Ejemplo n.º 1
    void DrawCounters()
        var counters = m_NetworkClient.counters;

        if (counters == null)

        int y = 2;

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Bytes in     : {0}", counters.bytesIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Bytes out    : {0}", counters.bytesOut);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Packages in  : {0}", counters.packagesIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Packages out : {0}", counters.packagesOut);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Stale packages        : {0}", counters.packagesStaleIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Duplicate packages    : {0}", counters.packagesDuplicateIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Out of order packages : {0}", counters.packagesOutOfOrderIn);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Lost packages in      : {0}", counters.packagesLostIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Lost packages out     : {0}", counters.packagesLostOut);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Fragmented packages in       : {0}", counters.fragmentedPackagesIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Fragmented packages out      : {0}", counters.fragmentedPackagesOut);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Fragmented packages lost in  : {0}", counters.fragmentedPackagesLostIn);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Fragmented packages lost out : {0}", counters.fragmentedPackagesLostOut);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  Choked packages lost : {0}", counters.chokedPackagesOut);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static void ConsoleUpdate()
        var lastMsgTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timeLastMsg;

        if (lastMsgTime < 1.0)
            DebugOverlay.Write(0, 0, lastMsg);


        while (s_PendingCommands.Count > 0)
            if (s_PendingCommandsWaitForFrames > 0)
            if (s_PendingCommandsWaitForLoad)
                s_PendingCommandsWaitForLoad = false;
            // Remove before executing as we may hit an 'exec' command that wants to insert commands
            var cmd = s_PendingCommands[0];
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static void ConsoleUpdate()
        var lastMsgTime = Game.frameTime - timeLastMsg;

        if (lastMsgTime < 1.0)
            DebugOverlay.Write(0, 0, lastMsg);


        while (s_PendingCommands.Count > 0)
            if (s_PendingCommandsWaitForFrames > 0)
            if (s_PendingCommandsWaitForLoad)
                if (!Game.game.levelManager.IsCurrentLevelLoaded())
                s_PendingCommandsWaitForLoad = false;
            // Remove before executing as we may hit an 'exec' command that wants to insert commands
            var cmd = s_PendingCommands[0];
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void ShowHistory(GameWorld world)
        StateHistory.Enabled = true;
        var state = new CharacterPredictedState.StateData();
        var count = DebugOverlay.Height - 4;

        for (var iEntry = 0; iEntry < count; iEntry++)
            var tick = world.worldTime.tick - count + 1 + iEntry;

            StateHistory.GetPredictedState(this, tick, ref state);

            var y = 2 + iEntry;

                var color    = (Color32)Color.HSVToRGB(0.21f * (int)state.locoState, 1, 1);
                var colorRGB = ((color.r >> 4) << 8) | ((color.g >> 4) << 4) | (color.b >> 4);
                DebugOverlay.Write(2, y, "^{0}{1}", colorRGB.ToString("X3"), state.locoState.ToString());
            DebugOverlay.Write(14, y, state.sprinting ? "Sprint" : "no-sprint");

                var color    = (Color32)Color.HSVToRGB(0.21f * (int)state.action, 1, 1);
                var colorRGB = ((color.r >> 4) << 8) | ((color.g >> 4) << 4) | (color.b >> 4);
                DebugOverlay.Write(26, y, "^{0}{1}", colorRGB.ToString("X3"), state.action.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void DebugApplyPresentation()
            if (debugStandIk.IntValue > 0)
                var charIndex = s_Instances.IndexOf(this);
                var lineIndex = charIndex * 3 + 1;

                var color         = s_DebugColors[charIndex % s_DebugColors.Length];
                var leftHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Left XForm hit:  Nothing";
                if (m_LeftHitSuccess)
                    leftHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Left XForm hit:  " + m_LeftHit.transform.name;

                DebugOverlay.Write(color, 2, lineIndex, leftHitString);

                var rightHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Right XForm hit: Nothing";
                if (m_RightHitSuccess)
                    rightHitString = "Char " + charIndex + " - Right XForm hit: " + m_RightHit.transform.name;

