Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Launch apply bulk changes
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int ApplyBulkChanges(DmView dmChanges, ScopeInfo fromScope, List <SyncConflict> conflicts)
            DbCommand bulkCommand = null;

            if (this.applyType == DmRowState.Added)
                bulkCommand = this.GetCommand(DbObjectType.BulkInsertProcName);
            else if (this.applyType == DmRowState.Modified)
                bulkCommand = this.GetCommand(DbObjectType.BulkUpdateProcName);
            else if (this.applyType == DmRowState.Deleted)
                bulkCommand = this.GetCommand(DbObjectType.BulkDeleteProcName);
                throw new Exception("DmRowState not valid during ApplyBulkChanges operation");

            if (Transaction != null && Transaction.Connection != null)
                bulkCommand.Transaction = Transaction;

            DmTable batchDmTable  = dmChanges.Table.Clone();
            DmTable failedDmtable = new DmTable {
                Culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture

            // Create the schema for failed rows (just add the Primary keys)
            this.AddSchemaForFailedRowsTable(batchDmTable, failedDmtable);

            int batchCount = 0;
            int rowCount   = 0;

            foreach (var dmRow in dmChanges)
                // Cancel the delete state to be able to get the row, more simplier
                if (applyType == DmRowState.Deleted)

                // Load the datarow
                DmRow dataRow = batchDmTable.LoadDataRow(dmRow.ItemArray, false);

                // Apply the delete
                // is it mandatory ?
                if (applyType == DmRowState.Deleted)


                if (batchCount != 500 && rowCount != dmChanges.Count)

                // Since the update and create timestamp come from remote, change name for the bulk operations
                batchDmTable.Columns["update_timestamp"].ColumnName = "update_timestamp";
                batchDmTable.Columns["create_timestamp"].ColumnName = "create_timestamp";

                // execute the batch, through the provider
                ExecuteBatchCommand(bulkCommand, batchDmTable, failedDmtable, fromScope);

                // Clear the batch

                // Recreate a Clone
                // TODO : Evaluate if it's necessary
                batchDmTable = dmChanges.Table.Clone();
                batchCount   = 0;

            // Update table progress
            //tableProgress.ChangesApplied = dmChanges.Count - failedDmtable.Rows.Count;

            if (failedDmtable.Rows.Count == 0)

            // Check all conflicts raised
            var failedFilter = new Predicate <DmRow>(row =>
                if (row.RowState == DmRowState.Deleted)
                    return(failedDmtable.FindByKey(row.GetKeyValues(DmRowVersion.Original)) != null);
                    return(failedDmtable.FindByKey(row.GetKeyValues()) != null);

            // New View
            var dmFailedRows = new DmView(dmChanges, failedFilter);

            // Generate a conflict and add it
            foreach (var dmFailedRow in dmFailedRows)

            int failedRows = dmFailedRows.Count;

            // Dispose the failed view

            // return applied rows - failed rows (generating a conflict)
            return(dmChanges.Count - failedRows);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Launch apply bulk changes
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int ApplyBulkChanges(DmView dmChanges, ScopeInfo fromScope, List <SyncConflict> conflicts)
            DbCommand bulkCommand = null;

            if (this.ApplyType == DmRowState.Added)
                bulkCommand = this.GetCommand(DbCommandType.BulkInsertRows);
                this.SetCommandParameters(DbCommandType.BulkInsertRows, bulkCommand);
            else if (this.ApplyType == DmRowState.Modified)
                bulkCommand = this.GetCommand(DbCommandType.BulkUpdateRows);
                this.SetCommandParameters(DbCommandType.BulkUpdateRows, bulkCommand);
            else if (this.ApplyType == DmRowState.Deleted)
                bulkCommand = this.GetCommand(DbCommandType.BulkDeleteRows);
                this.SetCommandParameters(DbCommandType.BulkDeleteRows, bulkCommand);
                throw new Exception("DmRowState not valid during ApplyBulkChanges operation");

            if (Transaction != null && Transaction.Connection != null)
                bulkCommand.Transaction = Transaction;

            //DmTable batchDmTable = dmChanges.Table.Clone();
            DmTable failedDmtable = new DmTable {
                Culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture

            // Create the schema for failed rows (just add the Primary keys)

