private GraphPoint IsMousePosWithinSegment(Point mousePos, GraphPoint p1, GraphPoint p2)
                    GraphPoint result = null;

                    if (mousePos.X >= p1._coordinates.X && mousePos.X <= p2._coordinates.X)
                        double aCoefCoords = (p1._coordinates.Y - p2._coordinates.Y) / (p1._coordinates.X - p2._coordinates.X);
                        double bCoefCoords = p2._coordinates.Y - (aCoefCoords * p2._coordinates.X);

                        double expectedY = aCoefCoords * mousePos.X + bCoefCoords;

                        double fError = Math.Abs(expectedY - mousePos.Y);

                        const double cCurveSelectionTolerance = 10.0f;

                        if (fError <= cCurveSelectionTolerance)
                            double aCoefValue = (p2._value - p1._value) / (p2._coordinates.X - p1._coordinates.X);

                            double value = aCoefValue * (mousePos.X - p1._coordinates.X) + p1._value;

                            result = new GraphPoint(new Point(mousePos.X, expectedY), (float)value);

                            //Console.WriteLine("Selected Curve ({0} - Error({1:00} pixels), time range: {2}s - {3}s, value: {4}{5}", _description, fError,p1._coordinates.X / FASTBuildMonitorControl.pix_per_second, p2._coordinates.X / FASTBuildMonitorControl.pix_per_second, value, _unitTag);

        GraphPoint[] CreatePoints()
            const int nPoints = 10;

            Console.WriteLine("Points on Graph\n***************");

            var points = new GraphPoint[nPoints - 1];

            for (var i = 0; i < nPoints / 2; i++)
                var point = new GraphPoint(i, 2.3 * i + 20.0);
                points[i] = point;

            for (var i = 0; i < nPoints / 2 - 1; i++)
                var point = new GraphPoint(i, 3.0 * i + 1.0);
                points[nPoints / 2 + i] = point;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Graph Internal Utility

    void AddPoint(Vector3 pos)
        GraphPoint newPoint = new GraphPoint();

        newPoint.position = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public GraphPointInfo(GraphPoint point)
     Point          = point;
     IsUnvisited    = true;
     EdgesWeightSum = int.MaxValue;
     PreviousPoint  = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        List <GraphPoint> ReconstructPath(SquareGrid grid, AStarSearch astar)
            //in reverse way -> end = start
            GraphPoint end = astar.cameFrom.Where(x => x.Key.wType == GraphPoint.WType.start).First().Key;
            var        tr  = astar.cameFrom.Where(x => x.Key.wType == GraphPoint.WType.end);

            if (tr.Any())
                GraphPoint        cur  = tr.First().Key;
                List <GraphPoint> path = new List <GraphPoint>();
                while (!cur.Equals(end))
                    GraphPoint ptr = cur;
                    if (!astar.cameFrom.TryGetValue(cur, out ptr))
                        ptr = cur;
                    cur = ptr;
                DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Application.OpenForms[0], "Лабіринт не має розв'язку", "Помилка", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    IEnumerator AddCurrentValue()
        while (true)
            System.Random random         = new System.Random();
            string        currentReading = readingValueGameObject.GetComponent <TextMeshPro>().text;
            if (!currentReading.Equals("NO DATA"))
                GraphPoint graphpoint = new GraphPoint();
                float      YValue     = plotValue = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(currentReading);       //Random.Range(minYscaleValue, maxYscaleValue);
                graphpoint.GraphValue        = YValue;
                graphpoint.ValueRecordedTime = getCurrentTime();
                if (GraphVerticalLinePrefab != null)
                    graphpoint.MeshLineObject = Instantiate(GraphVerticalLinePrefab, gameObject.transform) as GameObject;
                    graphpoint.MeshLineObject.transform.position   = transform.position;
                    graphpoint.MeshLineObject.transform.localScale =;

                graphPoints.Sort(new sortGraphPointByTime());

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool PointInConvex(Vector2 p)
            if (points.Length < 3)

            float sign  = 0;
            bool  first = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                GraphPoint <NaviPoint> cur  = points[i];
                GraphPoint <NaviPoint> next = points[(i + 1) % points.Length];

                float cross = MathTools.Vector2Cross(p - cur.value.Pos, next.value.Pos - p);

                if (first)
                    sign  = cross;
                    first = false;
                    if (Math.Sign(sign) != Math.Sign(cross))
Ejemplo n.º 8
        Line FindBestLine(GraphPoint[] points)
            Line bestLine = null;
            var bestCount = 0;
            var linesBySlope = new Dictionary<Double, List<Line>>();

            for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                for (var j = i + 1; j < points.Length; j++)
                    var line = new Line(points[i], points[j]);
                    InsertLine(linesBySlope, line);

                    /* count lines that are equivalent to current line */
                    var count = CountEquivalentLines(linesBySlope, line);

                    /* if better than current line, replace it */
                    if (count > bestCount)
                        bestLine = line;
                        bestCount = count;

            return bestLine;
        private void GenerateIndex(int activeFolderIndex)
            if (activeFolderIndex > 0)

            if (activeFolderIndex == NLevels)

            string path = $"{m_rootFolder}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, m_activeFolder.Take(activeFolderIndex + 1))}";

            if (m_activeSummary[activeFolderIndex].N > 0)
                //write to file
                using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite($"{path}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}summary.node")))

            // reset lower level
            m_activeSummary[activeFolderIndex] = new GraphPoint();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public AstarSolver(int[][] cells, IEnumerable <IEnumerable <int> > currentMazeMap)
            /// solving plot grid
            var grid = new SquareGrid(cells.First().Count(), cells.Count());

            // converting to flat list
            currentMazeMapFlat = currentMazeMap.Select(l => l.ToList()).ToList();

            // toArray for indexing
            var currentMazeMapArray = currentMazeMap.Select(x => x.ToArray()).ToArray();

            GraphPoint start = new GraphPoint(0, 0), end = new GraphPoint(0, 0); // default values

            // adding  map to grid
            for (int i = 0; i < cells.First().Count(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cells.Count(); j++)
                    if ((CellControl.WallType)currentMazeMapFlat[j][i] == CellControl.WallType.Solid)
                        grid.walls.Add(new GraphPoint(i, j));
                    if (currentMazeMapArray[j][i] == (int)CellControl.WallType.Start)
                        start = new GraphPoint(i, j);
                    if (currentMazeMapArray[j][i] == (int)CellControl.WallType.End)
                        end = new GraphPoint(i, j);

