Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static bool GetManagedTypeInfoForCLSID(HostConfigurationStore configStore, Guid clsid, out string assembly, out string className, out string codeBase)
            assembly = null;
            className = null;
            codeBase = null;

            string keyPath = configStore.RegistryRoot + @"\CLSID\" + clsid.ToString("B");
            using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(keyPath))
                if (key == null)
                    return false;

                object oAssembly = key.GetValue("Assembly");
                object oClassName = key.GetValue("Class");
                object oCodeBase = key.GetValue("CodeBase");

                if (oAssembly == null || !(oAssembly is string))
                    return false;
                if (oClassName == null || !(oClassName is string))
                    return false;

                // CodeBase is not required, but it is an error if it isn't a string
                if (oCodeBase != null && !(oCodeBase is string))
                    return false;

                assembly = (string)oAssembly;
                className = (string)oClassName;
                codeBase = (string)oCodeBase;

                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void IPlatformAppLauncher.Initialize(HostConfigurationStore configStore, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback)
            if (configStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("configStore");
            if (eventCallback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("eventCallback");

            _eventCallback = eventCallback;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static void LoadMIDebugLogger(HostConfigurationStore configStore)
     if (s_logger == null)
         s_logger = configStore.GetLogger("EnableMIDebugLogger", "Microsoft.MIDebug.log");
         if (s_logger != null)
             s_isEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void LoadMIDebugLogger(HostConfigurationStore configStore)
     if (s_logger == null)
         if (CmdLogInfo.enabled)
         {   // command configured log file
             s_logger = HostLogger.GetLoggerFromCmd(CmdLogInfo.logFile, CmdLogInfo.logToOutput);
         {   // use default logging
             s_logger = configStore.GetLogger("EnableMIDebugLogger", "Microsoft.MIDebug.log");
         if (s_logger != null)
             s_isEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static Logger EnsureInitialized(HostConfigurationStore configStore)
            Logger res = new Logger();
            if (!s_isInitialized)
                s_isInitialized = true;
                s_initTime = DateTime.Now;

                res.WriteLine("Initialized log at: " + s_initTime);

            #if DEBUG
            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                s_isEnabled = true;
            return res;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void EnsureInitialized(HostConfigurationStore configStore)
            if (!s_isInitialized)
                s_isInitialized = true;
                s_initTime = DateTime.Now;

                s_logger = configStore.GetLogger("EnableMIDebugLogger", "Microsoft.MIDebug.log");
                if (s_logger != null)
                    s_isEnabled = true;
                WriteLine("Initialized log at: " + s_initTime);

            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                s_isEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up the specified CLSID in the VS registry and loads it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configStore">Registry root to lookup the type</param>
        /// <param name="clsid">CLSID to CoCreate</param>
        /// <returns>[Optional] loaded object. Null if the type is not registered, or points to a type that doesn't exist</returns>
        public static object VsCoCreateManagedObject(HostConfigurationStore configStore, Guid clsid)
            string assemblyNameString, className, codeBase;
            if (!GetManagedTypeInfoForCLSID(configStore, clsid, out assemblyNameString, out className, out codeBase))
                return null;

            if (codeBase != null && !File.Exists(codeBase))
                return null;

            AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyNameString);
            if (codeBase != null)
                assemblyName.CodeBase = "file:///" + codeBase;

            Assembly assemblyObject = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
            return assemblyObject.CreateInstance(className);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static LaunchOptions ExecuteLauncher(HostConfigurationStore configStore, Guid clsidLauncher, string exePath, string args, string dir, object launcherXmlOptions, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine)
            var deviceAppLauncher = (IPlatformAppLauncher)HostLoader.VsCoCreateManagedObject(configStore, clsidLauncher);
            if (deviceAppLauncher == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_LauncherNotFound, clsidLauncher.ToString("B")));

            bool success = false;

                    deviceAppLauncher.Initialize(configStore, eventCallback);
                    deviceAppLauncher.SetLaunchOptions(exePath, args, dir, launcherXmlOptions, targetEngine);
                catch (Exception e) when (!(e is InvalidLaunchOptionsException))
                    throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(e.Message);

