Ejemplo n.º 1
        public GLFontData LoadGLFont(string a_szFontDataFile)
            // safty checks:
            if (a_szFontDataFile == null)
            else if (a_szFontDataFile == "")

            // next we see if this string has been gend already:
            GLFontData oFontData;

            if (m_dicGLFonts.TryGetValue(a_szFontDataFile, out oFontData))
            oFontData = new GLFontData();

            // We have not loaded the font before so, set up new one:
            oFontData.m_szDataFile = a_szFontDataFile;      // Set Data File path.
            oFontData.m_uiUseCount = 1;

            // Create some Working Vars and Buffers:
            string szTextureFile = "";
            string szBuffer;
            char   cBuffer = ' ';

            // first load in XML file.
            XmlTextReader oXMLReader = new XmlTextReader(a_szFontDataFile);

                // Get Texture path:
                if (oXMLReader.ReadToNextSibling("Font")) // works on windows.
                    szTextureFile = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("texture");
                else if (oXMLReader.ReadToDescendant("Font")) // works on linux!
                    szTextureFile = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("texture");
                    logger.Error("Couldn't find texture path for " + a_szFontDataFile);

                // Move to first Charecter element

                // Loop through all Char elements and get out UV coords for each charcter, save them to the Dic.
                    /// <summary>
                    /// All of the System.Globalization stuff is due ot the fact that the default float.TryParse behaves differently on different computers. thanks microsoft.
                    /// </summary>

                    GLFontData.UVCoords oUVCoords = new GLFontData.UVCoords();

                    System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");

                    float minX = 0.0f, minY = 0.0f, maxX = 0.0f, maxY = 0.0f;

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Umin");
                    bool r1 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out minX);

                    //bool r1 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out minX);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Umax");
                    bool r2 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out maxX);

                    //bool r2 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out maxX);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Vmin");
                    bool r3 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out minY);

                    //bool r3 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out minY);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Vmax");
                    bool r4 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out maxY);

                    //bool r4 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out maxY);

                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.X = minX;
                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.X = maxX;
                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.Y = minY;
                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.Y = maxY;

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Char");
                    foreach (char c in szBuffer)
                        cBuffer = c;
                    oFontData.m_dicCharMap.Add(cBuffer, oUVCoords);

                    if (r1 == false || r2 == false || r3 == false || r4 == false)
                        logger.Info("ResourceManager.cs Char: " + szBuffer + " Coordinates: " + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.X + "/" + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.Y + "," + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.X + "/" + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.Y +
                                    "|" + r1 + " " + r2 + " " + r3 + " " + r4);
                } while (oXMLReader.ReadToNextSibling("Character"));  // Move to Next Charcter Element

                logger.Info("Loaded GLFont Data File " + a_szFontDataFile);
            catch (XmlException e)
                // XML Error occured, catch and log.
                logger.Error("Error: faild to load Font Data file " + a_szFontDataFile);
                logger.Error("Font Exception: " + e.Message);
                logger.Info("You May have an unsupported Charcter in thoe font data file, inclundg <, >, &");
                // Close the XMl file.

            // load font texture.
            oFontData.m_uiTextureID = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(szTextureFile);

            // Add to list of loaded fonts:
            m_dicGLFonts.Add(oFontData.m_szDataFile, oFontData);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public GLFontData LoadGLFont(string a_szFontDataFile)
            // safty checks:
            if (a_szFontDataFile == null)
                return null;
            else if (a_szFontDataFile == "")
                return null;

            // next we see if this string has been gend already:
            GLFontData oFontData;
            if (m_dicGLFonts.TryGetValue(a_szFontDataFile, out oFontData))
                return oFontData;
            oFontData = new GLFontData();

            // We have not loaded the font before so, set up new one:
            oFontData.m_szDataFile = a_szFontDataFile;      // Set Data File path.
            oFontData.m_uiUseCount = 1;

            // Create some Working Vars and Buffers:
            string szTextureFile = "";
            string szBuffer;
            char cBuffer = ' ';

            // first load in XML file.
            XmlTextReader oXMLReader = new XmlTextReader(a_szFontDataFile);

                // Get Texture path:
                if (oXMLReader.ReadToNextSibling("Font")) // works on windows.
                    szTextureFile = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("texture");
                else if (oXMLReader.ReadToDescendant("Font")) // works on linux!
                    szTextureFile = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("texture");
                    logger.Error("Couldn't find texture path for " + a_szFontDataFile);

                // Move to first Charecter element

                // Loop through all Char elements and get out UV coords for each charcter, save them to the Dic.
                    /// <summary>
                    /// All of the System.Globalization stuff is due ot the fact that the default float.TryParse behaves differently on different computers. thanks microsoft.
                    /// </summary>

