//adds card entries to the list.  If the card type is in highlightDeck, that button is a different color
    private void setupTypeEntries(XMLDeck highlightDeck)
        //if a filter is set, operate on a list sorted and filtered according to the current settings instead of the full list
        List <PlayerCardData> listToShow = CardTypeManagerScript.instance.types.cardTypes;

        if (filter != null)
            listToShow = filter.filterAndSortCardData(listToShow);

        //one entry for each card type
        foreach (PlayerCardData type in listToShow)
            //skip tokens
            if (type.isToken)

            //create the button and add it to the list
            DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript xButton = Instantiate(entryPrefab).GetComponent <DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript>();
            xButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);

            //set its color based on its type
            Color buttonColor;
            switch (type.cardType)
            case PlayerCardType.tower:   buttonColor = towerColor;   break;

            case PlayerCardType.upgrade: buttonColor = upgradeColor; break;

            case PlayerCardType.spell:   buttonColor = spellColor;   break;

            default: Debug.LogWarning("card type list doesnt know what color to use for this card."); buttonColor = Color.black; break;

            //highlight if it is in the deck
            if (highlightDeck != null)
                foreach (XMLDeckEntry e in highlightDeck.contents)
                    if (e.name == type.cardName)
                        buttonColor = Color.Lerp(buttonColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);
    //refreshes the list, highlighting the current deck
    public void refresh(XMLDeck currentDeck)
        //if a filter is set, operate on a list sorted and filtered according to the current settings instead of the full list
        List <PlayerCardData> listToShow = CardTypeManagerScript.instance.types.cardTypes;

        if (filter != null)
            listToShow = filter.filterAndSortCardData(listToShow);

        //dont include tokens
        listToShow.RemoveAll(pcd => pcd.isToken);

        //create/remove entries as needed so that we have as many as we need to show.  data will be set in a second pass.
        while (buttons.Count < listToShow.Count)
            DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript newButton = Instantiate(entryPrefab).GetComponent <DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript>();
            newButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);
        while (buttons.Count > listToShow.Count)
            DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript toRemove = buttons[0];

        //update entries
        for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++)
            //ensure it has the right data
            if (buttons[i].type != listToShow[i])

            //set its color based on its type
            Color buttonColor;
            switch (buttons[i].type.cardType)
            case PlayerCardType.tower: buttonColor = towerColor; break;

            case PlayerCardType.upgrade: buttonColor = upgradeColor; break;

            case PlayerCardType.spell: buttonColor = spellColor; break;

            default: Debug.LogWarning("card type list doesnt know what color to use for this card."); buttonColor = Color.black; break;

            //highlight if it is in the deck
            if (currentDeck != null)
                if (currentDeck.contents.Any(xde => xde.name == buttons[i].type.cardName))
                    buttonColor = Color.Lerp(buttonColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);
