Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Initialize(CHotSpot oHotSpot, bool bMiddleClickOp)
        _oHotSpot = oHotSpot;
        _bMiddleClickOp = bMiddleClickOp;
        _eEditMode = CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor._EditMode;		// Our gizmo mode is the mode of the cursor edit mode at startup.
        gameObject.name = "Gizmo-" + _eEditMode.ToString();

        //=== Set the initializing gizmo the position and rotation of the hotspot.  We have to move/rotate both at every frame ===
        transform.parent = null;								// Note that we are NOT a child of our owning hotspot...
        transform.position = _oHotSpot.transform.position;
        if (_eEditMode != EEditMode.Move)				// Only start at the object's current location if we're rotate or scale.  we always move with axis-aliged gizmo
            transform.rotation = _oHotSpot.transform.rotation;
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(CCursor.C_GizmoScale, CCursor.C_GizmoScale, CCursor.C_GizmoScale);		// Gizmo is always drawn at the default scale regardless of hotspot scaling.
        if (_eEditMode == EEditMode.Rotate)				// Magnify the rotation cursor a given ratio as it frequently needs a bigger size for easy user manipulation
            transform.localScale *= CCursor.C_GizmoScale_RotationMultiplier;

        //=== Handling of special 'hidden helper object' mode = Hide gizmo and immediately begin move opeation along y,z axis ===
        if (CGame.INSTANCE._bGameModeBasicInteractions) {
            Renderer[] aRend = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();	//###IMPROVE? Instead of hiding all gizmo elements, would it be too tough to just not instantiate its prefab??
            foreach (Renderer oRend in aRend)
                oRend.enabled = false;
            _eModeGizmo = EModeGizmo.S2_UserDraggingGizmoPart;		// Direct fast-track to immediately drag gizmo...
            GizmoTransform_Begin(true);								// ... by forcing a move operation on YZ plane
        } else {
            _eModeGizmo = EModeGizmo.S1_WaitingLeftClickGizmoPart;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void OnUpdateGizmo()
        // Sent by the global cursor from 'Update()' to enable gizmo interactivity by trapping mouse events on various gizmo colliders

        //=== Potentially invert the gizmo along x,y,z so that it is always pointing toward the camera (Rotation gizmo is 3D symmetrical and never needs inversion ===
        if (_eEditMode != EEditMode.Rotate) {
            Vector3 vecGizmoToCam = Camera.main.transform.position - transform.position;
            float nAngleForward = Vector3.Angle(vecGizmoToCam, transform.forward);
            float nAngleRight   = Vector3.Angle(vecGizmoToCam, transform.right);
            float nAngleUp      = Vector3.Angle(vecGizmoToCam, transform.up);
            transform.localScale = new Vector3(nAngleRight < 90 ? CCursor.C_GizmoScale : -CCursor.C_GizmoScale, nAngleUp < 90 ? CCursor.C_GizmoScale : -CCursor.C_GizmoScale, nAngleForward < 90 ? CCursor.C_GizmoScale : -CCursor.C_GizmoScale);

        //=== Process the gizmo finite state machine as progressed by left mouse click ===
        switch (_eModeGizmo) {

            case EModeGizmo.S1_WaitingLeftClickGizmoPart:	// User has completed the left mouse up & down that resulted in hotspot being activated and gizmo shown.  We now wait until left mouse button on a gizmo part to begin gizmo moving/rotating/scaling the object
                _oRayHit_LayerGizmo = CGame.INSTANCE._oCursor.GetHitOnLayerAtMousePos(CCursor.C_LayerMask_Gizmo);		// Obtain the user's hit on the gizmo collider layers
                CGizmo oGizmo = FindGizmoFromCollider(_oRayHit_LayerGizmo.collider);		//... See if the user clicked on a part of our gizmo...
                if (oGizmo != null) {
                    if (_oHighlightedGizmoCollider != _oRayHit_LayerGizmo.collider) {
                        if (_oHighlightedGizmoCollider) {
                            Color oColorGizmoCollider = _oHighlightedGizmoCollider.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color;
                            oColorGizmoCollider.a = oColorGizmoCollider.a / C_GizmoColliderHighlight;
                            _oHighlightedGizmoCollider.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color = oColorGizmoCollider;
                        _oHighlightedGizmoCollider = _oRayHit_LayerGizmo.collider;
                        if (_oHighlightedGizmoCollider) {
                            Color oColorGizmoCollider = _oHighlightedGizmoCollider.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color;
                            oColorGizmoCollider.a = oColorGizmoCollider.a * C_GizmoColliderHighlight;
                            _oHighlightedGizmoCollider.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color = oColorGizmoCollider;

                if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {			// Trap left mouse down...
                    if (oGizmo != null) {																	//... There should only be one gizmo globally but throw if we find another one!
                        if (oGizmo != this)
                            CUtility.ThrowException("ERROR: Found a gizmo collider that wasn't 'this' Gizmo");		// If this occurs there is a serious error in the flow that creates CGizmo objects and another one of is created & never removed on screen... dual creation during the same event??
                        _eModeGizmo = EModeGizmo.S2_UserDraggingGizmoPart;

            case EModeGizmo.S2_UserDraggingGizmoPart:			// The user is now left-clicking one of the three x,y,z colliders for the move or rotate gizmo for the currently editing Bone.  While the user keeps LMB down we move/rotate the selected Bone...
                if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) || Input.GetMouseButton(2)) {				// User is still holding LMB down on a collider of the current gizmo: Continue moving/rotating current Bone on previously select x,y,z axis
                } else {									// User is no longer holding LMB: We are done transforming this x,y,z and we return to looking for the next gizmo x,y,z collider for further action
                    _eModeGizmo = EModeGizmo.S1_WaitingLeftClickGizmoPart;