            // Since the update and create timestamp come from remote, change name for the bulk operations
            var update_timestamp_column = dmChanges.Table.Columns["update_timestamp"].ColumnName;

            dmChanges.Table.Columns["update_timestamp"].ColumnName = "update_timestamp";
            var create_timestamp_column = dmChanges.Table.Columns["create_timestamp"].ColumnName;

            dmChanges.Table.Columns["create_timestamp"].ColumnName = "create_timestamp";

            // Make some parts of BATCH_SIZE
            for (int step = 0; step < dmChanges.Count; step += BATCH_SIZE)
                // get upper bound max value
                var taken = step + BATCH_SIZE >= dmChanges.Count ? dmChanges.Count - step : BATCH_SIZE;

                using (var dmStepChanges = dmChanges.Take(step, taken))
                    // execute the batch, through the provider
                    ExecuteBatchCommand(bulkCommand, dmStepChanges, failedDmtable, fromScope);

            // Disposing command
            if (bulkCommand != null)
                bulkCommand = null;

            // Since the update and create timestamp come from remote, change name for the bulk operations
            dmChanges.Table.Columns["update_timestamp"].ColumnName = update_timestamp_column;
            dmChanges.Table.Columns["create_timestamp"].ColumnName = create_timestamp_column;

            //foreach (var dmRow in dmChanges)
            //    // Cancel the delete state to be able to get the row, more simplier
            //    if (applyType == DmRowState.Deleted)
            //        dmRow.RejectChanges();

            //    // Load the datarow
            //    DmRow dataRow = batchDmTable.LoadDataRow(dmRow.ItemArray, false);

            //    // Apply the delete
            //    // is it mandatory ?
            //    if (applyType == DmRowState.Deleted)
            //        dmRow.Delete();

            //    batchCount++;
            //    rowCount++;

            //    if (batchCount < BATCH_SIZE && rowCount < dmChanges.Count)
            //        continue;

            //    // Since the update and create timestamp come from remote, change name for the bulk operations
            //    batchDmTable.Columns["update_timestamp"].ColumnName = "update_timestamp";
            //    batchDmTable.Columns["create_timestamp"].ColumnName = "create_timestamp";

            //    // execute the batch, through the provider
            //    ExecuteBatchCommand(bulkCommand, batchDmTable, failedDmtable, fromScope);

            //    // Clear the batch
            //    batchDmTable.Clear();

            //    // Recreate a Clone
            //    // TODO : Evaluate if it's necessary
            //    batchDmTable = dmChanges.Table.Clone();
            //    batchCount = 0;

            // Update table progress
            //tableProgress.ChangesApplied = dmChanges.Count - failedDmtable.Rows.Count;

            if (failedDmtable.Rows.Count == 0)

            // Check all conflicts raised
            var failedFilter = new Predicate <DmRow>(row =>
                if (row.RowState == DmRowState.Deleted)
                    return(failedDmtable.FindByKey(row.GetKeyValues(DmRowVersion.Original)) != null);
                    return(failedDmtable.FindByKey(row.GetKeyValues()) != null);

            // New View
            var dmFailedRows = new DmView(dmChanges, failedFilter);

            // Generate a conflict and add it
            foreach (var dmFailedRow in dmFailedRows)

            int failedRows = dmFailedRows.Count;

            // Dispose the failed view
            dmFailedRows = null;

            // return applied rows - failed rows (generating a conflict)
            return(dmChanges.Count - failedRows);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply changes internal method for one Insert or Update or Delete for every dbSyncAdapter
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task <ChangeApplicationAction> ApplyChangesInternalAsync(
            DmTable table,
            SyncContext context,
            MessageApplyChanges message,
            DbConnection connection,
            DbTransaction transaction,
            DmRowState applyType,
            DatabaseChangesApplied changesApplied)
            var changeApplicationAction = ChangeApplicationAction.Continue;

            // if we are in upload stage, so check if table is not download only
            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && table.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.DownloadOnly)

            // if we are in download stage, so check if table is not download only
            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Download && table.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.UploadOnly)

            var builder = this.GetDatabaseBuilder(table);

            var syncAdapter = builder.CreateSyncAdapter(connection, transaction);

            syncAdapter.ApplyType = applyType;

            if (message.Changes.BatchPartsInfo != null && message.Changes.BatchPartsInfo.Count > 0)
                // getting the table to be applied
                // we may have multiple batch files, so we can have multipe dmTable with the same Name
                // We can say that dmTable may be contained in several files
                foreach (var dmTablePart in message.Changes.GetTable(table.TableName))
                    if (dmTablePart == null || dmTablePart.Rows.Count == 0)