                LaunchOptions debuggerLaunchOptions;
                deviceAppLauncher.SetupForDebugging(out debuggerLaunchOptions);
                debuggerLaunchOptions.DeviceAppLauncher = deviceAppLauncher;

                success = true;
                return debuggerLaunchOptions;
                if (!success)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public DebuggedProcess(bool bLaunched, LaunchOptions launchOptions, ISampleEngineCallback callback, WorkerThread worker, BreakpointManager bpman, AD7Engine engine, HostConfigurationStore configStore, HostWaitLoop waitLoop = null) : base(launchOptions, engine.Logger)
            uint processExitCode = 0;
            _pendingMessages = new StringBuilder(400);
            _worker = worker;
            _breakpointManager = bpman;
            Engine = engine;
            _libraryLoaded = new List<string>();
            _loadOrder = 0;
            MICommandFactory = MICommandFactory.GetInstance(launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode, this);
            _waitDialog = (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() && launchOptions.WaitDynamicLibLoad) ? new HostWaitDialog(ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolMessage, ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolCaption) : null;
            Natvis = new Natvis.Natvis(this, launchOptions.ShowDisplayString);

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id = pid;

            SourceLineCache = new SourceLineCache(this);

            _callback = callback;
            _moduleList = new List<DebuggedModule>();
            ThreadCache = new ThreadCache(callback, this);
            Disassembly = new Disassembly(this);
            ExceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(MICommandFactory, _worker, _callback, configStore);

            VariablesToDelete = new List<string>();
            this.ActiveVariables = new List<IVariableInformation>();
            _fileTimestampWarnings = new HashSet<Tuple<string, string>>();

            OutputStringEvent += delegate (object o, string message)
                // We can get messages before we have started the process
                // but we can't send them on until it is
                if (_connected)

            LibraryLoadEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                string file = results.Results.TryFindString("host-name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    if (_waitDialog != null)
                else if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                    string id = results.Results.FindString("id");
                    ulong baseAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("base-address");
                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    bool symbolsLoaded = results.Results.FindInt("symbols-loaded") != 0;
                    var module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, baseAddr, size, symbolsLoaded, string.Empty, _loadOrder++);
                    lock (_moduleList)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    string addr = results.Results.TryFindString("loaded_addr");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr) || addr == "-")
                        return; // identifies the exe, not a real load
                    // generate module 
                    string id = results.Results.TryFindString("name");
                    bool symsLoaded = true;
                    string symPath = null;
                    if (results.Results.Contains("symbols-path"))
                        symPath = results.Results.FindString("symbols-path");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symPath))
                            symsLoaded = false;
                        symPath = file;
                    ulong loadAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("loaded_addr");

                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        id = file;
                    var module = FindModule(id);
                    if (module == null)
                        module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, loadAddr, size, symsLoaded, symPath, _loadOrder++);
                        lock (_moduleList)

            if (_launchOptions is LocalLaunchOptions)
                LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions = (LocalLaunchOptions)_launchOptions;

                if (!localLaunchOptions.IsValidMiDebuggerPath())
                    throw new Exception(MICoreResources.Error_InvalidMiDebuggerPath);

                if (PlatformUtilities.IsOSX() &&
                    localLaunchOptions.DebuggerMIMode != MIMode.Clrdbg &&
                    localLaunchOptions.DebuggerMIMode != MIMode.Lldb &&
                    string message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, ResourceStrings.Warning_DarwinDebuggerUnsigned, localLaunchOptions.MIDebuggerPath);
                    _callback.OnOutputMessage(new OutputMessage(
                        message + Environment.NewLine,