            // initializing search
            var astar = new AStarSearch(grid, start, end);
            // reconstructing path from "memory array"
            var path = ReconstructPath(grid, astar);

            if (path == null)
                return;               //no solution
            //Performing cells visual updating
            for (int i = 0; i < cells.First().Count(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cells.Count(); j++)
                    if (currentMazeMapFlat[j][i] == (int)(CellControl.WallType.CorrectPath))
                        currentMazeMapFlat[j][i] = (int)(CellControl.WallType.None);
                    var a = path.Where(x => x.x == i && x.y == j);
                    if (a.Any() && currentMazeMapFlat[j][i] != (int)(CellControl.WallType.End))// end overdraving fix
                        currentMazeMapFlat[j][i] = (int)(CellControl.WallType.CorrectPath);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    // Graph Internal Utility

    void AddPoint(Vector2 pos, Vector2Int boardPos)
        GraphPoint newPoint = new GraphPoint();

        newPoint.position = pos;
        newPoint.boardPos = boardPos;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public T CenterNode <T>(T node) where T : INode
            var center = new GraphPoint(ViewCenter.X - (node.Width / 2), ViewCenter.Y - (node.Height / 2));

            node.Location = center;

Ejemplo n.º 13
 public NodeAStar(GraphPoint <NaviPoint> point, NodeAStar father)
     this.point  = point;
     this.father = father;
     this.G      = 0;
     this.H      = 0;
     this.F      = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private string GetCostDescription(GraphPoint itemBegin, GraphPoint itemEnd, int cost)
            string content = "";

            content += itemBegin.Name + " - ";
            content += itemEnd.Name + " arasi maliyet : ";
            content += cost;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public Node(GraphPoint point, float g, float h)
     this.point = point;
     this.g     = g;
     this.h     = h;
     this.d     = g + h;
     path       = new List <GraphPoint>();
Ejemplo n.º 16
            public override void Refresh()
                SharpNoise.Modules.Module[] inputModules = NullToConstInputModules();
                outputModule.Source0 = inputModules[0];

                outputModule.ControlPoints = GraphPoint.ToVector2List(controlPoints);

Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void GraphPointsToIntPoints()
     Interpolator = new CSharpIDW.IdwInterpolator(2);
     for (int i = 0; i < GPoints.Count; i++)
         GraphPoint      gp       = GPoints[i];
         CSharpIDW.Point NewPoint = new CSharpIDW.Point(gp.Diff, gp.XCoord, gp.ZCoord);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    private void Connect(GraphPoint pointA, GraphPoint pointB)
        var edge = new Edge(pointA, pointB);

        sizeMatrix[pointA.Id, pointB.Id] = edge.Size;
        sizeMatrix[pointB.Id, pointA.Id] = edge.Size;


Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            //_mouseDownPosition = e.GetPosition(this.gcontrol);
            SelectionBox.MouseDownPosition = e.GetPosition(this);

            if (e.OriginalSource is FrameworkElement memberElement && memberElement.DataContext is IGraphMember member)
                _mouseDownMember          = member;
                _isLeftMouseDownOnElement = true;
                _startPosition            = _mouseDownPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: Q07_6.cs Proyecto: 0x0all/ctci
	        public Line(GraphPoint p, GraphPoint q)
	            _infiniteSlope = false;

		        if (Math.Abs(p.X - q.X) > Epsilon) { // if X’s are different
			        Slope = (p.Y - q.Y) / (p.X - q.X); // compute slope
			        _intercept = p.Y - Slope * p.X; // Y intercept from Y=mx+b
		        } else {
			        _infiniteSlope = true;
			        _intercept = p.X; // X-intercept, since slope is infinite
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public void AddGraphConnection(GraphPoint pointA, GraphPoint pointB, float diff)
        Connection NewConnection = Connection.Instantiate(ConnectionPrefab);

        NewConnection.DiffScore = diff;
        NewConnection._Source   = pointA;
        NewConnection._Target   = pointB;

        NewInterpGraph = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 private void FindAndDeleteEdge(GraphPoint point)
     foreach (var edge in edges)
         if (edge.points.Contains(point.Id))
Ejemplo n.º 23
        GraphPointInfo GetPointData(GraphPoint point) // Получение информации о вершине графа
            foreach (var i in data)
                if (i.Point.Equals(point))

Ejemplo n.º 24
    private void OnDestroyPoint(GraphPoint point)

        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS_COUNT; i++)
            sizeMatrix[i, point.Id] = INF;
            sizeMatrix[point.Id, i] = INF;
        GDebug.Log("Точка " + point.Id + " удалена");
Ejemplo n.º 25
            //Used for setting data from saved file
            public override void SetData(Data.NodeData data)

                ControlPoints = GraphPoint.ToGraphPointList(data.controlPoints, overlayWindowRect);

                //Get position on graph from coordinate
                foreach (GraphPoint controlPoint in ControlPoints)
Ejemplo n.º 26
        // Текстовое представление пути
        string GetPath(GraphPoint startPoint, GraphPoint endPoint)
            var path = endPoint.ToString();

            while (startPoint != endPoint)
                endPoint = GetPointData(endPoint).PreviousPoint;
                path     = endPoint.ToString() + path;

Ejemplo n.º 27
    public void AddPoint(float pointX, float pointZ, float diff)
        GraphPoint GPoint = GraphPoint.Instantiate(PointPrefab);

        GPoint.XCoord = pointX;
        GPoint.ZCoord = pointZ;
        GPoint.Diff   = diff;

        NewInterpGraph = true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private GraphPoint Aggregate(IEnumerable <GraphPoint> points)
            GraphPoint pt = new GraphPoint();

            pt.N          = points.Sum(item => item.N);
            pt.Min        = points.Min(item => item.Min);
            pt.Max        = points.Max(item => item.Max);
            pt.Sum        = points.Sum(item => item.Sum);
            pt.SquaredSum = points.Sum(item => item.SquaredSum);
            pt.Tmax       = points.Max(item => item.Tmax);
            pt.Tmin       = points.Min(item => item.Tmin);

Ejemplo n.º 29
 private void Disсonnect(GraphPoint pointA, GraphPoint pointB)
     for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++)
         if (edges[i].points.Contains(pointA.Id) && edges[i].points.Contains(pointB.Id))
             sizeMatrix[pointA.Id, pointB.Id] = INF;
             sizeMatrix[pointB.Id, pointA.Id] = INF;
Ejemplo n.º 30
    void enqueueDataPoint(InstrumentMode mode, int trace, int index, float x, float y)
        newDataToPlot = true;
        GraphPoint g = new GraphPoint();

        g.index = index;
        g.x     = x;
        g.y     = y;
        g.trace = trace;
        g.mode  = mode;

        newDataToPlot = true;
Ejemplo n.º 31
            protected void AddControlPoint(object mousePosition)
                GraphPoint point     = new GraphPoint(, overlayWindowRect);
                Rect       pointRect = point.Rect;

                pointRect.position = (Vector2)mousePosition;
                point.Rect         = pointRect;

                controlPoints = controlPoints.OrderBy(o => o.Coordinate.x).ToList(); //sort to get proper index
                selectedPoint = ControlPoints.IndexOf(point);                        //Selected created point

