == StateChains.None")

            foreach (var stateChain in stateChainCollection.StateChains)
                var index = 0;

                codeBlock = codeBlock
                            .Case("StateChains." + stateChain.Name);

                foreach (var stateChainState in stateChain.StateChainStates)
                    if (index == 0)
                        .If("_index == 0")
                        .Line("StopStateInterpolation(VariableState." + stateChainState.State + ");")
                        .ElseIf("_index == " + index)
                        .Line("StopStateInterpolation(VariableState." + stateChainState.State + ");")


                codeBlock = codeBlock

            codeBlock = codeBlock
                        .Line("_instruction = null;")


            foreach (var stateChain in stateChainCollection.StateChains)
                codeBlock = codeBlock
                            .Function("private void", "StartNextState" + stateChain.Name, "")
                            .If("_index < 0")
                            .Line("_index = 0;")
                            .If("_index >= " + stateChain.StateChainStates.Count)
                            .Line("_index = 0;")

                var index = 0;

                foreach (var stateChainState in stateChain.StateChainStates)
                    .Line("_instruction = InterpolateToState(VariableState." + stateChainState.State + ", " + stateChainState.Time / 1000 + ");");


                codeBlock = codeBlock

            GlueCommands.ProjectCommands.CreateAndAddPartialFile(element, "StateChains", document.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 42
        private static ICodeBlock GenerateInterpolateBetweenMethod(IElement element, ICodeBlock codeBlock, string enumType, List <StateSave> states)
            var curBlock = codeBlock;

            // Right now we
            // create the InterpolateBetween
            // method if there are any states
            // in the argument List.  We may want
            // to only create the InterpolateBetween
            // method only if there are variables that
            // can be interpolated between - do we want
            // to do this?  Not creating the method will
            // clean up the Entity/Screen's interface, but
            // the programmer should not have to remove calls
            // to this method if the designer decides to modify
            // variables or states.  Also, always creating the method
            // means that Entities/Screens can be stubbed out and coded
            // against before the states are filled.
            // Update September 18, 2012 by Victor Chelaru
            // We used to only generate this method if there was more than
            // one state in the entity, but instead we want to generate it if
            // there are any for two reasons - so that code doesn't break and so
            // plugins (like the advanced state interpolator) can simply check for
            // the presence of state categories and not worry about the complexity of
            // looking for more than one state.
            //if (states.Count > 1)
            if (states.Count > 0)
                var elementNameWithoutPath = FileManager.RemovePath(element.Name);

                curBlock = curBlock
                           .Function("public void", "InterpolateBetween", enumType + " firstState, " + enumType + " secondState, float interpolationValue");

                // Create the bools
                StateSave firstState = states[0];

                Dictionary <InstructionSave, InterpolationCharacteristic> interpolationCharacteristics =
                    new Dictionary <InstructionSave, InterpolationCharacteristic>();

                // states only include instructions for things they set.  Otherwise they'll be null

                CreateStartingValueVariables(element, states, curBlock, interpolationCharacteristics);

                curBlock = curBlock.Switch("firstState");
                curBlock = SetInterpolateBetweenValuesForStates(element, enumType, states, curBlock, interpolationCharacteristics, FirstValue);
                curBlock = curBlock.End();

                curBlock = curBlock.Switch("secondState");
                curBlock = SetInterpolateBetweenValuesForStates(element, enumType, states, curBlock, interpolationCharacteristics, SecondValue);
                curBlock = curBlock.End();

                curBlock = AssignValuesUsingStartingValues(element, curBlock, interpolationCharacteristics);

                curBlock = curBlock.If("interpolationValue < 1");
//                mCurrentCircleVisibilityState = (int)firstState;
                string fieldToAssign;
                if (enumType == "VariableState")
                    fieldToAssign = "mCurrentState";
                    fieldToAssign = "mCurrent" + enumType + "State";

                curBlock.Line(fieldToAssign + " = (int)firstState;");
                curBlock = curBlock.End().Else();
                curBlock.Line(fieldToAssign + " = (int)secondState;");
                curBlock = curBlock.End();

Ejemplo n.º 43
        private static void GenerateInterpolateForIndividualStateNoSource(ref ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element, ref ICodeBlock otherBlock, InstructionSave instruction, CustomVariable customVariable, string valueAsString, string timeCastString)
            string velocityMember =

