Ejemplo n.º 1
	public void SetType( string guiName, GUIEditObject.GUITypes guiType )
		// create based on type
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Screen )
			guiScreen = new GUIScreen();
			guiScreen.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Area )
			guiObject = new GUIArea();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Label )
			guiObject = new GUILabel();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Button )
			guiObject = new GUIButton();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Horizontal )
			guiObject = new GUIHorizontalCommand();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Vertical )
			guiObject = new GUIVerticalCommand();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Scrollview )
			guiObject = new GUIScrollView();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Toggle )
			guiObject = new GUIToggle();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Space )
			guiObject = new GUISpace();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.EditBox )
			guiObject = new GUIEditbox();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Box )
			guiObject = new GUIBox();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.HorizontalSlider )
			guiObject = new GUIHorizontalSlider();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.VerticalSlider )
			guiObject = new GUIVerticalSlider();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
		if ( guiType == GUITypes.Movie )
			guiObject = new GUIMovie();
			guiObject.name = guiName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public override void Initialize(ScreenInfo parent)
        // Create the space to make the left and right side menus
        // and add the generated GUIMenu objects into it.
        List<GUIObject> find = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GUIMenu));
        if (find.Count > 0)
            lmenu = find[0] as GUIMenu;
        find = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GUIScrollMenu));
        if (find.Count > 0)
            rmenu = find[0] as GUIScrollMenu;
		find = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GUILabel));
		if (find.Count > 0)
			title = find[0] as GUILabel;
        	if (interactObject != null)
        	    title.text = interactObject.prettyname;
		GUIVerticalCommand vert = new GUIVerticalCommand();
		vert.Elements = new List<GUIObject>();
		if (title != null )
		GUISpace space = new GUISpace();
		space.pixels = 5;

        if (lmenu != null && rmenu != null)
            GUIHorizontalCommand hc = new GUIHorizontalCommand();
            hc.Elements = new List<GUIObject>();

        patient = Patient.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Patient)) as Patient;

        Object[] temp = ObjectInteraction.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(ObjectInteraction));
        foreach (Object obj in temp)
            if (obj == patient)
            roomObjects.Add(obj as ObjectInteraction);

        listings = new Listings();
        listings.category = "root";

        current = listings;