                ITransport localTransport = null;
                // For local Linux and OS X launch, use the local Unix transport which creates a new terminal and
                // uses fifos for debugger (e.g., gdb) communication.
                if (this.MICommandFactory.UseExternalConsoleForLocalLaunch(localLaunchOptions) &&
                    (PlatformUtilities.IsLinux() || (PlatformUtilities.IsOSX() && localLaunchOptions.DebuggerMIMode != MIMode.Lldb)))
                    localTransport = new LocalUnixTerminalTransport();

                    // Only need to clear terminal for Linux and OS X local launch
                    _needTerminalReset = (localLaunchOptions.ProcessId == 0 && _launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Gdb);
                    localTransport = new LocalTransport();

                if (localLaunchOptions.ShouldStartServer())
                        new MICore.ClientServerTransport(
                            new ServerTransport(killOnClose: true, filterStdout: localLaunchOptions.FilterStdout, filterStderr: localLaunchOptions.FilterStderr)
                    this.Init(localTransport, _launchOptions);

                // Only need to know the debugger pid on Linux and OS X local launch to detect whether
                // the debugger is closed. If the debugger is not running anymore, the response (^exit)
                // to the -gdb-exit command is faked to allow MIEngine to shut down.
            else if (_launchOptions is PipeLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.PipeTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is TcpLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.TcpTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is UnixShellPortLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.UnixShellPortTransport(), _launchOptions, waitLoop);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LaunchInfo.options");


            // When the debuggee exits, we need to exit the debugger
            ProcessExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;

                if (results.Results.Contains("exit-code"))
                    // GDB sometimes returns exit codes, which don't fit into uint, like "030000000472".
                    // And we can't throw from here, because it crashes VS.
                    // Full exit code will still usually be reported in the Output window,
                    // but here let's return "uint.MaxValue" just to indicate that something went wrong.
                    if (!uint.TryParse(results.Results.FindString("exit-code"), out processExitCode))
                        processExitCode = uint.MaxValue;

                // quit MI Debugger
                if (!this.IsClosed)
                    // If we are already closed, make sure that something sends program destroy

                if (_waitDialog != null)

            // When the debugger exits, we tell AD7 we are done
            DebuggerExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // this is the last AD7 Event we can ever send
                // Also the transport is closed when this returns


            DebuggerAbortedEvent += delegate (object o, DebuggerAbortedEventArgs eventArgs)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // The MI debugger process unexpectedly exited.
                _worker.PostOperation(() =>
                        _engineTelemetry.SendDebuggerAborted(MICommandFactory, GetLastSentCommandName(), eventArgs.ExitCode);

                        // If the MI Debugger exits before we get a resume call, we have no way of sending program destroy. So just let start debugging fail.
                        if (!_connected)

                        _callback.OnError(string.Concat(eventArgs.Message, " ", ResourceStrings.DebuggingWillAbort));


            ModuleLoadEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                if (_needTerminalReset)
                    _needTerminalReset = false;

                    // This is to work around a GDB bug of warning "Failed to set controlling terminal: Operation not permitted"
                    // Reset debuggee terminal after the first module load.
                    await ResetConsole();

                if (this.MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() && !_launchOptions.WaitDynamicLibLoad)
                    await CmdAsync("-gdb-set stop-on-solib-events 0", ResultClass.None);

                await this.EnsureModulesLoaded();

                if (_waitDialog != null)
                if (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    // Do not continue if debugging core dump
                    if (!this.IsCoreDump)

            // When we break we need to gather information
            BreakModeEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                StoppingEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.StoppingEventArgs;
                if (_waitDialog != null)

                if (!this._connected)
                    _initialBreakArgs = results;

                    await HandleBreakModeEvent(results, results.AsyncRequest);
                catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHelper.BeforeCatch(e, Logger, reportOnlyCorrupting: true))
                    if (this.IsStopDebuggingInProgress)
                        return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                    string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_FailedToEnterBreakState, exceptionDescription);


            ErrorEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadCreatedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadCreatedEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), result.Results.TryFindString("group-id"));

            ThreadExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadGroupExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            MessageEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                OutputMessage outputMessage = DecodeOutputEvent(args.Results);
                if (outputMessage != null)

            TelemetryEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                string eventName;
                KeyValuePair<string, object>[] properties;
                if (_engineTelemetry.DecodeTelemetryEvent(args.Results, out eventName, out properties))
                    HostTelemetry.SendEvent(eventName, properties);

            BreakChangeEvent += _breakpointManager.BreakpointModified;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static LaunchOptions GetInstance(HostConfigurationStore configStore, string exePath, string args, string dir, string options, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine, Logger logger)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exePath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("exePath");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options))
                throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(MICoreResources.Error_StringIsNullOrEmpty);

            logger?.WriteTextBlock("LaunchOptions", options);

            LaunchOptions launchOptions      = null;
            Guid          clsidLauncher      = Guid.Empty;
            object        launcherXmlOptions = null;

                XmlSerializer serializer;
                using (XmlReader reader = OpenXml(options))
                    switch (reader.LocalName)
                    case "LocalLaunchOptions":
                        serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(Xml.LaunchOptions.LocalLaunchOptions));
                        var xmlLaunchOptions = (Xml.LaunchOptions.LocalLaunchOptions)Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                        launchOptions             = LocalLaunchOptions.CreateFromXml(xmlLaunchOptions);
                        launchOptions.BaseOptions = xmlLaunchOptions;

                    case "PipeLaunchOptions":
                        serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(Xml.LaunchOptions.PipeLaunchOptions));
                        var xmlLaunchOptions = (Xml.LaunchOptions.PipeLaunchOptions)Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                        launchOptions             = PipeLaunchOptions.CreateFromXml(xmlLaunchOptions);
                        launchOptions.BaseOptions = xmlLaunchOptions;

                    case "TcpLaunchOptions":
                        serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(Xml.LaunchOptions.TcpLaunchOptions));
                        var xmlLaunchOptions = (Xml.LaunchOptions.TcpLaunchOptions)Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                        launchOptions             = TcpLaunchOptions.CreateFromXml(xmlLaunchOptions);
                        launchOptions.BaseOptions = xmlLaunchOptions;

                    case "IOSLaunchOptions":
                        serializer         = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(IOSLaunchOptions));
                        launcherXmlOptions = Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                        clsidLauncher      = new Guid("316783D1-1824-4847-B3D3-FB048960EDCF");

                    case "AndroidLaunchOptions":
                        serializer         = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(AndroidLaunchOptions));
                        launcherXmlOptions = Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                        clsidLauncher      = new Guid("C9A403DA-D3AA-4632-A572-E81FF6301E9B");

                        throw new XmlException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_UnknownXmlElement, reader.LocalName));

                    // Read any remaining bits of XML to catch other errors
                    while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.None)
            catch (XmlException e)
                throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(e.Message);

            if (clsidLauncher != Guid.Empty)
                launchOptions = ExecuteLauncher(configStore, clsidLauncher, exePath, args, dir, launcherXmlOptions, eventCallback, targetEngine, logger);

            if (targetEngine == TargetEngine.Native)
                if (launchOptions.ExePath == null)
                    launchOptions.ExePath = exePath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(launchOptions.ExeArguments))
                launchOptions.ExeArguments = args;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(launchOptions.WorkingDirectory))
                launchOptions.WorkingDirectory = dir;

            if (launchOptions._setupCommands == null)
                launchOptions._setupCommands = new List <LaunchCommand>(capacity: 0).AsReadOnly();

            launchOptions._initializationComplete = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static LaunchOptions GetInstance(HostConfigurationStore configStore, string exePath, string args, string dir, string options, bool noDebug, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine, Logger logger)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exePath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("exePath");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options))
                throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(MICoreResources.Error_StringIsNullOrEmpty);

            logger?.WriteTextBlock("LaunchOptions", options);

            LaunchOptions launchOptions = null;
            Guid clsidLauncher = Guid.Empty;
            object launcher = null;
            object launcherXmlOptions = null;