Ejemplo n.º 32
    private void onTick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // consider simplifying this through the use of a queue,
        // as is done for qpBoxLines, below.
        if (newDataToPlot == true)
            while (graphPoints.Count > 0)
                GraphPoint pt = graphPoints.Dequeue();
                if (instrumentMode != pt.mode)
                    if (pt.mode == InstrumentMode.Sweep)
                        instrument.SetRangeX(streamLowMass - 0.6, streamHighMass + 0.6);
                        instrument.GraphTitle = "Sweep";
                        instrument.XAxisTitle = "AMU";
                    else if (pt.mode == InstrumentMode.Trend)
                        instrument.SetRangeX(0, trendDisplaySamples);
                        instrument.GraphTitle = "Trend";
                        instrument.XAxisTitle = "SAMPLE";
                    instrumentMode = pt.mode;

                if ((instrumentMode == InstrumentMode.Sweep) && sweepParametersChanged())
                    instrument.SetRangeX(streamLowMass - 0.6, streamHighMass + 0.6);

                if ((Double.IsNaN(pt.x) == false) && (Double.IsNaN(pt.y) == false))
                    instrument.DataPoint(pt.trace, pt.index, pt.x, pt.y);
            newDataToPlot = false;

        lock (qpBoxLines.SyncRoot){
            while (qpBoxLines.Count > 0)
                string s = (string)qpBoxLines.Dequeue();
                consoleBox.AppendText(s + Environment.NewLine);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        GraphPoint[] CreatePoints()
            const int nPoints = 10;
            Console.WriteLine("Points on Graph\n***************");

            var points = new GraphPoint[nPoints - 1];

            for (var i = 0; i < nPoints / 2; i++)
                var point = new GraphPoint(i, 2.3 * i + 20.0);
                points[i] = point;

            for (var i = 0; i < nPoints / 2 - 1; i++)
                var point = new GraphPoint(i, 3.0 * i + 1.0);
                points[nPoints / 2 + i] = point;

            return points;
Ejemplo n.º 34
Archivo: Q07_6.cs Proyecto: 0x0all/ctci
	    GraphPoint[] CreatePoints() 
		    int n_points = 10;
		    Console.WriteLine("Points on Graph\n***************");
		    GraphPoint[] points = new GraphPoint[n_points - 1];
		    for (int i = 0; i < n_points / 2; i++) {
			    GraphPoint p = new GraphPoint(i, 2.3 * i + 20.0);
			    points[i] = p;
		    for (int i = 0; i < n_points / 2 - 1; i++) {
			    GraphPoint p = new GraphPoint(i, 3.0 * i + 1.0);
			    points[n_points / 2 + i] = p;
		    return points;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Virtual. Plots a time graph with a filtered set of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subSet">Filtered set of data.</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The panel.</param>
        protected override void DrawFilteredTimeGraph(IEnumerable subSet, PanelWrapper panel)
            base.DrawFilteredTimeGraph(subSet, panel);

            // Maintain the previous and current point plotted for the virtual method call
            GraphPoint prevPoint = new GraphPoint();
            GraphPoint currPoint = new GraphPoint();

            System.Collections.Generic.Stack<FrameworkElement> dataPointStack =
                new System.Collections.Generic.Stack<FrameworkElement>();

            System.Collections.Generic.Stack<FrameworkElement> dataPointLabelStack =
                new System.Collections.Generic.Stack<FrameworkElement>();

            CollisionDetectionManager collisionManager = GraphBase.GetCollisionDetectionManager(this.DynamicPlotLayer);

            foreach (object o in subSet)
                if (panel.AbortLayout)

                GraphPoint gp = this.GetBoundGraphPoint(o);
                if (null == gp)

                gp.X1Pixel = this.GetXForDate(gp.X1);
                gp.Y1Pixel = this.GetYForValue(gp.Y1);

                if (!Double.IsNaN(gp.Y2))
                    gp.Y2Pixel = this.GetYForValue(gp.Y2);

                currPoint = gp;

                // process the plotted data marker
                this.ProcessPlottedDataMarker(prevPoint, currPoint);

                if (!this.Minimized)
                    if (!double.IsNaN(gp.Y1) && currPoint.X1Pixel >= 0 && currPoint.X1Pixel < this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth)
                        FrameworkElement marker = this.GetPlottedDataMarker(gp);
                        double left = Canvas.GetLeft(marker);
                    // For WPF should snap to grid if requested
                    bool snap = GraphBase.GetSnapToPixels(marker);
                    if (marker.SnapsToDevicePixels != snap)
                        marker.SnapsToDevicePixels = snap;

                        if (left < 0 || (left + marker.Width) > this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth)


                        FrameworkElement labelElement = null;
                        if (null != this.LabelTemplate)
                            labelElement = this.LabelTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;
                            labelElement.DataContext = gp;

                        if (null != labelElement)
                            double offsetValueX = GraphBase.GetXOffset(labelElement);
                            double offsetValueY = GraphBase.GetYOffset(labelElement);

                            // define the label position
                            double labelY = currPoint.Y1Pixel;
                            if (!double.IsNaN(gp.Y2) && gp.Y1 < gp.Y2)
                                labelY = currPoint.Y2Pixel;

                            double markerOffset = Math.Abs(GraphBase.GetYOffset(marker)) + 2;
                            Canvas.SetTop(labelElement, (labelY - markerOffset) + offsetValueY);
                            Canvas.SetLeft(labelElement, currPoint.X1Pixel + offsetValueX);
                            labelElement.Visibility = this.ShowDataPointLabels;
                            GraphBase.SetDataPointLabel(marker, labelElement);

                            marker.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(this.DataPointMarker_MouseEnter);
                            marker.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(this.DataPointMarker_MouseLeave);

                prevPoint = currPoint;

            if (!panel.AbortLayout && this.DetectCollisions)
                Collision previousCollision = null;

