Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override DD GetDD()
            DL     x   = E.GetDL();
            double p10 = Util.PowerTen(DTI.Scale(E.Type));

            return((ee) => (double)x(ee) / p10);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public Exp Convert( DataType t )
    if ( t < DataType.Decimal ) t = DTI.Base( t );

    if ( Type == t ) return this;
    else if ( Type == DataType.Bigint ) return 
        t == DataType.String ? (Exp) new IntToStringExp( this )
      : t == DataType.Double ? (Exp) new IntToDoubleExp( this )
      : t >= DataType.Decimal ? (Exp) new IntToDecimalExp( this, t )
      : null;
    else if ( Type == DataType.Double ) return 
       t == DataType.String ? (Exp) new DoubleToStringExp( this )
     : t == DataType.Bigint ? (Exp) new DoubleToIntExp( this )
     : t >= DataType.Decimal ? (Exp) new DoubleToDecimalExp( this, t )
     : null;
    else if ( Type >= DataType.Decimal )
      if ( t == DataType.String ) return new DecimalToStringExp( this );
      else if ( t == DataType.Double ) return new DecimalToDoubleExp( this );
      else if ( t >= DataType.Decimal )
        int amount = DTI.Scale( t ) - DTI.Scale( Type );
        return amount == 0 ? (Exp) this
        : amount > 0 ? (Exp) new ExpScale( this, t, amount )
        : (Exp) new ExpScaleReduce( this, t, -amount );
    else if ( Type == DataType.Binary && t == DataType.String )
      return new BinaryToStringExp( this );
    else if ( Type == DataType.Bool && t == DataType.String )
      return new BoolToStringExp( this );
    else if ( Type == DataType.ScaledInt && t >= DataType.Decimal ) return this;
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override DL GetDL()
            DL   x   = E.GetDL();
            long p10 = (long)Util.PowerTen(DTI.Scale(Type));

            return((ee) => x(ee) * p10);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override DL GetDL()
            DD    x   = E.GetDD();
            ulong p10 = Util.PowerTen(DTI.Scale(Type));

            return((ee) => (long)(x(ee) * p10));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public override Value Eval( EvalEnv e ) 
   if ( Type <= DataType.String && e.Locals[I]._O == null )
     e.Locals[I] = DTI.Default( Type );
   return e.Locals[I]; 
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static string D2S(long v, DataType t)
            decimal d     = v;
            int     scale = DTI.Scale(t);

            d = d / Util.PowerTen(scale);
            return(d.ToString("F" + scale, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  public override DataType TypeCheck( SqlExec e )
    DataType tL = Left.TypeCheck( e );
    DataType tR = Right.TypeCheck( e );

    if ( tL == DataType.Bigint && tR == DataType.Double )
      Left = new IntToDoubleExp(Left);
      tL = DataType.Double;
    else if ( tR == DataType.Bigint && tL == DataType.Double )
      Right = new IntToDoubleExp(Right);
      tR = DataType.Double;
    else if ( Operator != Token.VBar && ( tL >= DataType.Decimal || tR >= DataType.Decimal ) )
      if ( tR == DataType.Bigint ) tR = DTI.Decimal(18,0);
      else if ( tL == DataType.Bigint ) tL = DTI.Decimal(18,0);
      else if ( tR == DataType.Float ) { Right = Right.Convert( tL ); tR = tL; }
      else if ( tL == DataType.Float ) { Left = Left.Convert( tR ); tL = tR; }

      int sL = DTI.Scale(tL);
      int sR = DTI.Scale(tR);

      if ( sL < 0 || sR < 0 ) e.Error( "Type error involving decimal" );

      switch( Operator )
        case Token.Divide: tL = DTI.Decimal( 18, sL - sR ); break;
        case Token.Times:  tL = DTI.Decimal( 18, sL + sR );  break;
        case Token.Percent: break; 
          if ( sL > sR ) { Right = new ExpScale( Right, tL, sL - sR ); tR = tL; }
          else if ( sL < sR ) { Left = new ExpScale( Left, tR, sR - sL ); tL = tR; }
      tR = tL;
    if ( tL == tR )
      if ( Operator <= Token.NotEqual ) 
        Type = DataType.Bool;
        Type = tL;
        if ( !TokenInfo.OperatorValid( Operator, tL ) ) 
          e.Error ( "Type error " + TokenInfo.Name(Operator) + " not valid for type " + DTI.Name(tL) );
    else if ( tL == DataType.String && Operator == Token.VBar )
      Type = DataType.String;
      Right = Right.Convert( DataType.String );
    else e.Error( "Binary operator datatype error");
    return Type;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override Value Eval( EvalEnv e )
   Value v = E.Eval( e );
   decimal d = v.L;
   int scale = DTI.Scale( E.Type );
   d = d / Util.PowerTen( scale );
   v.O = d.ToString( "F" + scale, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
   return v;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override void Convert( DataType [] types, Exec e )
   for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; i += 1 )
     if ( !Convert( i, types[ i ] ) ) 
       e.Error( "Data type conversion error to " + DTI.Name( types[ i ] ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the registered service or default service type
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="DTI">default service</typeparam>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T Resolve <T, DTI>() where DTI : T, new()
            var service = Resolve <T>();