                    GLFontData.UVCoords oUVCoords = new GLFontData.UVCoords();

                    System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");

                    float minX = 0.0f, minY = 0.0f, maxX = 0.0f, maxY = 0.0f;

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Umin");
                    bool r1 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out minX);

                    //bool r1 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out minX);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Umax");
                    bool r2 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out maxX);

                    //bool r2 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out maxX);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Vmin");
                    bool r3 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out minY);

                    //bool r3 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out minY);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Vmax");
                    bool r4 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, culture, out maxY);

                    //bool r4 = float.TryParse(szBuffer, out maxY);

                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.X = minX;
                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.X = maxX;
                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.Y = minY;
                    oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.Y = maxY;

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Char");
                    foreach (char c in szBuffer)
                        cBuffer = c;
                    oFontData.m_dicCharMap.Add(cBuffer, oUVCoords);

                    if (r1 == false || r2 == false || r3 == false || r4 == false)
                        logger.Info("ResourceManager.cs Char: " + szBuffer + " Coordinates: " + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.X + "/" + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.Y + "," + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.X + "/" + oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.Y +
                                    "|" + r1 + " " + r2 + " " + r3 + " " + r4);

                } while (oXMLReader.ReadToNextSibling("Character"));  // Move to Next Charcter Element

                logger.Info("Loaded GLFont Data File " + a_szFontDataFile);
            catch (XmlException e)
                // XML Error occured, catch and log.
                logger.Error("Error: faild to load Font Data file " + a_szFontDataFile);
                logger.Error("Font Exception: " + e.Message);
                logger.Info("You May have an unsupported Charcter in thoe font data file, inclundg <, >, &");
                // Close the XMl file.

            // load font texture.
            oFontData.m_uiTextureID = Helpers.ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(szTextureFile);

            // Add to list of loaded fonts:
            if (!m_dicGLFonts.ContainsKey(oFontData.m_szDataFile)){
                m_dicGLFonts.Add(oFontData.m_szDataFile, oFontData);

            return oFontData;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public GLFontData LoadGLFont(string a_szFontDataFile)
            // safty checks:
            if (a_szFontDataFile == null)
            else if (a_szFontDataFile == "")

            // next we see if this string has been gend already:
            GLFontData oFontData;

            if (m_dicGLFonts.TryGetValue(a_szFontDataFile, out oFontData))
            oFontData = new GLFontData();

            // We have not loaded the font before so, set up new one:
            oFontData.m_szDataFile = a_szFontDataFile;      // Set Data File path.
            oFontData.m_uiUseCount = 1;

            // Create some Working Vars and Buffers:
            string szTextureFile = "";
            string szBuffer;
            char   cBuffer = ' ';

            // first load in XML file.
            XmlTextReader oXMLReader = new XmlTextReader(a_szFontDataFile);

                // Get Texture path:
                if (oXMLReader.ReadToNextSibling("Font")) // works on windows.
                    szTextureFile = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("texture");
                else if (oXMLReader.ReadToDescendant("Font")) // works on linux!
                    szTextureFile = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("texture");

                // Move to first Charecter element

                // Loop through all Char elements and get out UV coords for each charcter, save them to the Dic.
                    GLFontData.UVCoords oUVCoords = new GLFontData.UVCoords();

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Umin");
                    float.TryParse(szBuffer, out oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.X);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Vmin");
                    float.TryParse(szBuffer, out oUVCoords.m_v2UVMin.Y);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Umax");
                    float.TryParse(szBuffer, out oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.X);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Vmax");
                    float.TryParse(szBuffer, out oUVCoords.m_v2UVMax.Y);

                    szBuffer = oXMLReader.GetAttribute("Char");
                    foreach (char c in szBuffer)
                        cBuffer = c;
                    oFontData.m_dicCharMap.Add(cBuffer, oUVCoords);
                } while (oXMLReader.ReadToNextSibling("Character"));  // Move to Next Charcter Element

                logger.Info("Loaded GLFont Data File " + a_szFontDataFile);
            catch (XmlException e)
                // XML Error occured, catch and log.
                logger.Error("Error: faild to load Font Data file " + a_szFontDataFile);
                logger.Error("Font Exception: " + e.Message);
                logger.Info("You May have an unsupported Charcter in thoe font data file, inclundg <, >, &");
                // Close the XMl file.

            // load font texture.
            oFontData.m_uiTextureID = Helpers.ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(szTextureFile);

            // Add to list of loaded fonts:
            m_dicGLFonts.Add(oFontData.m_szDataFile, oFontData);