            // If the velocityMember exists, we need to make sure it's actually exposable
            if (!ExposedVariableManager.GetExposableMembersFor(element, false).Any(item => item.Member == velocityMember))
                velocityMember = null;

            if (velocityMember == null && customVariable.HasAccompanyingVelocityProperty)
                velocityMember = customVariable.Name + "Velocity";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(velocityMember))
                string relativeVelocity = InstructionManager.GetRelativeForAbsolute(velocityMember);

                string leftHandPlusEquals = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeVelocity))
                    codeBlock = codeBlock
                                .If("this.Parent != null");

                    otherBlock = otherBlock
                                 .If("this.Parent != null");

                    string instructionMemberRelative = InstructionManager.GetRelativeForAbsolute(instruction.Member);

                    leftHandPlusEquals = relativeVelocity + " = ";

                    codeBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + "(" + valueAsString + " - " +
                                   instructionMemberRelative + ") / " + timeCastString + "secondsToTake;");

                    otherBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + " 0;");

                    codeBlock = codeBlock

                    otherBlock = otherBlock
                leftHandPlusEquals = velocityMember + " = ";

                codeBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + "(" + valueAsString + " - " + instruction.Member +
                               ") / " + timeCastString + "secondsToTake;");

                otherBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + " 0;");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeVelocity))
                    codeBlock  = codeBlock.End();
                    otherBlock = otherBlock.End();
Ejemplo n.º 44
        private void CreateInstructionForInterpolationAbsolute(StateCodeGeneratorContext context, ICodeBlock currentBlock, string animationType, AnimatedStateSave previousState, AnimatedStateSave currentState, string animationName)
            if (previousState == null)
                string variableStateName = null;

                variableStateName = "CurrentVariableState";

                if (currentState.StateName.Contains("/"))
                    var split = currentState.StateName.Split('/');
                    animationType = split[0];

                if (animationType != "VariableState")
                    variableStateName = "Current" + animationType + "State";

                // todo:  Change this on categories
                //System.Action action = () => this.CurrentState = fromState;

                string enumValue = currentState.StateName;
                if (enumValue.Contains("/"))
                    enumValue = enumValue.Split('/')[1];

                currentBlock.Line("var toReturn = new FlatRedBall.Instructions.DelegateInstruction( ()=> this." + variableStateName + " = " +
                                  animationType + "." + enumValue + ");");
                currentBlock.Line("toReturn.TimeToExecute = FlatRedBall.TimeManager.CurrentTime;");
                currentBlock.Line("toReturn.Target = target;");
                var previousCategory = context.Element.Categories.FirstOrDefault(item => item.States.Any(stateCandiate => stateCandiate.Name == previousState.StateName));
                var currentCategory  = context.Element.Categories.FirstOrDefault(item => item.States.Any(stateCandiate => stateCandiate.Name == currentState.StateName));

                // Now that we interpolateTo a single state, we don't
                // need to pass in the StateSave object:
                //bool differentCategories = previousCategory != currentCategory;

                // November 3, 2015
                // Gum uses a "cumulative
                // state" system, so that each
                // keyframe in an animation will
                // tween with variables both before
                // and after.
                // The code as of the time of the writing
                // of this comment does InterpolateBetween
                // two states, which does not consider the state
                // of the object and only tweens variables common
                // to the two states. This makes the runtime behave
                // different than Glue, and it also makes the runtime
                // behave in confusing ways as authors don't often think
                // about the individual variables that may be set in a state.
                // We can solve this by instead doing Interpolate to between the
                // current state of the instance and the state that we are interpolating
                // to. Going to accomplish this by getting rid of the "from" state:
                //string fromState = null;

                string toState = null;

                string enumValue = currentState.StateName;
                if (currentState.StateName.Contains("/"))
                    currentCategory = context.Element.Categories.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == currentState.StateName.Split('/')[0]);
                    enumValue       = currentState.StateName.Split('/')[1];

                //if (differentCategories)
                //fromState = "this.ElementSave.AllStates.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == \"" + previousState.StateName + "\")";
                //toState = "this.ElementSave.AllStates.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == \"" + currentState.StateName + "\")";
                //fromState = animationType + "." + previousState.StateName;
                if (currentCategory == null)
                    toState = "VariableState." + enumValue;
                    toState = currentCategory.Name + "." + enumValue;

                string previousStateTime = ToFloatString(previousState.Time);

                string interpolationTime = ToFloatString(currentState.Time - previousState.Time);

                string easing            = "FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.Easing." + previousState.Easing;
                string interpolationType = "FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.InterpolationType." + previousState.InterpolationType;

                var line = "var toReturn = new FlatRedBall.Instructions.DelegateInstruction(  () => this.InterpolateTo(" +
                           string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}));", toState, interpolationTime, interpolationType, easing, animationName);

                currentBlock.Line("toReturn.Target = target;");
                currentBlock.Line("toReturn.TimeToExecute = FlatRedBall.TimeManager.CurrentTime + " + previousStateTime + ";");
            currentBlock.Line("yield return toReturn;");
            //System.Action action = () => this.InterpolateTo(fromState, toState, timeToTake, interpolationType, easing);
Ejemplo n.º 45
        private void GenerateAnimationMember(StateCodeGeneratorContext context, ICodeBlock currentBlock, AnimationSave animation, AbsoluteOrRelative absoluteOrRelative)
            string propertyName = animation.PropertyNameInCode();

            if (absoluteOrRelative == AbsoluteOrRelative.Relative)
                propertyName += "Relative";
            string referencedInstructionProperty = propertyName + "Instructions";
            // Force the property to be upper-case, since the field is lower-case:

            // We want to generate something like:
            //private FlatRedBall.Gum.Animation.GumAnimation uncategorizedAnimation;
            //public FlatRedBall.Gum.Animation.GumAnimation UncategorizedAnimation
            //    get
            //    {
            //        if (uncategorizedAnimation == null)
            //        {
            //            uncategorizedAnimation = new FlatRedBall.Gum.Animation.GumAnimation(1, () => UncategorizedAnimationInstructions);
            //            uncategorizedAnimation.AddEvent("Event1", 3.0f);
            //        }
            //        return uncategorizedAnimation;
            //    }

            var firstCharacterLower = propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToLowerInvariant();
            var fieldName           = firstCharacterLower + propertyName.Substring(1);

            currentBlock.Line($"private FlatRedBall.Gum.Animation.GumAnimation {fieldName};");

            currentBlock = currentBlock.Property("public FlatRedBall.Gum.Animation.GumAnimation", propertyName).Get();

            float length = GetAnimationLength(context.Element, animation);

            string lengthAsString = ToFloatString(length);

            var ifBlock = currentBlock.If($"{fieldName} == null");

                    $"{fieldName} = new FlatRedBall.Gum.Animation.GumAnimation({lengthAsString}, {referencedInstructionProperty});");

                foreach (var namedEvent in animation.Events)
                    string timeAsString = ToFloatString(namedEvent.Time);
                        $"{fieldName}.AddEvent(\"{namedEvent.Name}\", {timeAsString});");
                foreach (var subAnimation in animation.Animations)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subAnimation.SourceObject) == false)
                        var isMissingInstance = context.Element.GetInstance(subAnimation.SourceObject) == null;
                        if (isMissingInstance)
                            ifBlock.Line($"//Missing object {subAnimation.SourceObject}");

            currentBlock.Line($"return {fieldName};");
Ejemplo n.º 46
        public static void GenerateEventGeneratedFile(IElement element)
            //string fileName = EventManager.GetEventFileNameForElement(element);
            //string fullCustomFileName = ProjectManager.ProjectBase.Directory + fileName;

            ////////////////// Early Out //////////////////////

            ///////////////// End Early Out////////////////////

            string projectDirectory = ProjectManager.ProjectBase.Directory;

            string fullGeneratedFileName = projectDirectory + EventManager.GetGeneratedEventFileNameForElement(element);

            ////////////////EARLY OUT///////////////
            if (element.Events.Count == 0)
                // The file may exist.  If it does, we want to make sure it's empty:
                if (File.Exists(fullGeneratedFileName))
                    FileManager.SaveText("", fullGeneratedFileName);

            ///////////////END EARLY OUT///////////

            if (!File.Exists(fullGeneratedFileName))
                // Make sure the file is part of the project
                GlueCommands.Self.ProjectCommands.UpdateFileMembershipInProject(ProjectManager.ProjectBase, fullGeneratedFileName, false, false);

            ICodeBlock codeBlock = GenerateEventGeneratedCodeFile(element);

            // Let's try this a few times:
            int  numberOfFailures = 0;
            bool succeeded        = false;


            while (numberOfFailures < 3)
                    FileManager.SaveText(codeBlock.ToString(), fullGeneratedFileName);
                    succeeded = true;

            if (!succeeded)
                GlueGui.ShowMessageBox("Could not save " + fullGeneratedFileName);
Ejemplo n.º 47
 public static Exception Expect(Type exception, Type cause, ICodeBlock block)
     return(Expect(exception, cause, block, null));
Ejemplo n.º 48
        private void GenerateGetEnumerableFor(StateCodeGeneratorContext context, ICodeBlock currentBlock, AnimationSave animation, AbsoluteOrRelative absoluteOrRelative)
            string animationType = "VariableState";

            string animationName = animation.PropertyNameInCode();

            if (absoluteOrRelative == AbsoluteOrRelative.Relative)
                animationName += "Relative";

            string propertyName = animationName + "Instructions";

            // Instructions used to be public - the user would grab them and add them to the InstructionManager,
            // but now everything is encased in an Animation object which handles stopping itself and provides a simple
            // Play method.

            const string signature = "private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<FlatRedBall.Instructions.Instruction>";

            if (animation.States.Count == 0 && animation.Animations.Count == 0)
                currentBlock = currentBlock.Function(signature, propertyName, "object target");

                currentBlock.Line("yield break;");
            else if (absoluteOrRelative == AbsoluteOrRelative.Relative && animation.States.Count < 2 && animation.Animations.Count == 0)
                currentBlock = currentBlock.Function(signature, propertyName, "object target");

                currentBlock.Line("yield break;");
                if (animation.States.Count != 0)
                    var firstState = context.Element.AllStates.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == animation.States.First().StateName);

                    var category = context.Element.Categories.FirstOrDefault(item => item.States.Contains(firstState));

                    if (category != null)
                        animationType = category.Name;

                currentBlock = currentBlock.Function(signature, propertyName, "object target");