                DebugOverlay.Write(color, 2, lineIndex + 1, rightHitString);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    void DrawStats()
        var samplesPerSecond = 1.0f / m_StatsDeltaTime.average;
        int y = 2;

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  tick rate: {0}", m_NetworkClient.serverTickRate);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  frame timescale: {0}", m_FrameTimeScale);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  sim  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0} ({3:0.0})",

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^FF0  lat  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_Latency.min, m_Latency.average, m_Latency.max);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^0FF  rtt  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_RTT.min, m_RTT.average, m_RTT.max);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^0F0  cmdq : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_CMDQ.min, m_CMDQ.average, m_CMDQ.max);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^F0F  intp : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_Interp.min, m_Interp.average, m_Interp.max);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^22F  header/payload/total bps (in):");
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^22F   {0:00.0} / {1:00.0} / {2:00.0} ({3})", m_HeaderBitsIn.graph.average / 8.0f * samplesPerSecond,
                           (m_BytesIn.graph.average - m_HeaderBitsIn.graph.average / 8.0f) * samplesPerSecond,
                           m_BytesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond,
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^F00  bps (out): {0:00.0}", m_BytesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pps (in):  {0:00.0}", m_PackagesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pps (out): {0:00.0}", m_PackagesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pl% (in):  {0:00.0}", m_PackageLossPctIn.average);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pl% (out): {0:00.0}", m_PackageLossPctOut.average);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  upd_srate: {0:00.0} ({1})", m_SnapshotsIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.clientConfig.serverUpdateInterval);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  cmd_srate: {0:00.0} ({1})", m_CommandsOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.serverTickRate);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  ev (in):   {0:00.0}", m_EventsIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  ev (out):  {0:00.0}", m_EventsOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);

        var startIndex = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().HeadIndex;
        var graphY     = 5;

        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_Latency.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.yellow, 100);
        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_RTT.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.cyan, 100);
        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_CMDQ.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.green, 10);
        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_Interp.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.magenta, 100);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_HardCatchup.GetArray(), startIndex, Color.red, 100);

        m_2GraphData[0] = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().GetArray();
        m_2GraphData[1] = m_BytesOut.graph.GetData().GetArray();

        graphY += 7;
        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_2GraphData, startIndex, m_BytesGraphColors);

        graphY += 6;
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_SnapshotsIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.blue, 5.0f);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_CommandsOut.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.red, 5.0f);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_EventsIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.yellow, 5.0f);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_EventsOut.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.green, 5.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    void DrawCompactStats()
        var samplesPerSecond = 1.0f / m_StatsDeltaTime.average;

        DebugOverlay.Write(-50, -4, "pps (in/out): {0} / {1}", m_PackagesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_PackagesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
        DebugOverlay.Write(-50, -3, "bps (in/out): {0:00.0} / {1:00.0}", m_BytesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_BytesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
        var startIndex = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().HeadIndex;

        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(-50, -2, 20, 2, m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.blue, 5.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    void DrawFPS()
        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 1, "{0} FPS ({1:##.##} ms)", Mathf.RoundToInt(1000.0f / m_FrameDurationMS), m_FrameDurationMS);
        float minDuration = float.MaxValue;
        float maxDuration = float.MinValue;
        float sum         = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < _no_frames; i++)
            var frametime = m_FrameTimes[i];
            sum += frametime;
            if (frametime < minDuration)
                minDuration = frametime;
            if (frametime > maxDuration)
                maxDuration = frametime;

        DebugOverlay.Write(Color.green, 0, 2, "{0:##.##}", minDuration);
        DebugOverlay.Write(Color.grey, 6, 2, "{0:##.##}", sum / _no_frames);
        DebugOverlay.Write(Color.red, 12, 2, "{0:##.##}", maxDuration);

        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 3, "Frame #: {0}", Time.frameCount);

        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 4, m_GraphicsDeviceName);

        int y = 6;

        for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++)
            DebugOverlay.Write(0, y++, "{0:##.##}ms (*{1:##})  ({2:##.##}ms *{3:##})  {4}", recordersList[i].avgTime, recordersList[i].avgCount, recordersList[i].time, recordersList[i].count, recordersList[i].name);

        if (showFPS.IntValue < 3)

