Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static bool Read_Pac1(string filename, ref Direct_Sound[] Direct_Data, ref ImageSourceData[] IS_Data, ref Environment.Receiver_Bank[] Receiver)
                System.IO.BinaryReader sr = new System.IO.BinaryReader(System.IO.File.Open(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open));
                    //1. Date & Time
                    string Savedate = sr.ReadString();
                    //2. Plugin Version
                    string Pach_version = sr.ReadString();
                    //3. Cut off Time and SampleRate
                    double CO_TIME    = sr.ReadDouble();
                    int    SampleRate = sr.ReadInt32();
                    //4. Source Count
                    int SrcCt = 1;
                    if (double.Parse(Pach_version.Substring(0, 3)) >= 1.1)
                        SrcCt = sr.ReadInt32();
                    //4.1 Source Location x
                    //4.2 Source Location y
                    //4.3 Source Location z
                    Hare.Geometry.Point[] SrcPt = new Hare.Geometry.Point[SrcCt];
                    for (int s = 0; s < SrcCt; s++)
                        SrcPt[s] = new Hare.Geometry.Point(sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble());
                    //5. No of Receivers
                    int Rec_Ct = sr.ReadInt32();
                    //6. Write the coordinates of each receiver point
                    //6b. Write the environmental characteristics at each receiver point (Rho * C); V2.0 only...
                    Hare.Geometry.Point[] Recs = new Hare.Geometry.Point[Rec_Ct];
                    double[] Rho_C             = new double[Rec_Ct];
                    for (int q = 0; q < Rec_Ct; q++)
                        Recs[q] = new Hare.Geometry.Point(sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble());
                        if (double.Parse(Pach_version.Substring(0, 3)) >= 2.0)
                            Rho_C[q] = sr.ReadDouble();
                            Rho_C[q] = 400;

                    Direct_Data = new Direct_Sound[SrcCt];
                    IS_Data     = new ImageSourceData[SrcCt];
                    Receiver    = new Environment.Receiver_Bank[SrcCt];

                    int DDCT = 0;
                    int ISCT = 0;
                    int RTCT = 0;
                        string readin = sr.ReadString();
                        switch (readin)
                        case "Direct_Sound":
                        case "Direct_Sound w sourcedata":
                            //9. Read Direct Sound Data
                            Direct_Data[DDCT]            = Direct_Sound.Read_Data(ref sr, Recs, SrcPt[DDCT], Rho_C, Pach_version);
                            Direct_Data[DDCT].CO_Time    = CO_TIME;
                            Direct_Data[DDCT].SampleFreq = (int)SampleRate;

                        case "Image-Source_Data":
                            //10. Read Image Source Sound Data
                            IS_Data[ISCT] = ImageSourceData.Read_Data(ref sr, Recs.Length, Direct_Data[DDCT - 1], false, ISCT, Pach_version);

                        case "Ray-Traced_Data":
                            //11. Read Ray Traced Sound Data
                            Receiver[RTCT] = Environment.Receiver_Bank.Read_Data(ref sr, Direct_Data[RTCT].SWL, Rec_Ct, Recs, Rho_C, Direct_Data[RTCT].Delay_ms, ref SampleRate, Pach_version);

