protected void Button_MakeGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  s = TextBox_GroupName.Text;
            Utility u = new Utility();
            //string s1 = u.GetStaffCodefromContext(this.Context);
            string s1 = u.GetsStaffCodefromRequest(Request);
            Guid   g  = new Guid(u.Get_StaffID(s1));

            GroupList gl1 = new GroupList();

            gl1.LoadList_StaffPrivateGroups(s1, GroupList.GroupListOrder.GroupName);

            string code = s1 + "_" + (gl1._groups.Count + 1).ToString();

            Group g1 = new Group();

            g1._CourseID = Cerval_Globals.newdawnCse;
            int y = DateTime.Now.Year;

            if (DateTime.Now.Month > 7)
            g1._EndDate                    = new DateTime(y, 7, 31);
            g1._GroupCode                  = code;
            g1._GroupManagedBy             = g;
            g1._GroupName                  = s;
            g1._GroupPrimaryAdministrative = false;
            g1._StartDate                  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2);

            //now need to insert into New Dawn stuff....

            Group g2 = new Group(); g2.Load("StaffGps", DateTime.Now);

            if (g2._valid)
                GroupLink gll1 = new GroupLink();
                gll1.ParentId = g2._GroupID;
                gll1.ChildId  = g1._GroupID;
            //string staff_code = u.GetStaffCodefromContext(Context);
            string staff_code = u.GetsStaffCodefromRequest(Request);

            gl1.LoadList_StaffPrivateGroups(staff_code.Trim(), GroupList.GroupListOrder.GroupName);
            foreach (Group g3 in gl1._groups)
                System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem l = new ListItem(g3._GroupName, g3._GroupID.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void ProcessMakeGroup(string p)
            string s = p;

            string[] parameters = new string[3];
            string[] splitchar  = new string[2];
            //parameters are students%GroupName
            splitchar[0] = "%";
            parameters   = p.Split(splitchar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            splitchar[0] = ":"; splitchar[1] = ",";
            parameters   = parameters[0].Split(splitchar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            s            = parameters[1];//has group name....

            Utility u = new Utility();
            //string s1=u.GetStaffCodefromContext(Context);
            string s1 = u.GetsStaffCodefromRequest(Request);
            Guid   g  = new Guid(u.Get_StaffID(s1));

            GroupList gl1 = new GroupList();

            gl1.LoadList_StaffPrivateGroups(s1, GroupList.GroupListOrder.GroupName);

            string code = s1 + "_" + (gl1._groups.Count + 1).ToString();

            Group g1 = new Group();

            g1._CourseID = Cerval_Globals.newdawnCse;
            int y = DateTime.Now.Year;

            if (DateTime.Now.Month > 7)
            g1._EndDate                    = new DateTime(y, 7, 31);
            g1._GroupCode                  = code;
            g1._GroupManagedBy             = g;
            g1._GroupName                  = s;
            g1._GroupPrimaryAdministrative = false;
            g1._StartDate                  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2);

            //now need to insert into New Dawn stuff....

            Group g2 = new Group(); g2.Load("StaffGps", DateTime.Now);

            if (g2._valid)
                GroupLink gll1 = new GroupLink();
                gll1.ParentId = g2._GroupID;
                gll1.ChildId  = g1._GroupID;