public void ShouldReturnValueIfKeyIsInDictionary()
                // Given
                var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string> {{1, "a"}, {2, "b"}};

                // When / Then
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Execute()
            using (var vmClient = new VmClient())
            using (var mouseClient = new MouseClient(VmIp))
                var printIndex = new Dictionary<ScreenPrint, int>();

                for (;;)
                    var bmp = GetScreenImage(vmClient.GameScreenRect);
                    var img = bmp.ToIplImage();
                    var vBmp = new Mat(img, false).CvtColor(ColorConversion.RgbToHsv).Split()[2];
                    //vBmp.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size(16, 16)).ToBitmap().Save("v.16.png");
                    //vBmp.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size(128, 128)).ToBitmap().Save("v.128.png");

                    var small = vBmp.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size(4, 4));
                    var print = new ScreenPrint(ColorCut(ToByteArray(small)));
                    var index = printIndex.FindValue(print);
                    if (index == null)
                        index = (printIndex.Count > 0 ? printIndex.Values.Max() : 0) + 1;
                        printIndex[print] = index.Value;

            public void ShouldReturnNullIfKeyIsNotDictionary()
                // Given
                var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string> {{1, "a"}};

                // When / Then
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get object subtype from dictionary
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Subtype</returns>
 public string ObjectSubtypeToString()
     // not dictionary nor stream
     if (ObjectType != ObjectType.Dictionary && ObjectType != ObjectType.Stream)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public static void Test()
        Dictionary dc = new Dictionary();

        Console.WriteLine("Smith? " + dc.CheckKey("Smith"));
        Console.WriteLine("9999? " + dc.CheckValue("9999"));
        Console.WriteLine("Key: Smith, Value:" + dc.FindValue("Smith"));
        public IEnumerable <Type> Browse(Type root, int maxLevel = 5)
            var types     = new Dictionary <Type, int>();
            var sequences = new Queue <Type>();

            types[root] = 0;

            for (; sequences.Any();)
                var type  = sequences.Dequeue();
                var level = types.FindValue(type).OrDefault(0);
                if (level >= maxLevel)

                var refs = Type_References.Find(type);

                foreach (var property in Sync(Childs(type)))
                    var child = property.ReducedType;

                    if (types.FindValue(child) != null)
                    if (IsPrimitiveType(child))
                    if (refs.Find(property.Name) != null)

                    types[child] = level + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static ModelTransform ReadMT(this Dictionary <string, object> Dict, string Temp)
            ModelTransform MT = new ModelTransform();

            Dict.FindValue(out MT.BinOffset, Temp + MTBO);

            MT.Rot        = Dict.ReadVec3(Temp + "rot" + d);
            MT.Scale      = Dict.ReadVec3(Temp + "scale" + d);
            MT.Trans      = Dict.ReadVec3(Temp + "trans" + d);
            MT.Visibility = Dict.ReadKey(Temp + "visibility" + d);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public ModuleDefaults Parse([CanBeNull] Dictionary <object, object> defaultsContents)
            if (defaultsContents == null)

            var installSection   = defaultsContents.FindValue("install");
            var artifactsSection = defaultsContents.FindValue("artifacts");

                var installData  = installSectionParser.Parse(installSection, artifactsSection);
                var hooksData    = hooksSectionParser.Parse(defaultsContents.FindValue("hooks"));
                var settingsData = settingsSectionParser.Parse(defaultsContents.FindValue("settings"));
                var buildData    = buildSectionParser.ParseDefaults(defaultsContents.FindValue("build"));
                var depsSection  = depsSectionParser.Parse(defaultsContents.FindValue("deps"));

                return(new ModuleDefaults
                    BuildSection = buildData,
                    DepsSection = depsSection,
                    InstallSection = installData,
                    SettingsSection = settingsData,
                    HooksSection = hooksData
            catch (BadYamlException ex)
                throw new BadYamlException("default." + ex.SectionName, ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public ConfigSection Parse(string title, Dictionary <object, object> data, ModuleDefaults yamlDefaults)
            var configSectionTitle = configSectionTitleParser.Parse(title);