            if (service == null)
                service = new DTI();
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // At least one of GetDV or the relevant GetD? must be implemented ( or an infinite recursion will happen ).
 public virtual DV GetDV()
   switch( DTI.Base( Type ) )
     case DataType.Bool   : DB db = GetDB(); return ( ee ) => Value.New( db( ee ) );
     case DataType.Double : DD dd = GetDD(); return ( ee ) => Value.New( dd( ee ) );
     case DataType.String : DS ds = GetDS(); return ( ee ) => Value.New( ds( ee ) );
     case DataType.Binary : DX dx = GetDX(); return ( ee ) => Value.New( dx( ee ) );
     default:               DL dl = GetDL(); return ( ee ) => Value.New( dl( ee ) );
Ejemplo n.º 12
 long DoParse(string s, DataType t)
         return((long)(decimal.Parse(s) * Util.PowerTen(DTI.Scale(t))));
     catch (System.Exception)
         throw new System.Exception("Cannot convert '" + s + "' to decimal");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Statement execution.

        Value [] InitLocals()
            int n      = LocalTypes.Length;
            var result = new Value[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
                result[i] = DTI.Default(LocalTypes[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override void Bind(SqlExec e)
     for (int i = 0; i < Types.Length; i += 1)
         DataType t = Arg[i].Type;
         if (t != Types[i])
             e.Error(this + " parameter type error, arg " + i + " expected "
                     + DTI.Name(Types[i]) + " actual " + DTI.Name(t));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public override DataType TypeCheck( SqlExec e )
   if ( B.Params.Count != Plist.Length ) e.Error( "Param count error calling function " + FuncName );
   for ( int i = 0; i < Plist.Length; i += 1 )
     if ( Plist[i].Type != B.Params.Types[i] )
       Exp conv = Plist[i].Convert( B.Params.Types[i] );
       if ( conv != null ) Plist[i] = conv;
       else e.Error( "Parameter Type Error calling function " + FuncName 
          + " required type=" + DTI.Name( B.Params.Types[i] ) 
          + " supplied type=" + DTI.Name( Plist[i].Type ) + " exp=" + Plist[i] );
   return Type;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  public override void Bind( SqlExec e )
    var ci = e.CI;
    if ( ci == null ) e.Error( "Undeclared variable " + ColName );
    for ( int i=0; i < ci.Count; i += 1 ) 
      if ( ci.Name[ i ] == ColName ) 
        e.Used[ i ] = true;
        ColIx = i; 
        Type = DTI.Base( ci.Type[ i ] );

    e.Error( "Column " + ColName + " not found" );
        public override Value Eval(EvalEnv e)
            string   s = (string)Arg[0].Eval(e)._O;
            DataType t = (DataType)Arg[1].Eval(e).L;

                Value result = new Value();
                result.L = (long)(decimal.Parse(s) * Util.PowerTen(DTI.Scale(t)));
            catch (System.Exception)
                throw new System.Exception("Error converting [" + s + "] to decimal");
Ejemplo n.º 18
  public override void Bind( SqlExec e  )
    B = e.Db.GetRoutine( Schema, FuncName, true, e );
    Type = B.ReturnType;

    e.Bind( Plist );

    if ( B.Params.Count != Plist.Length ) e.Error( "Param count error calling function " + FuncName );
    for ( int i = 0; i < Plist.Length; i += 1 )
      if ( Plist[ i ].Type != B.Params.Type[ i ] )
        Exp conv = Plist[ i ].Convert( B.Params.Type[ i ] );
        if ( conv != null ) Plist[ i ] = conv;
        else e.Error( "Parameter Type Error calling function " + FuncName 
           + " required type=" + DTI.Name( B.Params.Type[ i ] ) 
           + " supplied type=" + DTI.Name( Plist[ i ].Type ) + " exp=" + Plist[ i ] );
Ejemplo n.º 19
  public override DataType Bind( SqlExec e )
    var ci = e.CI;
    if ( ci == null ) e.Error( "Undeclared variable " + ColName );
    for ( int i=0; i < ci.Count; i += 1 ) 
      if ( ci.Names[i] == ColName ) 
        e.Used[ i ] = true;
        ColIx = i; 
        Type = DTI.Base( ci.Types[i] );
        return Type;