        // Start at framecount+1 so the one we have just recorded will be the last
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(0, y, 20, 2, m_FrameTimes, Time.frameCount + 1, fpsColor, 20.0f);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(0, y + 2, 20, 2, m_TicksPerFrame, Time.frameCount + 1, histColor, 3.0f * 16.0f);

        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(0, y + 6, 40, 2, m_FrameTimes, Time.frameCount + 1, fpsColor, 20.0f);

        if (GameWorld.s_Worlds.Count > 0)
            var world = GameWorld.s_Worlds[0];
            DebugOverlay.Write(0, y + 8, "Tick: {0:##.#}", 1000.0f * world.worldTime.tickInterval);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void DebugUpdatePresentation(PresentationState animState)
            if (debugStandIk.IntValue > 0)
                var charIndex = s_Instances.IndexOf(this);
                var lineIndex = charIndex * 3 + 3;

                var debugString = "Char " + charIndex + " - IK Offset: " + animState.footIkOffset.x.ToString("0.000") +
                                  ", " + animState.footIkOffset.y.ToString("0.000");
                DebugOverlay.Write(s_DebugColors[charIndex % s_DebugColors.Length], 2, lineIndex, debugString);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public void ShowHistory(int tick)
        if (historyBuffer == null)
            historyBuffer = new CharPredictedStateData[30];

        var goe = GetComponent <GameObjectEntity>();

        var nextIndex = (historyFirstIndex + historyCount) % historyBuffer.Length;

        historyBuffer[nextIndex] = goe.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CharPredictedStateData>(goe.Entity);;
//        GameDebug.Log(state.locoState + " sprint:" + state.sprinting + " action:" + state.action);

        if (historyCount < historyBuffer.Length)
            historyFirstIndex = (historyFirstIndex + 1) % historyBuffer.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < historyCount; i++)
            var index = (historyFirstIndex + i) % historyBuffer.Length;
            var state = historyBuffer[index];

            var y = 2 + i;

                var color    = (Color32)Color.HSVToRGB(0.21f * (int)state.locoState, 1, 1);
                var colorRGB = ((color.r >> 4) << 8) | ((color.g >> 4) << 4) | (color.b >> 4);
                DebugOverlay.Write(2, y, "^{0}{1}", colorRGB.ToString("X3"), state.locoState.ToString());
            DebugOverlay.Write(14, y, state.sprinting == 1 ? "Sprint" : "no-sprint");
                var color    = (Color32)Color.HSVToRGB(0.21f * (int)state.action, 1, 1);
                var colorRGB = ((color.r >> 4) << 8) | ((color.g >> 4) << 4) | (color.b >> 4);
                DebugOverlay.Write(26, y, "^{0}{1}:{2}", colorRGB.ToString("X3"), state.action.ToString(), state.actionStartTick);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    void DrawPackageStatistics()
        float x       = DebugOverlay.Width - 20;
        float y       = DebugOverlay.Height - 8;
        float dx      = 1.0f; // bar spacing
        float w       = 1.0f; // width of bars
        int   maxbits = 0;
        var   stats   = m_NetworkClient.counters.packageContentStats;
        var   last    = m_NetworkClient.counters.packagesIn;

        for (var i = last; i > 0 && i > last - stats.Length; --i)
            var s = stats[i % stats.Length];
            if (s == null)
            var barx = x + (i - last) * dx;

            for (int j = 0, c = s.Count; j < c; ++j)
                var stat = s[j];
                DebugOverlay.DrawRect(barx, y - (stat.sectionStart + stat.sectionLength) * bitheight, w, stat.sectionLength * bitheight, stat.color);

            var lastStat = s[s.Count - 1];
            if (lastStat.sectionStart + lastStat.sectionLength > maxbits)
                maxbits = lastStat.sectionStart + lastStat.sectionLength;

        int maxbytes = (maxbits + 7) / 8;
        int step     = Mathf.Max(1, maxbytes >> 4) * 16;

        for (var i = 0; i <= maxbytes; i += step)
            DebugOverlay.Write(x - 4, y - i * 8 * bitheight - 0.5f, "{0:###}b", i);

        bitheight = Mathf.Min(0.01f, 10.0f / maxbits);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    static void DrawQualityOverlay()
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 2, "Quality Settings");
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 4, "Current camera: {0}", Game.game.TopCamera() != null ? Game.game.TopCamera().name : "(null)");
        //DebugOverlay.Write(2, 5, "Post volume:    {0}", "");// Game.game.TopCamera() != null ? Game.game.TopCamera().name : "(null)");