            var installSection   = data?.FindValue("install");
            var artifactsSection = data?.FindValue("artifacts");
            var installData      = installSectionParser.Parse(installSection, artifactsSection, yamlDefaults?.InstallSection?.CurrentConfigurationInstallFiles);

            var depsData    = data?.FindValue("deps");
            var depsSection = depsSectionParser.Parse(depsData, yamlDefaults);

            var buildSection = data?.FindValue("build");
            var buildData    = buildSectionParser.ParseConfiguration(buildSection, yamlDefaults?.BuildSection);

            return(new ConfigSection()
                Title = configSectionTitle,
                DepsSection = depsSection,
                InstallSection = installData,
                BuildSection = buildData
        public void BINReader(string file)
            Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            string[] dataArray;

            _IO = File.OpenReader(file + ".bin");

            _IO.Format = Format.F;
            int signature = _IO.RI32();

            if (signature != 0x44334123)
            signature = _IO.RI32();
            if (signature != 0x5F5F5F41)

            string[] strData = _IO.RS(_IO.L - _IO.P).Replace("\r", "").Split('\n');
            for (i = 0; i < strData.Length; i++)
                dataArray = strData[i].Split('=');
                if (dataArray.Length == 2)
                    dict.GetDictionary(dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);

            if (dict.FindValue(out string value, "category.length"))
                Category = new string[int.Parse(value)];
                for (i = 0; i < Category.Length; i++)
                    if (dict.FindValue(out value, "category." + i + ".value"))
                        Category[i] = value;

            if (dict.FindValue(out value, "uid.length"))
                UIDs = new UID[int.Parse(value)];
                for (i = 0; i < UIDs.Length; i++)
                    dict.FindValue(out UIDs[i].Category, "uid." + i + ".category");
                    dict.FindValue(out UIDs[i].OrgUid, "uid." + i + ".org_uid");
                    dict.FindValue(out UIDs[i].Size, "uid." + i + ".size");
                    dict.FindValue(out UIDs[i].Value, "uid." + i + ".value");

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void BINReader(string file)
            Dictionary <string, object> Dict = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            string[] dataArray;

            IO = File.OpenReader(file + ".bin");

            IO.Format = Main.Format.F;
            Signature = IO.ReadInt32();
            if (Signature != 0x44334123)
            Signature = IO.ReadInt32();
            if (Signature != 0x5F5F5F41)

            string[] STRData = IO.ReadString(IO.Length - IO.Position).Replace("\r", "").Split('\n');
            for (int i = 0; i < STRData.Length; i++)
                dataArray = STRData[i].Split('=');
                if (dataArray.Length == 2)
                    Dict.GetDictionary(dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);

            if (Dict.FindValue(out string value, "category.length"))
                Category = new string[int.Parse(value)];
                for (int i0 = 0; i0 < Category.Length; i0++)
                    if (Dict.FindValue(out value, "category." + i0 + ".value"))
                        Category[i0] = value;

            if (Dict.FindValue(out value, "uid.length"))
                _UID = new UID[int.Parse(value)];
                for (int i0 = 0; i0 < _UID.Length; i0++)
                    Dict.FindValue(out _UID[i0].Category, "uid." + i0 + ".category");
                    Dict.FindValue(out _UID[i0].OrgUid, "uid." + i0 + ".org_uid");
                    Dict.FindValue(out _UID[i0].Size, "uid." + i0 + ".size");
                    Dict.FindValue(out _UID[i0].Value, "uid." + i0 + ".value");

Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Get filter names
        internal string[] GetFilterNameArray()
            // look for filter
            PdfBase Filter = Dictionary.FindValue("/Filter");

            // no filter
            if (Filter.IsEmpty)

            // one filter name
            if (Filter.IsName)
                string[] FilterNameArray = new string[1];
                FilterNameArray[0] = ((PdfName)Filter).NameValue;

            // array of filters
            if (Filter.IsArray)
                // filter name items
                PdfBase[] FilterNames     = ((PdfArray)Filter).ArrayItems;
                string[]  FilterNameArray = new string[FilterNames.Length];

