Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void UpdateCornerMarker(Vector3Int mouseCornerPosition)
     if (showCornerMarker)
         cornerMarker.transform.position = HexConverter.CornerCoordToCartesianCoord(mouseCornerPosition, 0.1f);
        void Update()
            if (!hexMouse.CursorIsOnMap)
                return;                          // if we are not on the map we won't do anything so we can return
            Vector3Int mouseTilePosition   = hexMouse.TileCoord;
            Vector3Int mouseEdgePosition   = hexMouse.ClosestEdgeCoord;
            Vector3Int mouseCornerPosition = hexMouse.ClosestCornerCoord;

            //update the marker positions
            tileMarker.transform.position   = HexConverter.TileCoordToCartesianCoord(mouseTilePosition, 0.1f);                      //we put our tile marker on the tile our mouse is on
            edgeMarker.transform.position   = HexConverter.EdgeCoordToCartesianCoord(mouseEdgePosition);                            // we put our edge marker on the closest edge of our mouse position
            edgeMarker.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0, hexMap.EdgesByPosition[mouseEdgePosition].EdgeAlignmentAngle, 0); //we set the rotation of the edge marker
            cornerMarker.transform.position = HexConverter.CornerCoordToCartesianCoord(mouseCornerPosition);

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))                                                 // change a tile when clicked on it
                Tile <int> t        = hexMap.TilesByPosition[mouseTilePosition];             //we select the tile our mouse is on
                int        curValue = t.Data;                                                //we grab the current value of the tile
                t.Data = ((curValue + 1) % 4);                                               //we increment it and use modulo to keep it between 0 and 3
                tileObjects[t.Index].GetComponent <Renderer>().material = materials[t.Data]; // we update the material of the GameObject representing the tile based on the new value