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 7, "r.aamode:          {0}", rAAMode.Value);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 8, "r.aaquality:       {0}", rAAQuality.Value);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 9, "r.bloom:           {0}", rBloom.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 10, "r.motionblur:      {0}", rMotionBlur.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 11, "r.ssao:            {0}", rSSAO.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 12, "r.grain:           {0}", rGrain.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 13, "r.ssr:             {0}", rSSR.IntValue);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 15, "r.sss:             {0}", rSSS.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 16, "r.roughrefraction: {0}", rRoughRefraction.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 17, "r.distortion:      {0}", rDistortion.IntValue);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 19, "r.decaldist:       {0}", rDecalDist.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, 20, "r.shadowdistmult:  {0}", rShadowDistMult.FloatValue);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    void ShowInfoOverlay(float x, float y)
        if (m_showTickInfo.IntValue == 1)
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "Tick:{0} Last server:{1} Predicted:{2}", m_clientWorld.PredictedTime.tick, m_NetworkClient.serverTime, m_clientWorld.PredictedTime.tick - m_NetworkClient.serverTime - 1);

        if (m_showCommandInfo.IntValue == 1)
            UserCommand command = UserCommand.defaultCommand;
            bool        valid   = m_LocalPlayer.commandBuffer.TryGetValue(m_clientWorld.PredictedTime.tick + 1, ref command);
            if (valid)
                DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "Next cmd: PrimaryFire:{0}", command.primaryFire ? 1:0);
            valid = m_LocalPlayer.commandBuffer.TryGetValue(m_clientWorld.PredictedTime.tick, ref command);
            if (valid)
                DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "Tick cmd: PrimaryFire:{0}", command.primaryFire ? 1:0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    public void TickUpdate()
        if (m_ShowStats < 1)

        long  ticks           = m_StopWatch.ElapsedTicks;
        float frameDurationMs = (ticks - m_LastFrameTicks) * 1000 / (float)m_StopWatchFreq;

        m_LastFrameTicks = ticks;

        DebugOverlay.SetOrigin(0, 0);

        DebugOverlay.Write(1, 0, "FPS:{0,6:###.##}", 1.0f / Time.deltaTime);
        fpsHistory[Time.frameCount % fpsHistory.Length] = 1.0f / Time.deltaTime;
        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(1, 1, 9, 1.5f, fpsHistory, Time.frameCount % fpsHistory.Length, Color.green);

        DebugOverlay.Write(30, 0, "Open console (F12) and type: \"showstats\" to toggle graphs");

        if (m_ShowStats < 2)

        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 4, "Hello, {0,-5} world!", Time.frameCount % 100 < 50 ? "Happy" : "Evil");
        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 5, "FrameNo: {0,7}", Time.frameCount);
        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 6, "MonoHeap:{0,7} kb", (int)(UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong() / 1024));

        /// Graphing difference between deltaTime and actual passed time
        float fps = Time.deltaTime * 1000.0f;
        var   idx = Time.frameCount % fpsArray[0].Length;;

        fpsArray[0][idx] = -Mathf.Min(0, frameDurationMs - fps);
        fpsArray[1][idx] = Mathf.Max(0, frameDurationMs - fps);
        float variance, mean, min, max;

        CalcStatistics(fpsArray[0], out mean, out variance, out min, out max);

        // Draw histogram over time differences
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(20, 10, 20, 3, fpsArray, Time.frameCount, colors, max);
        DebugOverlay.SetColor(new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f));
        DebugOverlay.Write(20, 14, "{0,4:#.###} ({1,4:##.#} +/- {2,4:#.##})", frameDurationMs - fps, mean, Mathf.Sqrt(variance));