                // loop for each filter
                int Index;
                for (Index = 0; Index < FilterNames.Length; Index++)
                    if (!FilterNames[Index].IsName)
                    FilterNameArray[Index] = ((PdfName)FilterNames[Index]).NameValue;
                if (Index == FilterNames.Length)

            // filter is in error
            throw new ApplicationException("/Filter nust be a name or an array of names");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Execute()
            using (var vmClient = new VmClient())
                using (var mouseClient = new MouseClient(VmIp))
                    var printIndex = new Dictionary <ScreenPrint, int>();

                    int?prev = null;

                    for (;;)
                        var bmp  = GetScreenImage(vmClient.GameScreenRect);
                        var img  = bmp.ToIplImage();
                        var vBmp = new Mat(img, false).CvtColor(ColorConversion.RgbToHsv).Split()[2];
                        //vBmp.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size(16, 16)).ToBitmap().Save("v.16.png");
                        //vBmp.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size(128, 128)).ToBitmap().Save("v.128.png");

                        var small = vBmp.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.CPlusPlus.Size(4, 4));
                        var print = new ScreenPrint(ColorCut(ToByteArray(small)));
                        var index = printIndex.FindValue(print);
                        if (index == null)
                            index             = (printIndex.Count > 0 ? printIndex.Values.Max() : 0) + 1;
                            printIndex[print] = index.Value;
                        if (prev != index)
                        prev = index;

Ejemplo n.º 14
 private TOut ConvertOut(TIn v)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static GameObject CreateMeshObject(string path, string shader = "Physical")
            var obj = importedObjects.FindValue((i) => i.Path == path);

            if (obj == null)
                var imp = MMW.GetSupportedImporter(path);
                obj = imp.Import(path, Importers.ImportType.Full)[0];

                if (obj.Textures != null)
                    foreach (var tex in obj.Textures)
                        if (tex != null)
                if (obj.Meshes != null)
                    foreach (var mesh in obj.Meshes)
                        if (mesh != null)

                importedObjects.Add(path, obj);
            var sh = MMW.GetAsset <Shader>(shader);

            if (sh == null)
                sh = MMW.GetAsset <Shader>("Error");
            foreach (var mat in obj.Materials)
                mat.Shader = sh;

            var go = new GameObject(obj.Name);

            // bone
            if (obj.Bones != null && obj.Bones.Length > 0)
                CreateBoneObject(go.Transform, new Bone[] { obj.Bones[0] });

            if (obj.Meshes != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < obj.Meshes.Length; i++)
                    var mr = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    mr.Bones = obj.Bones;
                    mr.Mesh  = obj.Meshes[i];
                    for (var m = 0; m < mr.Mesh.SubMeshCount; m++)
                        var matIndex = mr.Mesh.GetMaterialIndex(m);
                        mr.SetMaterial(matIndex, obj.Materials[matIndex], false);

            if (obj.Morphs != null)
                var morpher = go.AddComponent <ComputeMorpher>();

                foreach (var m in obj.Morphs)
                    if (m == null)
                    morpher.AddMorph(m.Name, m);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        // Read object
        internal void ReadObject()
            // skip if done already or child of object stream
            if (ObjectType != ObjectType.Free || ParentObjectNo != 0)

            // set file position

            // read first byte

            // first token must be object number "nnn 0 obj"
            if (Reader.ParseFile.ParseObjectRefNo() != ObjectNumber)
                throw new ApplicationException("Reading object header failed");

            // read next token
            Value = Reader.ParseFile.ParseNextItem();

            // we have a dictionary
            if (Value.IsDictionary)
                // set object value type to dictionary
                ObjectType = ObjectType.Dictionary;
                Dictionary = (PdfDictionary)Value;
                Value      = null;

                // set object type if available in the dictionary
                string ObjectTypeStr = Dictionary.FindValue("/Type").ToName;

                // set special object
                if (ObjectTypeStr != null)
                    _PdfObjectType = ObjectTypeStr;

                // read next token after the dictionary
                KeyWord KeyWord = Reader.ParseFile.ParseNextItem().ToKeyWord;