                // get the last items in the collection for the data context
                object[] lastItems = this.GetLastDataPoints();
                object lastObject = lastItems[1];
                object secondLastObject = lastItems[0];

                byte lastItemsCheck = 0;

                while (dataPointStack.Count > 0)
                    FrameworkElement ele = dataPointStack.Pop();
                    FrameworkElement labelEle = GraphBase.GetDataPointLabel(ele);

                    if (lastItemsCheck < 2 && null != labelEle && null != labelEle.DataContext)
                        // this is the last item on the page.
                        // we plot back to front to check if things overlap.
                        object gp = ((GraphPoint)labelEle.DataContext).DataContext;
                        if (lastObject == gp)
                            // this is the last item in the series.
                            GraphBase.SetLastItem(ele, true);
                            labelEle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                            labelEle.RenderTransform = this.LabelTransform;

                        if (secondLastObject == gp)
                            // this is the second last item in the series.
                            GraphBase.SetSecondToLast(ele, true);
                            labelEle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    FrameworkElement clashElement = collisionManager.RegisterAndTestIfMarkerOverlaps(ele);

                    if (null != clashElement)
                        previousCollision = new Collision(clashElement, ele, true);

                        GraphBase.SetDataPointOverlapProperty(ele, true);
                        GraphBase.SetDataPointOverlapProperty(labelEle, true);
                        labelEle.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                        GraphBase.SetDataPointOverlapProperty(clashElement, true);
                        FrameworkElement clashElementLabel = GraphBase.GetDataPointLabel(clashElement);
                        GraphBase.SetDataPointOverlapProperty(clashElementLabel, true);
                        clashElementLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                        // this marker does not overlap
                        previousCollision = null;

                while (dataPointLabelStack.Count > 0)
                    FrameworkElement ele2 = dataPointLabelStack.Pop();
                    if (collisionManager.RegisterAndTestIfLabelOverlaps(ele2))
                        GraphBase.SetDataPointOverlapProperty(ele2, true);
                        ele2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                PanelWrapper otherPanel = null;

                // we get panel 2 then panel 1 when getting both panels.
                double markerOffsetToUse = 0;

                // perform seam detection
                // panel1 is to the left of panel2
                if (this.CurrentWorkingPanel == this.Panel1)
                    // panel2 markers must be incremented by the width of the layer.
                    otherPanel = this.Panel2;
                    markerOffsetToUse = this.Panel1.Width;
                    // panel1 markers must be decremented by the width of the plot layer.
                    // if we are renewing both panels, then do not do collisions detections on seams for
                    if (true != this.RenewingBothPanels)
                        otherPanel = this.Panel1;
                        markerOffsetToUse = this.Panel2.Width * -1;

                // this gets run if we are renewing a panel, but if renewing both, only for panel 1
                if (null != otherPanel)
                    LookThroughAdjacentPanelForOverlap(this.CurrentWorkingPanel, otherPanel, markerOffsetToUse);

                double lastCollisionPosition = -1;

                foreach (Collision collision in this.CurrentWorkingPanel.CollisionCollection)
                    if (null != this.CollisionTemplate)
                        FrameworkElement collisionIcon = this.CollisionTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;
                        double theXOffset = GraphBase.GetXOffset(collisionIcon);
                        double theYOffset = GraphBase.GetYOffset(collisionIcon);
                        if (null != collisionIcon)
                            double localxPosition = Canvas.GetLeft(collision.ClusterStartElement) + theXOffset;
                            double localyPosition = Canvas.GetTop(collision.ClusterStartElement) + theYOffset;

                            if (lastCollisionPosition == -1 || localxPosition < lastCollisionPosition - 46)
                                lastCollisionPosition = localxPosition;

                                Canvas.SetLeft(collisionIcon, localxPosition);
                                Canvas.SetTop(collisionIcon, localyPosition);

                                if (true == collision.ClusterShowingIcon)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 void __AddGameInfo(IGameInfo info)
     int x, y;
         FindSlotToPlot (info, out x, out y);
     catch (Exception)
         x = -1;
         y = -1;
     GraphPoint point = new GraphPoint (info);
     point.x = x;
     point.y = y;
     points.Add (point);
                public bool UpdateGeometry(double X, double Y, Point mousePos, double zoomFactor, bool bForceUpdate, Int64 timeStepMS)
                    bool bUpdatedGeometry = false;

                    if (UpdateIntenalState(mousePos) || bForceUpdate)
                        bUpdatedGeometry = true;

                        if (_enabled && _samples.Count > 0)
                            CalculateGraphPoints(GraphMode.AverageValues, X, Y, zoomFactor, timeStepMS);

                            if (_points.Count >= 2)
                                // Clear old geometry

                                _selectedGraphPoint = null;

                                using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = _geometry.Open())
                                    for (int i = 0; i + 1 < _points.Count; ++i)
                                        GraphPoint P1 = _points[i];
                                        GraphPoint P2 = _points[i + 1];
                                        if (IsPointVisible(P1._coordinates) || IsPointVisible(P2._coordinates))
                                            GraphPoint selectedGraphPoint = IsMousePosWithinSegment(mousePos, P1, P2);

                                            if (selectedGraphPoint != null && SystemPerformanceGraphsCanvas._hasSelectedGraphPoint == false)
                                                _selectedGraphPoint = selectedGraphPoint;

                                                DrawFilledSquare(ctx, _selectedGraphPoint._coordinates, 10);

                                                SystemPerformanceGraphsCanvas._hasSelectedGraphPoint = true;

                                            ctx.BeginFigure(P1._coordinates, true /* is filled */, false /* is closed */);

                                            ctx.LineTo(P2._coordinates, true /* is stroked */, false /* is smooth join */);

                                if (_selectedGraphPoint != null)
                                    using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = _selectionLinesGeometry.Open())
                                        ctx.BeginFigure(new Point(SystemPerformanceGraphsCanvas._savedHorizontalViewport.X, _selectedGraphPoint._coordinates.Y), false /* is filled */, false /* is closed */);

                                        ctx.LineTo(new Point(_selectedGraphPoint._coordinates.X, _selectedGraphPoint._coordinates.Y), true/* is stroked */, false /* is smooth join */);