        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(45, 10, 40, 3, fpsArray, Time.frameCount, colors, max);

        /// Graphing frametime
        var idx2 = Time.frameCount % frameTimeArray.Length;

        frameTimeArray[idx2] = frameDurationMs;
        CalcStatistics(frameTimeArray, out mean, out variance, out min, out max);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(20, 15, 20, 3, frameTimeArray, Time.frameCount, Color.red, max);

        // Draw legend
        float scale = 18.0f - 3.0f / max * 16.6667f;

        DebugOverlay.DrawLine(20, scale, 40, scale, Color.black);
        DebugOverlay.Write(20, 18, "{0,5} ({1} +/- {2})", frameDurationMs, mean, Mathf.Sqrt(variance));

        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(45, 15, 40, 3, frameTimeArray, Time.frameCount, Color.red, max);

        // Draw some lines to help visualize framerate fluctuations
        float ratio = (float)DebugOverlay.Height / DebugOverlay.Width * Screen.width / Screen.height;
        float time  = (float)Time.frameCount / 60.0f;

        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            DebugOverlay.DrawLine(60, 20, 60 + Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 0.2f * i + time) * 8.0f, 20 + Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 0.2f * i + time) * 8.0f * ratio, Color.black);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    protected override void Update(Entity entity, CharBehaviour charBehavior, DefaultCharBehaviourController.InternalState internalState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.PredictedState predictedState)
        if (internalState.initialized == 0)
            internalState.initialized = 1;
            EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, internalState);

        var command = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <UserCommandComponent>(charBehavior.character).command;

        var healthState = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <HealthState>(charBehavior.character);

        if (healthState.health <= 0 && predictedState.dead == 0)
            if (predictedState.activeAbility != DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.None)
                var behavior = internalState.GetAbilityBehavior(predictedState.activeAbility);

            predictedState.dead = 1;
            EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, predictedState);

        if (predictedState.dead == 1)

        // Check for abilities done
        if (predictedState.activeAbility != DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.None)
            var activeBehavior = internalState.GetAbilityBehavior(predictedState.activeAbility);
            var abilityCtrl    = EntityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityControl>(activeBehavior);
            if (abilityCtrl.behaviorState != AbilityControl.State.Active)
//                GameDebug.Log("Behavior done:" + activeBehavior);
                predictedState.activeAbility = DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.None;

        if (IsRequestingActive(ref internalState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.PrimFire))
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.PrimFire, false);
        else if (command.secondaryFire)
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.SecFire, false);
        else if (command.melee)
            var force = predictedState.activeAbility == DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Sprint;
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Melee, force);
        else if (command.sprint)
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Sprint, false);
        else if (command.emote != CharacterEmote.None)
            if (command.moveMagnitude == 0)
                AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Emote, false);

        EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, predictedState);

        if (DefaultCharBehaviourController.ShowInfo.IntValue > 0)
            int x = 1;
            int y = 2;
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "Ability controller");
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "  Active ability:" + predictedState.activeAbility);
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "  dead:" + predictedState.dead);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    void DrawStats()
        int y = 2;

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  tick rate: {0}", Game.serverTickRate.IntValue);
        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  entities:  {0}", m_NetworkServer.NumEntities);

        DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  sim  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0} ({3:0.0})",

        int totalSnapshots = 0;

        foreach (var c in m_NetworkServer.GetConnections())
            totalSnapshots += c.Value.counters.snapshotsOut;
        snapsPerFrame[Time.frameCount % snapsPerFrame.Length] = (totalSnapshots - totalSnapshotsLastFrame);
        totalSnapshotsLastFrame = totalSnapshots;
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(2, 10, 60, 5, snapsPerFrame, Time.frameCount % snapsPerFrame.Length, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));

        //for(var i = 0; i < counters.)