                // test for stream (change object from dictionary to stream)
                if (KeyWord == KeyWord.Stream)
                    // set object value type to stream
                    ObjectType = ObjectType.Stream;

                    // save start of stream position
                    StreamFilePosition = Reader.GetFilePosition();

                // if it is no stream test for endobj
                else if (KeyWord != KeyWord.EndObj)
                    throw new ApplicationException("'endobj' token is missing");

            // object is not a dictionary and not a sream
                ObjectType = ObjectType.Other;

                // test for endobj
                if (Reader.ParseFile.ParseNextItem().ToKeyWord != KeyWord.EndObj)
                    throw new ApplicationException("'endobj' token is missing");

            // exit
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply predictor decode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputBuffer">Input buffer</param>
        /// <returns>Output buffer</returns>
        internal byte[] PredictorDecode
            byte[]          InputBuffer
            // test for /DecodeParams
            PdfDictionary DecodeParms = Dictionary.FindValue("/DecodeParms").ToDictionary;

            // none found
            if (DecodeParms == null)

            // look for predictor code. if default (none or 1) do nothing
            if (!DecodeParms.FindValue("/Predictor").GetInteger(out int Predictor) || Predictor == 1)

            // we only support predictor code 12
            if (Predictor != 12)

            // get width
            DecodeParms.FindValue("/Columns").GetInteger(out int Width);
            if (Width < 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("/DecodeParms /Columns is negative");
            if (Width == 0)
                Width = 1;

            // calculate rows
            int Rows = InputBuffer.Length / (Width + 1);

            if (Rows < 1)
                throw new ApplicationException("/DecodeParms /Columns is greater than stream length");

            // create output buffer
            byte[] OutputBuffer = new byte[Rows * Width];

            // reset pointers
            int InPtr      = 1;
            int OutPtr     = 0;
            int OutPrevPtr = 0;

            // first row (ignore filter)
            while (OutPtr < Width)
                OutputBuffer[OutPtr++] = InputBuffer[InPtr++];

            // decode loop
            for (int Row = 1; Row < Rows; Row++)
                // first byte is filter
                int Filter = InputBuffer[InPtr++];

                // we support PNG filter up only
                if (Filter != 2)
                    throw new ApplicationException("/DecodeParms Only supported filter is 2");

                // convert input to output
                for (int Index = 0; Index < Width; Index++)
                    OutputBuffer[OutPtr++] = (byte)(OutputBuffer[OutPrevPtr++] + InputBuffer[InPtr++]);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        // process objects stream

        internal void ProcessObjectsStream()
            // read decrypt and decompress the stream
            byte[] ByteArray = ReadStream();
            ByteArray = DecompressStream(ByteArray);

            // get the count of objects in this cross reference object stream
            if (!Dictionary.FindValue("/N").GetInteger(out int ObjectCount) || ObjectCount <= 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Object stream: count (/N) is missing");

            // get first byte offset
            if (!Dictionary.FindValue("/First").GetInteger(out int FirstPos))
                throw new ApplicationException("Object stream: first byte offset (/First) is missing");

            // get /Extends (must be a reference)
            PdfBase Extends = Dictionary.FindValue("/Extends");

            if (Extends.IsReference)
                ParentObjectNo = ((PdfReference)Extends).ObjectNumber;

            // create temp array of child objects
            PdfIndirectObject[] Children = new PdfIndirectObject[ObjectCount];

            // read all byte offset array
            PdfByteArrayParser PC = new PdfByteArrayParser(Reader, ByteArray, false);

            for (int Index = 0; Index < ObjectCount; Index++)
                // object number
                if (!PC.ParseNextItem().GetInteger(out int ObjNo))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Cross reference object stream: object number error");

                // object offset
                if (!PC.ParseNextItem().GetInteger(out int ObjPos))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Cross reference object stream: object offset error");

                // find object
                PdfIndirectObject ReadObject = Reader.ObjectArray[ObjNo];
                if (ReadObject == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Cross reference object stream: object not found");