                    // check and filter
                    var dmChangesView = new DmView(dmTablePart, (r) => r.RowState == applyType);

                    if (dmChangesView.Count == 0)
                        dmChangesView = null;

                    // Conflicts occured when trying to apply rows
                    var conflicts = new List <SyncConflict>();

                    context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesApplying;
                    // Launch any interceptor if available
                    await this.InterceptAsync(new TableChangesApplyingArgs(context, table, applyType, connection, transaction));

                    int rowsApplied;
                    // applying the bulkchanges command
                    if (this.Options.UseBulkOperations && this.SupportBulkOperations)
                        rowsApplied = syncAdapter.ApplyBulkChanges(dmChangesView, message.FromScope, conflicts);
                        rowsApplied = syncAdapter.ApplyChanges(dmChangesView, message.FromScope, conflicts);

                    // If conflicts occured
                    // Eventuall, conflicts are resolved on server side.
                    if (conflicts != null && conflicts.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var conflict in conflicts)
                            //var scopeBuilder = this.GetScopeBuilder();
                            //var scopeInfoBuilder = scopeBuilder.CreateScopeInfoBuilder(message.ScopeInfoTableName, connection, transaction);
                            //var localTimeStamp = scopeInfoBuilder.GetLocalTimestamp();
                            var fromScopeLocalTimeStamp = message.FromScope.Timestamp;

                            var   conflictCount = 0;
                            DmRow resolvedRow   = null;
                            (changeApplicationAction, conflictCount, resolvedRow) =
                                await this.HandleConflictAsync(syncAdapter, context, conflict, message.Policy, message.FromScope, fromScopeLocalTimeStamp, connection, transaction);

                            if (changeApplicationAction == ChangeApplicationAction.Continue)
                                // row resolved
                                if (resolvedRow != null)
                                    context.TotalSyncConflicts += conflictCount;
                                // TODO : Should we break at the first error ?

                    // Handle sync progress for this syncadapter (so this table)
                    var changedFailed = dmChangesView.Count - rowsApplied;

                    // raise SyncProgress Event
                    var existAppliedChanges = changesApplied.TableChangesApplied.FirstOrDefault(
                        sc => string.Equals(sc.Table.TableName, table.TableName) && sc.State == applyType);

                    if (existAppliedChanges == null)
                        existAppliedChanges = new TableChangesApplied
                            Table   = new DmTableSurrogate(table),
                            Applied = rowsApplied,
                            Failed  = changedFailed,
                            State   = applyType
                        existAppliedChanges.Applied += rowsApplied;
                        existAppliedChanges.Failed  += changedFailed;

                    // Progress & Interceptor
                    context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesApplied;
                    var tableChangesAppliedArgs = new TableChangesAppliedArgs(context, existAppliedChanges, connection, transaction);
                    this.ReportProgress(context, tableChangesAppliedArgs, connection, transaction);
                    await this.InterceptAsync(tableChangesAppliedArgs);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply changes internal method for one Insert or Update or Delete for every dbSyncAdapter
        /// </summary>
        internal ChangeApplicationAction ApplyChangesInternal(
            SyncContext context,
            MessageApplyChanges message,
            DbConnection connection,
            DbTransaction transaction,
            DmRowState applyType,
            ChangesApplied changesApplied)
            ChangeApplicationAction changeApplicationAction = ChangeApplicationAction.Continue;

            // for each adapters (Zero to End for Insert / Updates -- End to Zero for Deletes
            for (int i = 0; i < message.Schema.Tables.Count; i++)
                // If we have a delete we must go from Up to Down, orthewise Dow to Up index
                var tableDescription = (applyType != DmRowState.Deleted ?
                                        message.Schema.Tables[i] :
                                        message.Schema.Tables[message.Schema.Tables.Count - i - 1]);

                // if we are in upload stage, so check if table is not download only
                if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && tableDescription.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.DownloadOnly)