                GenerateOrderedStateAndSubAnimationCode(context, currentBlock, animation, animationType, absoluteOrRelative);

                if (animation.Loops)
                    currentBlock = currentBlock.Block();

                    currentBlock.Line("var toReturn = new FlatRedBall.Instructions.DelegateInstruction(  " +
                                      "() => FlatRedBall.Instructions.InstructionManager.Instructions.AddRange(this." + propertyName + "(target)));");
                    string executionTime = "0.0f";

                    if (animation.States.Count != 0)
                        executionTime = ToFloatString(animation.States.Last().Time);

                    currentBlock.Line("toReturn.TimeToExecute = FlatRedBall.TimeManager.CurrentTime + " + executionTime + ";");
                    currentBlock.Line("toReturn.Target = target;");

                    currentBlock.Line("yield return toReturn;");
                    currentBlock = currentBlock.End();
Ejemplo n.º 49
        private void GenerateOrderedStateAndSubAnimationCode(StateCodeGeneratorContext context, ICodeBlock currentBlock, AnimationSave animation, string animationType, AbsoluteOrRelative absoluteOrRelative)
            List <AnimatedStateSave> remainingStates = new List <AnimatedStateSave>();


            List <AnimationReferenceSave> remainingSubAnimations = new List <AnimationReferenceSave>();


            double nextStateTime;
            double nextAnimationTime;

            AnimatedStateSave previousState = null;
            AnimatedStateSave currentState  = null;

            while (remainingStates.Count > 0 || remainingSubAnimations.Count > 0)
                if (remainingStates.Count > 0)
                    nextStateTime = remainingStates[0].Time;
                    nextStateTime = double.PositiveInfinity;

                if (remainingSubAnimations.Count > 0)
                    nextAnimationTime = remainingSubAnimations[0].Time;
                    nextAnimationTime = double.PositiveInfinity;

                if (nextAnimationTime < nextStateTime)
                    CreateInstructionForSubAnimation(currentBlock, remainingSubAnimations[0], absoluteOrRelative, animation, context);

                    currentState = remainingStates[0];
                    CreateInstructionForInterpolation(context, currentBlock, animationType, previousState,
                                                      currentState, absoluteOrRelative, animation.PropertyNameInCode());
                    previousState = currentState;

Ejemplo n.º 50
        private void GenerateGetCurrentValuesOnStateForCategory(ICodeBlock currentBlock, ElementSave container, string categoryName, List <Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave> states, bool addValues = false)
            string methodName = "GetCurrentValuesOnState";

            if (addValues)
                methodName = "AddToCurrentValuesWithState";

            currentBlock = currentBlock.Function("private Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave", methodName, categoryName + " state");

            currentBlock.Line("Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave newState = new Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave();");

            var switchBlock = currentBlock.Switch("state");

                foreach (var state in states)
                    var caseBlock = switchBlock.Case(categoryName + "." + state.MemberNameInCode());
                        var instanceNames    = container.Instances.Select(item => item.Name).ToList();
                        var orderedVariables = state.Variables
                                               .Where(item => GetIfShouldGenerateStateVariable(item, container))
                                               .OrderBy(variable => instanceNames.IndexOf(variable.SourceObject));

                        foreach (var variable in orderedVariables)
                            string memberNameInCode = variable.MemberNameInCode(container, VariableNamesToReplaceForStates);

                            caseBlock.Line("newState.Variables.Add(new Gum.DataTypes.Variables.VariableSave()");
                            var instantiatorBlock = caseBlock.Block();
                                instantiatorBlock.Line("SetsValue = true,");

                                // Don't use memberNameInCode - states from the XML files will not, and we want this
                                // to behave the same so merging (used in interpolation) works properly
                                //instantiatorBlock.Line("Name = \"" + memberNameInCode + "\",");
                                instantiatorBlock.Line("Name = \"" + variable.Name + "\",");

                                instantiatorBlock.Line($"Type = \"{variable.Type}\",");

                                string valueString = "Value = " + memberNameInCode + "";

                                if (addValues && IsVariableNumeric(variable))
                                    string variableValue = variable.Value.ToString();
                                    bool   isEntireAssignment;
                                    GueDerivingClassCodeGenerator.Self.AdjustVariableValueIfNecessary(variable, container, ref variableValue, out isEntireAssignment);