                // object is free
                if (ReadObject.ObjectType == ObjectType.Free)
                    // save child
                    Children[Index] = ReadObject;

                    // save position
                    ReadObject.FilePosition = FirstPos + ObjPos;

            // copy the object from the stream to the corresponding indirect object
            for (int Index = 0; Index < ObjectCount; Index++)
                // shortcut
                PdfIndirectObject Child = Children[Index];

                // object was loaded by later update
                if (Child == null)

                PdfBase Obj = PC.ParseNextItem();

                // we have a dictionary
                if (Obj.IsDictionary)
                    // set object value type to dictionary
                    Child.ObjectType = ObjectType.Dictionary;
                    Child.Dictionary = (PdfDictionary)Obj;

                    // set object type if available in the dictionary
                    string ObjectTypeStr = Child.Dictionary.FindValue("/Type").ToName;

                    // set special object
                    if (ObjectTypeStr != null)
                        Child._PdfObjectType = ObjectTypeStr;

                // we have other type of object
                // note: stream object is not allowed
                    // set object value type to dictionary
                    Child.ObjectType = ObjectType.Other;
                    Child.Value      = Obj;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static Key ReadKey(this Dictionary <string, object> Dict, string Temp)
            Key Key = new Key();

            Dict.FindValue(out Key.BinOffset, Temp + BO);
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.Type, Temp + "type");

            if (Key.BinOffset == null && Key.Type == null)
            if (Key.Type == null)
            if (Key.Type == 0x0000)

            if (Key.Type == 0x0001)
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.Value, Temp + "value"); return(Key);

            int  i = 0, i0 = 0;
            byte i1 = 0;

            Dict.FindValue(out Key.EPTypePost, Temp + "ep_type_post");
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.EPTypePre, Temp + "ep_type_pre");
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.Length, Temp + "key.length");
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.Max, Temp + "max");
            if (Dict.StartsWith(Temp + "raw_data"))
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.RawData.KeyType, Temp + "raw_data_key_type");

            if (Key.Length != null)
                Key.Trans = new Key.Transform[(int)Key.Length];
                for (i0 = 0; i0 < Key.Length; i0++)
                    if (Dict.FindValue(out value, Temp + "key" + d + i0 + d + "data"))
                        Key.Trans[i0]       = new Key.Transform();
                        dataArray           = value.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Split(',');
                        Key.Trans[i0].Type  = dataArray.Length - 1;
                        Key.Trans[i0].Frame = dataArray[0].ToDouble();
                        Key.Trans[i0].Value = new double[Key.Trans[i0].Type];
                        for (i1 = 1; i1 < dataArray.Length; i1++)
                            Key.Trans[i0].Value[i1 - 1] = dataArray[i1].ToDouble();
            else if (Key.RawData.KeyType != null)
                Key.RawData = new Key.RawD();
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.RawData.ValueType, Temp + "raw_data.value_type");
                if (Dict.FindValue(out value, Temp + "raw_data.value_list"))
                    Key.RawData.ValueList = value.Split(',');
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.RawData.ValueListSize, Temp + "raw_data.value_list_size");
                value = "";

                int DataSize = (int)Key.RawData.KeyType + 1;
                Key.Length = Key.RawData.ValueListSize / DataSize;
                Key.Trans  = new Key.Transform[(int)Key.Length];
                for (i = 0; i < Key.Length; i++)
                    Key.Trans[i].Type  = (int)Key.RawData.KeyType;
                    Key.Trans[i].Frame = Key.RawData.ValueList[i * DataSize + 0].ToDouble();
                    Key.Trans[i].Value = new double[Key.Trans[i0].Type];
                    for (i1 = 1; i1 < Key.Trans[i].Type; i1++)
                        Key.Trans[i].Value[i1 - 1] = Key.RawData.ValueList[i * DataSize + i1].ToDouble();
                Key.RawData.ValueList = null;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Build contents array for PdfPage
        /// </summary>
        public void BuildContentsArray()
            // must be a page
            if (PdfObjectType != "/Page")
                throw new ApplicationException("Build contents array: Object must be page");