                XmlSerializer serializer;
                using (XmlReader reader = OpenXml(options))
                    switch (reader.LocalName)
                        case "LocalLaunchOptions":
                                serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(Xml.LaunchOptions.LocalLaunchOptions));
                                var xmlLaunchOptions = (Xml.LaunchOptions.LocalLaunchOptions)Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                                launchOptions = LocalLaunchOptions.CreateFromXml(xmlLaunchOptions);
                                launchOptions.BaseOptions = xmlLaunchOptions;

                        case "PipeLaunchOptions":
                                serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(Xml.LaunchOptions.PipeLaunchOptions));
                                var xmlLaunchOptions = (Xml.LaunchOptions.PipeLaunchOptions)Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                                launchOptions = PipeLaunchOptions.CreateFromXml(xmlLaunchOptions);
                                launchOptions.BaseOptions = xmlLaunchOptions;

                        case "TcpLaunchOptions":
                                serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(Xml.LaunchOptions.TcpLaunchOptions));
                                var xmlLaunchOptions = (Xml.LaunchOptions.TcpLaunchOptions)Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                                launchOptions = TcpLaunchOptions.CreateFromXml(xmlLaunchOptions);
                                launchOptions.BaseOptions = xmlLaunchOptions;

                        case "IOSLaunchOptions":
                                serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(IOSLaunchOptions));
                                launcherXmlOptions = Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                                clsidLauncher = new Guid("316783D1-1824-4847-B3D3-FB048960EDCF");

                        case "AndroidLaunchOptions":
                                serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(AndroidLaunchOptions));
                                launcherXmlOptions = Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                                clsidLauncher = new Guid("C9A403DA-D3AA-4632-A572-E81FF6301E9B");

                        case "SSHLaunchOptions":
                                serializer = GetXmlSerializer(typeof(SSHLaunchOptions));
                                launcherXmlOptions = Deserialize(serializer, reader);
                                clsidLauncher = new Guid("7E3052B2-FB42-4E38-B22C-1FD281BD4413");

                                launcher = configStore?.GetCustomLauncher(reader.LocalName);
                                if (launcher == null)
                                    throw new XmlException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_UnknownXmlElement, reader.LocalName));
                                if (launcher as IPlatformAppLauncher == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_LauncherNotFound, reader.LocalName));
                                var deviceAppLauncher = (IPlatformAppLauncherSerializer)launcher;
                                if (deviceAppLauncher == null)
                                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_LauncherSerializerNotFound, clsidLauncher.ToString("B")));
                                serializer = deviceAppLauncher.GetXmlSerializer(reader.LocalName);
                                launcherXmlOptions = Deserialize(serializer, reader);

                    // Read any remaining bits of XML to catch other errors
                    while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.None)
            catch (XmlException e)
                throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(e.Message);

            if (clsidLauncher != Guid.Empty)
                launchOptions = ExecuteLauncher(configStore, clsidLauncher, exePath, args, dir, launcherXmlOptions, eventCallback, targetEngine, logger);
            else if (launcher != null)
                launchOptions = ExecuteLauncher(configStore, (IPlatformAppLauncher)launcher, exePath, args, dir, launcherXmlOptions, eventCallback, targetEngine, logger);

            if (targetEngine == TargetEngine.Native)
                if (launchOptions.ExePath == null)
                    launchOptions.ExePath = exePath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(launchOptions.ExeArguments))
                launchOptions.ExeArguments = args;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(launchOptions.WorkingDirectory))
                launchOptions.WorkingDirectory = dir;

            launchOptions.NoDebug = noDebug;

            if (launchOptions._setupCommands == null)
                launchOptions._setupCommands = new List<LaunchCommand>(capacity: 0).AsReadOnly();