                // if we are in download stage, so check if table is not download only
                if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Download && tableDescription.SyncDirection == SyncDirection.UploadOnly)

                var builder     = this.GetDatabaseBuilder(tableDescription);
                var syncAdapter = builder.CreateSyncAdapter(connection, transaction);

                syncAdapter.ConflictApplyAction = SyncConfiguration.GetApplyAction(message.Policy);

                // Set syncAdapter properties
                syncAdapter.applyType = applyType;

                // Get conflict handler resolver
                if (syncAdapter.ConflictActionInvoker == null && this.ApplyChangedFailed != null)
                    syncAdapter.ConflictActionInvoker = GetConflictAction;

                if (message.Changes.BatchPartsInfo != null && message.Changes.BatchPartsInfo.Count > 0)
                    // getting the table to be applied
                    // we may have multiple batch files, so we can have multipe dmTable with the same Name
                    // We can say that dmTable may be contained in several files
                    foreach (DmTable dmTablePart in message.Changes.GetTable(tableDescription.TableName))
                        if (dmTablePart == null || dmTablePart.Rows.Count == 0)

                        // check and filter
                        var dmChangesView = new DmView(dmTablePart, (r) => r.RowState == applyType);

                        if (dmChangesView.Count == 0)
                            dmChangesView = null;

                        // Conflicts occured when trying to apply rows
                        List <SyncConflict> conflicts = new List <SyncConflict>();

                        // Raise event progress only if there are rows to be applied
                        context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesApplying;
                        var args = new TableChangesApplyingEventArgs(this.ProviderTypeName, context.SyncStage, tableDescription.TableName, applyType);
                        this.TryRaiseProgressEvent(args, this.TableChangesApplying);

                        int rowsApplied;
                        // applying the bulkchanges command
                        if (message.UseBulkOperations && this.SupportBulkOperations)
                            rowsApplied = syncAdapter.ApplyBulkChanges(dmChangesView, message.FromScope, conflicts);
                            rowsApplied = syncAdapter.ApplyChanges(dmChangesView, message.FromScope, conflicts);

                        // If conflicts occured
                        // Eventuall, conflicts are resolved on server side.
                        if (conflicts != null && conflicts.Count > 0)
                            foreach (var conflict in conflicts)
                                //var scopeBuilder = this.GetScopeBuilder();
                                //var scopeInfoBuilder = scopeBuilder.CreateScopeInfoBuilder(message.ScopeInfoTableName, connection, transaction);
                                //var localTimeStamp = scopeInfoBuilder.GetLocalTimestamp();
                                var fromScopeLocalTimeStamp = message.FromScope.Timestamp;

                                changeApplicationAction = syncAdapter.HandleConflict(conflict, message.Policy, message.FromScope, fromScopeLocalTimeStamp, out DmRow resolvedRow);

                                if (changeApplicationAction == ChangeApplicationAction.Continue)
                                    // row resolved
                                    if (resolvedRow != null)
                                    // TODO : Should we break at the first error ?

                        // Get all conflicts resolved
                        context.TotalSyncConflicts = conflicts.Where(c => c.Type != ConflictType.ErrorsOccurred).Sum(c => 1);

                        // Handle sync progress for this syncadapter (so this table)
                        var changedFailed = dmChangesView.Count - rowsApplied;

                        // raise SyncProgress Event

                        var existAppliedChanges = changesApplied.TableChangesApplied.FirstOrDefault(
                            sc => string.Equals(sc.TableName, tableDescription.TableName) && sc.State == applyType);

                        if (existAppliedChanges == null)
                            existAppliedChanges = new TableChangesApplied
                                TableName = tableDescription.TableName,
                                Applied   = rowsApplied,
                                Failed    = changedFailed,
                                State     = applyType
                            existAppliedChanges.Applied += rowsApplied;
                            existAppliedChanges.Failed  += changedFailed;

                        // Event progress
                        context.SyncStage = SyncStage.TableChangesApplied;
                        var progressEventArgs = new TableChangesAppliedEventArgs(this.ProviderTypeName, context.SyncStage, existAppliedChanges);
                        this.TryRaiseProgressEvent(progressEventArgs, this.TableChangesApplied);

                // Dispose conflict handler resolver
                if (syncAdapter.ConflictActionInvoker != null)
                    syncAdapter.ConflictActionInvoker = null;