        //DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  entities: {0}", counters.numEntities);


         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^FF0  lat  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_Latency.min, m_Latency.average, m_Latency.max);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^0FF  rtt  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_RTT.min, m_RTT.average, m_RTT.max);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^0F0  cmdq : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_CMDQ.min, m_CMDQ.average, m_CMDQ.max);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^F0F  intp : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_Interp.min, m_Interp.average, m_Interp.max);
         * var samplesPerSecond = 1.0f / m_StatsDeltaTime.average;
         * y++;
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^00F  bps (in):  {0:00.0} ({1})", m_BytesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.updateRate);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^F00  bps (out): {0:00.0}", m_BytesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pps (in):  {0:00.0}", m_PackagesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pps (out): {0:00.0}", m_PackagesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pl% (in):  {0:00.0}", m_PackageLossPctIn.average);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pl% (out): {0:00.0}", m_PackageLossPctOut.average);
         * y++;
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  upd_srate: {0:00.0} ({1})", m_SnapshotsIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.updateSendRate);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  cmd_srate: {0:00.0} ({1})", m_CommandsOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.commandSendRate);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  ev (in):   {0:00.0}", m_EventsIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  ev (out):  {0:00.0}", m_EventsOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * var startIndex = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().HeadIndex;
         * var graphY = 5;
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_Latency.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.yellow, 100);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_RTT.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.cyan, 100);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_CMDQ.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.green, 10);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_Interp.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.magenta, 100);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_HardCatchup.GetArray(), startIndex, Color.red, 100);
         * m_2GraphData[0] = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().GetArray();
         * m_2GraphData[1] = m_BytesOut.graph.GetData().GetArray();
         * graphY += 7;
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_2GraphData, startIndex, m_BytesGraphColors);
         * graphY += 6;
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_SnapshotsIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.blue, 5.0f);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_CommandsOut.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.red, 5.0f);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_EventsIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.yellow, 5.0f);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_EventsOut.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.green, 5.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public void Update()
        if (focus != Application.isFocused)
            focus = Application.isFocused;
            if (soundMute.IntValue == -1)
                m_MasterVolume.MoveTo(focus ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.5f);

        var masterVolume = m_MasterVolume.GetValue();

        if (soundMute.IntValue == 0)
            masterVolume = 0.0f;
            DebugOverlay.Write(Color.red, DebugOverlay.Width - 10, 2, "{0}", "AUDIO MUTED");
        else if (soundMute.IntValue == 1)
            masterVolume = 1.0f;
            DebugOverlay.Write(Color.green, DebugOverlay.Width - 10, 2, "{0}", "AUDIO PLAYING");

        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MasterVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMasterVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f) * masterVolume));
        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MusicVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMusicVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("SFXVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundSFXVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MenuVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMenuVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

        // Update running sounds
        int count = 0;

        foreach (var e in m_Emitters)
            if (!e.playing)
            if (e.source == null)
                // Could happen if parent was killed. Not good, but fixable:
                GameDebug.LogWarning("Soundemitter had its audiosource destroyed. Making a new.");
                e.source      = MakeAudioSource();
                e.repeatCount = 0;
            if (e.fadeToKill.IsMoving())
                e.source.volume = AmplitudeFromDecibel(e.soundDef.volume) * e.fadeToKill.GetValue();
            else if (e.fadeToKill.GetValue() == 0.0f)
                // kill no matter what
            if (e.source.isPlaying)
            if (e.repeatCount > 1)
            // Reset for reuse
            e.playing = false;
            e.source.transform.parent = m_SourceHolder.transform;
            e.source.enabled          = true;
            e.source.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        if (soundDebug.IntValue > 0)
            DebugOverlay.Write(30, 1, "Mixer: {0} {1}", m_AudioMixer.GetInstanceID(), Game.game.audioMixer.GetInstanceID());
            int ii = 4;
            foreach (var o in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <AudioMixerGroup>())
                DebugOverlay.Write(30, ii++, "group: {0} {1}", o.name, o.GetInstanceID());
            DebugOverlay.Write(1, 1, "Num audios {0}", count);
            for (int i = 0, c = m_Emitters.Length; i < c; ++i)
                var e = m_Emitters[i];
                DebugOverlay.Write(1, 3 + i, "Emitter {0:##}  {1} {2} {3}", i, e.playing ? e.soundDef.name : "<n/a>", e.source.gameObject.activeInHierarchy ? "act":"nact", e.playing ? "Mixer: " + e.source.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.GetInstanceID() : "");
            if (m_CurrentListener == null)
                DebugOverlay.Write(DebugOverlay.Width / 2 - 5, DebugOverlay.Height, "No AudioListener?");
            for (int i = 0, c = m_Emitters.Length; i < c; ++i)
                var e = m_Emitters[i];
                if (!e.playing)
                var     s      = e.source.spatialBlend;
                Vector3 locpos = m_CurrentListener.transform.InverseTransformPoint(e.source.transform.position);
                float   x      = Mathf.Lerp(e.source.panStereo * 10.0f, Mathf.Clamp(locpos.x, -10, 10), s);;
                float   z      = Mathf.Lerp(-10.0f, Mathf.Clamp(locpos.z, -10, 10), s);
                DebugOverlay.Write(Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.blue, s), DebugOverlay.Width / 2 + x, DebugOverlay.Height / 2 - z, "{0} ({1:##.#})", e.soundDef.name, locpos.magnitude);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public void Update()
        if (focus != Application.isFocused)
            focus = Application.isFocused;
            if (soundMute.IntValue == -1)
                m_MasterVolume.MoveTo(focus ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.5f);