            return launchOptions;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 void IPlatformAppLauncher.Initialize(HostConfigurationStore configStore, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback)
     _callback = eventCallback;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 // Kofe debugger depends on this method to generate LaunchOptions
 public static LaunchOptions GetInstance(HostConfigurationStore configStore, string exePath, string args, string dir, string options, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine)
     return GetInstance(configStore, exePath, args, dir, options, eventCallback, targetEngine, null);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 // Sets the registry root currently in use by the DE. Different installations of Visual Studio can change where their registry information is stored
 // This allows the debugger to tell the engine where that location is.
 public int SetRegistryRoot(string registryRoot)
     _configStore = new HostConfigurationStore(registryRoot);
     Logger       = Logger.EnsureInitialized(_configStore);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private static LaunchOptions ExecuteLauncher(HostConfigurationStore configStore, Guid clsidLauncher, string exePath, string args, string dir, object launcherXmlOptions, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine, Logger logger)
     var deviceAppLauncher = (IPlatformAppLauncher)HostLoader.VsCoCreateManagedObject(configStore, clsidLauncher);
     if (deviceAppLauncher == null)
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_LauncherNotFound, clsidLauncher.ToString("B")));
     return ExecuteLauncher(configStore, deviceAppLauncher, exePath, args, dir, launcherXmlOptions, eventCallback, targetEngine, logger);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static LaunchOptions ExecuteLauncher(HostConfigurationStore configStore, IPlatformAppLauncher deviceAppLauncher, string exePath, string args, string dir, object launcherXmlOptions, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine, Logger logger)
            bool success = false;

                    deviceAppLauncher.Initialize(configStore, eventCallback);
                    deviceAppLauncher.SetLaunchOptions(exePath, args, dir, launcherXmlOptions, targetEngine);
                catch (Exception e) when (!(e is InvalidLaunchOptionsException) && ExceptionHelper.BeforeCatch(e, logger, reportOnlyCorrupting: true))
                    throw new InvalidLaunchOptionsException(e.Message);

                LaunchOptions debuggerLaunchOptions;
                deviceAppLauncher.SetupForDebugging(out debuggerLaunchOptions);
                debuggerLaunchOptions.DeviceAppLauncher = deviceAppLauncher;

                success = true;
                return debuggerLaunchOptions;
                if (!success)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public ExceptionManager(MICommandFactory commandFactory, WorkerThread worker, ISampleEngineCallback callback, /*OPTIONAL*/ HostConfigurationStore configStore)
            Debug.Assert(commandFactory != null, "Missing commandFactory");
            Debug.Assert(worker != null, "Missing worker");
            Debug.Assert(callback != null, "Missing callback");

            _commandFactory = commandFactory;
            _worker = worker;
            _callback = callback;
            _categoryMap = ReadDefaultSettings(configStore);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private ReadOnlyDictionary<Guid, ExceptionCategorySettings> ReadDefaultSettings(HostConfigurationStore configStore)
            Dictionary<Guid, ExceptionCategorySettings> categoryMap = new Dictionary<Guid, ExceptionCategorySettings>();

            IEnumerable<Guid> categories = _commandFactory.GetSupportedExceptionCategories();
            foreach (Guid categoryId in categories)
                string categoryName;
                HostConfigurationSection categoryConfigSection;
                configStore.GetExceptionCategorySettings(categoryId, out categoryConfigSection, out categoryName);

                using (categoryConfigSection)
                    ExceptionCategorySettings categorySettings = new ExceptionCategorySettings(this, categoryConfigSection, categoryName);
                    categoryMap.Add(categoryId, categorySettings);

            return new ReadOnlyDictionary<Guid, ExceptionCategorySettings>(categoryMap);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public DebuggedProcess(bool bLaunched, LaunchOptions launchOptions, ISampleEngineCallback callback, WorkerThread worker, BreakpointManager bpman, AD7Engine engine, HostConfigurationStore configStore) : base(launchOptions)
            uint processExitCode = 0;
            _pendingMessages = new StringBuilder(400);
            _worker = worker;
            _breakpointManager = bpman;
            Engine = engine;
            _libraryLoaded = new List<string>();
            _loadOrder = 0;
            MICommandFactory = MICommandFactory.GetInstance(launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode, this);
            _waitDialog = MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad() ? new HostWaitDialog(ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolMessage, ResourceStrings.LoadingSymbolCaption) : null;
            Natvis = new Natvis.Natvis(this, launchOptions.ShowDisplayString);