                                    if (isEntireAssignment)
                                        valueString = variableValue;
                                        valueString += " + " + variableValue;

            currentBlock.Line("return newState;");
Ejemplo n.º 51
        private static ICodeBlock GenerateInterpolateForIndividualState(IElement element, ICodeBlock codeBlock, ICodeBlock otherBlock, StateSave stateSave, string enumType)
            codeBlock  = codeBlock.Case(enumType + "." + stateSave.Name);
            otherBlock = otherBlock.Case(enumType + "." + stateSave.Name);

            foreach (InstructionSave instruction in stateSave.InstructionSaves)
                CustomVariable customVariable = null;
                customVariable = element.GetCustomVariable(instruction.Member);

                string valueAsString = CodeParser.ParseObjectValue(instruction.Value);

                if (customVariable != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueAsString))
                    NamedObjectSave sourceNamedObjectSave = element.GetNamedObjectRecursively(customVariable.SourceObject);

                    if (sourceNamedObjectSave == null || sourceNamedObjectSave.IsDisabled == false)
                        if (sourceNamedObjectSave != null)
                            NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(codeBlock, sourceNamedObjectSave);
                            NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(otherBlock, sourceNamedObjectSave);
                        string timeCastString = "";

                        if (instruction.Value is float)
                            timeCastString = "(float)";

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customVariable.SourceObject))
                            GenerateInterpolateForIndividualStateNoSource(ref codeBlock, element, ref otherBlock, instruction, customVariable, valueAsString, timeCastString);
                            GenerateInterpolateForIndividualStateWithSource(ref codeBlock, element, ref otherBlock, customVariable, valueAsString, sourceNamedObjectSave, timeCastString);
                        if (sourceNamedObjectSave != null)
                            NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddEndIfIfNecessary(codeBlock, sourceNamedObjectSave);
                            NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddEndIfIfNecessary(otherBlock, sourceNamedObjectSave);

Ejemplo n.º 52
        private void GeneratePropertyForCurrentState(ICodeBlock currentBlock, string propertyType, string propertyName,
                                                     List <Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave> states, ElementSave container, bool isNullable)
            string propertyPrefix;

            if (isNullable)
                propertyPrefix = $"public {propertyType}?";
                propertyPrefix = $"public {propertyType}";
            var property = currentBlock.Property(propertyPrefix, propertyName);

            property.Get().Line("return m" + propertyName + ";");

            var setter = property.Set();
                if (isNullable)
                    setter = setter.If("value != null");
                setter.Line("m" + propertyName + " = value;");

                var switchBlock = setter.Switch("m" + propertyName);

                foreach (var state in states)
                    var caseBlock = switchBlock.Case(propertyType + "." + state.MemberNameInCode());
                        // Parent variables need to be assigned in the order of the objects in the component so that they're attached in the right order.
                        // If they're attached in the wrong order, then stacking won't work properly:
                        var instanceNames = container.Instances.Select(item => item.Name).ToList();

                        var orderedVariables = state.Variables.OrderBy(variable => instanceNames.IndexOf(variable.SourceObject)).ToList();

                        foreach (var variable in orderedVariables)
                            var shouldGenerate = false;
                                shouldGenerate = GetIfShouldGenerateStateVariable(variable, container);
                            catch (Exception e)
                            // where block doesn't debug well for some reason, so I unrolled it...
                            if (shouldGenerate)
                                // Note that this could return values like "1,2" instead of "1.2" depending
                                // on the current language, so the AdjustVariableValueIfNecessary needs to account for that.
                                string variableValue = variable.Value.ToString();
                                bool   isEntireAssignment;

                                GueDerivingClassCodeGenerator.Self.AdjustVariableValueIfNecessary(variable, container, ref variableValue, out isEntireAssignment);
                                if (isEntireAssignment)
                                    string memberNameInCode = variable.MemberNameInCode(container, VariableNamesToReplaceForStates);
                                    caseBlock.Line(memberNameInCode + " = " + variableValue + ";");
Ejemplo n.º 53
        private static void CreateStartingValueVariables(IElement element, List <StateSave> states, ICodeBlock curBlock, Dictionary <InstructionSave, InterpolationCharacteristic> interpolationCharacteristics)
            foreach (StateSave state in states)
                foreach (InstructionSave instructionSave in state.InstructionSaves)
                    string member = instructionSave.Member;

                    if (!ContainsKey(interpolationCharacteristics, member))
                        CustomVariable customVariable = element.GetCustomVariable(member);

                        NamedObjectSave nos = null;

                        if (customVariable != null)
                            nos = element.GetNamedObjectRecursively(customVariable.SourceObject);

                        if (nos == null || nos.IsDisabled == false)
                            InterpolationCharacteristic interpolationCharacteristic =
                                CustomVariableHelper.GetInterpolationCharacteristic(customVariable, element);

                            interpolationCharacteristics.Add(instructionSave, interpolationCharacteristic);