            // get Contents dictionary value
            PdfBase ContentsValue = Dictionary.FindValue("/Contents");

            // page is blank no contents
            if (ContentsValue.IsEmpty)
                ContentsArray = new PdfIndirectObject[0];

            // test if contents value is a reference
            if (ContentsValue.IsReference)
                // find the object with Object number
                PdfIndirectObject IndirectObject = Reader.ToPdfIndirectObject((PdfReference)ContentsValue);
                if (IndirectObject != null)
                    // the object is a stream return array with one contents object
                    if (IndirectObject.ObjectType == ObjectType.Stream)
                        IndirectObject._PdfObjectType = "/Contents";
                        ContentsArray = new PdfIndirectObject[] { IndirectObject };

                    // read object must be an array
                    if (IndirectObject.ObjectType == ObjectType.Other)
                        ContentsValue = IndirectObject.Value;

            // test if contents value is an array
            if (!ContentsValue.IsArray)
                throw new ApplicationException("Build contents array: /Contents must be array");

            // array of reference numbers to contents objects
            PdfBase[] ReferenceArray = ((PdfArray)ContentsValue).ArrayItems;

            // create empty result list
            ContentsArray = new PdfIndirectObject[ReferenceArray.Length];

            // verify that all array items are references to streams
            for (int Index = 0; Index < ReferenceArray.Length; Index++)
                // shortcut
                PdfBase ContentsRef = ReferenceArray[Index];

                // each item must be a reference
                if (!ContentsRef.IsReference)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Build contents array: Array item must be reference");

                // get read object
                PdfIndirectObject Contents = Reader.ToPdfIndirectObject((PdfReference)ContentsRef);

                // the object is not a stream
                if (Contents == null || Contents.ObjectType != ObjectType.Stream)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Build contents array: Contents must be a stream");

                // mark as page's contents
                Contents._PdfObjectType = "/Contents";

                // add stream to the array
                ContentsArray[Index] = Contents;

            // successful exit
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Material GetMaterial(string name)
     return(materials.FindValue(m => m.Name == name));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static Key ReadKey(this Dictionary <string, object> Dict, string Temp)
            Key Key = new Key();

            Dict.FindValue(out Key.BinOffset, Temp + BO);
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.Type, Temp + "type");

            if (Key.BinOffset == null && Key.Type == null)
            if (Key.Type == null)
            if (Key.Type == 0x0000)

            if (Key.Type == 0x0001)
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.Value, Temp + "value"); return(Key);

            int i = 0, i0 = 0;

            Dict.FindValue(out Key.EPTypePost, Temp + "ep_type_post");
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.EPTypePre, Temp + "ep_type_pre");
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.Length, Temp + "key.length");
            Dict.FindValue(out Key.Max, Temp + "max");
            if (Dict.StartsWith(Temp + "raw_data"))
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.RawData.KeyType, Temp + "raw_data_key_type");

            if (Key.Length != null)
                int Type;
                Key.Trans = new IKeyFrame <double, double> [(int)Key.Length];
                for (i0 = 0; i0 < Key.Length; i0++)
                    if (Dict.FindValue(out value, Temp + "key" + d + i0 + d + "data"))
                        dataArray = value.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Split(',');
                        Type      = dataArray.Length - 1;
                        if (Type == 0)
                            Key.Trans[i0] = new KeyFrameT0 <double, double>
                                Frame = dataArray[0].ToDouble()
                        else if (Type == 1)
                            Key.Trans[i0] = new KeyFrameT1 <double, double>
                                Frame = dataArray[0].ToDouble(), Value = dataArray[1].ToDouble()
                        else if (Type == 2)
                            Key.Trans[i0] = new KeyFrameT2 <double, double>
                                Frame         = dataArray[0].ToDouble(), Value = dataArray[1].ToDouble(),
                                Interpolation = dataArray[2].ToDouble()
                        else if (Type == 3)
                            Key.Trans[i0] = new KeyFrameT3 <double, double>
                                Frame          = dataArray[0].ToDouble(), Value = dataArray[1].ToDouble(),
                                Interpolation1 = dataArray[2].ToDouble(),
                                Interpolation2 = dataArray[3].ToDouble()
                        Key.Trans[i0] = Key.Trans[i0].Check();
            else if (Key.RawData.KeyType != null)
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.RawData.ValueType, Temp + "raw_data.value_type");
                if (Dict.FindValue(out value, Temp + "raw_data.value_list"))
                    Key.RawData.ValueList = value.Split(',');
                Dict.FindValue(out Key.RawData.ValueListSize, Temp + "raw_data.value_list_size");
                value = "";