            // we do NOT have real Win32 process IDs, so we use a guid
            AD_PROCESS_ID pid = new AD_PROCESS_ID();
            pid.ProcessIdType = (int)enum_AD_PROCESS_ID.AD_PROCESS_ID_GUID;
            pid.guidProcessId = Guid.NewGuid();
            this.Id = pid;

            SourceLineCache = new SourceLineCache(this);

            _callback = callback;
            _moduleList = new List<DebuggedModule>();
            ThreadCache = new ThreadCache(callback, this);
            Disassembly = new Disassembly(this);
            ExceptionManager = new ExceptionManager(MICommandFactory, _worker, _callback, configStore);

            VariablesToDelete = new List<string>();

            OutputStringEvent += delegate (object o, string message)
                // We can get messages before we have started the process
                // but we can't send them on until it is
                if (_connected)

            LibraryLoadEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                string file = results.Results.TryFindString("host-name");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) && MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                    if (_waitDialog != null)
                else if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                    string id = results.Results.FindString("id");
                    ulong baseAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("base-address");
                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    bool symbolsLoaded = results.Results.FindInt("symbols-loaded") != 0;
                    var module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, baseAddr, size, symbolsLoaded, string.Empty, _loadOrder++);
                    lock (_moduleList)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    string addr = results.Results.TryFindString("loaded_addr");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addr) || addr == "-")
                        return; // identifies the exe, not a real load
                    // generate module 
                    string id = results.Results.TryFindString("name");
                    bool symsLoaded = true;
                    string symPath = null;
                    if (results.Results.Contains("symbols-path"))
                        symPath = results.Results.FindString("symbols-path");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symPath))
                            symsLoaded = false;
                        symPath = file;
                    ulong loadAddr = results.Results.FindAddr("loaded_addr");

                    uint size = results.Results.FindUint("size");
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        id = file;
                    var module = FindModule(id);
                    if (module == null)
                        module = new DebuggedModule(id, file, loadAddr, size, symsLoaded, symPath, _loadOrder++);
                        lock (_moduleList)

            if (_launchOptions is LocalLaunchOptions)
                LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions = (LocalLaunchOptions)_launchOptions;
                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) &&
                    _launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Gdb &&
                    // For local linux launch, use the local linux transport which creates a new terminal and uses fifos for gdb communication.
                    // CONSIDER: add new flag and only do this if new terminal is true? Note that setting this to false on linux will cause a deadlock
                    // during debuggee launch
                    if (localLaunchOptions.ShouldStartServer())
                        this.Init(new MICore.ClientServerTransport
                                        new LocalLinuxTransport(),
                                        new ServerTransport(killOnClose: true, filterStdout: localLaunchOptions.FilterStdout, filterStderr: localLaunchOptions.FilterStderr)
                                  ), _launchOptions
                        this.Init(new MICore.LocalLinuxTransport(), _launchOptions);
                    if (localLaunchOptions.ShouldStartServer())
                        this.Init(new MICore.ClientServerTransport
                                        new LocalTransport(),
                                        new ServerTransport(killOnClose: true, filterStdout: localLaunchOptions.FilterStdout, filterStderr: localLaunchOptions.FilterStderr)
                                  ), _launchOptions
                        this.Init(new MICore.LocalTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is PipeLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.PipeTransport(), _launchOptions);
            else if (_launchOptions is TcpLaunchOptions)
                this.Init(new MICore.TcpTransport(), _launchOptions);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LaunchInfo.options");


            // When the debuggee exits, we need to exit the debugger
            ProcessExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;

                if (results.Results.Contains("exit-code"))
                    // GDB sometimes returns exit codes, which don't fit into uint, like "030000000472".
                    // And we can't throw from here, because it crashes VS.
                    // Full exit code will still usually be reported in the Output window,
                    // but here let's return "uint.MaxValue" just to indicate that something went wrong.
                    if (!uint.TryParse(results.Results.FindString("exit-code"), out processExitCode))
                        processExitCode = uint.MaxValue;