        var masterVolume = m_MasterVolume.GetValue();

        if (soundMute.IntValue == 0)
            masterVolume = 0.0f;
            DebugOverlay.Write(Color.red, DebugOverlay.Width - 10, 2, "{0}", "AUDIO MUTED");
        else if (soundMute.IntValue == 1)
            masterVolume = 1.0f;
            DebugOverlay.Write(Color.green, DebugOverlay.Width - 10, 2, "{0}", "AUDIO PLAYING");

        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Master Bus currently set to " + MasterBus.ToString());

        //Time to apply all the FMOD stuff here
        MasterBus.setVolume(Mathf.Clamp(soundMasterVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f) * masterVolume);
        MusicBus.setVolume(Mathf.Clamp(soundMusicVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f));
        SFXBus.setVolume(Mathf.Clamp(soundSFXVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f));

        //MasterBus.getVolume(out float masterBusPrintVolume); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Master Bus Volume is: " + masterBusPrintVolume);
        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("soundMasterVol variable is: " + soundMasterVol.FloatValue);
        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Interpolator value is: " + m_MasterVolume.GetValue());
        //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("FMOD bus volumes applied");

        //m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MasterVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMasterVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f) * masterVolume));
        //m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MusicVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMusicVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        //m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("SFXVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundSFXVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        //m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MenuVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMenuVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