                                        ctx.LineTo(new Point(_selectedGraphPoint._coordinates.X, SystemPerformanceGraphsCanvas.cSystemGraphsHeight), true /* is stroked */, false /* is smooth join */);
                            // Clear old geometry

                    return bUpdatedGeometry;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private void AddAimPosToNaviMap ( GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] map, GraphPoint<NaviPoint> aimNaviP, GraphPoint<NaviPoint> curNaviP,
            int prePointSum, List<Segment> guardLines, List<Segment> borderLines )
            map[prePointSum + 1] = aimNaviP;
            for (int i = 0; i < prePointSum; i++)
                Segment seg = new Segment( aimNaviP.value.Pos, map[i].value.Pos );

                bool cross = false;
                foreach (Segment guardLine in guardLines)
                    if (Segment.IsCross( guardLine, seg ))
                        cross = true;

                if (!cross)
                    foreach (Segment borderLine in borderLines)
                        if (Segment.IsCross( borderLine, seg ))
                            cross = true;


                if (!cross)
                    float weight = Vector2.Distance( aimNaviP.value.Pos, map[i].value.Pos );
                    GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.Link( map[i], aimNaviP, weight );

            Segment curToAim = new Segment( curNaviP.value.Pos, aimNaviP.value.Pos );

            bool link = true;
            foreach (Segment guardLine in guardLines)
                if (Segment.IsCross( guardLine, curToAim ))
                    if (MathTools.Vector2Cross( guardLine.endPoint - guardLine.startPoint, curNaviP.value.Pos - guardLine.endPoint ) < 0)
                        link = false;

            if (link)
                foreach (Segment borderLine in borderLines)
                    if (Segment.IsCross( borderLine, curToAim ))
                        link = false;


            if (link)
                float weight = Vector2.Distance( curNaviP.value.Pos, aimNaviP.value.Pos );
                GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.Link( curNaviP, aimNaviP, weight );
Ejemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the label element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gp">GraphPoint containing the co-ordinates for the label.</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The panel to add the label element.</param>
        private void AddLabelElement(GraphPoint gp, PanelWrapper panel)
            FrameworkElement labelElement = null;
            if (gp.Label == null)
                if (null != this.LabelTemplate)
                    labelElement = this.LabelTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;
                labelElement = gp.Label;

            if (null != labelElement)
                labelElement.DataContext = gp;
                TimeActivityGraph.SetIsLabel(labelElement, true);
                labelElement.Visibility = this.ShowDataPointLabels;
                labelElement.MouseLeftButtonDown += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(this.LabelElement_MouseLeftButtonDown);                
Ejemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden. process the Point based on the previous value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previousPoint">Previous Point Plotted.</param>
        /// <param name="currentPoint">Current Point Plotted.</param>
        protected override void ProcessPlottedDataMarker(GraphPoint previousPoint, GraphPoint currentPoint)
            if (this.Minimized)
                base.ProcessPlottedDataMarker(previousPoint, currentPoint);
                // override to process other information
                if ((previousPoint.X1Pixel != 0 || previousPoint.Y1Pixel != 0) && this.ShowInterpolationLines)
                    // define the zindex for the line based on that of the data marker
                    FrameworkElement dataMarkerTemplate = this.DataMarkerTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;
                    int zindex = Canvas.GetZIndex(dataMarkerTemplate) - 2;

                    Line interpolationLine = new Line();
                    Canvas.SetZIndex(interpolationLine, zindex);
                    interpolationLine.Stroke = this.InterpolationLineColor;
                    interpolationLine.StrokeThickness = this.InterpolationLineThickness;

                    if (previousPoint.X1Pixel < 0)
                        interpolationLine.Y1 = TimeLineGraph.GetYAtX(0, new Point(previousPoint.X1Pixel, previousPoint.Y1Pixel), new Point(currentPoint.X1Pixel, currentPoint.Y1Pixel));
                        interpolationLine.X1 = 0;
                        interpolationLine.X1 = previousPoint.X1Pixel;
                        interpolationLine.Y1 = previousPoint.Y1Pixel;

                    if (currentPoint.X1Pixel > this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth)
                        interpolationLine.Y2 = TimeLineGraph.GetYAtX(this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth, new Point(previousPoint.X1Pixel, previousPoint.Y1Pixel), new Point(currentPoint.X1Pixel, currentPoint.Y1Pixel));
                        interpolationLine.X2 = this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth;
                        interpolationLine.X2 = currentPoint.X1Pixel;
                        interpolationLine.Y2 = currentPoint.Y1Pixel;

Ejemplo n.º 41
 public NodeAStar ( GraphPoint<NaviPoint> point, NodeAStar father )
     this.point = point;
     this.father = father;
     this.G = 0;
     this.H = 0;
     this.F = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        /// 使用A*算法依据当前信息计算一条最短的路径。
        /// 注意,如果目标点在警戒线以内,会返回一条并非如你期望的路径。
        /// 所以请自行实现目标点无法到达时的处理逻辑。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curPos"></param>
        /// <param name="aimPos"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public NaviPoint[] CalPathUseAStar ( Vector2 curPos, Vector2 aimPos )

            #region 复制导航图
            GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] map = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[Map.Length + 2];
            GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] temp = GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.DepthCopy( Map );
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                map[i] = temp[i];

            #region 将当前点和目标点加入到导航图中
            int prePointSum = temp.Length;
            GraphPoint<NaviPoint> curNaviPoint = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>( new NaviPoint( null, -1, curPos ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() );
            GraphPoint<NaviPoint> aimNaviPoint = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>( new NaviPoint( null, -1, aimPos ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() );
            AddCurPosToNaviMap( map, curNaviPoint, prePointSum, GuardLines, BorderLines );
            AddAimPosToNaviMap( map, aimNaviPoint, curNaviPoint, prePointSum, GuardLines, BorderLines );


            #region 计算最短路径,使用A*算法

            List<NodeAStar> open = new List<NodeAStar>();
            List<NodeAStar> close = new List<NodeAStar>();
            open.Add( new NodeAStar( curNaviPoint, null ) );

            NodeAStar cur = null;
            while (open.Count != 0)
                cur = open[open.Count - 1];

                if (cur.point == aimNaviPoint)

                open.RemoveAt( open.Count - 1 );
                close.Add( cur );

                foreach (GraphPath<NaviPoint> path in cur.point.neighbors)
                    if (Contains( close, path.neighbor ))
                        NodeAStar inOpenNode;
                        if (Contains( open, path.neighbor, out inOpenNode ))
                            float G = cur.G + path.weight;
                            if (inOpenNode.G > G)
                                inOpenNode.G = G;
                                inOpenNode.F = G + inOpenNode.H;
                            NodeAStar childNode = new NodeAStar( path.neighbor, cur );
                            childNode.G = cur.G + path.weight;
                            childNode.H = Vector2.Distance( aimPos, childNode.point.value.Pos );
                            childNode.F = childNode.G + childNode.H;
                            SortInsert( open, childNode );

            //if (cur == null)
            //    return null;