                // quit MI Debugger
                if (_waitDialog != null)

            // When the debugger exits, we tell AD7 we are done
            DebuggerExitEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // this is the last AD7 Event we can ever send
                // Also the transport is closed when this returns


            DebuggerAbortedEvent += delegate (object o, /*OPTIONAL*/ string debuggerExitCode)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                // The MI debugger process unexpectedly exited.
                _worker.PostOperation(() =>
                        // If the MI Debugger exits before we get a resume call, we have no way of sending program destroy. So just let start debugging fail.
                        if (!_connected)

                        string message;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(debuggerExitCode))
                            message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_MIDebuggerExited_UnknownCode, MICommandFactory.Name);
                            message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_MIDebuggerExited_WithCode, MICommandFactory.Name, debuggerExitCode);



            ModuleLoadEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                if (_libraryLoaded.Count != 0)
                    string moduleNames = string.Join(", ", _libraryLoaded);


                        await _breakpointManager.BindAsync();
                        await CheckModules();

                        _bLastModuleLoadFailed = false;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                            return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                        string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                        string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_ExceptionProcessingModules, moduleNames, exceptionDescription);

                        // to avoid spamming the user, if the last module failed, we send the next failure to the output windiw instead of a message box
                        if (!_bLastModuleLoadFailed)
                            _bLastModuleLoadFailed = true;
                            _callback.OnOutputMessage(new OutputMessage(message, enum_MESSAGETYPE.MT_OUTPUTSTRING, OutputMessage.Severity.Warning));
                if (_waitDialog != null)
                if (MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())

            // When we break we need to gather information
            BreakModeEvent += async delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: This is an async void method, so make sure exceptions are caught and somehow reported

                ResultEventArgs results = args as MICore.Debugger.ResultEventArgs;
                if (_waitDialog != null)

                if (!this._connected)
                    _initialBreakArgs = results;

                    await HandleBreakModeEvent(results);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (this.ProcessState == MICore.ProcessState.Exited)
                        return; // ignore exceptions after the process has exited

                    string exceptionDescription = EngineUtils.GetExceptionDescription(e);
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, MICoreResources.Error_FailedToEnterBreakState, exceptionDescription);


            ErrorEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                // NOTE: Exceptions leaked from this method may cause VS to crash, be careful

                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;

            ThreadCreatedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted */false);

            ThreadExitedEvent += delegate (object o, EventArgs args)
                ResultEventArgs result = (ResultEventArgs)args;
                ThreadCache.ThreadEvent(result.Results.FindInt("id"), /*deleted*/true);

            MessageEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                OutputMessage outputMessage = DecodeOutputEvent(args.Results);
                if (outputMessage != null)

            TelemetryEvent += (object o, ResultEventArgs args) =>
                string eventName;
                KeyValuePair<string, object>[] properties;
                if (DecodeTelemetryEvent(args.Results, out eventName, out properties))
                    HostTelemetry.SendEvent(eventName, properties);

            BreakChangeEvent += _breakpointManager.BreakpointModified;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 // Sets the registry root currently in use by the DE. Different installations of Visual Studio can change where their registry information is stored
 // This allows the debugger to tell the engine where that location is.
 int IDebugEngine2.SetRegistryRoot(string registryRoot)
     _configStore = new HostConfigurationStore(registryRoot, EngineConstants.EngineId);
     Logger = Logger.EnsureInitialized(_configStore);
     return Constants.S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 // Kofe debugger depends on this method to generate LaunchOptions
 public static LaunchOptions GetInstance(HostConfigurationStore configStore, string exePath, string args, string dir, string options, IDeviceAppLauncherEventCallback eventCallback, TargetEngine targetEngine)
     return(GetInstance(configStore, exePath, args, dir, options, eventCallback, targetEngine, null));