Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task BanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to ban.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (user.HasValue)
                await user.GuildUser.TrySendMessageAsync($"You were banned from **{Context.Guild.Name}** because of {reason}.");
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user.ID, _pruneDays, reason);

            Infraction infraction = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            // Normally it would be preferred to use the AddInfraction(IUser, Infraction) method but that one implicitly
            //  sends a DM to the target which will not be in the server anymore at this point AND this method already
            //  attempts to send a DM to the target.
            Moderation.AddInfraction(user.ID, infraction);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task KickUser(
            [Summary("The user to kick.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason to kick the user for."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            await user.GuildUser.KickAsync(reason);

            Infraction infraction = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            if (user.HasValue)
                Moderation.AddInfraction(user.GuildUser, infraction);
                Moderation.AddInfraction(user.ID, infraction);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task MuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to mute.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            await user.GuildUser.MuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.ID, true);

            Infraction infraction = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            Moderation.AddInfraction(user.GuildUser, infraction);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task TempmuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to mute.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The duration for the mute."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
            [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            bool   unlimitedTime         = (Context.User as IGuildUser).GetPermissionLevel(Data.Configuration) >= PermissionLevel.Moderator;
            double givenDuration         = duration.TotalMilliseconds;
            int    maxHelperMuteDuration = Data.Configuration.HelperMuteMaxDuration;

            if (!unlimitedTime && givenDuration > maxHelperMuteDuration)
                duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(maxHelperMuteDuration);

            await user.GuildUser.MuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.ID, true);

            Infraction infraction = Moderation.AddTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempMute, user.GuildUser, Context.User, duration, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
        public async Task ClearInfractionsAsync(
            [Summary("The user to clear the infractions from.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            ulong userId = user.HasValue ? user.GuildUser.Id : user.ID;

            int clearedInfractions = Moderation.ClearInfractions(userId);

            EmbedBuilder builder = GetDefaultBuilder()

            if (user.HasValue)
                builder.WithDescription($"**{clearedInfractions}** infraction(s) were cleared from {user.GuildUser}.");
                builder.WithDescription($"**{clearedInfractions}** infraction(s) were cleared from {userId}.");

            await builder.Build()

            if (clearedInfractions > 0)
                await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override async Task <TypeReaderResult> ReadAsync(ICommandContext context, string input, IServiceProvider services)
            // Try to get the result from the base user reader.
            // If that fails, try to solely parse the ID.

            TypeReaderResult result = await base.ReadAsync(context, input, services);

            if (result.IsSuccess)
                IGuildUser     user  = result.BestMatch as IGuildUser;
                GuildUserProxy proxy = new GuildUserProxy
                    GuildUser = user,
                    ID        = user.Id
                if (MentionUtils.TryParseUser(input, out ulong userId) || ulong.TryParse(input, out userId))
                    return(TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(new GuildUserProxy {
                        ID = userId

            return(TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, "User not found."));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task UnbanAsync(
            [Summary("The user ID to unban.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            await Context.Guild.RemoveBanAsync(user.ID);

            Moderation.ClearTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempBan, user.ID);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user.ID), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task BanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to ban.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (user.HasValue)
                await user.GuildUser.TrySendMessageAsync($"You were banned from **{Context.Guild.Name}** because of {reason}.");
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user.ID, _pruneDays, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task BanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to ban")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The duration for the ban."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            // Since the user cannot be found (we are using the GuildUserProxy) we don't need to attempt to message him
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user.ID, _pruneDays, reason);

            Moderation.AddTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempBan, user.ID, Context.User, duration, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task UnmuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to unmute.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            await user.GuildUser.UnmuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.ID, false);

            Moderation.ClearTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempMute, user.GuildUser);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task WarnUserAsync(
            [Summary("The user to warn.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason to warn the user."), Remainder] string reason)
            ulong    userId = user.HasValue ? user.GuildUser.Id : user.ID;
            UserData data   = Data.UserData.GetUser(userId);

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()

            bool   printInfractions    = data != null && data.Infractions?.Count > 0;
            string previousInfractions = null;

            // Collect the previous infractions before applying new ones, otherwise we will also collect this
            //  new infraction when printing them
            if (printInfractions)
                previousInfractions = string.Join('\n', data.Infractions.OrderByDescending(i => i.Time).Select(i => i.ToString()));

            Infraction infr = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            if (user.HasValue)
                Moderation.AddInfraction(user.GuildUser, infr);
                Moderation.AddInfraction(user.ID, infr);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithAdditionalInfo(previousInfractions), Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override async Task <TypeReaderResult> ReadAsync(ICommandContext context, string input, IServiceProvider services)
            // Try to get the result from the base user reader.
            // If that fails, try to solely parse the ID.

            TypeReaderResult result = await base.ReadAsync(context, input, services);

            if (result.IsSuccess)
                IGuildUser     user  = result.BestMatch as IGuildUser;
                GuildUserProxy proxy = new GuildUserProxy
                    GuildUser = user,
                    ID        = user.Id
                bool  validSnowFlake = false;
                ulong userId         = 0;

                if (ulong.TryParse(input, out userId))
                    validSnowFlake = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(userId).ToUnixTimeSeconds() > DISCORD_START_UNIX;

                if (validSnowFlake || MentionUtils.TryParseUser(input, out userId))
                    return(TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(new GuildUserProxy {
                        ID = userId

            return(TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, "User not found."));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task GetInfractionsAsync(
            [Summary("The user to get the infractions for.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            ulong    userId = user.HasValue ? user.GuildUser.Id : user.ID;
            UserData data   = Data.UserData.GetUser(userId);

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()

            if (data != null && data.Infractions?.Count > 0)
                if (user.HasValue)
                    builder.WithAuthor($"{user.GuildUser} has {data.Infractions.Count} infraction(s)", user.GuildUser.EnsureAvatarUrl());
                    builder.WithAuthor($"{user.ID} has {data.Infractions.Count} infraction(s)");

                builder.WithDescription(string.Join('\n', data.Infractions.OrderByDescending(i => i.Time).Select(i => i.ToString())));
                if (user.HasValue)
                    builder.WithAuthor($"{user.ID.Mention()} has no infractions", user.GuildUser.EnsureAvatarUrl());
                    builder.WithAuthor($"{user.ID} has no infractions");

            await builder.Build().SendToChannel(Context.Channel);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public ModerationLogEntry WithTarget(GuildUserProxy target)
 => target.HasValue ? WithTarget(target.GuildUser) : WithTarget(target.ID);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public async Task MuteAsync(
     [Summary("The user to mute.")] GuildUserProxy user,
     [Summary("The duration for the mute."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
     [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
 => await TempmuteAsync(user, duration, reason);