            Stack<NodeAStar> cahe = new Stack<NodeAStar>();
            while (cur.father != null)
                cahe.Push( cur );
                cur = cur.father;

            NaviPoint[] result = new NaviPoint[cahe.Count];

            int j = 0;
            foreach (NodeAStar node in cahe)
                result[j] = node.point.value;

            return result;

Ejemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the interpolation line for the minimized plot layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gp">The GraphPoint containig the co-ordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the interpolation line.</returns>
        protected FrameworkElement GetInterpolationLine(GraphPoint gp)
            Shape interpolationLine = null;
            DataTemplate template = null;
            if (this.LayoutRoot.Resources.Contains(MinimizedViewInterpolationLineElementName))
                template = this.LayoutRoot.Resources[MinimizedViewInterpolationLineElementName] as DataTemplate;
                if (template != null)
                    interpolationLine = template.LoadContent() as Shape;
                    interpolationLine.DataContext = gp;

            if (interpolationLine == null || template == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(GraphingResources.InterpolationLineTemplateNotFound);

            Line minimizedLine = interpolationLine as Line;
            if (minimizedLine != null)
                minimizedLine.X1 = Math.Max(0, gp.X1Pixel);
                minimizedLine.X2 = Math.Min(gp.X2Pixel, this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth);

                if (gp.X1X2Pixel < interpolationLine.StrokeThickness)
                    minimizedLine.X1 = gp.X1Pixel;
                    minimizedLine.X2 = gp.X1Pixel + interpolationLine.StrokeThickness;

            return interpolationLine;
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public void BuildMap ( EyeableBorderObjInfo[] objInfos, Rectanglef mapBorder, float spaceForTank )

            #region 对每一个BorderObj生成逻辑坐标上的凸包点集,并向外扩展

            borderLines = new List<Segment>();

            convexs = new List<GuardConvex>();
            foreach (EyeableBorderObjInfo obj in objInfos)
                if (obj.ConvexHall == null || obj.IsDisappeared || obj.ConvexHall.Points == null)

                Matrix matrix = obj.EyeableInfo.CurTransMatrix;

                GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] convexHall;

                List<BordPoint> bordPoints = obj.ConvexHall.Points;
                if (bordPoints.Count > 2)
                    List<GraphPoint<NaviPoint>> list = new List<GraphPoint<NaviPoint>>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < bordPoints.Count; i++)
                        Vector2 lastPos = Vector2.Transform( ConvertHelper.PointToVector2( bordPoints[i - 1 < 0 ? bordPoints.Count - 1 : i - 1].p ), matrix );
                        Vector2 curPos = Vector2.Transform( ConvertHelper.PointToVector2( bordPoints[i].p ), matrix );
                        Vector2 nextPos = Vector2.Transform( ConvertHelper.PointToVector2( bordPoints[(i + 1) % bordPoints.Count].p ), matrix );

                        Vector2 v1 = curPos - lastPos;
                        Vector2 v2 = curPos - nextPos;
                        float ang = MathTools.AngBetweenVectors( v1, v2 );
                        if (ang >= MathHelper.PiOver2)
                            float halfDes = (float)(spaceForTank / Math.Sin( ang ));
                            Vector2 delta = halfDes * Vector2.Normalize( v1 ) + halfDes * Vector2.Normalize( v2 );
                            list.Add( new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                                new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[i].index, curPos + delta ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() ) );
                            Vector2 cenV = Vector2.Normalize( v1 + v2 );
                            Vector2 vertiV = new Vector2( cenV.Y, -cenV.X );
                            float ang2 = MathHelper.PiOver4 - 0.25f * ang;
                            float vertiL = (float)(spaceForTank * Math.Tan( ang2 ));

                            list.Add( new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                                new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[i].index, curPos + spaceForTank * cenV + vertiL * vertiV ),
                                new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() ) );
                            list.Add( new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                                new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[i].index, curPos + spaceForTank * cenV - vertiL * vertiV ),
                                new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() ) );

                        // 添加borderLine
                        borderLines.Add( new Segment( curPos, nextPos ) );
                    convexHall = list.ToArray();
                    convexs.Add( new GuardConvex( convexHall ) );
                else if (bordPoints.Count == 2)
                    convexHall = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[4];
                    Vector2 startPos = Vector2.Transform( ConvertHelper.PointToVector2( bordPoints[0].p ), matrix );
                    Vector2 endPos = Vector2.Transform( ConvertHelper.PointToVector2( bordPoints[1].p ), matrix );
                    Vector2 dir = endPos - startPos;
                    Vector2 normal = new Vector2( dir.Y, -dir.X );
                    convexHall[0] = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                        new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[0].index, startPos - dir * spaceForTank ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() );
                    convexHall[1] = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                        new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[0].index, startPos + spaceForTank * normal ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() );
                    convexHall[2] = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                        new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[1].index, endPos + spaceForTank * normal ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() );
                    convexHall[3] = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>(
                        new NaviPoint( obj, bordPoints[1].index, endPos + dir * spaceForTank ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() );

                    //if (float.IsNaN( convexHall[0].value.Pos.X ) || float.IsNaN( convexHall[1].value.Pos.X ))


                    // 添加borderLine
                    borderLines.Add( new Segment( startPos, endPos ) );

                    convexs.Add( new GuardConvex( convexHall ) );



            #region 得到警戒线

            guardLines = new List<Segment>();

            foreach (GuardConvex convex in convexs)
                for (int i = 0; i < convex.points.Length; i++)
                    guardLines.Add( new Segment( convex[i].value.Pos, convex[(i + 1) % convex.Length].value.Pos ) );

                    //if (float.IsNaN( convex[i].value.Pos.X ))


            mapBorder = new Rectanglef( mapBorder.X + spaceForTank, mapBorder.Y + spaceForTank,
                mapBorder.Width - 2 * spaceForTank, mapBorder.Height - 2 * spaceForTank );

            guardLines.Add( new Segment( mapBorder.UpLeft, mapBorder.UpRight ) );
            guardLines.Add( new Segment( mapBorder.UpRight, mapBorder.DownRight ) );
            guardLines.Add( new Segment( mapBorder.DownRight, mapBorder.DownLeft ) );
            guardLines.Add( new Segment( mapBorder.DownLeft, mapBorder.UpLeft ) );


            #region 检查凸包内部连线是否和警戒线相交,如不相交则连接该连线并计算权值

            foreach (GuardConvex convex in convexs)
                for (int i = 0; i < convex.Length; i++)
                    // 检查连线是否超出边界
                    if (!mapBorder.Contains( convex[i].value.Pos ))