                        case "End":
                    } while (true);
                catch (System.Exception X)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("File Read Failed...", String.Format("Results file was corrupt or incomplete. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please report this to the software author. It will be much appreciated. \r\n Exception Message: {0}. \r\n Method: {1}", X.Message, X.TargetSite));
            public static bool Read_Pac1(string filename, ref Direct_Sound[] Direct_Data, ref ImageSourceData[] IS_Data, ref Environment.Receiver_Bank[] Receiver)
                System.IO.BinaryReader sr = new System.IO.BinaryReader(System.IO.File.Open(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open));
                    //1. Date & Time
                    string Savedate = sr.ReadString();
                    //2. Plugin Version
                    string Pach_version = sr.ReadString();
                    //3. Cut off Time and SampleRate
                    double CO_TIME = sr.ReadDouble();
                    int SampleRate = sr.ReadInt32();
                    //4. Source Count
                    int SrcCt = 1;
                    if (double.Parse(Pach_version.Substring(0, 3)) >= 1.1) SrcCt = sr.ReadInt32();
                    //4.1 Source Location x
                    //4.2 Source Location y
                    //4.3 Source Location z
                    Hare.Geometry.Point[] SrcPt = new Hare.Geometry.Point[SrcCt];
                    for (int s = 0; s < SrcCt; s++) SrcPt[s] = new Hare.Geometry.Point(sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble());
                    //5. No of Receivers
                    int Rec_Ct = sr.ReadInt32();
                    //6. Write the coordinates of each receiver point
                    //6b. Write the environmental characteristics at each receiver point (Rho * C); V2.0 only...
                    Hare.Geometry.Point[] Recs = new Hare.Geometry.Point[Rec_Ct];
                    double[] Rho_C = new double[Rec_Ct];
                    for (int q = 0; q < Rec_Ct; q++)
                        Recs[q] = new Hare.Geometry.Point(sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble(), sr.ReadDouble());
                        if (double.Parse(Pach_version.Substring(0, 3)) >= 2.0) Rho_C[q] = sr.ReadDouble();
                        else Rho_C[q] = 400;

                    Direct_Data = new Direct_Sound[SrcCt];
                    IS_Data = new ImageSourceData[SrcCt];
                    Receiver = new Environment.Receiver_Bank[SrcCt];

                    int DDCT = 0;
                    int ISCT = 0;
                    int RTCT = 0;
                        string readin = sr.ReadString();
                        switch (readin)
                            case "Direct_Sound":
                            case "Direct_Sound w sourcedata":
                                //9. Read Direct Sound Data
                                Direct_Data[DDCT] = Direct_Sound.Read_Data(ref sr, Recs, SrcPt[DDCT], Rho_C, Pach_version);
                                Direct_Data[DDCT].CO_Time = CO_TIME;
                                Direct_Data[DDCT].SampleFreq = (int)SampleRate;
                            case "Image-Source_Data":
                                //10. Read Image Source Sound Data
                                IS_Data[ISCT] = ImageSourceData.Read_Data(ref sr, Recs.Length, Direct_Data[DDCT - 1], false, ISCT, Pach_version);
                            case "Ray-Traced_Data":
                                //11. Read Ray Traced Sound Data
                                Receiver[RTCT] = Environment.Receiver_Bank.Read_Data(ref sr, Rec_Ct, Recs, Rho_C, Direct_Data[RTCT].Delay_ms, ref SampleRate, Pach_version);
                            case "End":
                                return true;
                    } while (true);
                catch (System.Exception X)
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("File Read Failed...", String.Format("Results file was corrupt or incomplete. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please report this to the software author. It will be much appreciated. \r\n Exception Message: {0}. \r\n Method: {1}" , X.Message, X.TargetSite));
                    return false;
            public static double[][] PTCurve_Ambisonics3(IEnumerable<Direct_Sound> Direct, IEnumerable<ImageSourceData> ISData, IEnumerable<Environment.Receiver_Bank> RTData, double CO_Time_ms, int Sampling_Frequency, int Rec_ID, List<int> SrcIDs, bool StartAtZero, double alt, double azi, bool degrees)
                double[][] Histogram = new double[7][];

                    if (Direct == null) Direct = new Direct_Sound[SrcIDs[SrcIDs.Count - 1] + 1];
                    if (ISData == null) ISData = new ImageSourceData[SrcIDs[SrcIDs.Count - 1] + 1];
                    if (RTData == null) RTData = new Environment.Receiver_Bank[SrcIDs[SrcIDs.Count - 1] + 1];

                    double maxdelay = 0;
                    List<double> delays = new List<double>();

                    if (Direct.ElementAt<Direct_Sound>(0) != null)
                        foreach (Direct_Sound d in Direct)
                            maxdelay = Math.Max(maxdelay, d.Delay_ms);
                    else if (RTData.ElementAt<Receiver_Bank>(0) != null)
                        foreach (Receiver_Bank r in RTData)
                            maxdelay = Math.Max(maxdelay, r.delay_ms);
                    maxdelay *= Sampling_Frequency / 1000;

