Ejemplo n.º 1
        //string json3 = @"{'Type': 'M',
        //    'Name': 'M_940',
        //    'Content': [{
        //        'Type': 'S',
        //        'Name': 'W05',
        //        'Content': [ { 'E': 'N' }, { 'E': '538686' }, { 'E': '' }, { 'E': '001001' }, { 'E': '538686' }]
        //    }]
        //{'Type': 'M','Name': 'M_940','Content': [{'Type': 'S','Name': 'W05','Content': [ { 'E': 'N' }, { 'E': '538686' }, { 'E': '' }, { 'E': '001001' }, { 'E': '538686' }]}]}
        public string GetEDIDocFromJSON(string jsonEDIdata)
            dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonEDIdata, typeof(object));

            //TODO: convert logic to determine map to separate method

            MapLoop       map     = Factory.GetMap((string)json.Name); //TODO: add exception handling for the string cast operation
            JsonMapReader jReader = new JsonMapReader(map);
            EdiTrans      ediTxn  = jReader.ReadToEnd(jsonEDIdata);

            var eGroup = new EdiGroup("OW");


            var eInterchange = new EdiInterchange();


            EdiBatch eBatch = new EdiBatch();


            //Add all service segments
            EdiDataWriterSettings settings = new EdiDataWriterSettings(
                new SegmentDefinitions.ISA(), new SegmentDefinitions.IEA(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.GS(), new SegmentDefinitions.GE(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.ST(), new SegmentDefinitions.SE(),
                "ZZ", "SENDER", "ZZ", "RECEIVER", "GSSENDER", "GSRECEIVER", "00401", "004010", "T", 100, 200, "\r\n", "*");

            EdiDataWriter ediWriter = new EdiDataWriter(settings);

        private string writeEdiEnvelope(EdiTrans t, string functionalCode, string mode, string receiver)
            //string _Sender = "84352008TEST";
            //string _Receiver = "8174836888";
            string _Sender   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Sender"];
            string _Receiver = receiver;
            string _Version  = "00401";
            //create batch
            EdiBatch b = new EdiBatch();

            b.Interchanges.Add(new EdiInterchange());
            b.Interchanges.First().Groups.Add(new EdiGroup(functionalCode));

            //Add all service segments
            EdiDataWriterSettings settings = new EdiDataWriterSettings(
                new EdiEngine.Standards.X12_004010.Segments.ISA(), new EdiEngine.Standards.X12_004010.Segments.IEA(),
                new EdiEngine.Standards.X12_004010.Segments.GS(), new EdiEngine.Standards.X12_004010.Segments.GE(),
                new EdiEngine.Standards.X12_004010.Segments.ST(), new EdiEngine.Standards.X12_004010.Segments.SE(),
                "ZZ", _Sender, "ZZ", _Receiver, _Sender, _Receiver,
                _Version, "004010", mode, 100, 200, "\r\n", "*");

            EdiDataWriter w = new EdiDataWriter(settings);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static string WriteEdiEnvelope(EdiTrans t, string functionalCode)
            //create batch
            EdiBatch b = new EdiBatch();

            b.Interchanges.Add(new EdiInterchange());
            b.Interchanges.First().Groups.Add(new EdiGroup(functionalCode));

            //Add all service segments
            EdiDataWriterSettings settings = new EdiDataWriterSettings(
                new SegmentDefinitions.ISA(), new SegmentDefinitions.IEA(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.GS(), new SegmentDefinitions.GE(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.ST(), new SegmentDefinitions.SE(),
                "ZZ", "SENDER", "ZZ", "RECEIVER", "GSSENDER", "GSRECEIVER",
                "00401", "004010", "T", 100, 200, "\r\n", "*");

            EdiDataWriter w = new EdiDataWriter(settings);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task <String> SplitEDIFile(string BLOBFileName, string splitHalf, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("SplitEDIFile function processing a request.");

            //Incoming JSON Payload:
            //{ "ediFileName":"916386MS210_202001190125_000000001.raw","splitHalf":"1"}

            // Parse the connection string and get a reference to the blob.
            var storageCredentials  = new StorageCredentials("jbupsbtspaassagenv2", "Pi5FpNwJgcwJiAj7fxyCc4ncM4llKu3184a0OrTE1Jn0VxSYLGPIOZAO1j36DjT1Plmw8udLR3NXUBVNUWnucA==");
            var cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(storageCredentials, true);
            var cloudBlobClient     = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            //Define BlobIN Stream
            CloudBlobClient    blobINClient    = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlobContainer blobINContainer = blobINClient.GetContainerReference("edi-process-split");
            CloudBlockBlob     blobIN          = blobINContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(BLOBFileName);
            Stream             blobINStream    = await blobIN.OpenReadAsync();