        // Update running sounds
        //Logan: Collapsed into that little box, because I couldn't get VS to do it for me
        //int count = 0;
        //foreach (var e in m_Emitters)
        //    if (!e.playing)
        //        continue;
        //    if (e.source == null)
        //    {
        //        // Could happen if parent was killed. Not good, but fixable:
        //        GameDebug.LogWarning("Soundemitter had its audiosource destroyed. Making a new.");
        //        e.source = MakeAudioSource();
        //        e.repeatCount = 0;
        //    }
        //    if (e.fadeToKill.IsMoving())
        //    {
        //        e.source.volume = AmplitudeFromDecibel(e.soundDef.volume) * e.fadeToKill.GetValue();
        //    }
        //    else if (e.fadeToKill.GetValue() == 0.0f)
        //    {
        //        // kill no matter what
        //        e.Kill();
        //    }
        //    if (e.source.isPlaying)
        //    {
        //        count++;
        //        continue;
        //    }
        //    if (e.repeatCount > 1)
        //    {
        //        e.repeatCount--;
        //        StartEmitter(e);
        //        continue;
        //    }
        //    // Reset for reuse
        //    e.playing = false;
        //    e.source.transform.parent = m_SourceHolder.transform;
        //    e.source.enabled = true;
        //    e.source.gameObject.SetActive(true);
        //    e.source.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        //    e.fadeToKill.SetValue(1.0f);
        //if (soundDebug.IntValue > 0)
        //    DebugOverlay.Write(30, 1, "Mixer: {0} {1}", m_AudioMixer.GetInstanceID(), Game.game.audioMixer.GetInstanceID());
        //    int ii = 4;
        //    foreach (var o in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<AudioMixerGroup>())
        //    {
        //        DebugOverlay.Write(30, ii++, "group: {0} {1}", o.name, o.GetInstanceID());
        //    }
        //    DebugOverlay.Write(1, 1, "Num audios {0}", count);
        //    for (int i = 0, c = m_Emitters.Length; i < c; ++i)
        //    {
        //        var e = m_Emitters[i];
        //        DebugOverlay.Write(1, 3 + i, "Emitter {0:##}  {1} {2} {3}", i, e.playing ? e.soundDef.name : "<n/a>", e.source.gameObject.activeInHierarchy ? "act" : "nact", e.playing ? "Mixer: " + e.source.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.GetInstanceID() : "");
        //    }
        //    if (m_CurrentListener == null)
        //    {
        //        DebugOverlay.Write(DebugOverlay.Width / 2 - 5, DebugOverlay.Height, "No AudioListener?");
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    for (int i = 0, c = m_Emitters.Length; i < c; ++i)
        //    {
        //        var e = m_Emitters[i];
        //        if (!e.playing)
        //            continue;
        //        var s = e.source.spatialBlend;
        //        Vector3 locpos = m_CurrentListener.transform.InverseTransformPoint(e.source.transform.position);
        //        float x = Mathf.Lerp(e.source.panStereo * 10.0f, Mathf.Clamp(locpos.x, -10, 10), s); ;
        //        float z = Mathf.Lerp(-10.0f, Mathf.Clamp(locpos.z, -10, 10), s);
        //        DebugOverlay.Write(Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.blue, s), DebugOverlay.Width / 2 + x, DebugOverlay.Height / 2 - z, "{0} ({1:##.#})", e.soundDef.name, locpos.magnitude);
        //    }
Ejemplo n.º 19
    protected override void Update(Entity entity, AbilityCollection.InternalState internalState)
        var abilityEntries = EntityManager.GetBuffer <AbilityCollection.AbilityEntry>(entity);

        // Check for abilities done
        for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Length; i++)
            var ability     = abilityEntries[i].ability;
            var abilityCtrl = EntityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityControl>(ability);
            if (abilityCtrl.active == 1 && abilityCtrl.behaviorState != AbilityControl.State.Active)
//                GameDebug.Log("Behavior done:" + ability);

        // Get active abilties
        uint activeAbilityFlags = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Length; i++)
            var ability     = abilityEntries[i].ability;
            var abilityCtrl = EntityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityControl>(ability);

            if (abilityCtrl.active == 1)
                activeAbilityFlags |= 1U << i;

        // Check for ability activate
        for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Length; i++)
            var abilityEntry = abilityEntries[i];

            var abilityCtrl = EntityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityControl>(abilityEntry.ability);
            if (abilityCtrl.active == 1)

            if (abilityCtrl.behaviorState != AbilityControl.State.RequestActive)

//            if(DefaultCharBehaviourController.ShowInfo.IntValue > 0)
//                GameDebug.Log("AttempActivate:" + ability);

            var canNotRunWith = activeAbilityFlags & ~abilityEntries[i].canRunWith;
            if (activeAbilityFlags == 0 || canNotRunWith == 0)

            var canActivate = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < abilityEntries.Length; j++)
                var flag     = 1U << j;
                var blocking = (canNotRunWith & flag) > 0;
                if (blocking)
                    var canInterrupt = (abilityEntry.canInterrupt & flag) > 0;
                    if (canInterrupt)
                        canActivate = false;

            if (canActivate)

        if (AbilityCollection.ShowInfo.IntValue > 0)
            int x = 1;
            int y = 2;
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "Ability controller");

            for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Length; i++)
                var ability     = abilityEntries[i].ability;
                var abilityCtrl = EntityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityControl>(ability);

                DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, " " + ability);
                DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "   active:" + abilityCtrl.active);
                DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "   request deactivate:" + abilityCtrl.requestDeactivate);
                DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "   state:" + abilityCtrl.behaviorState);

//            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "  Active ability:" + predictedState.activeAbility);
//            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "  dead:" + predictedState.dead);