                            if (interpolationCharacteristic != InterpolationCharacteristic.CantInterpolate)
                                curBlock.Line("bool set" + instructionSave.Member + " = true;");

                                string defaultStartingValue = "";

                                    if (customVariable.GetIsVariableState())
                                        IElement stateContainingEntity = null;

                                        if (nos != null)
                                            stateContainingEntity = ObjectFinder.Self.GetIElement(nos.SourceClassType);
                                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customVariable.SourceObject))
                                            stateContainingEntity = element;

                                        if (stateContainingEntity != null)
                                            string stateType = "VariableState";
                                            if (customVariable != null && customVariable.Type.ToLower() != "string")
                                                stateType = customVariable.Type;

                                            defaultStartingValue = StateCodeGenerator.FullyQualifiedDefaultStateValue(stateContainingEntity, stateType);
                                        defaultStartingValue = TypeManager.GetDefaultForType(instructionSave.Type);
                                    throw new Exception("Could not get a default value for " + instructionSave.Member + " of type " + instructionSave.Type);

                                string type = CustomVariableCodeGenerator.GetMemberTypeFor(customVariable, element);

                                curBlock.Line(type + " " + member + FirstValue + "= " + defaultStartingValue + ";");
                                curBlock.Line(type + " " + member + SecondValue + "= " + defaultStartingValue + ";");
Ejemplo n.º 54
        private static ICodeBlock SetInterpolateBetweenValuesForStates(IElement element, string enumType, List <StateSave> states, ICodeBlock curBlock, Dictionary <InstructionSave, InterpolationCharacteristic> mInterpolationCharacteristics, string firstOrSecondValue)
            foreach (StateSave state in states)
                curBlock = curBlock.Case(enumType + "." + state.Name);

                foreach (InstructionSave instructionSave in state.InstructionSaves)
                    var customVariable = element.GetCustomVariable(instructionSave.Member);

                    NamedObjectSave sourceNamedObjectSave = null;
                    if (customVariable != null)
                        sourceNamedObjectSave = element.GetNamedObjectRecursively(customVariable.SourceObject);

                    if (sourceNamedObjectSave != null)
                        NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(curBlock, sourceNamedObjectSave);

                    if (GetValue(mInterpolationCharacteristics, instructionSave.Member) != InterpolationCharacteristic.CantInterpolate)
                        if (instructionSave.Value == null)
                            curBlock.Line("set" + instructionSave.Member + " = false;");
                            string valueToWrite = GetRightSideAssignmentValueAsString(element, instructionSave);

                            curBlock.Line(instructionSave.Member + firstOrSecondValue + " = " + valueToWrite + ";");
                    else // This value can't be interpolated, but if the user has set a value of 0 or 1, then it should be set
                        ICodeBlock ifBlock;
                        //  value will come from the first state unless the interpolationValue is 1.
                        // This makes the code behave the same as InterpolateTo which uses instructions.
                        if (firstOrSecondValue == FirstValue)
                            ifBlock = curBlock.If("interpolationValue < 1");
                            ifBlock = curBlock.If("interpolationValue >= 1");
                        string valueToWrite = GetRightSideAssignmentValueAsString(element, instructionSave);
                        ifBlock.Line("this." + instructionSave.Member + " = " + valueToWrite + ";");
                    if (sourceNamedObjectSave != null)
                        NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddEndIfIfNecessary(curBlock, sourceNamedObjectSave);
                curBlock = curBlock.End();
        private static void GenerateRequestCreateEntity(ICodeBlock codeBlock)
            var requestCreateMethod = codeBlock.Function(
                "public RedGrin.INetworkEntity", "RequestCreateEntity", "long ownerId, object entityData");

            requestCreateMethod.Line("RedGrin.INetworkEntity entity = null;");

            bool needsElseIf = false;

            var netEntities = GlueState.Self.CurrentGlueProject.Entities
                              .Where(item => NetworkEntityViewModel.IsNetworked(item));

            foreach (var entitySave in netEntities)
                ICodeBlock ifBlock;

                var    fullNetStateType = CodeGeneratorCommonLogic.GetNetStateFullName(entitySave);
                var    fullEntityType   = CodeGeneratorCommonLogic.GetElementFullName(entitySave);
                string ifcontents       = $"entityData is {fullNetStateType}";

                if (needsElseIf == false)
                    ifBlock = requestCreateMethod.If(ifcontents);
                    ifBlock = requestCreateMethod.ElseIf(ifcontents);

                var hasFactory = entitySave.CreatedByOtherEntities;

                if (hasFactory)
                    var factoryName = $"{GlueState.Self.ProjectNamespace}.Factories.{entitySave.GetStrippedName()}Factory";
                    ifBlock.Line($"entity = {factoryName}.CreateNew();");
                    ifBlock.Line($"entity = new {fullEntityType}();");