    // for ( int i=0; i < ci.Length; i += 1 ) System.Console.WriteLine( ci[i].Name );
    e.Error( "Column " + ColName + " not found" );
    return Type;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private async void DepartmentEmployeeRegistration()


                Drawable icon_error = Resources.GetDrawable(Resource.Drawable.alert);
                icon_error.SetBounds(0, 0, 40, 30);
                if (txt_EmployeeTokenNo.Text != "")
                    if (txt_EmployeeName.Text != "")
                        if (txt_EmployeeAddress.Text != "")
                            if (txt_EmployeeContactNo.Text != "")
                                if (txt_EmployeeEmailID.Text != "")
                                    if (txt_EmployeeDepartmentID.Text != "")
                                        if (txt_EmployeeDesignationID.Text != "")
                                            if (txt_EmployeePassword.Text != "")
                                                foreach (var item in ResultAllDesignationMaster)
                                                    if (item.DesignationName.ToString().Trim() == (txt_EmployeeDesignationID.Text.Trim()))
                                                        _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeDepartmentID  = item.DepartmentID;
                                                        _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeDesignationID = item.DesignationID;

                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.DeviceTokenId     = DTI.ToString();
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeTokenNo   = txt_EmployeeTokenNo.Text;
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeName      = txt_EmployeeName.Text;
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeAddress   = txt_EmployeeAddress.Text;
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeContactNo = txt_EmployeeContactNo.Text;
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeEmailID   = txt_EmployeeEmailID.Text;
                                                //_ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeDepartmentID = Convert.ToInt32(txt_EmployeeDepartmentID.Text);
                                                //_ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeeDesignationID = Convert.ToInt32(txt_EmployeeDesignationID.Text);
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.EmployeePassword = txt_EmployeePassword.Text;
                                                _ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration.Date             = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                                // ADD Insert Code Here

                                                WebHelpper _objHelper = new WebHelpper();

                                                string Url = StatusModel.Url + "AddDepartmentEmployeeRegistration";

                                                progressDialog = ProgressDialog.Show(this, Android.Text.Html.FromHtml("<font color='#EC407A'> Please wait...</font>"), Android.Text.Html.FromHtml("<font color='#EC407A'> Data Inserting...</font>"), true);

                                                var PostString  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_ObjDepartmentEmployeeRegistration);
                                                var requestTemp = await _objHelper.MakePostRequest(Url, PostString, true);

                                                ResultModel ResultgetRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResultModel>(requestTemp);

                                                if (ResultgetRequest.success == 1)
                                                    Toast.MakeText(this, ResultgetRequest.msg, ToastLength.Short).Show();

                                                    Toast.MakeText(this, ResultgetRequest.msg, ToastLength.Short).Show();

                                                txt_EmployeePassword.SetError("Please Enter Password First", icon_error);
                                            txt_EmployeeDesignationID.SetError("Please Select Designation First", icon_error);
                                        txt_EmployeeDepartmentID.SetError("Please Select Department First", icon_error);
                                    txt_EmployeeEmailID.SetError("Please Enter Email ID First", icon_error);
                                txt_EmployeeContactNo.SetError("Please Enter Contact Number First", icon_error);
                            txt_EmployeeAddress.SetError("Please Enter Address First", icon_error);
                        txt_EmployeeName.SetError("Please Enter Full Name First", icon_error);
                    txt_EmployeeTokenNo.SetError("Please Enter Token Number First", icon_error);
            catch (Exception e)
                string ErrorMsg = e.ToString();
                Toast.MakeText(this, ErrorMsg, ToastLength.Long).Show();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public override Value Eval( EvalEnv e )
   Value v = E.Eval( e );
   v.L = (long) ( v.L * (long)Util.PowerTen( DTI.Scale( Type ) ) );
   return v;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override Value Eval( EvalEnv e )
   Value v = E.Eval( e );
   v.D = ((double)v.L) / Util.PowerTen( DTI.Scale( E.Type ) );
   return v;