Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*An ECB/CBC detection oracle
         * Now that you have ECB and CBC working:
         * Write a function to generate a random AES key; that's just 16 random bytes.
         * Write a function that encrypts data under an unknown key --- that is, a function that generates a random key and encrypts under it.
         * The function should look like:
         * encryption_oracle(your-input)
         * Under the hood, have the function append 5-10 bytes (count chosen randomly) before the plaintext and 5-10 bytes after the plaintext.
         * Now, have the function choose to encrypt under ECB 1/2 the time, and under CBC the other half (just use random IVs each time for CBC). Use rand(2) to decide which to use.
         * Detect the block cipher mode the function is using each time. You should end up with a piece of code that, pointed at a block box that might be encrypting ECB or CBC, tells you which one is happening.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            byte[]       dbuf   = File.ReadAllBytes(".\\tux.ppm");
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(dbuf));