                // Even though the NetworkManager assigns the owner ID, we're going to do it here
                // to before calling UpdateFromState, so that any custom code that gets triggered from
                // UpdateFromState are guaranteed to have the right ID:

                ifBlock.Line("entity.OwnerId = ownerId;");

                ifBlock.Line("entity.UpdateFromState(entityData, 0);");

                needsElseIf = true;

            // At first I thought to have the CustomRequestCreateNetworkEntity
            // inside the if/else if so that the created entity could be modified
            // but it's possible the user may want to have their own totally custom
            // network entities and network entity states, in which case they will need
            // to instantiate the object fully in custom code. Therefore, we'll call the
            // method no matter what, even if the entity is null
            requestCreateMethod.Line("CustomRequestCreateNetworkEntity(ref entity, entityData);");

            requestCreateMethod.Line("return entity;");
Ejemplo n.º 56
        private void CreateInstructionForInterpolation(StateCodeGeneratorContext context, ICodeBlock currentBlock, string animationType, AnimatedStateSave previousState, AnimatedStateSave currentState, AbsoluteOrRelative absoluteOrRelative, string animationName)
            currentBlock = currentBlock.Block();

            if (absoluteOrRelative == AbsoluteOrRelative.Absolute)
                CreateInstructionForInterpolationAbsolute(context, currentBlock, animationType, previousState, currentState, animationName);
                CreateInstructionForInterpolationRelative(context, currentBlock, previousState, currentState);
            currentBlock = currentBlock.End();
Ejemplo n.º 57
 public override void GenerateInitializeEnd(ICodeBlock codeBlock)
     codeBlock.Line("#if DEBUG && WINDOWS");
Ejemplo n.º 58
        private void CreateInstructionForInterpolationRelative(StateCodeGeneratorContext context, ICodeBlock currentBlock, AnimatedStateSave previousState, AnimatedStateSave currentState)
            if (previousState != null)
                currentBlock.Line("var toReturn = new FlatRedBall.Instructions.DelegateInstruction(() =>");
                    currentBlock = currentBlock.Block();

                    // Is the start clone necessary?
                    currentBlock.Line("var relativeStart = ElementSave.AllStates.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == \"" + previousState.StateName + "\").Clone();");
                    currentBlock.Line("var relativeEnd = ElementSave.AllStates.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == \"" + currentState.StateName + "\").Clone();");
                    currentBlock.Line("Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSaveExtensionMethods.SubtractFromThis(relativeEnd, relativeStart);");
                    currentBlock.Line("var difference = relativeEnd;");

                    string categoryName = "VariableState";
                    var    category     = context.Element.Categories.FirstOrDefault(item => item.States.Any(stateCandidate => stateCandidate.Name == currentState.StateName));

                    string enumValue = currentState.StateName;

                    if (currentState.StateName.Contains('/'))
                        var split = currentState.StateName.Split('/');

                        category  = context.Element.Categories.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == split[0]);
                        enumValue = split[1];

                    if (category != null)
                        categoryName = category.Name;
                    currentBlock.Line("Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave first = GetCurrentValuesOnState(" + categoryName + "." + enumValue + ");");

                    currentBlock.Line("Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSave second = first.Clone();");
                    currentBlock.Line("Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSaveExtensionMethods.AddIntoThis(second, difference);");

                    string interpolationTime = ToFloatString(currentState.Time - previousState.Time);

                    string easing            = "FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.Easing." + previousState.Easing;
                    string interpolationType = "FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.InterpolationType." + previousState.InterpolationType;

                        string.Format("FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.Tweener tweener = new FlatRedBall.Glue.StateInterpolation.Tweener(from: 0, to: 1, duration: {0}, type: {1}, easing: {2});",

                    currentBlock.Line("tweener.Owner = this;");

                    currentBlock.Line("tweener.PositionChanged = newPosition => this.InterpolateBetween(first, second, newPosition);");

                    currentBlock = currentBlock.End();
                string previousStateTime = ToFloatString(previousState.Time);

                currentBlock.Line("toReturn.TimeToExecute = FlatRedBall.TimeManager.CurrentTime + " + previousStateTime + ";");
                currentBlock.Line("toReturn.Target = target;");

                currentBlock.Line("yield return toReturn;");
Ejemplo n.º 59
        private static void GenerateInitializeForEvent(ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element, EventResponseSave ers)
            bool wasEventAdded = false;

            //We always want this to happen, even if it's
            // emtpy
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.Contents))
            NamedObjectSave sourceNos = null;
            bool            shouldCloseIfStatementForNos = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.SourceVariable))
                // This is tied to a variable, so the name comes from the variable event rather than the
                // event name itself
                string eventName = ers.BeforeOrAfter.ToString() + ers.SourceVariable + "Set";
                codeBlock.Line("this." + eventName + " += On" + ers.EventName + ";");
                wasEventAdded = true;