            //Define BlobOUT FileName - for FIRST OR SECOND half of transactions
            string blobOUTPreFix = "";

            if (splitHalf == "1")
                blobOUTPreFix = "A_";
                blobOUTPreFix = "B_";
            CloudBlobClient    blobOUTClient    = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlobContainer blobOUTContainer = blobOUTClient.GetContainerReference("edi-process-split");
            CloudBlockBlob     blobOUT          = blobOUTContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobOUTPreFix + BLOBFileName);

            //Read blobIN
            EdiDataReader r = new EdiDataReader();
            EdiBatch      b = r.FromStream(blobINStream);

            int totEDITransCtr = 0;

            totEDITransCtr = b.Interchanges[0].Groups[0].Transactions.Count();

            // **********************************************************
            // ** SAVE Original EDI Interchange: Data & Transactions
            // **********************************************************
            EdiInterchange OrigInter = new EdiInterchange();

            OrigInter = b.Interchanges[0];

            List <EdiTrans> OrigTrans = new List <EdiTrans>();

            OrigTrans = b.Interchanges[0].Groups[0].Transactions;

            // **********************************************************
            // ** Calculate SPLIT
            // **********************************************************

            //1st Half
            int EDI_Trans_Ctr1 = totEDITransCtr / 2;

            //2nd Half
            int EDI_Trans_Ctr2 = totEDITransCtr - (totEDITransCtr / 2);

            // **********************************************************
            // ** Write-Out 1st Half to file
            // **********************************************************
            List <EdiTrans> HalfTrans = new List <EdiTrans>();

            //Define LOOP Parameters - for FIRST OR SECOND half of transactions
            int loopStart = 0;
            int loopEnd   = 0;

            if (splitHalf == "1")
                loopStart = 0;
                loopEnd   = EDI_Trans_Ctr1;
                loopStart = EDI_Trans_Ctr1 + 1;
                loopEnd   = totEDITransCtr;
            //Process TRANSACTIONS
            for (int i = loopStart; i < loopEnd; i++)
                EdiTrans ediItem = new EdiTrans();
                ediItem = b.Interchanges[0].Groups[0].Transactions[i];
            EdiBatch b2 = new EdiBatch();

            //Handle InterChange
            EdiInterchange ediInterChgItem = new EdiInterchange();

            ediInterChgItem = b.Interchanges[0];

            //Remove existing
            EdiGroup jbEdiGroupItem = new EdiGroup("");

            jbEdiGroupItem = b.Interchanges[0].Groups[0];
            ediInterChgItem.Groups.RemoveRange(0, 1);

            //Add Interchange

            //Handle Group
            jbEdiGroupItem.Transactions.RemoveRange(0, totEDITransCtr);

            //Add Transactions
            for (int i = 0; i < HalfTrans.Count(); i++) //Hardcoded to 91
                EdiTrans ediItem = new EdiTrans();
                ediItem = HalfTrans[i];

            EdiDataWriterSettings settings = new EdiDataWriterSettings(
                new SegmentDefinitions.ISA(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.IEA(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.GS(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.GE(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.ST(),
                new SegmentDefinitions.SE(),
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[4].ToString(), //isaSenderQual
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[5].ToString(), //isaSenderId
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[6].ToString(), //isaReceiverQual
                                                     // OrigInter.ISA.Content[7].ToString(), //isaReceiverId
                "9163863M210",                       //isaReceiverId
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[8].ToString(), //gsSenderId
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[9].ToString(), //gsReceiverId

                // OrigInter.ISA.Content[10].ToString(), //JB Test

                OrigInter.ISA.Content[11].ToString(),   //isaEdiVersion
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[12].ToString(),   //gsEdiVersion
                                                        //  "00403", //gsEdiVersion
                OrigInter.ISA.Content[14].ToString(),   //P //isaUsageIndicator //[
                000,                                    //isaFirstControlNumber
                001,                                    //gsFirstControlNumber
                OrigInter.SegmentSeparator.ToString(),  //segmentSeparator
                OrigInter.ElementSeparator.ToString()); //elementSeparator

            EdiDataWriter w      = new EdiDataWriter(settings);
            string        JBData = w.WriteToString(b2);

            log.LogInformation("trigger function - WRITING SPLIT FILE : " + blobOUT.Name.ToString());
            await blobOUT.UploadTextAsync(JBData);

            return(" ");