                    Segment link = new Segment( convex[i].value.Pos, convex[(i + 1) % convex.Length].value.Pos );

                    bool isCross = false;
                    foreach (Segment guardLine in guardLines)
                        if (link.Equals( guardLine ))

                        if (Segment.IsCross( link, guardLine ))
                            isCross = true;

                    if (!isCross)
                        float weight = Vector2.Distance( convex[i].value.Pos, convex[(i + 1) % convex.Length].value.Pos );
                        //if (float.IsNaN( weight ))

                        GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.Link( convex[i], convex[(i + 1) % convex.Length], weight );


            #region 检查凸包之间连线是否与警戒线以及边界线相交,如不相交则连接并计算权值

            for (int i = 0; i < convexs.Count - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < convexs.Count; j++)
                    foreach (GraphPoint<NaviPoint> p1 in convexs[i].points)
                        // 检查连线是否超出边界
                        if (!mapBorder.Contains( p1.value.Pos ))

                        foreach (GraphPoint<NaviPoint> p2 in convexs[j].points)
                            Segment link = new Segment( p1.value.Pos, p2.value.Pos );

                            bool isCross = false;
                            foreach (Segment guardLine in guardLines)
                                if (Segment.IsCross( link, guardLine ))
                                    isCross = true;
                            if (!isCross)
                                foreach (Segment borderLine in borderLines)
                                    if (Segment.IsCross( link, borderLine ))
                                        isCross = true;

                            if (!isCross)
                                float weight = Vector2.Distance( p1.value.Pos, p2.value.Pos );
                                //if (float.IsNaN( weight ))

                                GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.Link( p1, p2, weight );


            #region 整理导航图

            List<GraphPoint<NaviPoint>> points = new List<GraphPoint<NaviPoint>>();

            foreach (GuardConvex convex in convexs)
                foreach (GraphPoint<NaviPoint> p in convex.points)
                    points.Add( p );

            naviGraph = points.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 45
            private void PlotPoint(Cairo.Context cairo,
						GraphPoint point)
                if (point.x < 0 || point.y < 0)
                int size = point_size - inter_point_gap;
                int x = start_x + point.x;
                int y = start_y - point.y;

                if (
                      cairo.Color = pointBorderColor;
                      cairo.Arc (x + size / 2, y + size / 2, size / 2, 0, 44.0 / 7.0);	// 2 pi = 360 degrees
                      cairo.Stroke ();
                      cairo.Color =
                          Computer ? computerColor :
                      cairo.Arc (x + size / 2, y + size / 2, size / 2, 0, 44.0 / 7.0);	// 2 pi = 360 degrees
                      cairo.Fill ();
                      cairo.Color = pointBorderColor;
                      cairo.Rectangle (x, y, size, size);
                      cairo.Stroke ();
                      cairo.Color =
                          Computer ? computerColor :
                      cairo.Rectangle (x, y, size, size);
                      cairo.Fill ();
Ejemplo n.º 46
            bool OverlappingPoint(int x, int y, int width,
					       out GraphPoint matching)
                foreach (GraphPoint point in points)
                    if (IsOverlapping
                        (x, y, width, point.x, point.y))
                          matching = point;
                          return true;

                matching = GraphPoint.Zero;
                return false;
                private GraphPoint IsMousePosWithinSegment(Point mousePos, GraphPoint p1, GraphPoint p2)
                    GraphPoint result = null;

                    if (mousePos.X >= p1._coordinates.X && mousePos.X <= p2._coordinates.X)
                        double aCoefCoords = (p1._coordinates.Y - p2._coordinates.Y) / (p1._coordinates.X - p2._coordinates.X);
                        double bCoefCoords = p2._coordinates.Y - (aCoefCoords * p2._coordinates.X);

                        double expectedY = aCoefCoords * mousePos.X + bCoefCoords;

                        double fError = Math.Abs(expectedY - mousePos.Y);

                        const double cCurveSelectionTolerance = 10.0f;

                        if (fError <= cCurveSelectionTolerance)
                            double aCoefValue = (p2._value - p1._value) / (p2._coordinates.X - p1._coordinates.X);

                            double value = aCoefValue * (mousePos.X - p1._coordinates.X) + p1._value;

                            result = new GraphPoint(new Point(mousePos.X, expectedY), (float)value);

                            //Console.WriteLine("Selected Curve ({0} - Error({1:00} pixels), time range: {2}s - {3}s, value: {4}{5}", _description, fError,p1._coordinates.X / FASTBuildMonitorControl.pix_per_second, p2._coordinates.X / FASTBuildMonitorControl.pix_per_second, value, _unitTag);

                    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the marker from graph point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gp">The GraphPoint.</param>
        /// <param name="renderFlagStick">If set to <c>true</c> [render flag stick].</param>
        /// <returns>The marker plotted from the graphpoint template.</returns>
        private FrameworkElement AddMarkerFromGraphPoint(GraphPoint gp, bool renderFlagStick)
            FrameworkElement marker = null;
            if (gp.DataMarkerTemplate != null)
                marker = gp.DataMarkerTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;
                marker.DataContext = gp;
                marker.MaxWidth = this.DynamicMainLayerViewport.ActualWidth;

                if (renderFlagStick)
                    FrameworkElement flagStick = GetFlagStick(gp.X1Pixel, this.interpolationLineStartYPosition, gp.Y1Pixel + GraphBase.GetYOffset(marker));
                    SetFlagStick(marker, flagStick);

            return marker;
Ejemplo n.º 49
 public GuardConvex ( GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] points )
     this.points = points;
Ejemplo n.º 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the symbol for the datapoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphPoint">Start point of the symbol.</param>
        /// <returns>A symbol at a specified position.</returns>
        protected virtual FrameworkElement GetPlottedDataMarker(GraphPoint graphPoint)
            FrameworkElement dataMarkerTemplate = this.DataMarkerTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;

            if (dataMarkerTemplate == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(GraphingResources.GraphDisplayDataMarkerError);

            Canvas.SetLeft(dataMarkerTemplate, graphPoint.X1Pixel + GraphBase.GetXOffset(dataMarkerTemplate));
            Canvas.SetTop(dataMarkerTemplate, graphPoint.Y1Pixel + GraphBase.GetYOffset(dataMarkerTemplate));

