Ejemplo n.º 1
        public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody] GrnModel grnModel)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grnModel.GrnMasterData.company_id.ToString()))
                    var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                        output = "error", msg = "Please Select Company !!"
                    }, formatter));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grnModel.GrnMasterData.supplier_id.ToString()))
                    var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                        output = "error", msg = "Please Select Supplier !!"
                    }, formatter));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grnModel.GrnMasterData.purchase_order_master_id.ToString()))
                    var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                        output = "error", msg = "Please Select Purchase Order !!"
                    }, formatter));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grnModel.GrnMasterData.warehouse_id.ToString()))
                    var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                        output = "error", msg = "Please Select Warehouse !!"
                    }, formatter));
                    var x = _grnRepository.AddGrn(grnModel);
                    if (x == 1)
                        var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                            output = "success", msg = "Grn save successfully"
                        }, formatter));
                        var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                        return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                            output = "error", msg = "Duplicate IMEI Found !!!"
                        }, formatter));
            catch (Exception ex)
                var formatter = RequestFormat.JsonFormaterString();
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new Confirmation {
                    output = "error", msg = ex.ToString()
                }, formatter));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public bool EditGrn(GrnModel grnModel)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public long AddGrn(GrnModel grnModel)
                var  grnMaster              = grnModel.GrnMasterData;
                var  grnDetailsList         = grnModel.GrnDetailsList;
                var  receiveSerialNoDetails = grnModel.ReceiveSerialNoDetails;
                bool isDuplicateImei        = false;

                foreach (var item in receiveSerialNoDetails)
                    long imeiForDuplicateSearch = item.imei_no ?? 0;

                    var xxx = _entities.receive_serial_no_details.Where(r => r.imei_no == imeiForDuplicateSearch).ToList();
                    if (xxx.Count > 0)
                        isDuplicateImei = true;

                if (!isDuplicateImei)
                    // generate order_no
                    long grnSerial = _entities.grn_master.Max(po => (long?)po.grn_master_id) ?? 0;
                    var grnStr = grnSerial.ToString().PadLeft(7, '0');

                    // SAVING GRN MASTER
                    string grnNo = "GRN-" + grnStr;
                    grnMaster.supplier_id = grnModel.GrnMasterData.supplier_id;
                    grnMaster.total_amount_including_vattax = grnModel.GrnMasterData.total_amount_including_vattax;
                    grnMaster.status     = grnModel.GrnMasterData.status;
                    grnMaster.company_id = grnModel.GrnMasterData.company_id;
                    grnMaster.grn_date   = grnModel.GrnMasterData.grn_date;
                    grnMaster.purchase_order_master_id = grnModel.GrnMasterData.purchase_order_master_id;
                    grnMaster.vat_total    = grnModel.GrnMasterData.vat_total;
                    grnMaster.warehouse_id = grnModel.GrnMasterData.warehouse_id;
                    grnMaster.created_by   = grnModel.GrnMasterData.created_by;
                    grnMaster.created_date = DateTime.Now;
                    grnMaster.updated_by   = grnModel.GrnMasterData.updated_by;
                    grnMaster.updated_date = DateTime.Now;
                    grnMaster.remarks      = grnModel.GrnMasterData.remarks;
                    grnMaster.lot_no       = grnModel.GrnMasterData.lot_no;
                    grnMaster.lc_id        = 0;
                    grnMaster.grn_no       = grnNo;
                    grnMaster.tax_total    = grnModel.GrnMasterData.tax_total;
                    grnMaster.total_amount_without_vattax = grnModel.GrnMasterData.total_amount_without_vattax;
                    grnMaster.mrr_status = false;


                    // Maruf: 28.Feb.2016: Update CiPl received = true
                    //var ciPlMaster = _entities.ci_pl_master.Find(grnModel.GrnMasterData.purchase_order_master_id);
                    var ciPlMaster = _entities.ci_pl_master.FirstOrDefault(c => c.purchase_order_master_id == grnModel.GrnMasterData.purchase_order_master_id);
                    ciPlMaster.is_received = true;

                    long grnMasterId = grnMaster.grn_master_id;
                    foreach (var item in grnDetailsList)
                        var grnDetails = new grn_details
                            product_id         = item.product_id,
                            grn_master_id      = grnMasterId,
                            unit_id            = item.unit_id,
                            unit_price         = item.unit_price,
                            pi_quantity        = item.pi_quantity,
                            amount             = item.amount,
                            brand_id           = item.brand_id,
                            color_id           = item.color_id,
                            product_version_id = item.product_version_id,
                            receive_quantity   = item.receive_quantity,
                            vat_amount         = item.vat_amount,
                            tax_amount         = item.tax_amount,
                            line_total         = item.line_total,
                            size_id            = item.size_id,
                            vat_pcnt           = item.vat_pcnt,
                            tax_pcnt           = item.tax_pcnt

                        // _entities.SaveChanges();
                        // kiron 04.09.2016
                        long saved = _entities.SaveChanges();
                        if (saved > 0)
                            // update inventory
                            InventoryRepository updateInventoty = new InventoryRepository();

                            // Maruf: 04.Apr.2017: move product from purchase(29) WH to GRN(4) WH; it will move to central after MRR process
                            updateInventoty.UpdateInventory("GRN", grnMaster.grn_no, 29,
                                                            4, grnDetails.product_id ?? 0, grnDetails.color_id ?? 0, grnDetails.product_version_id ?? 0, grnDetails.unit_id ?? 0,
                                                            grnDetails.receive_quantity ?? 0, grnMaster.created_by ?? 0);
                        long purchaseOrderDetailsId      = item.purchase_order_details_id;
                        purchase_order_details poDetails = _entities.purchase_order_details.Find(purchaseOrderDetailsId);
                        poDetails.receive_qty += item.receive_quantity;

                    foreach (var item in receiveSerialNoDetails)
                        int c = 0;
                        var receiveSerialNoDetailsData = new receive_serial_no_details
                            product_id            = item.product_id,
                            grn_master_id         = grnMasterId,
                            brand_id              = item.brand_id,
                            color_id              = item.color_id,
                            product_version_id    = item.product_version_id,
                            imei_no               = item.imei_no,
                            imei_no2              = item.imei_no2,
                            received_warehouse_id = 4, // 4-GRN WH; will be moved to central after MRR
                            current_warehouse_id  = 4, // 4-GRN WH; will be moved to central after MRR
                            received_date         = item.received_date,
                            requisition_id        = 0,
                            deliver_master_id     = 0,
                            sales_status          = false,
                            price_protected       = false,
                            carton_no             = item.carton_no
                        if (c == 100)
                            c = 0;

            catch (Exception)