                int DS = (int)Key.RawData.KeyType + 1;
                Key.Length = Key.RawData.ValueListSize / DS;
                Key.Trans  = new IKeyFrame <double, double> [(int)Key.Length];
                if (Key.RawData.KeyType == 0)
                    for (i = 0; i < Key.Length; i++)
                        Key.Trans[i] = new KeyFrameT0 <double, double>
                            Frame = Key.RawData.ValueList[i * DS + 0].ToDouble()
Ejemplo n.º 23
        // Get stream length
        // Stream length might be in another indirect object
        // This method must run after ReadObject was run for all objects
        internal void GetStreamLength()
            // get value
            PdfBase LengthValue = Dictionary.FindValue("/Length");

            // dictionary value is reference to integer
            if (LengthValue.IsReference)
                // get indirect object based on reference number
                PdfIndirectObject LengthObject = Reader.ToPdfIndirectObject((PdfReference)LengthValue);

                // read object type
                if (LengthObject != null && LengthObject.ObjectType == ObjectType.Other && LengthObject.Value.IsInteger)
                    StreamLength = ((PdfInteger)LengthObject.Value).IntValue;

                // replace /Length in dictionary with actual value
                Dictionary.AddInteger("/Length", StreamLength);

            // dictionary value is integer
            else if (LengthValue.IsInteger)
                // save stream length
                StreamLength = ((PdfInteger)LengthValue).IntValue;

            // stream is empty or stream length is in error
            if (StreamLength == 0)

            // stream might be outside file boundry
            // HP Scanners Scanned PDF does not conform to PDF standards
                // set file position to the end of the stream
                Reader.SetFilePosition(StreamFilePosition + StreamLength);

                // verify end of stream
                // read first byte

                // test for endstream
                if (Reader.ParseFile.ParseNextItem().ToKeyWord != KeyWord.EndStream)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Endstream token missing");

                // test for endobj
                if (Reader.ParseFile.ParseNextItem().ToKeyWord != KeyWord.EndObj)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Endobj token missing");
                StreamLength          = 0;
                Reader.InvalidPdfFile = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        // Write indirect object to object analysis file
        internal void  ObjectSummary
            OutputCtrl Ctrl
            // write object header
            Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Object number: {0}", ObjectNumber));
            Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Object Value Type: {0}", ObjectDescription()));
            Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("File Position: {0} Hex: {0:X}", FilePosition));
            if (ParentObjectNo != 0)
                Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Parent object number: {0}", ParentObjectNo));
                Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Parent object index: {0}", ParentObjectIndex));
            if (ObjectType == ObjectType.Stream)
                Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Stream Position: {0} Hex: {0:X}", StreamFilePosition));
                Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Stream Length: {0} Hex: {0:X}", StreamLength));

            // dictionary or stream
            if (ObjectType == ObjectType.Dictionary || ObjectType == ObjectType.Stream)
                string ObjectTypeStr = Dictionary.FindValue("/Type").ToName;
                if (ObjectTypeStr == null)
                    ObjectTypeStr = PdfObjectType;
                if (ObjectTypeStr != null)
                    Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Object Type: {0}", ObjectTypeStr));

                string ObjectSubtypeStr = Dictionary.FindValue("/Subtype").ToName;
                if (ObjectSubtypeStr != null)
                    Ctrl.AppendMessage(string.Format("Object Subtype: {0}", ObjectSubtypeStr));

                // write to pdf file

                // final terminator

            // object has contents that is not stream
            else if (ObjectType == ObjectType.Other)
                // write content to pdf file

                // final terminator

            // final terminator

            // return string