            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.SourceObject) || ers.SourceObject == "<NONE>")
                string    leftSide  = null;
                EventSave eventSave = ers.GetEventSave();
                if (eventSave == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventSave.ExternalEvent))
                    leftSide = "this." + ers.EventName;
                    leftSide = eventSave.ExternalEvent;

                codeBlock.Line(leftSide + " += On" + ers.EventName + ";");
                wasEventAdded = true;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.SourceObjectEvent))
                // Only append this if the source NOS is fully-defined.  If not, we don't want to generate compile errors.
                sourceNos = element.GetNamedObject(ers.SourceObject);

                if (sourceNos != null && sourceNos.IsFullyDefined)
                    NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(codeBlock, sourceNos);

                    string leftSide = null;

                    leftSide = ers.SourceObject + "." + ers.SourceObjectEvent;

                    codeBlock.Line(leftSide + " += On" + ers.EventName + ";");
                    wasEventAdded = true;
                    shouldCloseIfStatementForNos = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.SourceObject) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ers.SourceObjectEvent) && wasEventAdded)
                codeBlock.Line(ers.SourceObject + "." + ers.SourceObjectEvent + " += On" + ers.EventName + "Tunnel;");
                if (shouldCloseIfStatementForNos)
                    NamedObjectSaveCodeGenerator.AddEndIfIfNecessary(codeBlock, sourceNos);
Ejemplo n.º 60
        private static void GenerateInterpolateForIndividualStateWithSource(ref ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element, ref ICodeBlock otherBlock, CustomVariable customVariable, string valueAsString, NamedObjectSave sourceNamedObjectSave, string timeCastString)
            if (customVariable.GetIsVariableState())
                GenerateInterpolateForIndividualStateWithSourceStateVariable(codeBlock, customVariable, element, valueAsString.Replace("\"", ""));
                string velocityMember =

                bool generatedVelocity = false;

                if (velocityMember == null &&
                    velocityMember    = customVariable.Name + "Velocity";
                    generatedVelocity = true;
                bool velocityComesFromTunnel = false;

                if (velocityMember == null &&
                    // Only want to go 1 deep.  The reason is if the tunneled variable has a
                    // velocity value, we can use that.  However, if it's tunneled multiple times
                    // into a variable that ultimately has a velocity variable we may not be able to
                    // get to it, so we shouldn't just assume we can add "Velocity" to the variable name.
                    customVariable.HasAccompanyingVelocityConsideringTunneling(element, 1))
                    velocityMember          = customVariable.SourceObjectProperty + "Velocity";
                    generatedVelocity       = true;
                    velocityComesFromTunnel = true;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(velocityMember))
                    string sourceDot = customVariable.SourceObject + ".";

                    IEnumerable <string> exposableVariables =
                        FlatRedBall.Glue.Reflection.ExposedVariableManager.GetExposableMembersFor(sourceNamedObjectSave).Select(item => item.Member);

                    // We will generate this if the variable is contained in exposable variables,
                    // if the user explicitly said to generate a velocity variable, or if
                    // this is a FRB type. The reason we check if it's a FRB Type is because FRB
                    // types have velocity variables which may not be exposable. We don't want Glue
                    // to mess with temporary values like Velocity, so they are removed from the exposab
                    // variable list:
                    bool shouldGenerate = exposableVariables.Contains(velocityMember) ||
                                          generatedVelocity ||
                                          sourceNamedObjectSave.SourceType == SourceType.FlatRedBallType;

                    if (shouldGenerate)
                        string relativeVelocity = InstructionManager.GetRelativeForAbsolute(velocityMember);

                        string leftHandPlusEquals = null;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeVelocity))
                            codeBlock = codeBlock
                                        .If(customVariable.SourceObject + ".Parent != null");

                            otherBlock = otherBlock
                                         .If(customVariable.SourceObject + ".Parent != null");

                            string sourceObjectPropertyRelative = InstructionManager.GetRelativeForAbsolute(customVariable.SourceObjectProperty);

                            leftHandPlusEquals = sourceDot + relativeVelocity + " = ";

                            codeBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + "(" + valueAsString + " - " + sourceDot +
                                           sourceObjectPropertyRelative + ") / " + timeCastString +

                            otherBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + " 0;");

                            codeBlock = codeBlock

                            otherBlock = otherBlock

                        // If we're using a custom velocity value, we don't want to
                        // use the sourceDot.  We just want to use the velocity value
                        if (generatedVelocity && !velocityComesFromTunnel)
                            leftHandPlusEquals = velocityMember + " = ";
                            leftHandPlusEquals = sourceDot + velocityMember + " = ";
                        codeBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + "(" + valueAsString + " - " + sourceDot +
                                       customVariable.SourceObjectProperty + ") / " + timeCastString +

                        otherBlock.Line(leftHandPlusEquals + " 0;");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeVelocity))
                            codeBlock  = codeBlock.End();
                            otherBlock = otherBlock.End();