            GraphBase.SetDataPoint(dataMarkerTemplate, true);
            return dataMarkerTemplate;
Ejemplo n.º 51
 private bool Contains ( List<NodeAStar> list, GraphPoint<NaviPoint> graphPoint )
     if (list.Find( new Predicate<NodeAStar>(
         delegate( NodeAStar node )
             if (node.point == graphPoint)
                 return true;
                 return false;
         } ) ) == null)
         return false;
         return true;
Ejemplo n.º 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the symbol for the datapoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphPoint">Point at which the symbol needs to be positioned.</param>        
        /// <returns>A symbol at a specified position.</returns>
        protected override FrameworkElement GetPlottedDataMarker(GraphPoint graphPoint)
            FrameworkElement dataMarkerTemplate = this.DataMarkerTemplate.LoadContent() as FrameworkElement;

            if (dataMarkerTemplate == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(GraphingResources.GraphDisplayDataMarkerError);

            Canvas.SetLeft(dataMarkerTemplate, graphPoint.X1Pixel + GraphBase.GetXOffset(dataMarkerTemplate));
            Canvas.SetTop(dataMarkerTemplate, graphPoint.Y1Pixel + GraphBase.GetYOffset(dataMarkerTemplate));

            if (true == this.DebugDataPointMarkers)
                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                tb.FontSize = 8;
                tb.Text = (markerCount - markerCountStart).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                Canvas.SetZIndex(tb, markerCount);
                Canvas.SetLeft(tb, graphPoint.X1Pixel);
                Canvas.SetTop(tb, graphPoint.Y1Pixel);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Added point at " + graphPoint.X1Pixel + " : " + graphPoint.Y1Pixel + " : " + dataMarkerTemplate.ActualHeight + " : " + dataMarkerTemplate.ActualWidth + " Point ID IS : " + tb.Text);

            GraphBase.SetDataPoint(dataMarkerTemplate, true);
            dataMarkerTemplate.Tag = (markerCount - markerCountStart).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return dataMarkerTemplate;
Ejemplo n.º 53
        private void AddCurPosToNaviMap ( GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] map, GraphPoint<NaviPoint> curNaviP,
            int prePointSum, List<Segment> guardLines, List<Segment> borderLines )
            map[prePointSum] = curNaviP;
            for (int i = 0; i < prePointSum; i++)
                Segment seg = new Segment( curNaviP.value.Pos, map[i].value.Pos );

                bool cross = false;
                foreach (Segment guardLine in guardLines)
                    if (Segment.IsCross( guardLine, seg ))
                        cross = true;

                if (!cross)
                    foreach (Segment borderLine in borderLines)
                        if (Segment.IsCross( borderLine, seg ))
                            cross = true;


                if (!cross)
                    float weight = Vector2.Distance( curNaviP.value.Pos, map[i].value.Pos );
                    GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.Link( map[i], curNaviP, weight );
Ejemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a data bound Graph Point element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">Object containing binding data.</param>
        /// <returns>GraphPoint with bound data.</returns>
        internal GraphPoint GetBoundGraphPoint(object o)
            DependencyObject dp = this.PointTemplate.LoadContent();
            if (null == dp)
                return null;

            GraphPoint gp = dp as GraphPoint;
            if (null == gp)
                return null;

            gp.DataContext = o;
            GraphPoint gp = new GraphPoint();
            if (null == this.bindingY1 && null == this.bindingY2 && null == this.bindingX2)
                return null;

            if (null != this.bindingY1)
                Binding b1 = new Binding();
                b1.Mode = BindingMode.OneTime;
                b1.Path = this.bindingY1.ParentBinding.Path;
                b1.Source = o;
                gp.SetBinding(GraphPoint.Y1Property, b1);

            if (null != this.bindingY2)
                Binding b2 = new Binding();
                b2.Mode = BindingMode.OneTime;
                b2.Path = this.bindingY2.ParentBinding.Path;
                b2.Source = o;
                gp.SetBinding(GraphPoint.Y2Property, b2);

            if (null != this.bindingX1)
                Binding b3 = new Binding();
                b3.Mode = BindingMode.OneTime;
                b3.Path = this.bindingX1.ParentBinding.Path;
                b3.Source = o;
                gp.SetBinding(GraphPoint.X1Property, b3);

            if (null != this.bindingX2)
                Binding b4 = new Binding();
                b4.Mode = BindingMode.OneTime;
                b4.Path = this.bindingX2.ParentBinding.Path;
                b4.Source = o;
                gp.SetBinding(GraphPoint.X2Property, b4);

            if (null != this.bindingDataMarkerTemplate)
                Binding b5 = new Binding();
                b5.Mode = BindingMode.OneTime;
                b5.Path = this.bindingDataMarkerTemplate.ParentBinding.Path;
                b5.Source = o;
                gp.SetBinding(GraphPoint.DataMarkerTemplateProperty, b5);

            if (null != this.bindingLabel)
                Binding b6 = new Binding();
                b6.Mode = BindingMode.OneTime;
                b6.Path = this.bindingLabel.ParentBinding.Path;
                b6.Source = o;
                gp.SetBinding(GraphPoint.LabelProperty, b6);

            gp.DataContext = o;

            return gp;
Ejemplo n.º 55
            bool MatchingPoint(int x, int y, int width,
					    out GraphPoint matching)
                foreach (GraphPoint point in points)
                    if (PointInsideRect
                        (x, y, point.x, point.y, width,
                          matching = point;
                          return true;

                matching = GraphPoint.Zero;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 56
 /// <summary>
 /// Virtual. process the Point based on the previous value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="previousPoint">Previous Point Plotted.</param>
 /// <param name="currentPoint">Current Point Plotted.</param>
 protected virtual void ProcessPlottedDataMarker(GraphPoint previousPoint, GraphPoint currentPoint)
     // override to process other information
     if (this.Minimized && this.MinimizedPlotLayer != null)
         if (previousPoint.X1Pixel != 0 || previousPoint.Y1Pixel != 0)
             GraphPoint gp = new GraphPoint();
             gp.X1Pixel = previousPoint.X1Pixel;
             gp.X2Pixel = currentPoint.X1Pixel;
             gp.Y1Pixel = this.NonDynamicRightAxisViewPort.ActualHeight / 2;
Ejemplo n.º 57
	public GraphControl(GraphItem[] dataset,int left,int top,int right, int bottom) : base("GraphControl",left,top,right,bottom)
		this.points=new GraphPoint[dataset.Length];
		offset=new Size(5,2);
		for(int i=0;i<dataset.Length;i++)
			Point point=new Point();
			point.X=(dataset[i].X * (edge/100));
			point.Y=edge-(dataset[i].Y * (edge/100));
			points[i]=new GraphPoint(point,dataset[i]);
		bar=new ProgressBar();
		bar.Size=new Size(edge+4,16);
		bar.Location=new Point(3,edge+5);