                    Histogram[0] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];
                    Histogram[1] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];
                    Histogram[2] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];
                    Histogram[3] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];
                    Histogram[4] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];
                    Histogram[5] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];
                    Histogram[6] = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];

                    foreach (int s in SrcIDs)
                        double[][] IR = PTCurve_Ambisonics3(Direct.ElementAt<Direct_Sound>(s), ISData.ElementAt<ImageSourceData>(s), RTData.ElementAt<Receiver_Bank>(s), CO_Time_ms, Sampling_Frequency, Rec_ID, StartAtZero, alt, azi, degrees);
                        for (int d = 0; d < IR.Length; d++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < IR[0].Length; i++)
                                Histogram[d][i + (int)Math.Ceiling(delays[s] / 1000 * Sampling_Frequency)] += IR[d][i];

                    return Histogram;
            public static double[] PTCurve(Direct_Sound Direct, ImageSourceData ISData, Environment.Receiver_Bank RTData, double CO_Time_ms, int samplerate, int Octave, int Rec_ID, bool StartAtZero, Numerics.ComplexComponent Output_Type)
                Direct_Sound[] ArrDirect = new Direct_Sound[1];
                    ArrDirect[0] = Direct;
                    ImageSourceData[] ArrIS = new ImageSourceData[1];
                    ArrIS[0] = ISData;
                    Environment.Receiver_Bank[] ArrRT = new Environment.Receiver_Bank[1];
                    ArrRT[0] = RTData;

                    double[] P;
                    PTCurve(ArrDirect, ArrIS, ArrRT, CO_Time_ms*0.001, samplerate, Rec_ID, 0, StartAtZero, out P);

                    double[] Pressure = new double[P.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Pressure.Length; i++) Pressure[i] = P[i];
                    return Pressure;
 public static double[] ETCurve(Direct_Sound Direct, ImageSourceData ISData, Environment.Receiver_Bank RTData, double CO_Time_ms, int samplerate, int Octave, int Rec_ID, bool StartAtZero)
     Direct_Sound[] ArrDirect = new Direct_Sound[1];
         ArrDirect[0] = Direct;
         ImageSourceData[] ArrIS = new ImageSourceData[1];
         ArrIS[0] = ISData;
         Receiver_Bank[] ArrRT = new Environment.Receiver_Bank[1];
         ArrRT[0] = RTData;
         return ETCurve(ArrDirect, ArrIS, ArrRT, CO_Time_ms, samplerate, Octave, Rec_ID, 0, StartAtZero);
            public static double[] PTCurve(Direct_Sound[] Direct, ImageSourceData[] ISData, Environment.Receiver_Bank[] RTData, double CO_Time_ms, int Sampling_Frequency, int Rec_ID, List<int> SrcIDs, bool StartAtZero)
                if (Direct == null) Direct = new Direct_Sound[SrcIDs[SrcIDs.Count - 1] + 1];
                    if (ISData == null) ISData = new ImageSourceData[SrcIDs[SrcIDs.Count - 1] + 1];
                    if (RTData == null) RTData = new Environment.Receiver_Bank[SrcIDs[SrcIDs.Count - 1] + 1];

                    double maxdelay = 0;

                    List<double> delays = new List<double>();

                    if (Direct.ElementAt<Direct_Sound>(0) != null)
                        foreach (Direct_Sound d in Direct)
                            maxdelay = Math.Max(maxdelay, d.Delay_ms);
                    else if (RTData.ElementAt<Receiver_Bank>(0) != null)
                        foreach (Receiver_Bank r in RTData)
                            maxdelay = Math.Max(maxdelay, r.delay_ms);

                    maxdelay *= Sampling_Frequency / 1000;

                    double[] Histogram = new double[(int)(CO_Time_ms * 0.001 * Sampling_Frequency) + 4096*2 + (int)Math.Ceiling(maxdelay)];

                    foreach (int s in SrcIDs)
                        double[] P;
                        PTCurve(Direct, ISData, RTData, CO_Time_ms, Sampling_Frequency, Rec_ID, s, StartAtZero, out P);
                        for (int i = 0; i < P.Length; i++)
                            Histogram[i + (int)Math.Ceiling(delays[s] /1000 * Sampling_Frequency)] += P[i];
                    return Histogram;